/gg/ - Guitar & Bass General

>How do I start learning guitar/bass?
>Guitar chords and inversions
>String tension calculator (D'Addario):
>Music theory:
>Guitar Maintenance and other information:
>Why is my guitar buzzing?
>Large repository of tabs, books and other resources related to playing and theory:

Previous thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


Don't forget your daily spider exercises

Guitar sommeliers unanimously agree that Gibson makes the best guitars and Dean makes the worst guitars.

Who is your favorite guitarist under the age of 30?

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Trash ass pic desu

Some mexican called Renta Gratis

>tfw only a gibson is good enough

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Pink Suhr

Damn, you really floored me with this one. I never really thought about it, but I don't actually have any young'ns who I really follow. Is Cory Wong younger than 30?

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Ben Eunson.

Pull the plug user from last thread.
can someone give me some pointers (maybe a new mode thatd fit the song) on improvising/jamming along to a song?

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Whyre you saving pics of trey i posted

i got that from google bro, people say i look like him


I think I might trade my Hellraiser for this

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>he's never gonna make it as a studio guitarist or a hired gun touring guitarist because he can't even play slide guitar at an expert level

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>he can't play slide guitar at an expert level
speak for yourself friendo. I have godly fingerstyle chops and can play with the slide on any finger. Additionally, I have different sets of techniques depending on which finger I wear it on

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Get one of the good looking finishes then

Post your slide vibrato. That's the hallmark/fingerprint of a great slide player.

I'm at work for another 3 hours :/

Sure, you have to play, but it's more about how easy you are to work with. Watch "Hired Gun"if you really want to know what it takes to be a hired gun.

tl;dr: Don't be Axl Rose.

Name one hit song made past 2010 with prominent slide guitar

I realy like the brown quilt though, it's slick

>gold hardware
Well, it's you who'll have to live with it

Ibanez Artcore or Epiphone Dot?

Wew lad. Get the dot

>jcum wewing someone else's taste in instruments

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>jcum wewing anyone's anything.


This place would be so boring without huh guys

Without me*

After paying guitar for more than 10 years, what's a good bass and amp to start out with? thinking of getting a classic vibe 60 Jazz

Classic Vibe is great user go for it. Any Fender P or J should do you good.
Amp that depends on how much you wanna spend if all you wanna do is record at home and practice at home get one of those cheap Ampeg combos.

You’re so fucking lonely

>every song on every album made by artists who are profitable to play for is a hit

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Don't forget to eat kaka and die

Yeah, little fags are always needed to laugh at

thinking of getting the 40-watt just to use mostly for home

Built another pedal yesterday and today. 3 hours total work for a Rat clone with 3-way clipping switch (SI, LED, GE). I really wish BYOC sold more pre-finished enclosures.

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I'm going to buy a Gibby SG and I don't know how I feel

Two anime thread in a row? Lucky! I couldn't be more motivated to practice now.
Thanks OP

Which one?

Get a 3 pickup or fuck off

I'd be apprehensive about shelling out that kinda money on an overpriced 2x4 too.

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Standard SG Cherry, I need to find reviews on which years are ass of recent vintage

fuck DAT

What do you recommend instead BUb

Don't be a little faggot, you know you want that middle pickup

iomi didn't use one and I want to suck his cock

>what do you recommend instead BUb?
Anything other than a solidbody electric, really

Remember to practice :)

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Iommi couldn't have used it, because he would have had more pickups than fingers.
Even Based Paul Gilbert played a 3 pickup sg

Forsure. Hopefully yours doesnt come all fucked up from the factory

Kek sad but true

The only logical choice, user. You, Sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.

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Hopefully not

My strat came with a fucked up pickup and i didnt notuce until I got it home, fuck you guitar center I'll never go there again. They replaced it but still fuck them

Do you have a link to that one? Looks pretty nice.

That's what you get for buying a shitty brand from a shitty place


Guitar center is not for buying guitars just trying them out for feel. Good luck post pics when the ugly bitch gets there

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I dig it

Guitar Center is pretty great for used guitars, actually, if you have a local store. You search all nationwide stores online and you can basically go through a thorough inspection of the instrument while on the phone with the store it's being sold at if you know the right questions (is the neck twisted? etc.) to ask. Then, if you get it and somethings fucked up you can return it to your local store and not have to deal with shipping. Also, if you live somewhere where it's inconvenient to have a guitar shipped to your home, you can have it sent to your local GC for pickup.
I don't use them for anything else, though, except a very occasional emergency single string, because they're expensive as shit for most things.

