Why does this board have such a hard time staying on topic? Just talk about music and stop getting distracted

Why does this board have such a hard time staying on topic? Just talk about music and stop getting distracted

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Other urls found in this thread:


This thread is off-topic, Annie is over the hill

because they are a bunch of dumb plebs

>Just talk about music and stop getting distracted
then why did you post a great pic picture with annie clark?



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literally no one is here to discuss music newfag

Captain Fungus seethes in jealousy

Not a single post about music in this thread, moot should just shut down Yea Forums

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My man you live under a rock.

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Shes still hot and her music is still good. Masseduction was very weak overall but the best tracks on that album beat most modern pop. Her previous albums are all really good too. Her voice is very easy on the ears, she's very expressive and it works well with her wry lyrics. Her guitar playing is great. Very simple and melodic with nice unique tones that are basically her trademark at this point considering no one else uses them.

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I miss pre-degenerate annie

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I'm having such a hard staying right now

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Same reason every board on Yea Forums has gone to shit: the mistaken befief that /pol/ posters = sustainable revenue. Beacause they're the sort of people that buy dick supplements from Alex Jones.

>tfw Annie is getting older and older and still hasn't had a baby. Her career is already established and she has a loyal fanbase but she still holds out. She'll never be a full on milf. She'll never be a true Mommy. She'll never put on some much needed baby weight.

Why did Sufjan ruin men for her Yea Forums?

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Because actual "music discussion" is limited to
>I like this song best
>lets rank their albums

this is not a healthy thread.

I'm sure she'll be around to fuck you later tonight after making such a valiant post in her defense

byrne was the final nail in the coffin

Why doesn't Yea Forums make it so a user(just track their IP) consistently posts on /pol/(more than 150 or 200 posts to be safe) they have a little swastika as their trip.

It would keep this psyop bullshit from indoctrinating normal users of other boards. Literally nobody likes them. They commit so much of the "jewry" that they always cry victim for that it's not even funny. Literally the most manipulative and hateful people on the internet cry that the jews are manipulating everything to destroy them.

I like picturing her in a gangbang! How about you anons?

Name me 5 songs you've heard from her and why you don't like them.

uh oh, we got the gatekeeper of the annieplsfuckme superfans here

Not him, but answer his question

what has to be said about the trite garbage produced after Actor?

The reasons you don't like it, as user asked you?

>/pol/ is the reason Yea Forums cant have a legitimate discussion about literally anything
peak delusion

Yeah, he asked. So what? Am I not allowed to dislike garbage without spelling it out for those wishing to put their dick in it later? Get over yourself

Annie is extremely talented. If your reason for not liking her is she's pretty, maybe you don't know much about music.

>bare feet on stage
I'm not a germophobe or anything, but this is so disgusting

Stages are clean. Rockstars literally roll around on stage.

>Am I not allowed to dislike garbage without spelling it out
Not really.

So once again, why do you not like it? Just answer or stop posting

She had a few gems, sure, but her style wore thin at about the same rate as her looks.

Why would I dislike pretty people? Why would someone whose appeal is supposedly their talent have to get progressively whorier as age sets in?

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I can't handle the fact that a woman is making some of the best music today. I don't like to think about it. It makes my dick fall off.

>Just answer or stop posting
lol, look at this wannabe authoritarian steep in his impotent rage. I literally created the only discussion going on ITT by stating the fact that she's over the hill, maybe you should move on?

lol, how pathetic can you get? You must be one of the women hoping annie will fuck them, hard to imagine a man would make such a response as an argument

If you can't prove it, it's not true.

Sorry user. Time to stop posting.

I've proposed that more than once in QA. What's likely happened is that a substantial percentage of the volunteer workforce is now /pol/ freindly.

This is all down to moot and his fearful, pussy backtracking after deleting /new/. Fuck him. I could carve a better man out of a banana.

>If you can't prove it, it's not true.
there's plenty of pictures, you delusional freak

>there's plenty of pictures
Not what was asked of you.

Nice misdirection

>I've proposed that more than once in QA
want to know how I know you're gay? or are you the woman ITT? hahaha

You're not discussing anything. You just shit on a post about her music and then dodge the dudes response. Give me 5 songs and why you don't like them. You seem to be slightly familiar with her music so it should be an easy question.

I'm literally directing you towards observable evidence that the milk needs to be taken out of the fridge before someone gets a mouthful of curdled garbage.

>You just shit on a post about her music
I'm the first poster ITT, and this thread is not and never was a discussion of her music. Try reading instead of going into white knight mode at the sight of her

One mediocre album? That's all it takes? She can probably recover. She's still a pretty good performer and an extremely talented guitarist.

Still waiting on you to rescue those kids.

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Moot isn't here anymore bud. He sold it to some guy who so far does'nt give a shit about the site and is solely focused on staying out of the red. Seriously don't know where he got the money, but moot got out at the perfect time.

my point exactly. a delusional moron who thinks /pol/ is some nefarious hivemind ruining everything he loves in life.

Did you stand up too quickly?


You didn't answer my question.

oh, I think I broke him. my bad.

Cheer up, buddy. Maybe Annie will fuck you after all. I mean, anything is possible I guess.

There's no question posed anywhere in that chain of replies, genius. Are you the guy who thinks he can force someone to discuss his personal mommy fetish with anons on Yea Forums?

We are talking about music, not milk.

If you like someone's music, you must want to fuck them?

So you don't care that children are still being used as sex slaves.

Got it.

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>nefarious hivemind ruining everything he loves in life
Yeah, they're not a group of like minded individuals who stamp out opposing views within an instant and definitely don't try and shift normal discussions of topics into simple race-baiting and a narrative of white-genocide. They totally don't approve of violence whether in isolated incidents of hate or a full blown race war that changes the landscape of the world. They're just family men. The true proletariat. The silent majority.


We're talking about a woman who's over the hill, milk is a fitting comparison

Did I say that? Mind you that this whole thing stemmed from one off-handed comment that she's over the hill, not that her music was bad. Would someone who enjoys her music feel the need to be so invested in defending her degrading looks? Why even mention her talent in reference to that?

Are you really here to discuss music?

Just curious.

Jokes on you guys, i'm seeing her in a concert tonight

Cool, but how it it bad specifically?

