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Other urls found in this thread:

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laugh at floppink thread

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when were you when blackedstink were finitoed

After hearing KTL I knew I had to preorder the album. Happy to say that I'm ready to join the revolution!

Attached: BP.jpg (1876x662, 119K)

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miroh raises my test levels 1000%

to be fair bol4 is amazing

Attached: angry ji.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

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btw for comparison dddd and forever young debuted #1 and #3 on melon kek

Attached: FLOPPINKLMAO.png (1229x426, 69K)

infiltrating a stray kids fansign just to honk bang chan's nose

'they' say that this girl is korean?

you guys are like the nintendo fans of music

what songs do you play when you hop in the whip?

Attached: 6.jpg (550x708, 52K)

kpop helping me with the nofap

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Nintendo has the best games

this is better than 99% of the songs released in 2019


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is this mina? what a hoe

Attached: D2pf6z1U0AEeVTD.jpg (1080x848, 63K)

It's ridiculous how good they are compared to the trash that was KTL

Nintendo makes some good games though

Attached: DbJk9kOU8AAVmIG.jpg (2048x1365, 333K)

It's a pretty good song desubh.

kpop general is more like overwatch fags

they're garbage

Attached: 33.png (173x293, 4K)

have you guys heard the new blackpink song? i really like it and lisa looks so good

Attached: 04.gif (500x350, 2.48M)

i havent played a game in a long time but kid icarus uprising was really fun. also rune factory 4

post him holding his passport in his mouth looking like a raccoon that just crawled out of a dumpster or else

love love love love her

Attached: 1542713279220.jpg (912x912, 104K)


persian princess

Only the second part of that statement is true

i get it

>have to blur all the other members faces so trannyeon doesn't get mogged
>still gets mogged


Attached: sk.png (654x142, 37K)

this year's love scenario, in other words gaypop SOTY

if you don't like them you must be garbage

the thread is filled with blackpink charting no one will notice i said woowa actually soty

i miss oh my girl

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>blaming wildfire for the flop
this is new low

If Violetta is a flop, then KTL is a flop as well.

don't know what to do > kill this love



get some better taste


Attached: 1554251969453.jpg (1199x749, 146K)

BOL4 peaked at Some

their formation changes are really precise

fire makes blackpink flops
is fire /our guy/?

Attached: D2ozKB7U4AA6VbP.jpg orig.jpg (1500x2000, 430K)

keep making excuses you fucking monkey

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>not even a jump on melon 5 min chart


seamonkeys on suicide watch lol rip

Attached: 1523627531454.jpg (231x166, 10K)

>wakes up
>gooks roasted
>bp flopped
>izone blacked

>blackpink fags are all turd/second worlders

sorry your girls got btfo but bol4 is just better

those 120 homes could have been streaming on their 5 devices...

but dalla dalla is still the best

Attached: D3EjJsRU4AAo-bX.jpg (1365x2048, 391K)


they nailed this edm concept
absolute banger

a cute

>14 posts hidden in this thread

It does seem like KTL was a western friendly title and don't know what to do was for the korean charts

based and word

>gooks roasted

Ya like when they jump, you can hear that all of their feet hit the floor at the same time.

this is your group and you are shitting on blackpink charting top 10

Attached: ni.png (315x82, 13K)

they got a collab song coming up but it's not them same

Attached: DojFLyuUYAY0Bw0.jpg (2048x1364, 459K)

its bruno mars

Attached: kaja.jpg (1920x1080, 295K)

oh you didn't hear about that little thing called NUCLEAR WAR? april fools, it was just a forest fire


what's with that ''bike''?

burning sun? more like burning korea

cooked by prolonged exposure to heat in an oven or over a fire.

is this a justed hairline or is it passable?

Attached: DqYWqGhWoAApED8.jpg (749x937, 85K)

wtf, Hitomi is a fucking bitch

>a literal rookie group has sold more albums than a 3 year old group

lmao user you're pathetic. trying to start a stan war in kpg. go back to twitter

Attached: 1540528451413.jpg (540x513, 68K)

>but this flop is flopping more

flops vs. flops lol

if anyone is coping it's all of you shitting on blackpink while your group can't chart top 20

I miss candy breeder

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Attached: ROASTED GOOKS.jpg (960x720, 65K)

>Comparing a 6month old group to a Big3 group who are 3 years veteran

Here is a subbed version

>when she backpedals to save face
what a solid cunt

SEX aliens

but more importantly she's touched a half korean guy

looks fine

stfu returd

actually its you coping over niggerstink flopping and releasing a shit song

its been rough


Attached: ROASTED GOOKS2.jpg (960x467, 37K)

my hairline looks worse

nice try, yurifag

very good

that's a good jine pic

>The teaser for a mediocre song that's already out has 6 million more views than Flopolettta

IZ*ONE btfo

does SM treat EXO well?

seafag newfags, pls continue to be unintentionally funny

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>picking on the rookies
the wall is coming

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Literal 6 month old rookie group with album sales that's mogging every other girl group thats not Twice.

keep coping you 1/8 human

*divides by 8*

I like how you izoneshitters keep hiding behind the 6 month excuse

IOI was a success in less than 4 months, what is IZ*ONE's excuse?

what's jine doing now?