I ordered a used 5-string bass from there and the pots were missing and they refused to replace them, even though they were in the sellers preview picture
I go there to test new amps, thats it.

So, you had the opportunity to call and ask an employee to inspect the instrument before you ordered it, and you didn't? I'm not defending them; that's fucking shitty that they wouldn't replace them. Still, if you didn't call, the blame is half yours.

I'll accept that. Still was a shitty buying experience.

Totally shitty. At least it was just cheap-ass pots.

>5-string bass
This is one too many strings for a bass.

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I actually came to concur. Neck is uncomfortable as hell.

>a new level ozzfest '98

5, no. 6, yes.

>Giacomo Castellano MĂ©todo per Chitarra Heavy Metal
>Tapping chapter
This hurts, especially tapping with the pinky.
I like the fact it hurts, I can feel how I get better

why would you be bullshitting around in /gg/ shitpost generals when you can play like that?

Because its another personality

where does he rip the audio from? He never said. That guy's good whoever he is

ive had a shitty affinity squier for over a year now. what guitar should i buy now?

He's practiced his ass off like 4 hours a day to get that good, someone can post his practice routine if you want.
I've been playing too ong to want to re-train myself into technical proficiency. Just not in my cards at 39. But I get jelly.

>still browsing 4chins at 39

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There is a buzz/hum/static coming from my guitar and I have no idea how to troubleshoot it. Should I take it to a luthier to get it fix or should I try doing it myself with the risk of fucking something up? Any tips?

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What affinity model you got? I absolutely love my tele

aux port maybe, single coils do that if you dont hold the strings, could be amp. could be a million things just start testing things out, the essence of troubleshooting

Older bro or friend/relative probably. His pops has a "media studio". Could be hus dads friends stuff.


I'm pretty sure it's not the amp since a friend brought his guitar over and his didn't make any of that noise. I also tested different cables. I'm pretty sure it's the guitar.

I think I'll take it to a luthier, I was planning on buyung new pickups anyway.

Can I use pic related as a signal splitter? It's got parallel outputs, I think one is a wet and dry channel.

Fuck me, I forgot pic. I'm keeping my dubs though.

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shrug. i like the snark. plebbit bores me.

>there's actual boomers browsing this site

I'm barely 22 and I already feel old for this place

lol a media studio? Why are spreading rumors about me?

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I at least have the grace to be a little ashamed of it. But here we are.

My dream sound in my head is somewhere between Ronnie Wood and Neil Young. I'm playing a Strat through my Fender Champion 100. Lately I've been itching to get that ’50s Bassman tone too. I'm guessing pedals can get me there, I know they'r not the be all and end all solution because nothing is better than getting a good high end amp and I love that natural amp overdrive, not looking to spend big for an amp so what pedals do you all recommend? I hear Wampler Pedals do a good job. I'm also thinking of maybe stacking two Catalinbread foundation pedals like their Formula 5F6 and SFT. Help and insight are much appreciated.

Can you prove it's really you playing? Just hard to believe someone that good would be wasting time here.
Play an F and an A and a G twice in a row and then do your usual shred thing and we'll know you're a real boy


You must be new to the general, we all know who Pink Suhr is

>T. Pink Suhr

Don't try to deflect now, we all know Pink Suhr has never offered up an "audiostamp" to prove that's his playing

No I'm the 40yr old boomer who wishes he had Pink Suhr's technical skill

I wasn't aware of that.

There's the one guy who learned a requested advanced economy picking exercise in like 15 minutes. idk if they're the same though, he def wasn't pink suhr-ing or avatarfagging back then

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you might want either the Formula 55 or Formula 5 they're both based on the 5E3 Tweed Deluxe circuit. the 55 is the 5 but on steroids.

>people who play other instruments:
>you're an $XYZ player? okay, can you play anything by a classical composer? is that thing even in tune? how's your technique?

>you're a guitarist? when's your next gig brah? ugh, a behringer pedal? and that's NOT a gibson?

Can someone link me to a guide for stealing instruments?

brang a big gun

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>two replies to the same post
I love it.

Fuck yeah. More people need to be doing this.

Pink Suhr posts here all the time.