>Yeah, they're not a group of like minded individuals who stamp out opposing views within an instant
lol, you must have some weak-ass opinions, faggot Also, you literally are a retard that thinks /pol/ is a hivemind, impressive.

This thread isnt a discussion of music, retard. Try to keep up. It was off-topic the moment OP made their post

Oh, so when you said over the hill you were talking about her looks and not her ability to make music. Nice way to shift the topic of discussion towards her looks and not her music then backtrack and say the waifufags need to stop with the pictures and shit because they don't care abou the music.

Dude you're baiting hard and these two posts show it. Keep goading for (you)'s and nkt answer a single question.

>weak ass opinions
Is ddosing, doxing, and search algorithm manipulation all to ruin a persons reputation a valid form of disproving an argument? What about calling people who oppose your views soiboi cucks and never giving an argument outside of an insult? What about having the jannies pruning threads that argue against your bullshit?

>Oh, so when you said over the hill you were talking about her looks and not her ability to make music. Nice way to shift the topic of discussion towards her looks
bitch where on earth did you hear that expression in regards to anything else?
And yes, her music took a dive around strange mercy IMO

>Dude you're baiting hard and these two posts show it. Keep goading for (you)'s and nkt answer a single question.
Not sure if I chummed bait or a psychotropic drug that makes incels go insane in defense of their mommy. This thread sure is something

Nah. You were drawn here by the bait.

If there's any music you like at all it's by marketing majors wearing cowboy hats that swing by your trailer park four times a year.

Good luck. Hillbilly.

>Is ddosing, doxing, and search algorithm manipulation all to ruin a persons reputation a valid form of disproving an argument?
lol, you really think that's the average /pol/ user? like I said, delusional. I bet you wont even recognize that doxxing and deplatforming is a preferred tactic of the left

>What about calling people who oppose your views soiboi cucks and never giving an argument outside of an insult? What about having the jannies pruning threads that argue against your bullshit?
What about not projecting in place of a real argument? Pathetic

lol, now this is amazing. I've never damaged someone's ego so severely that they had to accuse me of being a county fan to save face with themselves

First time for everything I guess

>why can't Yea Forums stay on topic???
>topic changes to St Vincent

Yea Forums has the worst taste in waifus

>what about not projecting in place of a real argument?
As if the things I said in my original post don't have huge threads orchestrating plots and reviling in the tactics you use or literally happen everyday. Quit it with the projecting meme. We all know its a way to shift the blame from one self.

What makes you think that you're entitled to a platform? Fuck the first ammendment. You guys truly don't give a shit about it. Also I have no problem with a nazi being doxxed. That guy doesn't give a shit about me. He wants me exterminated in the long run. Theres something noble about exposing you rat bastards.

I know you guys all think the same thing of the left because anyone whos not insanely rascist is an instrument of the jews trying to exterminate you.

Let’s get back on topic

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Country is your favorite music genre. The Walking Dead is your favorite TV show. You eat at a buffet restaurant twice a week. You love college football.

I know who you are and so do major industries. You're a flyover drone and I have your number.

On the day you die I will feel nothing.

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>What makes you think that you're entitled to a platform? Fuck the first ammendment.
lol, there it is. We all know you're a tinpot authoritarian trapped in the body of an impotent manchild. The universe put you there because you cant be trusted with a grain of power, less you abuse it and others.

>Country is your favorite music genre. The Walking Dead is your favorite TV show. You eat at a buffet restaurant twice a week. You love college football.
lol, it's amazing how wrong you are on all counts. This is top-tier projection and inability to deal with the reality in front of you. Enjoy arguing against the evil man in your head, I guess.

>On the day you die I will feel nothing.
we all know you're a psychopath already, guy. No need to drive the point home

>Enjoy arguing against the evil man in your head, I guess.
It's his dad, obviously

The universe put you there because you cant be trusted with a grain of power, less you abuse it and others.

Dude thats why we don't give you a platform. Throw all the buzzwords around you want but we've seen this before. The Weimar Republic gave Hitler a platform for his views and failed to stamp out what was obviously a very dangerous ember of hate. The views in which /pol/ idolizes and ultimately wishes to reinstate. This is why we try and keep your influence contained to Yea Forums and even then only one board on Yea Forums. If we let you fuckers have your way we'd all be wearing gold stars and have another Night of the Long Knives.

*>The universe put you there because you cant be trusted with a grain of power, less you abuse it and others.

Fixed that

Why are you people so shy about your heritage?

This is a Billy Bass talking fish.


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Based leftist

>The Walking Dead is your favorite TV show
Hey! That's a good show. Fuck off.

Who fucking cares about Hitler and the Nazis? You're objectively worse.

No Nazi ever has or ever will pose an existential threat to my civil rights, but faggot-ass marxists like you do. You're literally worse than Hitler


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lol, you cant even post, showing us all that you're just a fucking transplant trying to gatekeep on a site where you dont belong.

Why do you think you're talking to all the mean men in your life right now?

They're not close either. They're just the most vocal about it. You have nothing to be afraid of.

If all pop was at least at her level, I would actually listen to the radio

>No Nazi ever has or ever will pose an existential threat to my civil rights
Fascism and literally killing people who not of a specific ethnic background is not a threat??

>You have nothing to be afraid of.
vigilance is the price of liberty, user. Ignorance + time has already produce bad enough garbage

>No Nazi ever has or ever will pose an existential threat to my civil rights
Why, because you're a white man? Lol thats a good thing user. Means the left has been doing a good job keeping the Nazi's from ruining all non-whites civil rights.

>faggot-ass marxists like you do.
That's some serious projecting there user. I'm not gay and i'm not a socialist and I'm just a cog in the machine like everyone else. Quite happy to be one too.

Also the fact that you believe marxism pose a threat to you existense definitely show me you fell for that whole cultural bolshevism/marxism meme.

is her latest lp worth a listen? post ratings and help me decide
>Marry Me
>Strange Mercy

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>mean men

Billy Bass says:


>Fascism and literally killing people who not of a specific ethnic background is not a threat??
No, it's a fucking boogeyman. The Nazis never posed a threat to my civil rights and never will. You, on the other hand, actively campaign against them in order to get at the supposed nazis, who dont represent a political force in any respect. See the difference?

It's worse than eponymous.

