
Other urls found in this thread:


delete this

Attached: 1480234173055.jpg (1280x1920, 582K)

Attached: yujinschool.webm (1920x1080, 2.96M)

ugliest bitch alive

we like this girl?

Attached: seulgi.jpg (100x112, 15K)

I've been listening to Kill this Love on repeat for past 4 hours.

Attached: bCr5991.jpg (1080x1620, 597K)

Haven't been on KPG all day. So is it consensus kill this love is a flop?

Attached: 1527097869833.jpg (720x406, 38K)

you're not fucking funny

Attached: DbUdmODVMAA2GKm.jpg orig.jpg (1365x2048, 330K)

it really is mental illness general right now

just you roastie

hyo a qt

Attached: Hyoyeon (0539).jpg (1100x1716, 281K)

Attached: 1543374427520.gif (268x268, 2M)

rvbros get in here

Attached: D3U19MyU0AANak6.jpg (682x1024, 111K)

how do you feel about rich white men moving to your country and buying your women?

Attached: D3Uu5vGUYAUmrcV.jpg (1668x1000, 134K)

Mei Qi - Xuan Yi schedule

>(April) wjsn - official announcement? The main focus is to look forward to Yuehua and Starship's plan, expected to be beautiful.

Attached: D2zfIBgUkAEhKOG.jpg (465x154, 18K)

so iz*one was blacked, huh?

Attached: Dr4yq3VV4AIAhHH.jpg (2976x1987, 415K)

now THIS is some quality esl retardation

>Haven't been on KPG all day
should have kept it that way. last couple threads have been absolute shit.

Attached: D6211485-8864-41D0-9FD6-3A7628F61267.jpg (546x819, 79K)

what's the point of having randomized filenames on



Attached: appleorangearin.jpg (2000x3000, 651K)

kpop cure my depression when

Attached: tumblr_po7obyXlCj1v1lnwto2_250.gif (250x334, 1.32M)

Stay in your lane

Attached: Dzw74tWVYAAKaLQ.jpg (2048x1536, 612K)

nice teeth

Attached: 1531788997266.webm (462x530, 2.99M)


Attached: 13 - 9RtlIJY.jpg (1348x1011, 463K)

>how do you feel about rich white men moving to your country
I am glad. This country is a fucking shithole and we need money because EU is going down.

roasties are irredeemable thats why its a waste of time to say anything to slugroastie cuz she will always be that way

thats how woman do it

they have 2 IQs

they dont need to care or change they have what they need

Attached: D2ViGb6WkAAj7BE.jpg (1024x768, 112K)

any sharkmen in?

Attached: sharky.jpg (835x1200, 991K)

Attached: 1543379325097.gif (268x300, 1.79M)

Attached: chad.gif (268x268, 1.35M)

model pcy is here

Attached: D3WWzHmU8AAgpld.jpg:orig.jpg (1080x1440, 152K)

Attached: hyo.webm (720x1280, 3M)


so you can be anonymous

delete this

Attached: 190118 Instagram Hyoyeon (1).jpg (1080x1350, 185K)

i like the juicy slutty looking one

nice sorn

Attached: sorn 897689.jpg (1200x1920, 780K)

Attached: 52846316_445652489310377_5646659610014678879_n.jpg (480x480, 16K)

looks simultaneously like chanyeol, suho, and chen all at once

Attached: 197509641002201.gif (268x268, 2.04M)

hold on, hyorge looks like THAT?

This is quality content.

This is not.

i use a consistent naming system for sorting pics (band - idol - originalfilename) while keeping them in the same folder, so not randomising would be the equivalent to avataring

Attached: D3S52jLUwAAkv4e.jpg (800x1200, 190K)


right here

Attached: 1545516738260.jpg (914x686, 54K)

the worst shitposters always use randomized filenames because they are the biggest cowards, always afraid of being exposed as trash tier posters (and getting a taste of their own medicine)

that outfit looks cash

when i first saw it i thought it was suho but chen????

quality post

how do I randomize filenames

Attached: b8b7635c80e08db4ff2d8f01c62b8f9a.gif (250x313, 1.23M)

Attached: hyoyeon instagram 190320 (3).jpg (946x1120, 183K)

Attached: shark.jpg (1200x1920, 473K)

not always. but she has been looking hot lately.