>Pink Suhr posts here all the time.
Yeah I know, so did all of R~'s other puppets
He seems to favor this one for now

Since when did puppets upload content on demand? Feel free to out-perform him.

What's the cheapest decent USB audio interface I can buy? If I plug my guitar directly into my laptop I get ear-destroying noise but I don't have money money

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Get a mic next to your amp and plug it into audacity for real po boy shit

I have no amp

Why the hell are you even trying to record then lmao

get outta here gramps, 1940 is that wayy

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Powercaster is better

I wanted to use an amp Sim just for practice :(

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Just got me an LMB-3 yesterday, guys. It's amazing, like playing with cheat codes.

Any recommendations for a bass chorus? Looking for that 70s/80s Casiopea feeling.

I have a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2. Pretty decent for its price.

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new cop, 2nd flying v, next to my 2004 cherry

will take vids when it arrives

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I would probably change the pickup covers but other than that, can't really argue with surf blue and a maple fretboard.

Will you gift it to me user? :)

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I sure would if I had a second one. Try and see if you can get one on eBay. Got mine used, too.

Thank you, I'll take a look!

played my brothers guitar for a bit now my left elbow hurts

is piano more ergonomic?

The fuck outta here you little faggot. Back to re ddit

Is tendonitis metal \m/?

>Guitar Somalians unanimously agree that Gibson makes the best guitars and Dean makes the worst guitars.

get outta here niggeR, dean are no where near that bad.

Can someone please recomend me some practise techniques to improve my alternate picking across the strings?

looks cool
is that hardtail

>I'm going to buy a Gibby
are you an antiquarian?

post feet

Alternate pick different strings

is didnt work

Let’s try to get along today, yeah?

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I'm sick of your spam shitting up this general, you absolute retard

Someone has to post OC around here

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>tfw the esquire simply vanished from the meme collection and is never posted

It’s right here :)

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Thoughts on this guitar /gg/. was looking to get one.

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any chance one of you high iq individuals could tab this for me? someone last thread said it's ridiculously easy to do but i'm too brainlet to figure it out

>supporting Chapman

What's wrong with chapman?

do other anons here find it important to remember to trim the fingernails on there picking hand? Like if you let them grow for a month or so they start to hunder your playing without you realizing it?

Whats right with him?

I bite my nails real bad so no need.

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Are you retarded? Or do you just not have any nerve endings on your body and cant feel your fingertips

Like nothing special about him i was just wondering why i shouldn't buy the guitar.

Because its hyped up meme marketing. Whats your budget? Look at any guitar from the brands made out in the Wmi factory in korea. Like prs dean schecter ltd agile

like 500-600, i honestly like the look of the guitar and it seems overall well made for something that would cost me around 500.


This made me kek.

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seriously is there a tuneomatic bridge out there that doesn't fucking buzz like a motherfucker? why is gibson so fucking shit? their bridges are inherently shit. same with their headstock.

how do i get this fucking bridge to be useable?

Why make it harder for yourself?
------ for life

I have a 150 dollar dean with a tuneomatic bridge and it doesn't buzz

My Gibson's tune-o-matic doesn't buzz, but I've definitely had some in the past that did.

My deans tune o matic doesnt buzz

Post the specs.
Take a look at a dean custom 450. Its a superstrat too. Do you wa

I've never once encountered a buzzing tune-o-matic, and I've played a lot of them, including a lot of Gibsons. I've played a lot of newer Gibsons, either, and none of them buzzed at the bridge.
I don't know what to tell you. The good news for you is that bridges are cheap.

Do you want a trem system or no?


fucking kek

Got a rig question here: I am a poorfag (well technically I am not, just not willing to pay for a fucking Axe-FX or something), got an audio interface, been using VSTs for my sound. Tried my AMT preamp's cabsim out with direct monitoring, appreciated the lack of digital latency, the tone is okay, but I can't say it's perfect. Do you think it is a good idea to get an OD pedal to put it before the preamp and tighten up the tone?
Here's what I've got, how could it be improved?