Attached: jine1.webm (360x626, 1.19M)

what is this new meme?



Attached: ROASTED GOOKS3.jpg (700x394, 39K)

real talk izone sux

jine you fucking slut

Attached: DaGhpjQVAAE9Atu.jpg (682x1024, 88K)

Attached: 11[1].jpg (1200x800, 145K)

they failed to live up to ioi, desu

IOI peak sales number was 60k. That was beaten by IZ*ONE debut album.

Attached: cub and puppy.webm (1280x720, 2.09M)

>'my cancer is cooler than yours'
>'but I also have brain damage so I win'

and IOI's peak rank on melon was #1.


Attached: ocdonutsteel.png (624x876, 464K)

i got something for them to sux on right here
hold on i actually didn't save any pictures of that blasian fellow

flopzone has shit personalities compared to ioi. can't even remember half of their names.

Attached: 16[1].jpg (1200x800, 87K)

she's pretty active on instagram. i saw her stream on it once. she was hanging out with some gangnam unnie looking girl

YG investor's report basically said they were getting alot of views but they were from SEA where their value is 1/8 of the view from outside the region.

Attached: 1546497715803.webm (910x512, 2.9M)


you already posted this and samefaged about it, it's embarrassing chinlet

Just losers that stan a flop group that are trying to cope right now

>he doesn't know

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kill yourselves

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>blacks are 1/3 human
>seas are 1/8 human
this is better than anything ioi ever put out

it is 3/5


Based our guy JYP taking every measure against YG

it's even distorting lenses from cameras, the heat must be intense

how do you know that they have shit personalities and IOI has better .. do you still think that everything on television is true?

Attached: DqmQjVBXQAMmNKM.jpg (800x1200, 145K)

the future is a mixed breed of nigerian and chinese

where's balckpink guys??? i thought they are rising omg????

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i want to see blackniggers' meltdown when seven korean gayboys demolish all charts no stress

the song is shit and not great like ddu du ddu du

>kill this love
more like kill me im flopping


Keep fighting niggers

Attached: Yeonwoo597.jpg (1600x2482, 377K)

seamonkey bots are working guys! keep up the good work!


Attached: 1552425021554.webm (1920x1080, 735K)

i hate edm drops. they're not good.

the seashits are still asleep wait for them to wake up and start their streaming bots

when we discuss idol personalities, it's implicit that we're discussing the personalities they show on camera, because that's the only version of them we know. i like how you're not even trying to dispute they have worse personalities, and decided to try and play word games instead, because you know izone are shitters. good one!

this is is pathetic

that place probably has the same ip for all the computer so i dont think this will work

omg honestly... those countries are poor. feed your neighbours instead...

hey what the fuck my wife has nice legs

cub watching the new joker movie and feeling connected with the character
cub going around killing people and laughing with her hyena laugh while she does it

why are they like this? is it actually unfair to expose those people to capitalism?


>mv views matter

fuck blackpink and bts with their shit music and ugly idols

saving this for shitposting SEA when they talk about youtube views

Attached: DfDkkEhVMAAGMie.jpg (1080x1080, 151K)

>"my faves flopped because everyone was a failure except them"

hes right
sea fans pay up less than even western ifans

i thought it was trop house
does it have both elements?

Attached: IMG_0059.jpg (1000x1500, 239K)

trop house is edm

hmm i never thought of it like that
capitalism is nice and all but when a corporate like yg manipulates the low iq masses of sea like this seems kinda fucked up

That's incorrect. The 3/5ths Compromise shouldn't be taken as a statement on the personhood of blacks. It was just a matter of political expediency that has no reflection on biological reality. Blacks have always been, remain, and will remain for the foreseeable future, 0/5ths human.

t.mentally ill seanigger

thats all they can do because they cant buy the album..thats why they always brag about the VIEWSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

the new joker teaser looked great

Attached: DqnG1m8UUAAKSdO.png (1800x1349, 2.53M)

this is highly likely then shell call up gd for body removal

wow look at those americans, definitely popular in us.

look at how skinny these kids are, they could've spent the money on food or something

Attached: D3W3JINUcAEEdkk.jpg (1200x900, 189K)

>0/5ths human.

