What this the last original and monumental work of rock music?

What this the last original and monumental work of rock music?

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Lush came out last year

oasis, simple as

Is This It


Atrium of Flesh. Came out this year.

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short answer: no
long answer: no, idiot


Tell me this isn’t original

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It’s not rock


When will you faggots stop sucking this albums dick, it's overHYPED, IT'S OVER RATED, IT'S NOT THAT FUCKING GOOD, FUUUUUUCK!!! I HATE ALL YOU LIMP DICK MOTHER FUCKERSS

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listen to it louder

Ok Computer came out like 5 years later idiot

6 years later

Still was a monumental moment in rock and Kid A came out after that. This guy is retarded.

Wow, get a load of this retard

Danger Days

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it is in the scaruffian use of the word