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"how do you do fellow kids"-tier

why not?
by the way some people use preamps as distortion pedals

If youre brazilian youre poor

i have a non-electric acoustic. i want an electric guitar. but i don’t wanna drop a lot of money on an amp/new guitar set up.

would it be worth it to buy a plug in hookup for my acoustic and use it with some old pedals i have laying around? or is that a waste of money and i should just splurge

filho da puta!
(also wrong guess)

F#: 0-0-0-0-1-0-0-0 ad infinitum

Can I re-string a nylon stringed guitar with steel strings only?

you'll fuck up your neck

Only spammy uses instaudio. Thats why i didn't click the link

The more you know.

Ok as far as the Ampeg SVT tone the Stones had, yes the SFT has a mode for it but in the end, I wasn't convinced by the SFT. Maybe by using either a Tech 21 VT Deluxe which has an effects loop or an Ampeg SCR-DI, I read the thru output can be used as an fx loop, I can run the Formula 55 into the 5F6 stacked together. Would this work or will it be a mess?

lots of people use acoustic pickups, and some of them come really cheap. You could even do a piezo if you're not turned off by the extra work of installing it, they're only like 10 bucks

Lmao Pete Thorn’s eye

I dont want to lmfao @ him because hes such a nice and down to earth guy but i cant help it . imagine how he must look to a chick in the missionary position. If you can see a mans soul through his eyes i guess his soul is twisted lol

Ha ha you have feelings

Sorry for the late response had some shit, but no i don't really need a trem.

At least theyre not gay like yours.
Do you want new or is used fine?

Prefer new because all the guitars i find used suck ass near me.

Active or passive pickups?

Recs for a good multi-effects pedal under $200?
More interested in flexibility and range of effects than really good tone, as long as it's passable for practice and amateur home studio wankery.
Also planning to use it with synths, possibly more so than guitar.

That looks pretty good user but i prefer passive pickups.

Your laptop and a direct box

Next best thing after an axe fx setup

The latency makes playing live next to impossible but it's suitable for recording

when i find a used gutiar near me it's barely $100 off the new price

i bought one used anyways because it came set up already

Thanks but I'm looking for a hardware solution. I've been using VST amps and pedals for a while and it's just a fucking drag having to set everything up in a DAW when I feel like strumming a bit. Also pretty limiting in terms of how many effects I can set up before my PC starts overheating.

Dean are unmitigated dumpster planks for people who don't know better.

Be careful, if you keep talking like that jcum will challenge you to a guitar duel then cry when he loses.

This thing is being blown out new for less than you can buy them used. I've been jonesing for a V, a Floyd, and a Dean...and here's all 3 in one guitar. Cons, I'm not big on the paint, but whatever...but that switch placement.

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shut up faggot, you're just mad because you suck. we like Pink Suhr's OC

Though I wish he'd play music instead of exercises.

they look like they have all the gibson problems with none of the chance of getting one that's actually quality, unlike gibson, which will make a good guitar that just needs a better cut/lubricated nut 75% of the time

This post is wrong. My korean deans are flawless. Maybe try getting a job so that way you can afford a guitar not made in china.

While avatarfagging is obnoxious, I agree; Pink Suhr is the only person regularly posting his playing.

Not gonna lie the paint is ugly. Thats the traci gunns one right?

He just recycles the same 4 clips.

Yeah. Like I said, I'm not a fan of the paint either, but it's a great deal.

Maybe you should guitar duel Pink Suhr.

Of course I can’t post my real music but here’s something lol

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Sure when its not rigged

>i can't post my real music

given a history of famous quirky cunts like andrew WK posting on Yea Forums just as normal anons i wouldn't be surprised

How much are they going for?

Youve posted this already

Great stuff mate

I doubt any of you have or would hear of me but I’d rather not have my pretty anime guitar pictures getting back to my real life world lol

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So you want to duel Pink Suhr?

You post something then, fa/gg/ot

Nothing was ever rigged, 900fag. Have some grace in losing.

Can you prove this or are you just looking for attention?


>asking jcum if he's just looking for attention
"HAHAHA, OH WOW", etc. He changes his name regularly so people can't filter him.

Ive already proven its a personality he started cross personality posting and i caught him. Keep up

Thats actually not bad at all.

I don't follow, you just said you did want to duel him and now you say you can't duel him because he's a roman personality? Are you chickening out?


Pink Suhr is 100 years ahead of you. But no bully, that was nice. Are you just recording through a laptop mic or something? Is that the easiest way to record OC for you guys?

Yeah we can tell heres your (you) relax now
Can you prove hes not a personality?

Yes, we can prove he's not a personality if you duel him.

