It's official, Billie Eilish is the boomer cut off. Hate her and it's time to accept you're getting old and get some cargo pants
It's official, Billie Eilish is the boomer cut off...
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Thanks Ayman Mohammed Rabie al-Zawahiri!
I guess I'll have to pretend that I like it so I dont look out of touch.
I'm 15 and I don't like Eilish....
Guess I'm a boomer...
>I'm 15
I won't report you since I like you for not liking Billie Eilish, but you may get banned if the mods see this, even if it is a joke. Good luck.
>tfw born in the wrong generation
>disliking shitty music means you were born in the wrong generation
ok kid
(Guys whenever you see shit like this just put ok retard it's a quick and funny way to take the piss out of the troll)
I realized that when I gave her a listen and realized this is for 16-20 year olds. I couldn't get into it.
she's ugly
how retarded are you
Not even /leftypol/ likes her.
not as much as you
oh wow, music for a different demographic might not appeal to me
what a fucking revelation
She can't sing. Her vocal ability is literally ass.
>thinking that people like her because of her singing talent
Yes. They only like her for her social media C-L-O-U-T.
Skipping cargo pants and going straight to jorts.
>Craig Jenkins
>16 million followers on IG
It's almost at 17 million now.
Unless Billie can pull off something this good, she can go to the trashbin of history.
(Guys whenever you see shit like this just put ok retard it's a quick and funny way to take the piss out of the troll)
Shes fine
I dont like that shes called rock though
>literal wall of words
I just wish she'd stop culture-vulturing and clout-leeching off much more talented artists like Curry.
L*ftards think they're intellectuals and everyone needs to hear what they have to say.
That could be said of both sides though.
It could, but it's true about the left.
To be fair you know he'll be getting a good dick sucking every night whilst on tour with her.
it really is a cliche that men on the internet will claim every new female popular artist pales in comparison to Kate Bush. Hounds of Love is 35 years old, it's sad that you can't find a newer female artist to put on the pedestal. It's like how boomers will never get over The Beatles.
all music is terrible user now get the fuck off my board
>19 year old Boomer
Rock on boys.... Anyone down for some quake?
But Kate can actually sing though as well as being experimental yet interesting. And let's be real most of these up and coming artists are derivatives of her.
Considering how much her sound depends on what came before, I'd say that's a pretty bold statement.
I'm 19 and I hate this jabbering cunt.
Can someone explain the hate to me please? Why is she any different to any other it girl pop star with shitty music we've had? Is it because she's a coal burner?
t. 28 yo vegan journalist
Kate wrote her entire first album when she was Billie's age, by herself too. Why the FUCK can't Billie do the same if she's allegedly a "child prodigy"?
>Can someone explain the hate to me please? Why is she any different to any other it girl pop star with shitty music we've had? Is it because she's a coal burner?
The fact that Universal marketing bots, some of them right here on Yea Forums, keep forcing her on us nonstop.
Overexposure even by pop standards
I get recced her shit on every video and I've never watched anything related to her or her style of music on youtube
Totally worthless. Just another rich SoCal brat using her parents' money and connections to get an undeserved record deal. Anyone who's ever lived in LA knows exactly what I mean.
B-b-but she grew up POOR. Highland Park was a BAD area when she was a kid you flaming incel!!!
>Highland Park was a BAD area when she was a kid
LOL. HP-Eagle Rock was heavily gentrified 10 years ago.
t. lived close by around that time
>someone has to grow up in the ghetto or a West Virginia coal town to make great music
Surefire way to detect an industry plant is a slickly-produced debut album that gets a massive promotional push. If your debut record didn't sound like shit and 20 people purchased it, you're considered suspect.
That, and Billie had ZERO prior musical experience before being signed to Interscope, signed due to a song she had no part in making aside from vocals went viral due to her parents' industry connections.
I fucking swear I can't name a more manufactured pop star.
I see what you mean, but that means we'd have to give N*ckelback a pass because almost nobody knows about their pre-Silver Side Up albums.
That doesn't prove they're a plant, it just proves they sold out for massive $$$.
you're right they just have make great music
unfortunately for bobby here that hasn't quite happened yet
I think Nickelback angered a lot of people in part because they were signed to Roadrunner, which was a label specializing in underground metal. A lot of these bands were doing some amazing things and revolutionizing metal, but Roadrunner instead chose to spend 80% of their promotional budget on Nickelback and their awful buttrock.
Nickelback's first two were self-published IIRC.
I think Nickelback angered a lot of people in part because they were signed to Roadrunner, a label specializing in underground metal. A lot of the bands they had on their roster were doing some amazing things and revolutionizing the entire genre of metal, but Roadrunner instead chose to spend 80% of their promotional budget on Nickelback and their awful buttrock.