>No, it's a fucking boogeyman.
Not really. They actually existed and killed millions of people

Yes. It's not going to ruin her for you it's just not as cohesive sonically or solid all around as her other albums. Similar to the self-titled but tyeres even more of a pop sheen to the production.

Hang on Me, Pills, Slow Disco, Masseduction, Los Ageless, and Happy Birthday Johnny are all good or great and the rest is crap imo.

>Why, because you're a white man?
because they literally didnt? How ignorant are you, exactly? Who do you think defeated them? Pathetic. Do you even know how much popularity the Nazi party enjoyed in the US pre-war? Such a thing will never be matched again, so why do you think they're going to suddenly have the political influence to curtail my rights? hahaha

> I'm not gay and i'm not a socialist and I'm just a cog in the machine like everyone else. Quite happy to be one too.
except you already showed your true side, faggot. Also, being gay has nothing to do with your faggotry. Maybe if you belonged here you'd know that much.

Dude, nobody likes Neo Nazis. Counter protesters outnumber Alt Right rallies by a fuckton. America is safe. It's Europe that's getting chummy with Nazis.

Billy Bass Says:


This now a JINJER thread.

>The Nazis never posed a threat to my civil rights
yup because you didn't live in nazi germany

>Counter protesters outnumber Alt Right rallies by a fuckton. America is safe
mic.com/articles/129285/Yea Forums-tentatively-linked-to-shooting-at-black-lives-matter-rally-in-minneapolis


don't mind these threads; it's just the anniehateposter

he used to post schizophrenic, angry reviews of her s/t over and over again. then after getting no traction he started spamming these threads (i think it's been like 2 years now). always dreadful ratio, same pics, same filenames. the /pol/ kiddies have really outshined him in recent months but he's clawing his way back

>Not really. They actually existed and killed millions of people
And? Where does that negate my point? Why should I abandon my rights to defeat "nazis" (which you admit existED) just because something bad happened to the people that abused the shit out of germany post-war? It was a big cluster fuck, and it is my absolute right to not give a shit about either side.


>Where does that negate my point?
They are things that actually exist.
>Why should I abandon my rights
What rights are you referring to here?
>which you admit existED
And currently.

Doxxing people won't help. It'll just make things worse. These people aren't evil, they're just mislead.

No shit moron. I'm talking about the only civil rights that matter: American. Where else has a 1st amendment? Try to follow the conversation

And I already addressed that the nazis were very popular at times in the US, and they still never posed a threat to my rights. There frankly isnt a single threat in existence worth curtailing civil rights, it's that simple.


>They are things that actually exist.
are you telling me that the poeple you call nazis are actually nazis? hahahaha
>What rights are you referring to here?
If you cant follow the conversation, why are you joining it?
>And currently.

Patriot Act?

The guy was a /k/ poster who made the mistake of going into a nuisance area while armed. Literally nothing to do with ideology, he was just stupid.

>are you telling me that the poeple you call nazis are actually nazis?
Quote me where I called someone a Nazi
>If you cant follow the conversation, why are you joining it?
Ooopps you didn't answer the question. Try again.
See: Stormfront

Yes, a prime example of the boogeyman argument killing freedom. Dont think it wont appeal to enough people.

Reminder that the US 1st amendment only applies to government sanctions.


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>Quote me where I called someone a Nazi
>See: Stormfront
wow, that was easy. You do realize that's a giant forum and only a portion claim to be neo-nazis (which arent nazis at all) right?

lol, nice deflection.

Oh, did I say "nice"? I mean pathetic.

>nazis don't exist!!
>only a portion claim to be neo-nazis
wow, that was easy.

1st amendment means the government can't stop you from saying anything. Doesn't mean you can't be called out for your hateful bullshit.

>he doesnt know that nazis' =/= neo nazis
good lord, I'm debating with a retard here

>I'm talking about the only civil rights that matter: American.
Lmao, good luck dealing with the remaining 7 billion people

Ok? Where did I say that people should be protected form criticism or debate? You're wanting to deplatform people because you're incapable of debate, and your ideas are weaker than even a pathetic-ass neo nazi's. That's how fucking low you are

Dubs and I kill myself

So you misspoke

>Lmao, good luck dealing with the remaining 7 billion people
They can adopt our bill of rights if they wish. their rulers would never allow such a thing, of course.

>because they literally didnt? How ignorant are you, exactly? Who do you think defeated them? Pathetic. Do you even know how much popularity the Nazi party enjoyed in the US pre-war? Such a thing will never be matched again, so why do you think they're going to suddenly have the political influence to curtail my rights? hahaha

Nazi's didn't see slavic/pollacks as people. They weren't white to them. Also Hitler never wanted a war with France or Britain because they were white and also much stronger from a military standpoint. He tested their willingness for war time and time again with the annexation of the rhine, sudetanland, and czechoslovakia. The fact that britain and france declared war with germany was only because hitler made them. Not because they hated what Hitler stood for.

Also depression era America is going to have fringe parties sprout up out of disenfranxhisement and poverty. The same shit happened in germany and they got the nazi party. Same shit was happening everywhere for years. Why do you think revolutions happen. If America was truly on board with fascism we'd hear more about it. Also all those fascist parties in pre ww2 america were run by criminals and former ku klux klan memebers. Really stand up guys with stand up views.

>because they literally didnt? How ignorant are you, exactly? Who do you think defeated them? Pathetic. Do you even know how much popularity the Nazi party enjoyed in the US pre-war? Such a thing will never be matched again, so why do you think they're going to suddenly have the political influence to curtail my rights? hahaha

>These people aren't evil, they're just mislead.
You underestimate the amount of cognitive dissonance these people display.

> have to pull over... almost time for The Walking Dead

We're almost there, user. Stop drooling.

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Fucking phone posting

are you an imbecile?

I don't want to deplatform anyone. It's Twitter that bans people, not liberals. And you don't even know my ideology. I totally support the first amendment and believe in any speech, but this is a fucking music board and we are talking about Neo Nazis right now. I'm saying they don't belong here.

lol, how many posts is this now? Has your butthurt lessened any yet? your ego will never fully heal, though. Take the milk out of the fridge, user.

The fuck are you on about? Other nations rule themselves to their own accord. If they want to be despotic shitholes, they can be, if they want to be republics like my own, more power to them. It's not my call.

