Well mu?

well mu?

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Ariel was right.

She's not the sole arbiter of judgment for her music. Go make your shitty symphonic nu metal concept album you twat.

Well if grimes hates it that means I have to like it now.


She's right, Grimes is shit.

Gonna have to disagree with grimes, it’s one of my favorite pop albums hands down, really good and displayed her song writing ability. Assuming she actually wrote those songs, of course, which if she’s calling it a piece of crap makes me think she didn’t write those signs and it hating on it because pop executives were the actual force behind her best work.

>all of her defenders weren't her fans at all

Yea Forums doesn't care about grimsby anymore?

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>grimes hates her only good album
like poetry, nothing this goblin does surprises me anymore

Lol her whole career is a piece of crap and she's a stain on this board

I think Art Angels is okay. It doesn’t come anywhere close to Visions though which was about an 8.5/10 for me. There are also some serious cringe moments on Art Angels too.

thought you were better than this namefag. also its not visions 2.0. it's nu metal, she's said this.

could be the case as she was complaining about her label like a year ago

This was unexpected

Doesn’t everyone hate their past works 3 years later? I know I do.

>She talks about a few specific songs again, too, including “So Heavy I Fell Through The Earth,” which this time she says is about “specifically how when a dude comes inside you, you become in their thrall — how it’s an attack on your feminist freedom.”

Pretty much this. I love AA too, but something tells me that she hates it because a bunch of people ghostwrote for her.

Now that Elon is financing her lifestyle, she has no reason to sellout. Art Angels was the epitome of distancing yourself from true creative intent to create a commercialized product for exposure and profit. Awful fucking album and fuck all you that defended it, no one respects a delusional cocksucking liar not even the person you’re lying to defend. Any make that liked art Angels is a absolute faggot. No nuance from visions which has universal appeal. Art Angels is music t teenage girls and any man listening to it needs to be castrated

Finally I can agree with Grimes on something. Halfaxa is the only good album she has ever released

what the FUCK did she mean by this?

Still better than that Eilish album.

i like the new grimes
she has changed
she's a woman now

Well... non-sensical remarks will only grow her legend at this point. As will hopeless "I'm not Grimes anymore, it's time for a new persona" sentiments.

Subconsciously, she realizes her peak is over.

She already took back that comment on social media. She said she gets really anxious during interviews and says shit she doesn’t mean. I don’t know if she’s telling the truth but it’s a pretty good excuse to say whatever the fuck you want in interviews

Lol, hell no

the point she makes is that people didn't get the aesthetics or meaning, it's not the songs are shit (ofc they're not)

Hell fucking yes! It's diverse and has the soul.

>intent to create a commercialized product
With the songs like SCREAM in it? Nonsense.

Artangels > Visions >>>>>>>>>> Visions without Oblivion

>artist stopped liking its songs therefore they might be ghost-produced
a shit logic desu

reminds me how deadmau5 was releasing a new album with saying he doesn't even like it

i do

bro... elon cucked this entire board and we are still recovering from it... not cool....

Oh so that's why I hate Art Angels.

Can she just go make visions over again

based but her newer songs are not any better desu but i still love my slavic goddess

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why make something that was already done in the past? it's time for something new

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I always thought art angels was mostly just a fluke, an impropable malfunction in the primordial mass of our deterministic chaos. she wasn't that bad before it, sometimes even decent, but it looks like she's about to go full mallgoth (the normie kind) and end her short carrer with a bloody debacle that will allow all the netflix watching, balance board using kids join her fandom. it wasn't even a ride, it was like being hit by a meteorite and it happens once per lifetime in millions upon millions of parallel universes. now it's time to get out of this crater

She gone full retard
We thought she was before, but ...

Grimes is brave and cool!

grimes a shit

how much meth do you think she smokes a day now that she has access to Elon Musk's meme wealth


this, visions was way better

>made we appreciate power SOBER
that’s even more embarrassing

Then I suppose she's pulled out that album from release, so no one could buy that piece of crap, right?

Good on Elon for checking her ego and making sure she understands how bad her music is. I bet that's really his sentiment on the album.

Except he likes her music

Even if somebody released actual terrible offensive human rights violating meme rap metal machine music duet numbers with Saddam Hussein, if they released it it should not be pulled from being released. Web stores maybe but if copies have been made then they are owed to the public domain’s access

shut the FUCK up

god, if only she had said this while the grimesfags were at their height on this board.

So nothing she says can be trusted? Good to know

That would make it highly ironic then if this new shit of hers ends up getting blasted

The fuck happens to a person where they come up with this shit

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She's right
Visions was actually pretty good but I hated AA and haven't paid much attention since. The memeing didn't help. We Appreciate Power was fun though.

Imagine getting pleb-filtered by your own album!

I like her music too, but Art Angels was a fucking trainwreck

Songs from Art Angels attracted Elon to her

I don't give a shit

No son, only faggot divas and people who never had talent to begin with do that

that's called backpedalling and hypocrisy
>She said she gets really anxious during interviews and says shit she doesn’t mean

She's the creator, she should be able to do with her work as she pleases


>he thinks that song isn't highly marketable pop
I bet you think The Offspring is too hard hitting for FM radio

why break the tradition of the 2010s? Maybe next decade someone wil do something new

>She already took back that comment on social media.
exactly where??...

nowhere, it was a lie

yeah, i knew it :) btw she's just saying that to generate hype. "wow grimes said her most aclaimed record is crap :0 imagine how good this new one is going to sound then wow :0"

imagine comeing inside of grimes

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she should have quit in 2012 while she was ahead

The man cant be stopped

wow, grimes is actually pretty cool now

BLUARGH x2 for consumerist faggotry

Do women really do this

>implying grimes is a woman

Ugh, I was old enough to live through that era. Other than Toxicity, the first Korn album and the first two Deftones albums, the whole damn scene was insufferable. We really, really, REALLY don't need to bring it back

She said on her Instagram she never said that. Check her comments on her latest post. Who knows though, I’m not a fan of art angels at all.

not true

She's such a fucking idiot.

>>he thinks that song isn't highly marketable pop
lol how is it even marketable? did you hear on any radio at least once?

but then we wouldn't have the album of the decade which is art angels

BAHAHAHAHAHA I have said all along that Art Angels is a piece of crap album and now Grimes has confirmed it

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This is a natural thought process. Girls are hardwired to like rape.

I love Art Angels, but yeah, Scream is pretty weak, totally breaks the flow too. Speaking of flow, it's a little off too, it feels like there are four songs in a row at the beginning that all wanna be intro songs. But still, top 5 records of all time.

Please keep nu-metal the fuck back in 2000-2006. We don't want it back. Please.

She’s always been too harsh and critical on herself. Most of her most popular songs she dislikes herself.
I guess I can agree that the theme of art angels didn’t really go anywhere. But I think she really refined her skill as a musician and producer in this album. She probably learned a lot from it which is why she’s so hard on it now. So in that sense it served a purpose. For art angels she had a bigger budget and more resources and instruments, she was getting the hang of using it all. I think this coming album is going to be a lot more focused, I’m excited to see what she comes out with.

Oh no no no no!

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Another out of context bullshit. Should be ignored.

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