Its literally recorded through my phone. All my uploads are first time improvs. Thats why some sound better than others its a way for me to practice scales and phrasing on the fly.

Give me an audiostamp first

Thoughts on Zoom G3X Vs. Zoom G3XN ?

I read some reviews and it sounds like you can stack more pedals on the G3X than the XN, but maybe that's changed since the last review?

He'll be performing OC to backing tracks we select; that already is an audiostamp.


>tfw you’re so good people want proof
I just want to post my pictures and jams, guys.

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Will you duel him? It would be hilarious.

all anyone wants is some achnowledgement in one of your recordings that its you. normally I'd say fuck that, do your thing.
But there's a lot of people sharing your practice routine, there's a lot of people that look up to you. It'd be nice if we had some acknowledgement that we're not all being taken for a ride.
Is that fair?

Play an F, an A, and a G with vibrato and then jam or you're the son of a studio owner and you're using other people's clips.

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I often see the ms70cdr in guitar and synth videos. It's a hundred bucks or so new.

Youre gonna be dissapointed

i wouldnt respond to this either. stop bully.

Can I plug my guitar straight into my laptop to record via the mic jack and an adapter? What do interface boxes do?

You could do
guitar > amp > aux cord > laptop
you need some kind of intermediary between the guitar and computer, the computer can't receive dry input from an electric guitar directly

Is it ever too late to start learning?

If you have bony mets, sure. If you're just a neurotic twenty-something, don't worry about it, just get playing.

No. Just dont be delusional

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Probably a dumb question but why are basic audio interfaces like the Scarlett 2i2 so much more expensive than audio mixers with more than twice as many inputs and more dedicated controls like panning and eq? I have a 2i2 and the noise floor is pretty awful - are mixers even worse or is it just the ability to digitally record multiple tracks that makes interfaces more expensive?

Leonardo da Vinci was considered a failed artist until he painted his first masterpiece at age 49.
Start practicing, faggot

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Thanks bros, I'm actually extremely interested in learning saxophone and now I'm bout to do it

I've tried my hand at sax before, the way the instrument is laid out feels much more intuitive than a guitar, and the embouchure is quite a bit easier than with other wind instruments.
It's very loud though, and to properly mute it you need a case mute that costs hundreds of dollars. Not ideal if you live in a condo or an apartment

Ah that sucks, I live in a sharehouse with 3 other students.

>it's very loud
Remember where you are.


Electric guitars have volume knobs, woodwinds don't

Volume knobs are for pansies.


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Don't blow as hard

You mean volume knobs are for people who know how to use them.

Yes, people who know how to use volume knobs are pansies, because volume knobs are for pansies... jcum.

Is CAGED worth looking into if I already know the neck pretty well?

Volume pedal > volume knob

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Any here ever use their tone knobs?

While it can take some edge of a single coil bridge pickup, I find a shelving high cut much more usable than the sharp rolloff of a tone pot.


lol Bobby beat up his 90 year old mom.

Rock n Roll

Daily reminder that you are wasting your time talking about guitars in this thread rather than actually practicing and getting better

shut up and go play smoke on the water some more, bedroom warrior

Buncha bonafide dumbfucks. Its almost like having a 2 channel amp of you know how to properly use it.
>play on crunch channel with suhr aldrich pickups
>thick and hot
>roll back volume knob
>cleans up instantly and is much closer to clean than crunch
>roll volume knob back up when you need to bring the heat.

I'm at work, dumbass. my time is being wasted regardless of what squalid corner of the internet I decide to squat in.
Alas, gotta get that cheddar.

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Im at work getting paid to shitpost. Dont you look stupid

How is that not achievable with a volume pedal, you world-class retard?

volume pedal doesn't lower the output of your pickups specifically, just the whole signal that's fed into it.

I was under the impression that volume pedals control the decibels not gain

What the fuck am I reading dot jaypeg.

>I just wanted an excuse to spew a bunch of meaningless buzzwords because it makes me feel like I actually know what I'm talking about

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I usually dial back with the volume and I've been looking at a few volume knob only guitats but still hesitant. You never know when you might need it.

Passive volume pedals are just volume pots in a chassis. 900fag's room temperature IQ strikes again.

