"kendrick lamar changed the face of music"
"kendrick lamar changed the face of music"
i refuse to believe people like this actually exist
Smug white people?
And to think this is exactly the kind of person that frequently browses Yea Forums
"Dude when Lil McDoubleCheesburgerHappyMeal mumbled that diss line on that beat it was orgasmic. Modern day Mozart."
>elbow bend in nose
>sloped forehead
I'm so sorry black people, us (((white people))) are terrible and disgusting racists!
pictures like this ruin the album for me because you can't deny that musically it's a good album
"black people twitter" is just larping wiggers
>"black people twitter"
those people lead the saddest of lives. even rampant pedophiles get more respect than them. top fucking kek.
you can though
Rich white dudes who want to feel like pic related
There's a billion of them
This board is literally full of them
Only if you have an agenda.
>bland chicken meme
We have more sensitive taste buds, and so can pick up much more subtle flavors. Literally everything niggers do has to be gaudy and overdone - food included. They are like an entire race that never learned the beauty of subtlety
Feel like crowd surfing?
the rotten milk and sweat stench
Isn't this the point of a good album? To get all walks of life to mutually enjoy something that has some real meaning to it? Fuck ya fags
not a good rapper
bad voice
too long
some bland songs in the middle
half baked concept
I don't even get what exactly is wrong with the kid. He's ugly?
A lot of third-world food is "hey do you want some meat with your spice"-tier because they can't afford fresh meat so they have to cover the taste of stale / rotting meat. In any case, American blacks aren't in any position to talk. I go to Shanghai, I go to Brazil, and I can find Italian, Greek, French, etc food. Soul food is much more rare. Why? Because deep-frying everything isn't cuisine, that's why.
>Not a good rapper
Objectively false
>Bad voice
Okay. Your opinion. For me, it's neither good nor bad. Just okay.
>Too long
That's a criticism?
>Some bland songs in the middle
I'll give you that. It is a bit overrated, since there are some songs that I disliked, even though people claim it to be perfect.
>Half baked concept
Every song has a recurring concept.
nah it's self loathing faggots trying to get niggers approval
>someone actually wrote this
I can and do.
lmao he locked the thread. what a faggot
that dude gets more pussy than u OP
If you really think that you're probably the same kind of subhuman gutless bootlicker
have sex
I do. Far more than you as well.
the only people who get mad on the internet are people who arent having sex.
the thing about kendrick is that while his music is "good" it isn't replayable at all. Like who still listens to any of his songs from any of his albums? The only songs that lasted more than a week for anyone were Maad city, swimming pools, and humble because they were hype/party songs where nobody cared about the lyrics.
ur an idiot.
So basically you? lmao
that's redditors for u
this HAS to be satire, right?
surely this is satire from a subreddit like r/mde right
so this is black people twitter?
yeah they banned white people unless they apologized for slavery
They are finally going to see that now matter how hard they virtue signal and think they are above all the "other" white people, that niggers will still hate them just the same
yeah people apologize for something you didnt do yourself to people who weren't personally affected by it, makes perfect sense.
mde got shoad like 10 months ago so it's probably real
Pretty sure it's all liberals trying to be white allies through their white savior complex.
Jesus Christ what a faggot, I don’t think there’s anything worse than white people who go out of their way for black approval it’s painfully obvious what they’re dojng
You spelled every single female pop star wrong
You misspelled Premium punching bag