Melon has unfroze and I can't find them on the charts?

freakin cute

actually i think it might be suho, lol

Attached: D3WWyiqUcAAPht9.jpg:orig.jpg (1080x1440, 133K)

you realize that "slugroastie" is a made up character by jisoo erper, right? it's mostly two dudes who post slug. one american and a turk

since when did jessi get a donk?

Attached: 54266347_890270421308979_7554231585349203901_n.jpg (1080x1080, 65K)

more boob

i simply smash on the keyboard like this

Attached: 348dsiufghaiu23.jpg (1200x1800, 342K)

Attached: heartfailminyhukjh.jpg (1280x853, 228K)

it’s the jaw

Attached: 55790183_1163011247195756_8152790708623407100_n.jpg (1080x1080, 73K)

forget about that why does hyuna have the legs of a silent hill nurse

>the worst shitposters
they have twitter or other non Yea Forums filenames or some attentionwhoring naming scheme

can nancy poster get banned already?

You change filenames on windows?

when she paid for it

Attached: D3DkA8bUgAAT2rE.jpg (1365x2048, 501K)


based plastic sluts

jessi on her knees in front of u with her mouth around ur ___

Attached: D2933-UVAAIrbSV2.jpg (400x512, 81K)

goddamn i love whores so much



no weve just established that slugroastie is real and she posted a few llong posts and shes as roastie as a roastie can be

she takes meds too

Attached: D2T7P50U8AQMmtM.jpg (2048x1412, 329K)

that is not her name

Attached: Hyoyeon (0549).jpg (1000x1500, 354K)


Attached: ShockingPastelLcont.webm (400x432, 128K)

I wonder what is considered not shitposting by the standards of these threads. The whole thing is shitposting, these threads are among the most inane shit that has ever been posted on this website

jessi is hot

Attached: 1533336742395.webm (900x506, 3M)

is psy label just assembling the biggest collection of k-thots?

Attached: 1420007802886.jpg (600x589, 28K)

Shoe sole, I ain't falling for some degenerate thot.

didn't she always look like this? i mean since she got on korean tv.

Attached: hyelin (87).jpg (515x644, 45K)

don't hide them


gf sent me this

Attached: D3WRRaDU0AAjvmd.jpg (750x1000, 124K)

there's probably like 20-30 posters that use twitter filenames because it's the best source for HQ pics

that's based

dumbass bitch


is it recent

Attached: 5_0f1788273b73a8147dbba65bc6e898cd.jpg (1500x1999, 565K)

are you reporting him?

>PSY signing Sohee and giving her a successful solo career
that'd be great

Attached: 3VZ6Ikj.jpg (936x936, 84K)

lets kill with a slug!

thats what im getting so far


Attached: D0LEox8V4AAG4OR.jpg (1131x1130, 91K)

why can't you just teach me so I can be a better shitposter

Attached: pfqtcvyXUm1wq9bfzo2.gif (540x304, 1.49M)

I listened to Kill this Love only in audio form and thought it was decent, but formulaic.

Is the video worth watching?

no. she's actually been in korean media for a long time. she only recently got noticed with unpretty rapstar.

straight up looks like a dyke

he's a visionary


that’s a compliment

Sohee is loyal to Hunus and Elris

Attached: DFf6vAnUwAAFLp9.jpg (1000x1500, 238K)

you got something better to do with your time? just watch the video and stop being a faggot.

I don't remember anything from it, but it won't make it worse

absolutely not. dykes are disgusting.

The video is the best part about that whole thing. If you liked the actual song, the MV is a nice bonus.

kinda late. what yall think of kill this love?

i thought it was shit

You have shit taste so probably.

you need 4chanx


idk what any of these are until i post them

Attached: 1543377704825.gif (268x180, 2.32M)

Attached: 1554425682348.jpg (2048x1412, 879K) Forums-x/ohnjgmpcibpbafdlkimncjhflgedgpam?hl=en-US

Attached: Capture.png (619x158, 34K)

how do i hire SEA monkeys to set up view bots for me?

to you

trannies have been hating on it for hours.


Attached: DLnyd_NU8AAw5RR.jpg (931x578, 34K)

Who the fuck uses Yea Forums x in this day and age when native extension exists

At some point the song just became noise. Then there was no drop and the song just ended. It is objectively a very shit song in terms of structure and composition unless you like blaring trumpets drowning everything.


