Romanticize her, Yea Forums

Romanticize her, Yea Forums

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is that way, faggot.


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why do people keep posting girls from this show? is it some sort Yea Forums psyop?

based Yea Forums poster

And we would've gotten away with it, if it weren't for you meddling kids!


Just post porn next time. Yea Forums has no mods.

Who's your favorite Yea Forums girl, /moo/?

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Does it have to be a music Yea Forums gf?

Yea Forums and Yea Forums send their waifus to invade us and we're too weakminded to say no

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that's a drawing


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Where is she from?

Jackie Lynn Thomas (Star Vs. The Forces of Evil)
Aubrey (Main character from a WIP Bryan Lee O' Malley project)

Thanks, senpai.

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What does she listen too?

Why is she so perfect?

Heavy metal.
Har har har.

Metal Machine Music: The Amine β Ring.

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What does she listen to?

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for the last time Yea Forumsfags: stop liking things I dont like
thank you

Judging by her looks? Post punk and shoegaze.

death grips


Some weird ass patrician shit.