Attached: binniereallynow.jpg (700x714, 112K)

i should not have laughed at that

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Attached: 1531416110633.webm (1490x540, 1.42M)

I never said he was wrong. user asked for the origin of the meme, I explained it to him.

could mean techno, house, garage, trance, drum and bass, and grime. then wwhen wwas it used as a sound?

omg but lisa is the most famous idol!!!

based on the picture this is philippines

this is seriously pathetic

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with one album purchase they would have done more to boost blackpink than a few dozen views

why are they streaming a zombie movie

giving it to binnie

Blackpink finito??

dumb seaniggers should be in school instead of doing this sickening shit

they can't use their mom's credit card to buy a copy because their mom is too poor for a credit line :'(


#3 Naver
#5 Bugs
#5 Genie
#6 Soribada
#6 Melon
#15 Mnet

interesting didn't know that

Attached: DXiQ6_aVMAAtLxh[1].jpg (1280x1920, 239K)

asians are ant people. they don't mind sacrificing themselves for their queen (Lisa is the queen)

Attached: solar secret agent.webm (960x540, 2.89M)

junbi ga
dwae so


is this shit fucking real?


Attached: IMG_3369.jpg (1280x1600, 294K)



nice cable management

dont lump sea with east asians
one is poor and low iq and like bp
the other is rich and high iq and like twice

the chorus

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leave my vietnamese cousins alone

Attached: 134r_007.webm (1066x600, 2.84M)

they have been doing this for a long time, and not just for blackpink

Yikes. Even Violetta hit #1 on some of the lesser charts.

trot > everything else

Attached: hongjinyoung_8.jpg (400x510, 135K)

>not even a bugs or genie #1
damn. yg must be seething

does anyone know how mnet calculates their ranking? i see everyone do shit on it except izone. they're not that blatant are they?

what's the point

Attached: IMG_9001.jpg (1000x1500, 972K)

where did all the bp posters go? they're not saying anything

i hear she's rich too

it's just out of respect because of the fire

Nflying did better lel

>is this shit fucking real?
how do you think all of blackpink's MVs have so many views in such a short time?

gangnam unnie

five dolla clicki clicki for black pink

This is incredibly funny and also sad at the same time.

enough internet for me today

Attached: Hong.Jin-young.full.30148.jpg (1500x1500, 666K)

we really do live in a cubciety...

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Fucking ouch man yikes that's gotta hurt

thank you Philipino peasants

Attached: solar 10.webm (960x540, 2.81M)

post proof of it happening for other groups

yt will probably crackdown on this and blinks are gonna fuck it up for all kpop

They bring Momoland fapcams to life

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I didn't know they had. I didn't know this was a thing. I'm legit blown away with this whole revelation

run kids that skeleton is gonna drain your life

how come not even a single #1? shit doesnt make sense. they made the biggest song in 2018 and what now?

Attached: 1544829655328.jpg (776x1024, 86K)

without digitals they have nothing


Listen to kill this love and hate it.
Try to listen to it a view more times just because.
It starts to sound awsome the 5th time.
Cant even hate on it anymore
>feels bad

Attached: ^^^.jpg (474x470, 21K)

even I a filipino feels disappointed on what they did, they could;ve fed childrens using that money...they just basically stan goups that are popular and surely they dont know all the members in it

that's how yg charts when he's too preoccupied to turn on the sajaegi

is there anything real about blackpink

>starving 70 IQ sea monkeys outsmarting youtube
>boeing airliners crashing every week

american technology is a joke lol

any female ninja concept?

Attached: Hong.Jin-young.full.123354.jpg (1000x1500, 434K)

Moron. Russian bots are the only reason Twice is so popular

this but unironically

Imagine Jihyo doing (the entirety of) this

Attached: megamilk_01.webm (472x1032, 2.8M)

yeah they are real ugly

you might be joking but a lot of people do that and they're just brainwashing themselves until they like it, it's really sad

Bad strategy to release midnight. They could have gotten easy #1s from people curious to their new music

What happened?


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dubu batman vs cub joker

Article: Black Pink cancels comeback press conference "in consideration for the pain locals are going through due to the mountain fire in Sokcho"

Source: Herald Pop via Nate

1. [+933, -78] Sorry but I didn't even know you guys were having a comeback;; imagine how rushed YG felt that they're trying to media play with a mountain fire.

2. [+726, -36] Who knew they'd see the day that being under YG became detrimental to their image ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+721, -44] YG, stop acting like you care

4. [+48, -3] Your company is the biggest issue right now and you're worried about a mountain fire in Sokcho? ㅎㅎ

5. [+45, -2] As if you guys were ever a company that cared about those things ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+38, -2] Why didn't YG show this type of consideration for all the drug scandals they've caused rather than a mountain fire?

7. [+36, -5] What does a mountain fire have anything to do with their press conference? Are they going to cancel it if my pet dog gets hurt too?

8. [+26, -2] YG using yet another tragedy for their benefit... evil

9. [+23, -2] Only now? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ If you care so much about the pain of the mountain fire, then go donate to the firefighters ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ What is this media play? Trying so hard to change up your image ㅎㅎ too bad it's too late.