Attached: D2MHJE_WwAECOj9.jpg (720x960, 98K)


shut the fuck up retard

literally go back to twitter, lesbo

>downloading additional software just to browse a website

Attached: 1543486342142.jpg (800x1200, 365K)

offer to pay them with jolibee

obviously most posts here are low quality but some anons are just angry and bitter most of the time. it wouldn't be that bad if they were witty at least but the worst shitposters here are really unfunny at the same time - jisoo erper is a prime example

I hate the slug spammer as well but at least he's not such a negative nancy

you take the kai i'll take the soobin

on instagram, they put their prices there

it's really easy to find actually

Attached: 1554425821693.jpg (1131x1130, 325K)

fuck you

>sneak into the bp discord
>pretend to be a bp fan
>ask one of them to show you
>set up bots for twice instead

Attached: 1531600161990.jpg (2048x1696, 535K)

I want to fuck Sorn.

Attached: tenor (1).gif (176x270, 594K)

>He doesn't use adblock

t. small brain seamonkey

fucking leaf

Get the flamethrower.

Attached: 1_8pHIBQAR2x-oHBW3pH8kDA.jpg (1600x2400, 888K)

holy shet a filipino

>He uses the native extension


>using a web browser to use 4channel
>not just dumping the text to the terminal

Attached: 1497506180212.jpg (1228x1291, 385K)

is that michael jackson

Attached: D2ohxb3UwAEzcz_.jpg (1428x2048, 345K)

I don't like it either but don't know what to do is probably BP's best b-side so far

Attached: Dx0dQR7VsAIljA0.jpg (1364x2048, 299K)

Can't wait to see how bad they dance to it


Attached: e7e398db113a60d6ab7338507b4c9cdf.jpg (1365x2048, 241K)

grandma just sent me this

Attached: 54512697_101131151059279_6137861665057442769_n.jpg (1080x1349, 190K)

nah it's nancy


couldnt finish hate blackpink

i'd pitty fuck your grandma ngl

Attached: 1543367897674.webm (800x450, 1.17M)

so did we just forget kyungsoo was in japan with chef suke

i struggle to read a series of lines of text without a special app to help me

Attached: Hyo shitposting.jpg (2000x1297, 1.79M)

The song is mediocre imo, but the mv looks nice.

>literal perfection
Kai is one lucky motherfucker

he was in japan?

Attached: fatty.jpg (1234x1645, 245K)

post your grandma's feet

Attached: 1528569867288.jpg (900x1200, 129K)

youtube isn't able to detect SEA bots? the state of silicon valley lmao

kill yourself autist

why do big fandoms like armys or blinks act so superior as if being a fan of a big group wasn't a fucking choice

yeah i also use a web browser when curl would work

meant for

for what?

I bet all these 4chanx fags also use special snowflake themes too
How cringe is that

slightly below average
just never comes together

Attached: rose01_KTL.jpg (3840x2160, 600K)

that explains the hyo posting

Attached: Hyoyeon (0976).jpg (2048x1536, 395K)

shut up nigger

Attached: D1WI15NUwAA4iKA.jpg (1200x800, 115K)

Attached: 5B95A98E-19AE-4A7E-A7EE-802E8C958FC7.jpg (564x705, 59K)

who actually enjoys coming here

Blackpink is mostly designer accessories and a few chorus hooks.

they can and they do, those MVs would have billions of views without stopping them

i have bad news for you user

your waifu was not a virgin

she only pretended to cry

and she just gave you herpes and syphilis

for the memes

Attached: D3TyNxNU8AUyD_j.jpg (342x342, 14K)

Artist first show wins 2019

CHUNG HA - Gotta Go 190109 (MBC Music Show Champion)
ASTRO - All Night 190129 (SBS MTV The Show)
Woody - Fire Up 190210 (SBS Inkigayo)
CLC - NO 190212 (SBS MTV The Show)
ITZY - Dalla Dalla 190221 (Mnet M!Countdown)
Hwasa - Twit 190302 (MBC Show! Music Core)
N.Flying - Rooftop 190305 (SBS MTV The Show)
TXT - Crown 190312 (SBS MTV The Show)
Ha Sungwoon - Bird 190313 (MBC Music Show Champion)
Stray Kids - Miroh 190404 (Mnet M!Countdown)

wish it was sunny posting instead

not me, i don't know why i keep coming here

That is because SEA bots are actual niggers clicking the repeat buttons.

