Ahhh, much better

Attached: FE8A41B4-AC60-4DAA-AE3C-FCF04660453E.jpg (634x524, 145K)


This, but they’re topped instead

>the "im a virgin and I hate femoids" starter pack

But you are gonna miss all the good Bill Elise threads

Based and redpilled
Cringe and bluepilled

Attached: based 10.jpg (225x225, 5K)

thank u, next

Fucking based. Fuck Yea Forums, fuck pop, fuck hip-hop and fuck negroes

mega cringe



Have sex


Attached: queens.jpg (640x625, 77K)

Mega cringe




Have fun in your self-made safe space.


biggest cringe and yikes this year.
off yourself.


thanks for the inspiration OP i totally forgot about that feature. made my own filters now :)

Attached: img_094.jpg (391x525, 36K)

>mfw I make half of those threads
hahahaha i love living rent free in your head

whoops forgot clairo gonna add her now

well just until today you lived there rent free now i kicked you out you fucking female talentlet and nigger worshipping fuckhead ;)

I get how to use filters for the catalog but how can i use them for threads too?
For example when I filter "rap" it makes the catalog threads with "rap" in the OP disappear but the posts in the thread are still there.

can you use filters on mobile as well?

I never understood why kpop threads are the most popular here

Yeah, newfag

Because Yea Forums is a garbage board where most of its traffic comes from fans of plastic models.

You’re welcome:)

Degenerate waifufags who don't have any other board to fawn over their plastic industry plants
Wish they would be banished to some other board tbqh

Please help

they dont talk about their music either. they just post pics of them because they think theyre hot. they should move to /s/

your loss

Attached: billie has a big tongue.png (312x630, 446K)



>miss this lil nigga


Attached: 1551746211616.jpg (613x531, 67K)

>regularly replace lowercase L with a capital i or capital i with lowercase L to dab on filter fags

some of you are better fit on /r/eddit.

but /kpg/ spent the last few threads shittalking a newly released song

Attached: rat12.jpg (851x1280, 217K)

holy shit she is an ugly girl

something isn't obsession when you see it everyday and it's the same shit everytime nigger, ironically it's you that's obsessed
>haha I love living rent free in your head