10. [+22, -2] I bet they just canceled the press conference because they don't want questions about YG

Attached: E4D52972-3748-4237-9906-ED992499AB53.jpg (550x367, 56K)

their unintentional comedy

the same ones that elected trump too
wake up sheeples

Attached: 1464989121798.jpg (1327x943, 194K)


legit the most hated kpop group of all time

Attached: i62K0Yw.jpg (1500x1000, 1024K)

1. [+716, -204] This is all for show. Their media play is getting worse.

2. [+478, -134] ㅋㅋㅋ Is YG trying to clean up their image?

3. [+310, -78] Sad that we won't get to see Black Pink but I think they made the right decision. Wishing for the Sokcho fire to get under control soon!! Find strength to the people living there ㅠ

4. [+306, -117] Why are people so twisted? It's not their fault that they're canceling their press conference out of consideration for the state of affairs right now. Of all the things to find trouble with...

5. [+123, -1] Hoping for no one else to get hurt

6. [+72, -39] I just want to know why they had to put this in the media ㅋㅋㅋ All they had to do was alert the reporters and their fans that they'd be canceling it, why release it in the media instead?

7. [+62, -32] Wow, they're really using the Sokcho mountain fire to promote themselves, they're the worst

8. [+53, -24] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ This is not what YG should be worried about, they have other fires to be putting out right now

9. [+52, -32] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ As if the fire has anything to do with your comeback? ㅋㅋㅋ Just go ahead with it ㅋㅋㅋ The fire has nothing to do with you at all ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

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closest you're gonna get is the female members of k-tigers mvs


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Dalla dalla delayed their release for an entire day and still made top 3. KITL is just a shit song.

>outsmarting youtube
the CPM must be abysmal, even less than 1/8 because of this

youtube tries, but sometimes they just give up on this

the 1/8 humans love them though

>CEO jihyo calls you into her office
wat do

Attached: 4ihi1uot94q21.jpg (1362x2048, 270K)

word but with all kpop dbh

Most of the hate is towards YG, they don't seem to really care about Blackpink, good or bad.

wtf I love TWICE now

Attached: wp.png (2488x1500, 2.95M)

true winner

Attached: 5634573478.jpg (564x600, 49K)

it's not April 1st anymore

Only in South Korea. Just like Loona, lol

I started to listen at least 3-5 times to songs of groups i normaly like. Otherwise too many songs would have gone into the trash.

Attached: ^^~^~.jpg (644x703, 82K)

>w-w-we are respecting the tragedy and canceling the press


sk her where the tape is

Attached: CKMYn8nUYAAcLUR.jpg (1106x960, 57K)


This true but because I can't speak Korean it takes a while for the song to stick.

yg tactics doesn't seem to work outside korea
>boost views
>ships them off to usa
>sold out concert guys

what a dumbshit

>too many songs would have gone into the trash.
kpop comes up with many songs a week, they deserve to be in the trash if they don't get you in the first listen and you can just move on to the next
this stuff? that's pretty cool

>Twice crushing all kpops from the top
>ITZY sweeping BP away from the bottom
JYP must be so smug right now

>Blackpink will easily sell 100k physicals
>people obsess over how well the song charts on the first day

something about tape

ask for a promotion

they're more real than twice


Attached: 6545645745.jpg (420x600, 45K)

>Blackpink will easily sell 100k physicals
lmao no they wont, gooks are boycotting yg if you havent noticed

>when a bunch of random kung fu girls outdance the originals

>always weak in physicals but strong in digital
>digital flop so physical will flop too
the seething levels of indonesian blinks is hilarious

bring my lawyer

Attached: d24a1561415f6c691ea90ef242c6136bf5c0a579_hq.jpg (640x960, 66K)

>make 100 different excuses
>cope and seethe
the life of a seanigger

>twice fans are trump supporters


Their physicals come mostly from Korea which seems to be boycotting YG now

hot noona

do you know where you are? go back to twitter

>picks an underdog that always wins

cute lawyer

Attached: moonstar in mooncar.webm (1280x720, 1.93M)

Im just here for the girls

make it a blackstink flop thread



Looks like YG has turned on the sajaegi bots

Most Japanese do

Attached: xxl.jpg (800x450, 51K)

maybe a silly question since no one here actually works in the industry but how long are music videos shot and edited before a release? Kill this love looks like they drove a dump truck full of money to whoever produced the videos studio, or is it all done in house? I can't help but think this comeback was to distract people from the whole scandal with a shiny video

Attached: IMG_3048.jpg (700x700, 51K)

bend over and take my spankings

Where's this from?

kill this love was shot, filmed and edited in the span of a week

usually a few weeks to a month before, and I don't know if YG has their own video producers