Some rap songs is a masterpiece
change my opinion
Some rap songs is a masterpiece
change my opinion
you shouldn't try to make someone's opinion more negative
Maybe if you’re low IQ.
Listen to Donuts.
Donuts is great but Earl's back to back witty bars about whatever the fuck go perfectly with his weird ass vocal samples
no reason to change it
You are 17
can somebody tell Earl that he doesn't have to make music? He obviously doesn't want to.
fucking based
This. He sure bitches about it
it's a 5 at best, it's overhyped and it's a real shame that fantano fags will hype this album up and forget about earl's other projects which are better in so many ways
this is a compilation slapped together last minute all while ripping off MIKE, this isn't an album
fuck it, it's a 5
listen to recess by bbno$
Death Grips is the only good hip-hop.
rips off mike but does mike better than mike does mike
can people stop pushing MIKE like he's an underappreciated artist that earl ripped off word for word? MIKE has great projects but ERS is better than anything he's put out.
meant SRS
That's generous. OP's probably 14-15 just like the other mongoloids ITT.
rap should be banned from Yea Forums
Well I mean I’m sure there are SOME rap songs that are pretty good so there’s no real way for me to change your mind. Nice blurry boy, anyway.
rap songs max out at 6/10, sorry bud
that said, there are some good rap albums
>rap should be banned
like if u agree
nah, it's pretty weak compared to the rest of his output, mixing seems off and it feels like a bunch of rough sketches not in a good way
You’re all 17 at most yeah im leaving this is \mu/
You're oddhampton huh.
It's really, really good. Kids See Ghosts was my album of the year but this is right behind with YWGWYW
Really isn't, it gets worse every listen imo. IDLSIDGO is way better.
that's what the white boy who got his phone smashed saw
This was a terrible project
what a mistake
turns out making a 20 minute album worth replaying is actually pretty hard
hi Anthony
>witty bars about whatever the fuck
if you think the album is good now....
My brain hurts trying to figure out why some rap music is "great" and others "suck" when they both sound exactly the same.