this post made me realize how over my ex i am


>He doesn't use a Kpop theme with his waifu
The state of this user

imagine downloading 4chanx to randomize your filenames because you're scared that people will find out that you're a cunt lol

bc they think bragging about their faves' achievements somehow makes up for their lack of personality

same girl?

sometimes. i don’t talk about kpop with anyone else. then again we don’t really talk about kpop in kpg either.

why sunny looks terrible now

Attached: Hyoyeon (1139).jpg (1080x1080, 354K)


Attached: 1554422931314.jpg (1079x1834, 447K)


no but i have no one else to talk to desu

Attached: eunseo_mad.jpg (1310x1312, 148K)

>eating cheetos in bed
>leaves stickers on laptop

Attached: 1554006393716.jpg (1600x2400, 2.68M)

except lewdposters

Attached: [심포유 #시우민] EP03 #집들이음식준비 #요리는어려워 #feat.됴리사.mp4_snapshot_ (1920x1080, 163K)

i like looking at cute girls while i cut

kpg is really fun after a beer

i used to but these days it just makes me feel sad, gotta find a way to stop desu

I can't find Blackpink on the melon charts. What happened?

why is this so long if the text is just the same shit said in 30 different ways

lewding is just how it is, prudeposters would never survive

i just love a good slampig

i love my exobros i would marry you guys haha no homo though

based sharkchad

well at least now we know why it’s so much worse than their usual “music”

asking for it

>Stray Kids - Miroh 190404 (Mnet M!Countdown)
is this the only REALLY good gaypop song this year?

the whole idol industry is geared towards fostering parasocial relationships between fans and idols. once the fan starts to think of the idol as a pseudofriend, the successes and failures of the idol become the successes and failures of themselves.

you sound like you’re in hostage

this but my once bros instead

After a couple more listens it’s alright for me, the chorus is what ruins it, everything else is nice, especially the Lisa and Jennie rap part


lol what was it?

Attached: [심포유] #세번째티저 #심쿵심쿵 #첫인사.mp4_snapshot_00.57_[2019.03.25_06.39.12].jpg (1920x1080, 195K)

Attached: sun10.jpg (529x298, 19K)

Attached: j hope eats his boogers.jpg (968x1200, 125K)


Attached: sorn 8796.jpg (480x679, 58K)

she is composer Kill This Love, Ddu-Du Ddu-Du, Whistle, Boombayah and other YG's songs

nope heres another one

this was just a joke tweet right?

kpg is part of my life

i reward myself for a long hard day by shitposting and promoting my favorite girls

Attached: seulgi sx.jpg (933x1400, 137K)

based sarmatianbro

since it's a general with the same few people day after day, distinctive filename schemes become recognizable and ruin the point of an anonymous thread unless you have a need to attentionwhore as a personality

they're flopping in korea lol
blackstink isnt popular outside of SEA


even the psychotic racist one(s)?

waggy went harder than kill this love desu

when i was still employed kpg was always the highlight of my crummy day
no gf but at least there's kpop

2/4 is not bad

Attached: 54353453.jpg (1200x901, 136K)

How well is Blackpink doing on the charts?


word, if he's cute. uggo boogereaters are gross.

i forgot my wallet at work and then went back to get it but it wasn't there anymore this is a case for the fbi

Attached: large (3).jpg (500x494, 65K)

3 more hours for it to show on the Korean charts

the song isn't on korean charts yet because of the chart reform about midnight releases
idk why it works like that desu



It's also better than sandniggers moving to my country, like is happening in Swedistan and The United German Emirates.

KTL is unironically good

Attached: that damn smile.jpg (1369x1564, 176K)

It's actually pretty mediocre...

>.the first song by a girl group to reach #1 on US iTunes since Destiny's Child's "Lose My Breath" nearly 15 years ago.
15 years? Seriously? 5th harmony didnt?

Attached: C81311AB-5F98-457F-88A1-8B8D7CF2B558.jpg (245x400, 110K)

i hate this so much

i love seulgi so much bros.... i cant stand it...

what was in ur wallet user?