Musician here. No they are fucking not. Stages are disgusting. They're covered in beer stains, burn spots from people smoking on stage, duct tape from people taping their setlists down at their feet, dried gum, dead bugs, etc.

>but this is a fucking music board and we are talking about Neo Nazis right now. I'm saying they don't belong here.
Do you even know why? Because a delusional retard who did oppose the first amendment said /pol/ was to blame for Yea Forums being a shithole, and eventually turned one off-topic discussion about old women into another. This whole thread had 0 redeeming qualities from the instant OP made it.

are you an imbecile?

Reminder that Nazi's believe it's ok for nazi's to curtail freedom because of Muslim Bogeymen.

>duct tape from people taping their setlists down at their feet,
and cables down, too. Then when the tape is removed it leaves a sticky patch that catches all the crap from the bottom of people's shoes

You think St. Vincent performs in bars and tiny theatres?

But the season ended you dummy

No. Are you?

What freedom? Since when is opposing islam a nazi position? Do you know anything? The Islamic world had a massive love affair with nazism and vice versa. Maybe you should ask yourself why that is.

Literally being btfo by some based leftists who are just picking apart his arguments.

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You know you can have an argument without name calling, right?

It's like that even on big stages, mate.

>What freedom?
Freedom to not be killed or assaulted?

>Because a delusional retard who did oppose the first amendment said /pol/ was to blame for Yea Forums being a shithole, and eventually turned one off-topic discussion about old women into another
How is putting forward a theory opposing free speech?

>The Walking Dead is perennially tops in ratings
>No one on Yea Forums ever admits to watching it

What's your favorite band that existed before 1980? Just curious, since you never answered my previous question.


you are an imbecile. I'm sorry for you and your family.

But it's not as fun.

She used too. Videos of her playing in a museum online.

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>The Islamic world had a massive love affair with nazism and vice versa.
You mean just like Germany, or America?

A guy shot up two mosques about 3 weeks ago because he was a nazi who was influenced by /pol/. Buddy you even live in the same world as normal people

>dumbass waifufag thinks his impotent rage makes for a sound argument

Then take out the mean words, guy, it still stands.

>Freedom to not be killed or assaulted?
lol, one time after how many muslim terror attacks? and the whole world loses their shit. We all have that right, maybe one day the muzzies will respect it as well, thus ensuring their own safety. From what I can tell, the hardest right only seeks to deport them. I dont assume you think accelerationists are conservative, right?

I don't watch the show. Obviously.

Unlike some midwest or deep south moron who has shit taste. And will believe anything to vote against his own self interest.

>I don't watch the show. Obviously.
Why not? It's pretty good.

Not all Muslims support genocide, but Neo Nazis do. But you won't believe me, so the argument is over.

>one time after how many muslim terror attacks?
Goalpost shifting

PRO-TIP: Not all Muslims are terrorists

>lol, one time after how many muslim terror attacks?
Literally a coallition of governments and military aide destroyed ISIS because they committed the attacks. No one approbed of those attacks. We defend muslims because you use those attacks as a reasoning for your genocidal views. You don't care about tye victims

I'm sorry you lost every argument you've attempted, but it's your own fault.

>What's your favorite band that existed before 1980?
Ultravox. And I personally hate anything with zombies other than return of the living dead.

Worse. It spawned baathism.

guy, he wasnt a nazi, and that wasnt this /pol/

How ignorant are you exactly? What ideas exist that cause murder, exactly?

We also ban ISIS propaganda.

>Not all Muslims support genocide
find me a single muslim who denies muhammad, and then maybe you'd be right. But then again that muslim would be an apostate and would suffer the penalty of death under islamic law.

>PRO-TIP: Not all Muslims are terrorists
Maybe if that particular mosque hadnt already produced multiple terrorists, you'd have a better argument.

>No one approbed of those attacks.
except for muhammad, of course. they did him proud.

Why can't you stay on topic? I was saying Neo Nazis don't belong in Yea Forums.

>Maybe if that particular mosque hadnt already produced multiple terrorists,
Not every Muslim in that, or any mosque, is a terrorist.

When did Muhammad support genocide? You don't know anything about Islam. Out of context verses from the Quran isn't how you understand the most popular religion in the world.

>And I personally hate anything with zombies

I didn't say anyting about zombies. Do you think there is a pedo ring that operates out of the Comet basement. Yes or No?

Do you see any neonazis here? Who's a neonazi?

Debatable. They east at the same table, go to the same church, worship the same mass-murdering pedophile who married his cousin.

I see a lot of Neo Nazis sympathising posts here.

>When did Muhammad support genocide?
He didnt just support it, he ordered it.

>I didn't say anyting about zombies
are you not the retard who keeps posting about the walking dead?
>Do you think there is a pedo ring that operates out of the Comet basement. Yes or No?
No, idk why you bought into that particular strawman argument like you had me cornered.

Dude, 1 out of 4 people in the world is a Muslim. How are you afraid of so many people?

You post on the same board as people like this
mic.com/articles/129285/Yea Forums-tentatively-linked-to-shooting-at-black-lives-matter-rally-in-minneapolis

Is everyone here crazy alt-right neo-nazi shooters?

>He didnt just support it, he ordered it.

>No, idk why you bought into that particular strawman argument like you had me cornered.

Let's pull it back: Do you believe all immigration should be halted?

lol, sure buddy. I also support the right to free assembly, I bet you can twist that into nazi sympathy as well.

Maybe you ought to read up on the values of Western Civilization, I'm positive you could use a refresher.

>Dude, 1 out of 4 people in the world is a Muslim
lol, mind explaining how this happened without a single drop of blood shed?
> How are you afraid of so many people?
How are you not? An individual is nothing to fear, but you just told me that nearly 2 billion people blindly worship a mass-murdering pedophile

So? It's called a soapbox, retard. And I already told you that that shooting had 0 basis in ideology, which you blatantly ignored.

>Is everyone here crazy alt-right neo-nazi shooters?
Does everyone here worship the same murderous prophet?

wow that was way hard, I can see why you're so ignorant in light of how hard it was to find this information

Do you believe "niggers should be hung" and "Jews should be gassed"? That can be twisted pretty easily to Nazi sympathy.

