>song titles are all in lowercase
Attached: cam.jpg (640x628, 40K)
>song titles are all capital
Attached: 67865785769875.jpg (772x765, 60K)
song titles are in language that the band members don't speak
Attached: 1540668523858.jpg (894x894, 368K)
>song titles form a limerick when read in sequence
>song titles are each a single word and form a sentence when you read it
Attached: 1552704564203.jpg (776x827, 145K)
>song titles are letters of the alphabet
Attached: alphabets-dancing-447685.gif (183x170, 21K)
>song #
Attached: based charles.jpg (220x281, 13K)
>song exists as Real Book lead sheet
Attached: 1545073891512.jpg (300x300, 49K)
>track number in title field, nothing in number field
>tagged as “alternative”
>year released in album title field
Attached: untitled (2).png (471x567, 21K)
Attached: 1554344748471.jpg (750x722, 102K)
>song titles are generated with a key and are unique to your copy of the album
Attached: rZOaHhx.png (192x154, 56K)
>each song title's first letter all spell out the album title.
name 1 album that does this
that album by the chariot
>album is named after a track
>it's the title track
Attached: 1524790857597.jpg (419x404, 15K)
>album is titled after a song
>its actually not the album but released as a separate single
Attached: maxresdefault (1).jpg (1280x720, 55K)
>song named “untitled”
Attached: 4A30FC8B-35AB-43AF-9266-C56A4EEFD6ED.png (677x605, 270K)
>"secret" song is hidden after 3 minutes of silence
Attached: 1541393902187.jpg (1938x1080, 736K)
>the genre is lowercase
Attached: 1550476935843.png (761x423, 345K)
>sOnG tItlE iS iN uPpeR aNd LowEr cAsE
Attached: 1540948809549.jpg (1732x1884, 1.19M)
album title is where you store your songs
Attached: 41268x0w.jpg (268x268, 11K)