ITT: Subtle Yea Forums merch
ITT: Subtle Yea Forums merch
>that pic
>this date
well played, sir, well played
Is there any way to get a Kurt suicide note shirt?
anyone who knew what it was would immediately hate you for a good reason
this is now a Bjork thread
Makes me want one now.
he could pass it off as a deep ironic statement on late capitalism or something
Isn't that the point tho?
I said this is now a bjork thread
Hey... can you hear that?
it's the sound of no one caring
am i cringe if i where this
I'm not sure if I'd respect the hell out of anyone who wore that, or be afraid to be within 20 feet of them.
maybe a little, but you do you man
the digusting goth girl in high school wore this shirt and performed an evanescance song at every talent show
Imagine if one of those hipster d-bags who buy band merch without caring about the band randomly bought that shirt because they liked the design and had no idea what the album was lol.
If youre going for that ironic dork look it can work
i want this with the navy seal copy pasta
Dinosaur Jr from 1988, Jesus & Mary Chain + Dinosaur Jr tour shirt from 1992, Jesus & Mary Chain shirt from 1992