Attached: 1554426910281.jpg (500x494, 123K)

it's shit
2/3 left to go for April

I thought the changes was that the chart froze at night to prevent groups from streaming through the night. But the charts have since unfroze and they are still not on it.

It gets better after a couple more listens, it just the chorus that sucks ass

did you check with the HR/secretary lady? usually people drop it off there


Attached: 20190405.jpg (2084x998, 227K)

don't samefag roastie


Attached: 1546973655953.jpg (1043x1043, 76K)

>5th harmony
nugu ?

White women are not humans.

Attached: file.jpg (960x467, 74K)

>just the chorus
a pop song with a shit chorus is a shit pop song

Attached: 013 - xgNYheA.jpg (960x642, 60K)

Attached: D0gr_VGUcAAXQbP.jpg orig.jpg (572x884, 51K)

>Oh no they didn't fall off the face of the charts like Senorita, Miroh, Butterfly or RBB
>It's a certified flop

i love her too

she is so wholesome and she makes my life complete

Attached: seulgi mask 2.jpg (1080x1080, 66K)

>But the charts have since unfroze and they are still not on it.
midnight releases don't show up until 1pm the following day after the reform
guess it's an attempt to prevent mass streaming on the 1st night when everyone's sleeping

i think camilla caballo was in it

stop samefagging you sad roastie

chen looks like he's balding


Attached: jennie.jpg (800x1200, 141K)

they are going to get #1 on the charts of course. they will get btfo when bts drops though

But charts don't move till the unfreeze, meaning night stream counts for nothing.

>2 billion views
I have never even heard this shit wtf ?

most of us like and post many other groups as well but popular groups have a lot more fans than our nugus so obviously there's more bad apples... and you choose to focus on them alone

Attached: DzA0LuDU8AUHq1Y.jpg (1080x1080, 226K)

i dropped seulgi long ago, wisest decision of my life

other than money, what do YOU think there was in my wallet user?

Attached: tumblr_p11d2tJGZK1tizu4so4_r1_500.gif (500x247, 2.42M)

How have you never heard of them

Attached: 184937148913.webm (480x600, 2.38M)

Sub 20 is a flop to anyone being realistic

Attached: 1533524166630.jpg (1001x1500, 204K)

insult our women all you want, but when the apocalypse comes and we have to revert to medieval combat, they're going to be using their sturdy limbs to decimate the asian waifs

you know you might not be their target market

she pink

Attached: DafrFMiW4AEUBj8.jpg (987x1481, 123K)

so roastie music written by an actual roastie single mom? that’s amazing

nowadays people get famous for watching videos

bon bon chocolat?

Luckily they are at 17 now aren't they?

fugly tranny

>i think camilla caballo was in it
What the fuck I never realized this




Attached: DiCpKdBUwAISM_K.jpg orig.jpg (1365x2048, 391K)

They used to be the biggest gg, that song in particular was huge, I’m surprised it never got a number 1

yeri photocards

Attached: BAC4ACB7-7F27-4336-BC29-8EB89F2058C9.jpg (1200x800, 830K)


it's alright but not really great

burn this man


yeah i don't really understand the rationale of why they don't just have the songs appear in the morning with everyone else's but that's how it works and it's why few artists come out with songs at midnight now
>February 15, according to various industry insiders, the major Korean music sites — Melon, Bugs, Genie, Mnet, Soribada, Naver Music, Monkey3 — will be undergoing a reform in how their charts are managed. Namely, songs released at midnight will not enter charts until the following afternoon at 1 p.m.

>Only performance of songs released between 12 p.m. and 6 p.m. will immediately be reflected in real-time charts. Performance of any songs released outside of this window will show in music charts the following afternoon. This will hold true for both weekdays and weekends

I don't pay that much attention to western music.

We have radio on at work and it plays garbage like this whole day, but this just doesn't ring a bell.


Attached: seulgi294.jpg (1152x2048, 183K)

if you're here every day it's pretty obvious who's who, even with randomized filenames

you don't know who i am


you're wrong

2 early thread

hopefully nothing too important
make sure to cancel your credit cards
how much money btw?

Attached: 15544272473983.gif (500x247, 1.77M)

Who am I?

Attached: Cfh3ft9UkAAIBsK.jpg (683x1024, 83K)

why does this keep happening? is he doing it on purpose?