Why would I bother with a poor mans Lana Del Rey?
>why would a record label choose to promote the band that had the most potential for hit singles/radio play/money
Mealfags, people.
Nobody's arguing that and Kate Bush certainly wasn't the daughter of Welsh coal miners.
>had to put in a lot of work and effort for people to take her seriously as an artist
>produced masterpieces
>puts in minimal effort (doesn't write her own material, refuses to learn to sing correctly) for critics to lap her up
>produces shit
Everything is called rock now because the marketing rims want to label people as rockstars - because that makes you sound like a badass, much more badass than a popstar. Unfortunately, I haven't heard actual rock in contemporary mainstream music - actual rock is an underground form of music again.
Why are they pushing the fucking "teenagers r so smart and they cant even vote" narrative so hard?
They did that in the 70s too. James Taylor and Barry Manilow were both marketed as "rock" for some reason.
>Instantly successful with the very first thing she releases, and suddenly everyone knows who she is
Really makes you think. Honestly, why do people even waste time with demos and playing shitty gig after shitty gig when they can just put a song on soundcloud, and if it is mediocre, they will become huge stars? It's truly something anyone at all can do
Ocean Eyes wouldn't have blown up the way it did in such a short amount of time had it not been for Billie's family's industry connections. They obviously either paid someone to promote it or showed it to a higher-up friend of theirs who in turn showed it to someone higher up in the music biz.
Looking at the song, I can see it's appeal. It's a sweet song and Billie, while not being the best singer, does an okay job. Looking at what she's become now is just atrocious.
She is okay. I agree with people that say she's a watered down Lorde, but the whole "industry plant" debarcle is a little silly.
Most famous artists are industry plants.(Elvis, Beatles, Beach Boys, Kate Bush, Sex Pistols, Madonna etc.)
>Most famous artists are industry plants.(Elvis, Beatles, Beach Boys, Kate Bush, Sex Pistols, Madonna etc.)
None of those except (sort of) the Pistols were plants though.
Of course, that's what I was getting it. Almost everyone in the entertainment industry today either has rich parents, or comes from an entertainment family. I think that is honestly why movies and music have become so bland and out of touch
Started on Sun Records, a regional label.
Started in the Liverpool clubs,
>Beach Boys
Their first single from 61 (Surfin') only got airplay in SoCal.
>Kate Bush
Was never commercial except on HOL.
>Sex Pistols
Fair enough, they were created to plug Malcolm McLaren's bondage shop.
Worked her way up through the New York scene in the early 80s.
Carly Simon [Elektra, 1971]
Since affluence is an American condition, I suppose it makes sense not only for the privileged to inflict their sensibilities on us, but for many of us to dig it. Too bad, though. It's OK for "That's the Way I've Always Heard It Should Be" to voice a cliché, but not with that calculated preciosity and false air of discovery. If Carly's college friends are already old enough to have alienated their children, her self-discovery program is a little postmature anyway. C-
Nothing "sort of" about the Sex Pistols. They are a manufactured band.
All of these artists only became famous due to over the top marketing because of their industry connections, similar to what you're seeing with Billie Ellish today.
Beatles would have never become worldwide superstars without Brian Epstein. Same thing with the Beach Boys with Murray Wilson and Kate Bush (signed to a record label as a teenager, an obvious sign she's a plant) with David Gilmour. Madonna literally fucked all "higher ups" she met in the early days, until Nile Rodgers refused, and Elvis was chosen by the industry to be the face of rock and roll during the 50s, not because of the quality of his music (which he didn't write), but because of his attractiveness.
The first industry plant of the rock and roll era wasn't Elvis, it was Pat Boone who was put up there as an intentional neutered, family-friendly rock performer who didn't scare people's grandmas.
Yeah but Beatles were discovered while coming up
Eilish was put in the spotlight from day 1
This. Billie's case isn't really comparable to the others since she had no presence in music before being signed. Literally walked into her brother's room, recorded vocals, left, BOOM signed to Interscope.
Goddamn I hate this smug faggot so much
Kate Bush was commerical from day one. (Wuthering Heights was number one in the UK for how many weeks?) And anyone that is signed to a major record label as a teenager is rather blatantly a plant. No difference between her and Billie, except Kate makes better music.
10,000-20,000 copies of The Beatles debut single (Love Me Do) was purchased by Brian Epstein and the only reason why it charted as high as it did. Without looking it up, I think it reached number 17 on the UK charts. Beatlemania was just excellent marketing.
None of these artists are "self made", but I don't care and neither should you.
That’s okay. I still have MatPat’s wife Stephanie.
