Most redpilled pop punk album(s)?

Most redpilled pop punk album(s)?

Pic tangentially related

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>nurse/hospital themed album

>best pop punk album of the 90's
>still good for a listen today
>easily peak blink (even though i personally like TOYP&J more)

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That Adam Devine image really compliments the defending of blink-182 nicely, he appeared in their She's Out Of Her Mind video as the nurse.

>best pop punk
pop punk is so fucking bad its not even funny

The best thing """real""" punk ever did was pave the way for pop punk.

>listening to Blink past the year 2003
You also still probably wear cargo/board shorts too, right?

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please leave this board

t. 15 year old fantano stans

imagine actually listening to
and liking
pop punk

>not old enough to remember pop punk
literally underage

go listen to mcr you fucking retard

Keep crying you child

>wanting to remember pop punk by choice
Lad, you got to move on. We all did.

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moving on is for fags

what's bad about it?

Nothing, he just thinks hating it means he's a music expert. Or he's trying to compensate for liking it once.

If you're too pretentious to enjoy fun, well written, catchy, songs you dont deserve to enjoy music.

Also OP
Dookie>Enema of the State

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I like Cheshire Cat

I would listen to it, but I don't have the time.

i dont even like green day past nimrod, but dokie is a classic album

anything by screeching weasel or any ramonescore band basically

pic related is the one i enjoy most. it's still got that punk rawness to it.

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