>tfw no math rock/midwest emo gf
Tfw no math rock/midwest emo gf
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The fuck is math rock?
>ywn spend your days coming up with cool riffs with yvette
why live?
Who is grill?
math rock is the biggest meme in existence
honestly who gives a fuck about odd time signatures and polyrhythms
Not OP, but here is the original video! It's pretty dang good.
Modern math rock: Imagine if Tiny Tim played Saint Jacques alternating between 5/8s and 7/8ths on a clean amp.
Nu-male jazz for people who complain about instant coffee at local "gourmet" cafés.
the epitome of guitar wankery, even more wank than jazz or progressive rock
Alhernon Cadawaller is the only band that mattered in the 2000's
Covet is the tits.
Algernon isn't the only band that mattered but my god they were fucking great. Saw them play in a barn with about 15-20 other people
Mandatory viewing.
cringe and eceleb-pilled
>septum ring
Yvette from covet. She does some slick math rock riffs
>tfw no gf to listen to niche music with
I forgot about this guy, thanks for posting this user.