Ehm, you got it all wrong, that's what they sold you but that's not true
But please, do not mix talent with humble origins or selfmade cause it's not always related, mos of the time ain't like that at all
the future is a faggot
someone should beat the shit out of it
>self promos in a non-SC/BC thread
So banned
When will you get used to big labels pumping out objectively bad low effort garbage exclusively for zoomers just to earn a fuckton of money? That’s literally all this is about. You got your Yea Forums, RYM and There’s still so much interesting music you haven’t discovered yet so why waste your time ranting about some kid who just got lucky with her parents or whatever. I don’t even know her backstory but I can see right through her. There’s no mystery, so you might as well not make these threads
Also, what the fuck?
why do you care about someones origins if it sounds good?
MatPat’s wife Stephanie >>> Billie Eilish
Because it doesn't
Terrible music
Sick of the spam and marketing machine
just posting in this hip thread to see what you crazy kids are into - I mean what youre being fed - I mean has her sex tape leaked yet?
Wdyfm you still have her though
>tfw zoomer but boomer
I might be to much of a boomer to like Billie Eilish, but I’m just the right age to appreciate Stephanie for the visionary she is.
Does she, like, make music though, or...?
No, but her Nugget voice on the Kindergarten GTLive streams was an astonishing performance.
I mean... you do you, I guess
>t. reads at 2wpm, hasn't read a book since elementary school, textbook Dunning Kruger faggot that probably unironically listens to trap music in the good year of our lord 2019
Cheers user.
>Unironically listens to trap music
Welcome to Yea Forums. I thought it was pretty much a given around here, isn’t it?
Fucking based
Based on this pic, are you Gen X, Millennial, or Zoomer? I'm a based Zoomer (born 98).
Same 98 user here again.
And yes, I’d like to say I’m a based zoomer. ;)
damn.. 32 year old core millennial dad here
But you were 5-9 in the early millennial era so wouldn't that also be important to you. Did you forget those memories or something.
Daily reminder the only difference between the far left and the far right is that the far left doesn't implicitely defend the status quo in the way fascism does.
Fine art is, at least in part, a product of suffering. The rich and privileged lack the perspective to produce anything relatable to a wider audience. So, yeah, kind of.
>Believin in politics and spectrums
>in this day and age
>The only difference between left and right is that left is left and right is right
The marketing budget paid off then?
How does she have crows feet she’s 17 lmao ugly pig
She has Tourette’s that’s why she does those weird face movements you guys make fun of her for.
This board is honestly worthless. All day you spend your time arguing about little pop stars geared at 13 year old girls or waifufagging like the fruitcakes that you are. There are good threads now and then but they're not worth constantly seeing all this endless shite.
>thinking everyone with a platform don’t do this
This is especially true for the right the amount of “free thinkers” who are strictly conservative are staggering. You’re fucking retarded
Why isnt her album on billboard yet
you can almost understand the dickless, defunded, completely irrelevant music press written by fat contractors writing this shit. they are paid to do so. but what is Yea Forums's excuse for being such a fucking faggot billboard for this trash? you stupid cunts do this for free, and in that sense are more pathetic than any pitchfork paid puff piece about this bitch
I turn 30 tomorrow, actually. There might be something to this. I don't hate her, I actually think a couple of her songs are nice. But when I hear her, I very much feel like "this is not my music." Like, I can appreciate it for what it is, but I can't relate to it, and it feels almost like the product of a foreign culture.
Absolutely cringe
>that shameless black skinhead ripoff track
this but unironically and also simultaneously ironically
Are you retarded? No matter what political side you're on being able to write and articulate your position properly is extremely important. Can you not handle anything other than shitty YouTube complications featuring Ben Shapiro?
I always say "who cares?"
they either have to defend it or admit that nobody cares but them and they're just being a bitch about it.
or they ignore it, but at least I know they read it since it's such a short sentiment.
and whether they like or hate white people for being born an unacceptable color
>can't into sarcasm
didn't James Blake grow up rich and go to private schools to be classically trained on the piano?
It's true for both sides.
>he doesn’t know that cargo pants are making a comeback
Who’s the real boomer here?
one of my coworkers put her album on while cleaning and i thought the production was interesting for pop music. Her lyrics and vocals were boring and shitty though. she's not a bad singer but I don't know why people would waste their time. It's music for people who think they're too good to listen to ariana grande or something
She looks like Sephiroth here.
Cause teens will vote dem
is not that billie eilish is the only zoomercore that exists you kno
by herself?
predominantly but she got a lot of help from others - its well documented.its just back then you didnt get a writing credit for coughing in the control room like you do now
that said kb's menopausal mucus is artistic genius compared to eilish's faux so sad bs