When did this album become the best album if the millennium?

When did this album become the best album if the millennium?

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No you're wrong

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No u

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Okay shut the fuck up right the fuck now

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You're opinion is wrong and you're a piece of shit

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Ok retard

Attached: Delta Sleep - Twin Galaxies - cover.png (1572x1537, 2.93M)


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>implying you listen to music

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>implying implications

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Scaruffthony Scarufftano didnt r8 that one a 6/9 so its bad

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I'll r8 your mom a 69

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Wouldn't you like to know weather boy

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Boomers btfo

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Zoomers gtfo

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I'm lonely Yea Forums


stop shilling, steve

Not sonically related at all but pic related had some shows with ovlov last year. One of the most underrated albums of 2018.

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I still remember when these guys sold out MDE after they gave them a spot on World Peace. Fuck em

Not their fault that Sam Hyde is a joke without a career.

This thread gotta lotta good music in it