>So? It's called a soapbox, retard
Nice double standard
>And I already told you that that shooting had 0 basis in ideology
Prove it
>Does everyone here worship the same murderous prophet?
Do different Muslims have different interpretations of this prophet?

>Let's pull it back: Do you believe all immigration should be halted?
Nope. Do you believe any should be?

This nigga posted a wikiislam leak. What a fucking joke. Dude if thats your education on the quran and islam then you're hopeless.

>blindly worship a mass-murdering pedophile
Worshipping Muhammad is a crime in Islam. You just showed me your knowledge of Islam.

Nope. Do you believe a strawman argument?

>Nice double standard
No such thing. Context exists.

>Do different Muslims have different interpretations of this prophet?
None that magically make him not a genocidal maniac, no.

>No such thing. Context exists.
>only if I agree with it though
>None that magically make him not a genocidal maniac
Him who? You mean a guy who lived like 1500 years ago?


>tfw marxist-leninist and i don't think racists belong in society in general, much deserve free speech
tolerance for anti-intellectual intolerance is liberal bullshit.

Attached: 114.jpg (2448x3264, 1.53M)

literally not an argument. There's a block of references at the bottom several times bigger than your tiny little pecker

>Worshipping Muhammad is a crime in Islam.
"deifying" then, he's allah's prophet and they elevate him as a man to be emulated at all costs.

I think you're being a disingenuous twat who doesn't give a shit about music.


Why are you here?

How is that a strawman? Do you seriously not get anything except for simple straight sentences?
What I meant was, people who say these things don't belong on Yea Forums.

*much less deserve free speech

>>only if I agree with it though
I'm sorry I have context to bring up and you dont. Maybe stop defending the followers of a mass-murdering pedophile
>Him who? You mean a guy who lived like 1500 years ago?
Yeah, the guy who lived 1500 years ago and which children are named after to this very day. They guy who married his cousin, so then the entire muslim world started inbreeding for 1400 years. They guy who murdered, so the muslim world also murdered. They guy who raped a 6 year old, so the muslim.. well you know.

lol, you have got to be a woman. Why not answer my question? I answered yours.>How is that a strawman?
how is the assumption that I believe in the particular things you have prepared responses for a strawman? gee I just dont know...

>I'm sorry I have context to bring up and you dont.
Again, prove it. He left a specific paper trail and people on Yea Forums who encouraged and cheered him on.
>and which children are named after to this very day.
There are children named Adolph but that doesn't seem to matter
>They guy who married his cousin, so then the entire muslim world started inbreeding for 1400 years. They guy who murdered, so the muslim world also murdered. They guy who raped a 6 year old, so the muslim.. well you know.
Irrelevant. We are talking about innocent people who are Muslims, living now. Not some dude 1500 years ago. Again, misdirection.

>you have to be a woman because my sexist preconceptions tell me so

Attached: groundhog.jpg (800x532, 87K)

Reminder that this thread has 190+ posts and only 30 posters. It's ok though this nazi cant argue for his life.

Attached: 1490065914028.gif (320x179, 1.68M)

Why are you here.

Answer me.

>how is the assumption that I believe in the particular things you have prepared responses for a strawman? gee I just dont know..
Ah, I see you are a man who is not troubled by the possibility of duality of meaning.

it's you again, based schizo retard? take your pills. and don't speak on behalf of intellectuals.


i don't know what you're talking about
why not address my central points ?

>He left a specific paper trail and people on Yea Forums who encouraged and cheered him on.
Who are you referring to? You post like a moron so it's hard to tell if you mean tarrant, who posted on infinitychan, or the guy who went to a blm rally to troll people which concealed carrying
>There are children named Adolph but that doesn't seem to matter
Because context matters, retard. They're most-likely not naming them after hitler, are they?
>Irrelevant. We are talking about innocent people who are Muslims, living now
lol, I can point to muslims now who do all of those things, and the innocents that enable and encourage them.

>Answer me.
chill out, fascist prick

>A straw man is a form of argument and an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent.
and why are you bringing up shit like comet pizzagate again?

racism is inherently anti-intellectual, by the way. do you know that term means?

When will this nazi leave already. His strawmen are so easy to beat.

Attached: tumblr_ob9gva4ze61tdzt44o1_1280.jpg (1080x1349, 239K)

>racism is inherently anti-intellectual
yeah, accusing people of it instead of carrying out a discourse is definitely anti-intellectual

You're arguing with more than one people here. I'm not the guy who "connected" you with comet pizzagate.

>Who are you referring to?
did you read the link?
>Because context matters. They're most-likely not naming them after hitler, are they?
There's most likely other Mohamads in existence, isn't there?
>I can point to muslims now who do all of those things
Right, and I can point to whites who do these things too. Are you also condemning them?

Attached: annie on a good day.jpg (390x280, 16K)

>racism is inherently anti-intellectual
and so is your schizoposting

I can point to multiple Catholic priests who suck off little boys and the idiots who enable them.

go ahead and offer me a peer-reviewed journal that accepts racialism as legitimate, then.

what is schizophrenic about anything i'm saying ?

Still gets more pussy than you nazi

Attached: IMG_0418.jpg (3264x2448, 2.64M)

>ultravox... that's ME!

You never actually denied pizzagate, treasure.

>liberals are the real fascists

I'll try again... why are you here? It sure as shit isn't because you wan't to talk about music.

Then why are you bringing up hanging blacks and gassing jews? That wasnt you, either?

>did you read the link?
did you follow back that chain of replies and see if the link was in it? How fucking new are you?
>here's most likely other Mohamads in existence, isn't there?
named after the prophet at this point. It's been 1400 years guy, and it's rampantly popular, nit just on occasion
>Right, and I can point to whites who do these things too.
not at anywhere near that rate, per capita. That's a simple fact. Are you implying that we only import terrible muslims than?
>Are you also condemning them?
of course, but I also have to tolerate their presence here because they are a product of our society. No point in bringing in worse so we can feel better about ourselves, and no point in denying ourselves pattern recognition either

He still hasn't given me the 5 songs he doesn't like.

>I can point to multiple Catholic priests who suck off little boys and the idiots who enable them.
none of them are emulating Jesus, retard. Those acts arent sacrosanct as they are in islam. Again, context. Why do you not have any?

lol, see? anyone is a nazi given enough time arguing with a deranged leftist

>You never actually denied pizzagate, treasure.
Yes I did, retard, but I also dont have to, because I never endorsed it.