Can anyone list some of the differences between short scale basses and regular ones?
>inb4 they are smaller
i'm talking about sound and performance in general

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daily reminder that you are wasting your time trying to "git gud" at guitar instead of learning the much more complex yet much more rewarding and relevant art of music production and/or learning how to sing

Fuck off kid the adults are talking. Do you even play guitar? How is clean a buzzword you absolute moron?

You don't even understand how volume pots and pedals work; you're just as retarded, if not moreso, than him.

Lets see it in action then

Are you retarded my man? When you lower your volume knob, you're reducing the output of your pickups before it reaches the rest of your chain. When you use a volume pedal, you're only reducing the volume of whatever is fed into it, meaning you can't change the character of your pickups only using a volume pedal.

Go for it.

Draw me the schem. IT'S IDENTICAL.

You already wasted your time by not learning piano starting from age 6

no shit. Learning guitar can get you nowhere, learning how to sing can get you anywhere

>I'm gonna roll back my thick hot tone so that I don't have as much crunch except when I want it to be be crispy and my guitar will get heated but sometimes I want smooth, not chunky
Tone, or peanut butter? jcum will pretend to know

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i cant believe some people are actually this dumb, passive volume pedals are just pots that you operate with your foot

nigga I aint going to draw a schematic. All you need to know is, volume knob = pre-output, volume pedal = post-output. It should be obvious why they react differently.

Volume pots in different parts of a chain will react differently you dumb shit.

Mami desu

Attached: mami.jpg (852x1280, 165K)

They're not in different parts of the chain if you plug directly into the volume pedal, you utter, utter, retards. I have never been this appalled at the stupidity of this thread in all my time here.

Look up the schems. A pot to ground is a pot to ground. It's almost like guitarists don't know any EE...


it's not in a different part of the chain if you have your volume pedal first

my guess is, strings are more relaxed so they have a mellower earthier tone with smoother singing mids and less immediate attack, like les pauls as opposed to superstrats

Like i said provide a video source with it in action.

nobody here actually knows how to play guitar. go back to r/eddit

7:15 into it for a good example.

>when a single innocuous shitpost snowballs into a mountain of rustled jimmies
exactly as planned

Attached: 1508812988267.png (711x462, 74K)

you really are a shocking retard

They even said it was different you stupid shit, that doesn't sound like a volume knob cleaning up at all.

Watch the fucking video, you utter retard. A passive volume pedal is just a pot in a shell.

yeah a pot in the shell after the guitars output jack. It might sound similar but it's not the same.

The part on his tele was the best. I'll have to try an open tuning at one point.

It's exactly the same. The output jack is just a simple connection, like a wire. Look up the schems before recommencing shitposting.

Go try it out, plug into a volume pedal (of the same valume as your guitars pots), then into an overdrive/distortion and tell me they sound the same when you roll back the volume. I'm not into any of the newfangled science stuff but I know they sound different. 35 years of touring with some of the hottest bands can't steer me wrong.


I'm not the one that needs convincing.

And by the way, we're not arguing about whether it "sounds the same", we're establishing that jcm900fag is a retard because he didn't know that rolling off volume with a pedal reduced your amp's gain.

Does rolling off your guitar's volume with a passive volume pedal reduce your amp's drive?

Nah it didnt function the same as the volume knob. Sorry mate but youre wrong. But we can agree to disagree


>i dont want to talk about how im wrong i want to talk about jcm900fag

See I'll take "agree to disagree" as an admission that you agree that rolling off your volume with a pedal cleans up your signal, as we discussed here:
Solid attempt at moving the goalposts, though.

Using a passive volume pedal cleans up the gain from your amp.
Using a passive volume pedal cleans up the gain from your amp.
Using a passive volume pedal cleans up the gain from your amp.
Using a passive volume pedal cleans up the gain from your amp.

No i heard the video and it had ewual amount of dirt just a lower volume. With my volume knob i can go from death metal hi gain to jazzy cleans. I didnt hear that with the pedal.

Then you need to watch the whole video, Einstein. It cleans up, just as they describe.

>50 mins on volume pedals
Thats stupid and if youve watched it then youre a retard armchair tonist.

Can you provide the time ?

>oh no, I'm wrong, I better insult him
Try a shorter video if you have the attention span of a turnip:

This is signal path 101, 900fag. Try this video: Now go to a guitar shop and try it yourself. I'm assuming you don't have your own volume pedal, since you'd already know this if you did.


stop mogging me goddamn even your vibrato is the shit