Acclaimed albums you've never listened to

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your loss

That album is a little over an hour long, just fucking give it a listen idiot

I’m in OPs boat lmao

Kind of Blue

pornography aged better

here u go thank me l8r

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Listen to neighborhood 1 (tunnels) and if that doesn’t convince you I don’t know what will

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same + pic

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Used to be my favorite album when I was 16

please do its great

never listened to any Radiohead song T.T

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not even Creep or Karma Police?
If you want to get into RH you should start with In Rainbows

It'd be easier to just show you all
I don't like to buy albums that are out of print or super pricey or hard to find physically and don't like pirating music so that's how I ended up this way

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fucking do it, it's a great album even if you're not into any sort of electronic music

>no itaots
Literally how have you not listened to it for the memes at least

What? I blanked it out, it's the big one on the top left.
The ones you can see are the ones I haven't heard

How the fuck have you never listened to pet sounds

I have you fool
I guess I should have said I blanked out the ones I have heard

i haven't either desu

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This is a lot more slow droney and ocultic than I was expecting but it’s really growing on me. Though it would be more punky by the album art

i’ve never listened to deathconciousness

listen to it my friend

Literally one of the best albums of all time mate. You are missing out.

yikes. why are you still on this board.

It's literally their worst fucking album

And also Blonde on Blonde

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Is it worth listening to? Seems kind of edgy to me

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The names completely deceptive. It’s not edgy at all it’s actually filled with passon and vital youthful exuberance. definitely worth it

Don't be mean to me

Anything made by the Beatles

The Smiths
Talk Talk

this album is like the exact opposite of edgy


Do yourself a favor, and skip those

Literally these are some of the greatest albums ever made.

For me,

Lemonade (Beyonce)
Songs About Fucking
Tragedy (Holter)
Saturation 2-3

yep im thinking im based

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>declaring yourself based
Inherently cringe

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>wow your so based!

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man you gotta check it out soon, it's only like a 40 minute album. One of my all time favorites

Any Beatles album.

Any album that came out before 1980

And most of Bowie (only heard Hunky Dory)...

this, too

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The ones you can see are the ones I haven't listened to

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And Smiths I haven't heard too..

These are the high-tier Scaruffi albums I haven't heard. What should I listen to next?

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Hüsker dü

Damn son
Sea Change is really good, would recommend especially if you’re feelin sad

I've tried but meh

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I would call you a pleb but I feel bad for you

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man you gotta check it out soon, it's only like a 20 minute album. One of my all time favorites.

halber mensch is a goat industrial album

Why feel bad about pirating music? I mean, you can buy a CD of an album you love anyway, to have an item that looks nice for example, and to use it in car etc. I don't know about laws with pirating music in your country, I do because it's legal here to do it for your own use. It's like feeling bad about googling information you'd like to know, because then libraries would lose one reader. C'mon. Also artists are aware of pirating, and usually don't mind. It's better if 10000 know the band, because it's talked about, than if all 100 who know it bought it

I have never listened to a full album by pink floyd, led zeppelin, or nirvana and I have no real desire to change that any time soon

same but I really want to

I think you really ought to then

DSoTM is a classic. It was classic the day they released it. I mean it's a little cliché now, I guess, and all their albums are good and unique too, but DSoTM is worth checking out first. Nirvana and Led Zeppelin ain't that interesting for me too, tho. I mean I heard some Led Zeppelin's albums once or twice, and enjoyed it, but that's it. And PF perhaps is sentimental for me, because it was the first album I was shown when I was little. It was one of my dad's favourite and it was around the time he died that I first listened to it, but it's touching.

didn't listen to this until a couple nights ago and am mad that I didn't listen to it earlier

The Powers That B is their best.
Especially Niggas on the Moon

You're missing out. Talking Heads are amazing.

what a trash list

not worth it anyways, happiness is a warm gun and while my guitar sre all you need

to pimp a butterfly
siamese dream
the fat of the land
velvet underground and nico
pink moon
silent shout
twin fantasy
tubular bells

that’s all i can think of

oh man you gotta listen to this right now
i guarantee the first track will pull you in immediately

listen to Siamese dream its one of my favorite albums

OK, I'm not sad right now, so I'll go with halber mensch first
The chanting of "Halber Mensch" on the first song sounds awesome

I don't generally listen to old music, i find it boring most of the time.