>I'll try again... why are you here? It sure as shit isn't because you wan't to talk about music.
This thread isnt about music, retard. It was always off-topic. Why are you here? To gatekeep in you waifu threads?

I'm bringing them up because I'm saying those ideas don't belong on a music discussion forum.

of course, but I also have to tolerate their presence here because they are a product of our society. No point in bringing in worse so we can feel better about ourselves, and no point in denying ourselves pattern recognition either

What a bold faced lie and aperfext strawman so we awaste our time discrediting it. You're a nazi. You're too far fucking gone and you have hate in your heart. Also if you really condemned them you wouldn't treat the chrischurch shooter as anything less than a nazi.

>He still hasn't given me the 5 songs he doesn't like.
I told you I dont care for anything after actor, smart guy. do try to keep up, I know how tough it can be to defend your waifu

>did you follow back that chain of replies and see if the link was in it?
You mean the one I posted? What other link could I be referencing?
>named after the prophet at this point.
Same logic applies to Adolph
>not at anywhere near that rate, per capita.
Not relevant
>Are you implying that we only import terrible muslims than?
I've never met a terrible Muslim, so no.
>of course
Show me where you condemned them.

What do you suppose we do about Muslims? I don't like Islam either.

>of course, but I also have to tolerate their presence here because they are a product of our society. No point in bringing in worse so we can feel better about ourselves, and no point in denying ourselves pattern recognition either

What a bold faced lie and aperfext strawman so we awaste our time discrediting it. You're a nazi. You're too far fucking gone and you have hate in your heart. Also if you really condemned them you wouldn't treat the chrischurch shooter as anything less than a nazi.

>tfw when nobody cares about you

>I'm bringing them up because I'm saying those ideas don't belong on a music discussion forum.
Who on earth is saying they do? Again, you seem to be arguing with someone who's no present

>What a bold faced lie and aperfext strawman so we awaste our time discrediting it
lol, ok so now that I dont fit the mold of the strawman you have arguments prepared for, I'm just a liar. hahahahahaha
>You're a nazi
>Also if you really condemned them you wouldn't treat the chrischurch shooter as anything less than a nazi.
Maybe I care about the meaning of words and not applying dehumanizing labels on those I oppose politically? Maybe I'm not a fascist like yourself?
I have never seen a more pathetic poster in any thread on any board. Congrats.

>No point in bringing in worse
What about skilled immigrants adding a fuckton of money to the economy?

>Who on earth is saying they do? Again, you seem to be arguing with someone who's no present
Okay, I'm fucking done arguing.

I care user

Attached: I Love You 2.gif (245x245, 996K)

Why does he need to justify his opinion to you? You are not the Annie police, user.

>Why does he need to justify his opinion to you
Because it was stated.

lol, look at the gatekeeper who cant even greentext right (multiple times now) call me a nazi because I disagree with them.

>You mean the one I posted? What other link could I be referencing?
and again you wont address the lack of ideological motivation in that case. weird
>Same logic applies to Adolph
absolutely incorrect.
>Not relevant
absolutely relevant, why do you hate it when context is brought in to expand upon arguments?
>I've never met a terrible Muslim, so no.
then why do they do terrible things at a far higher rate per capita?
>Show me where you condemned them.
they were just fucking brought up in your argument you fucking retard. Of course murderers and diddlers belong in cages, especially those with religious motivation for doing so

Dude, I've lived my whole life with Muslims. I'm from a Muslim majority place. They're not evil, self imploding child molesters like you make them out to be.

>Yes I did, retard, but I also dont have to, because I never endorsed it.

>I never endorsed it

>I also dont have to

You are so obviously middile-aged and not into music. You're a fucking dullard.

Enjoy this interview with a Ukranian hottie who is twice the man you are:


>What about skilled immigrants adding a fuckton of money to the economy?
Effectively scabs destroying the bargaining power of American labor, and gimping American social mobility. It should be handled with the upmost care and consideration, and profits shouldnt be the upmost of those considerations.

Bye faggot

But the pros outweigh the cons. Muslim ban is retarded and you know it.

Sorry for your loss of cognitive ability I guess.

Calm down cocksucker

>and again you wont address the lack of ideological motivation in that case
He has the /pol/alt-right ideology.
>absolutely incorrect.
Why not?
>why do you hate it when context brought in to expand upon arguments?
I love context. it's just that your argument is poor
>then why do they do terrible things at a far higher rate per capita?
What rate do you mean specifically? Show the evidence.
>they were just fucking brought up in your argument you fucking retard
I am asking for you to show me where YOU said it, not ME. Are you retarded?

You gonna provide those 5 songs yet? or just talk about Muslims, off topic?

>But the pros outweigh the cons. Muslim ban is retarded and you know it.
It's debatable. The pros of profit for priavte corporation to enjoy do not offset the depressed wages and stagnate social mobility of blue collar workers. Also muslims in no way represent skilled labor. Most are multi-generational welfare burdens.

>Maybe I care about the meaning of words and not applying dehumanizing labels on those I oppose politically? Maybe I'm not a fascist like yourself?
I have never seen a more pathetic poster in any thread on any board. Congrats.
Calls all muslims radical terrorists and tries throwing out the fascist label.

>lol, look at the gatekeeper who cant even greentext right (multiple times now) call me a nazi because I disagree with them.
I'm phoneposting. And you are a nazi. You spout the same shit a nazi spouts

You can't see past your own prejudices and I'm the one who lost my cognitive ability?

>you gonna provide those 5 songs yet?
Original guy to ask this and you going to post em bud. I mean this is a music board. I like my responses specific.

And you have no sources.

There's a well known study that concluded that the sudden elimination of all illegal immigrants would result in a net loss to the US economy.

Why are you here and what does this have to do with music?

