Why was it so damn forgettable, Yea Forums?

Why was it so damn forgettable, Yea Forums?

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bad mixing
boring lyrics

because of your dementia

fad: the band

autistic contrarian faggot: the poster

It isn't, Death Grips Is Online, Flies and Black Paint are some of their most popular songs. Top tier cover as well

>still caring about meme grips
have your needles even dropped?

>still thinking death grips owe their fame to fantano and have no artistic merit

It's not if you listened to it enough times. While not their best I do think it's their most fun album to listen to.

cause i threw it in the garbage because it fucked all my shit up.

It lost a lot of the cool electronic elements that made the other albums so good, and as stated by others the mixing is pretty bad. My favorite song from it, Death Grips Is Online, has no punch to it.

cause its sounds like death grips doing me, and i do me better than death grips, they should do themselves

can you deluded fags shut up about DG knowing you and listening to your music?

It was flavor of the month. As soon as your precious youtuber shill stops talking about it you stop talking about it too. Bandwaggoning faggots.

he's right

I fucking love the more math-rock direction of it. IDK what you all are talking about it's good. They have a lot of really good albums to choose from of course

It's clear that they don't care anymore

one more album late this year or next year and they're gonna break up

They nutted so hard with Bottomless Pit being their best album they had to calm it down with a shitty cool down session.

it wasn't that bad
Death Grips is Online > Flies > Black Paint and The Fear > Disappointed are great moments in the album
its downfall it how much filler it has
The Horn Section and Little Richard are the worst offenders

This. Bottomless Pit is album of the decade, they would have been perfectly fine if they stopped there.

>8 years of relevancy and still getting more popular

Based user

YOTS is the second best Neo-psychdelia album of the 2010's, right behind Halycon Digest

Idk man I really liked it. Their next album is the definitive test. If it just sounds like the last couple, well, fuck em

It was ok, the older stuff was amazing but they peaked at Bottomless Pit. I think its all downhill from here unfortunately, but it might still be ok

Attached: KKKino.jpg (400x400, 96K)

>neo psychedelia

Better than BP desu, the hits are more scattered throughout, also DG haven’t released a single album w/o filler you just have to accept it

idk if it was forgettable. the opening to death grips is online was stuck in my head for weeks recently, and i don't really listen to them. saw them live with my girlfriend.

i agree
bottomless pit then nldw are the two best

>Top tier cover as well
that is a lie

why even be in this thread

leave. no is forcing you to read this.

All the filler. There's some great songs on here like the first three songs and the last two songs but the rest is so much filler it becomes an incredibly boring album. Plus, the production is some of the worst production I've heard in years, which contributes to it's forgettableness.