Zen Aracade next
Nice, check out Vocalcity. Sasu Ripatti's discography is enormous but all of it is really good. Maybe i have a bias because he is from the same country as I.

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Velvets underground is just essential to understanding to whole history of rock and underground music. You’ll be shocked half those songs came out when they did


yeah fuck those shit bands.

Here's another tip: never listen to The Beatles or Bob Dylan either. Boomer trash

I like a lot of those but really the one that makes me think you're missing out the most is tubular bells

Listen to Demilich
Listen to Demilich
Listen to Demilich
Listen to Demilich
Listen to Demilich
Listen to Demilich

go fucking listen to them

just listened to the wall


listen to all of those, but skip hospice

>not skip Lemonaide
Relugnant taste, bottom of the barrel

You're not missing out much
Anything the Residents does is great, listen to it.
>Songs About Fucking
SAF is great but Atomizer is even better, listen to both.
Probably AOTD for me, might take multiple listens and a certaing 'mood' to get
>Saturation 2-3
Was really into this band... for like 3 weeks, then quickly got over them. Alright albums tho (especially 2)

Awful opinion.

Fucking listen to Xiu Xiu, Neubauten and Giles Corey as soon as possible

Despite loving many classic rock albums, I haven't listened to anything by The Doors, Led Zepplin, or The Kinks.

Don’t listen to The Epic, ever.

I haven't checked anything by Pink Floyd outside DSotM or WYWH. I didn't care for the former, but did enjoy WYWH.

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Zen Arcade, Repeater, and Down Colorful Hill are all great.

There's a fair amount I've never listened to, but have never been particularly interested in them - either because they're made by artists I don't like or in genres I don't like.
Listen to Songs from the Big Chair right now, no excuses
Am almost envious of these lads, being able to experience some of the greatest music of all time for the first time.

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I can’t think of a single song that captures the beauty and recklessness of youth better than 1979

listen to animals it's their best

sea change, hi how are you, the great adventures, and mystic stylez are the ones id check out pronto. all essential albums.


also most hip hop, jazz, metal classics and some 60s albums


You're missing out.

Dark Skid on the Side of the Toilet stinks. Led is boomer trash. Nirvana.. In Utero is decent.

Skip Twin Fantasy.


I've never even thought about listening to most of mucore list dude
I just listen to what I like, if it's mucore, whatever idc

I've never heard a single Radiohead, slint, talking heads, or neutral milk hotel, king crimson, and gizard wizard or whatever the fuck that band is

Things like European Son and Sister Ray can come off as just mindless noise sometimes but if you listen carefully they keep specifically in time and in sync with each other throughout all of it, it's kind of a mindblowing realization once you realize what you're hearing. They of course have all their other greatly written songs that aren't as "deep art" BS, but those deceptively simple songs juxtaposed with some of those wild moments is a high point for all music since the 60s nobody has really been able to even resemble.
Twin Fantasy is alright but it's still just very basic modern indie rock. However, it's very exceptionally unique and craftily written modern indie rock, boring modern indie rock all the same, but it's probably in the 90th percentile of that whole thing that's going on. I'm not really a huge CHR person but if not Twin Fantasy then How to Leave Town is probably the most interesting thing he's got. A lot of the other stuff you can give or take.

Listen to Residents, Butthole Surfers, and Vampire Rodents

Not available, parable of arable land, and rock bottom are all amazing

You suck

If you're a fan of distortion you'll love it. I mean it unironically.

you dun goofed

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all of Yea Forums's favorites, lol

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This seems like it would really annoy me