>He has the /pol/alt-right ideology
And? That didnt lead him to shoot someone, that led him to stand to the side of a rally and mock them. His trips to /k/ motivated him to carry, and his ignorance motivated him to carry at a place tantamount to a public nuisance.
You're ignorant off all these things, because ignorance is your natural state.
>Why not?
Because it's a common name in Austria and only Austria, the place where hitler was born? Muhammad is a common name everywhere muslims are present, no matter the cultural tradition of the area, because they eradicated the previous culture.
>I love context. it's just that your argument is poor
"stop reminding me they're more prone to violence and rape!"
>What rate do you mean specifically? Show the evidence.
Plenty of data available, not my fault you dont understand what per capita means. I bet you're about to post graphs that without a doubt prove you dont know what that means.
>I am asking for you to show me where YOU said it
why would I have brought that up you fucking moron? You think I'm some kind of schizo that cant go five minutes without denouncing things?
>You gonna provide those 5 songs yet?
I gave you more than that already, genius, you keep ignoring it and talking about god knows what

>Calls all muslims radical terrorists and tries throwing out the fascist label.
newsflash, retard. violence is sacrosanct in islam. That's a fucking fact
>And you are a nazi. You spout the same shit a nazi spouts
yes yes, we're all nazis.

Anyone want to send this thread to Annie on twitter. That would be hilarious.

There's nothing more pathetic than a right wingers who considers himself an intellectual.


The autism this /pol/tard has displayed is legendary.

lol, you just said you live in majority muslim place and are surrounded by muslims, do you know how prejudices are formed? That's how.

look at any graph of wages, and any graph on immigration.
>importing people to work less than minimum wage has zero affect of wages!
retards unironically believe this.

>There's a well known study that concluded that the sudden elimination of all illegal immigrants would result in a net loss to the US economy
You do realize that welfare spending adds to the GDP? A natural disaster could take their fucking place in that regard. Also GDP obviously doesnt translate to living wages and quality of life, does it?

>"stop reminding me they're more prone to violence and rape!"
[citation needed]
>Plenty of data available
Post it
>I gave you more than that already,
Which post?

Idk, passive aggressive faggots are pretty bad when they start losing arguments.

spoiled. milk. And honestly I only talk about what other bring up. Not my fault you're all incompetent

>Also GDP obviously doesnt translate to living wages and quality of life, does it?
Because what America has been doing has been working so well at improving those.

polfags are more authentically le Yea Forums than moralfags such as yourself

By actually interacting with people instead of forming generalised opinions about them? That's how prejudices are formed?

This would only be good if like more than one person does it, if kustba single person tweets to her it would look like some Yea Forums incel tweeting to a famous person. If like at least 5 people tweeted this to her that would be good

>I'm not crazy, everyone else is!!

She browses Yea Forums.

>Because what America has been doing has been working so well at improving those
You mean the 40 years of effectively unrestricted illegal immigration and the '65 immigration act? I know, those are terrible things, and now we have lobbyist representing the facets of society that profit the most from the fiasco spreading this idea that it's about social justice ahhaha

Yes, you prejudge the muslim world based off the friendly faces they put forth to you. Actions speak louder, user. What part of the world do you live in?

>addressing what wasnt said or implied
somebody's crazy, alright

>tfw I could be posting picture of spoiled milk in response to annie

Attached: bugs.jpg (640x480, 106K)

I live in India. And that "Muslims are just being nice to be deceitful" argument can be applied to any group. Also check the definition of prejudice.

>I live in India
You mean the nation that had to be divided because of how unruly the muslims were? where islam is the single largest threat to the hindu culture? hahahaha

>what wasnt said or implied
>Not my fault you're all incompetent

>Yes, you prejudge the muslim world based off the friendly faces they put forth to you. Actions speak louder, user. What part of the world do you live in? Dude the actions of few don't speak for the actions of the majority. If the majority do not condone or commit those actions then they are the louder ones. They should be who you listen to. You shouldn't listen to the biased opinons of /pol/ and the boogeyman chasing right wing media.

>What part of the world do you live in?
What part do YOU live in? Have you interacted with a large enough population to make an informed judgement. Have you been a victim of this violence that you say is so inherent within the group? If not stfu and stop getting your info off /po/ and wikiislam.

Stay the fuck in your lane. All I see from you is received opinions that a first term child could pick apart.

You're convinced that you're redpilled, with privileged information.

Here's whats really happening: You're a rube. You're a tool. You're a pleb with shit taste trying to justify your love for Journey and Billy Ray Cyrus.

You don't belong here and you never will.

Shove your /pol/ proselytizing up your ass and fuck off.

You are literally too stupid to argue with.

>Not my fault you're all incompetent
do I need to direct you to a fucking dictionary now? fucking hell

>What part do YOU live in? Have you interacted with a large enough population to make an informed judgement.
In short: yes.
>Have you been a victim of this violence that you say is so inherent within the group?
lol, now I cant oppose something unless it personally affected me, Werent you fucks just saying the opposite for the nazis?

>Stay the fuck in your lane. All I see from you is received opinions that a first term child could pick apart.
Uh oh, we got ourselves a real expert here. You can tell because he simply stated that my opinion are wrong without demonstrating anything. The sign of a real pro.

Also notice the inference that I like country music (yet again), so you know they mean business.

sorry you forgot about pakistan you dumbass faggot, but the rest of us arent nearly as ignorant as yourself

You mean the nation that had to be divided because of how unruly the muslims were?

The hindus had been seeking independence from british rule for years. The muslim MINORITY just wanted to ensure that they had protections from oppression by a new foreign government. So Britain decided to divide the states separately. One hindu and one secular islam nation. Britain handled it extremely poorly leading to mass migration and tensions for territory and population centers. This is a political dispute not a religious one you fucking idiot. Tf outta here with your miss information.

>In short: yes.
Where do you live and what have your interactions been with islamic people? Your answer is fucking vague.

This argument is stupid. This guy thinks he knows more than people who've lived their who've lived with Muslims and his argument is basically ad hominems sprinkled with strawmans. This thread needs purging.

You are the king of recieved opinions. I know exactly who you listen to.



I'm pretty sure the jannies are aware of this thread. They must be leaving it up for the lols. But this /pol/ autists persistance is legendary. I'm just arguing with this cunt to see if he can reach the bump limit.

>do I need to direct you to a fucking dictionary now?
Do you think paranoia only applies to one thing?

>The hindus had been seeking independence from british rule for years
>The muslim MINORITY just wanted to ensure that they had protections from oppression by a new foreign government.
You telling me that a tiny minority of muslims split an entire nation? Terrible..
>So Britain decided to divide the states separately.
against the will of the majority, yes
>One hindu and one secular islam nation
lol, secular islam hahaha
>This is a political dispute not a religious one you fucking idiotit's
clearly a political matter sparked by a religious one, retard

>Where do you live and what have your interactions been with islamic people?
A muslim killed 49 people here a couple years back, no biggie

>but my opinion!!

lol, idk what that is, but today I'm listening to casiopea

I think you're too stupid to know what incompetent means

>A Muslim
Ok :)

>A muslim killed 49 people here a couple years back, no biggie
Yeah, well some chan posting nazi killed 50 muslims here in NZ not long ago. NO BIGGIE

>that wasnt a REAL muslim!
Just following islamic teaching is all. Just pledged loyalty to the caliphate during the whole thing, no biggie

A tiny minority didn't split the nation. It was the British. And the violence that ensued was by all sides.

Not you, silly billy


Attached: Tatiana.jpg (1095x963, 132K)

Fuck it, man.

Dubs and Annie becomes heterosexual and has my child.

It's really not though. There arent 2 billion of him and we dont make excuses for his murderous inclinations. Just look at the difference in reaction.

Also, let's stop pretending that just because one was more recent, that it somehow overrides or negates the majority. And sense we're including NZ, I suppose we can bring global islamic terror into this?

Friendly reminder that murder is sacrosanct in islam

The violence preceded the split, not just ensuing

like you even knew who they were

>A Muslim.

dubs and she curdles in the jug

Attached: annies last gf.jpg (318x159, 5K)

Murder is allowed in some capacity in all religions.

And the entire system of support (nonradicals har har) that encourages and enables him. Much like the Christchurch mosque encouraged and enabled other jihadists. Imagine that

>like you even knew who they were

I wish I didn't


>being allowed in circumstances =/= sacrosanct

I'm not talking about the timeline of the violence. I'm talking about the perpetrators, that were present on both sides. Also, Hindus kill in the name of Hinduism all the time in my country.

>not posting the GOAT video

How is sacrosanct in Islam?

>There arent 2 billion of him
Not all 2 billion Muslims are terrorists

>It's really not though. There arent 2 billion of him and we dont make excuses for his murderous inclinations. Just look at the difference in reaction.

Oh yeah, the fine men at /pol/ weren't making threads praising the Christchurch shooting. They definitely didn't only care about the optics of the shooting negatively affecting the average mans view of their ideology. We also all know that Muslims praise allah when some radical islamist decides to kill people. They don't march alongside the victims families or denounce the murderers actions.

I need to wash that out of my ears


Murdering and oppressing unbelievers are direct teachings, and some of the latest made. There's an islamic doctrine in which such directives are given precedence in reverse order, thus some of the most imperative teachings in islam pertain to the violent treatment of unbelievers.

>They don't march alongside the victims families or denounce the murderers actions.
Many Muslims do denounce that violence and Islamic extremism

>Oh yeah, the fine men at /pol/ weren't making threads praising the Christchurch shooting
yeah, I saw that. Most are praising it for the supposed vengeance motivation, or are you still trying to forget Ebba ever existed?


Shes Bi-sexual. You'd might still have a chance bud if she wasn't only bi for Sufjan.

Attached: 1488634321652.jpg (1080x1080, 276K)

Most do.

I know dude. I was being sarcastic. Hard to do it with text.

lol, they're both painfully gay.

What’s funny about this place is that i bet almost no pol users use Yea Forums and it’s mostly trolls. This place is really Yea Forums-lite when it comes to politics on here

just getting in here before thread hits its limit

Attached: booner.png (400x345, 165K)

Not true.

See this

And many more, according to a massive global survey, endorse it. Even more than that do nothing to prevent it, starting with the continued perpetuation of a cult built around a mass-murderer. Also, do you even taqiyya?

Based user. This ones being saved for me.

>And many more, according to a massive global survey
[citation needed]

You're telling me this man is gay? Tf you smoking

Attached: up-1Sufjan_Stevens.jpg (460x344, 20K)

Oh, I know this one. This is where he says every peaceful Muslim is a spy.

Some of you guys HAVE to send this to Annie. She'd be so proud of how antifa her fans are.

>inb4 sharia doesnt REALLY enable the murder of apostates! It doesnt REALLY enable the murder of homosexuals! It doesnt REALLY call for the oppression of women and heathens, and murder of jews!

>This is where he says every peaceful Muslim is a spy.
what's a peaceful muslim? The left has officially adopted the position that ideas are violence, that belief is violence, therefore, there are no innocent muslims

Gents and /pol/ Autist we reached the bump limit. Anyone up for a new thread?

Attached: tumblr_lq1rktdKm61qb13amo1_500.gif (500x268, 495K)

If a Muslim believes in violence, then they are not peaceful. But you're making a sweeping generalization about a pretty diverse group of people

>But you're making a sweeping generalization about a pretty diverse group of people
Seems pretty dejure to me. Which muslims deny muhammad?

>sharia law
Not what I asked. Try again.

Sharia law IS the violent oppression of nonmuslims and apostates, as well as many other things.

Do you deny that the penalty for apostasy is death?

Get in here for the /Annie/ general >


Also, that's not what de jure means.

I'm asking a serious question: which muslims deny the prolific mass-murderer and pedophile muhammad?

who cares, my word now

Oh and cousin-fucker, I forgot that he was that, too.
We know the pakis surely dont deny him, as they emulate this cousin fucking at a rate of 70%

>Doubling down on his strawman and stupidity.
I respect you, man.

I mean I cant just let you fags sit around agreeing with each other

DESU, I like these arguments. I mean this is definitely off topic and doesn't belong on Yea Forums but I like going to Yea Forums to argue.

Shit, I meant desu instead of DESU.

What the fuck? I'm trying to type to be honest?


>I mean this is definitely off topic and doesn't belong on Yea Forums
Honestly I thought the thread would get pruned about 6 hours ago

lol, it's filtered, that and pham

Holy shit this thread has been up for 6 hours. I was one of the original posters. God kill me.

Most cringe thread I've seen on Yea Forums in a long time. A lot of unironic, genuine aspies in here.

>crt-f: (you)
>142 matches

Can you believe I took someone to the point they started accusing me of liking country music?

>Sharia law IS the violent oppression of nonmuslims and apostates
No, YOU are making the logical leap Sharia Law = violence against non-Muslims

Give me a source without the logical leap pls
