Let's go boys
Nigger Hate thread
HOLY SHIT I can't wait to get those useless nogs out of our peaceful white nation.
not this shit again
hip hop
>tfw niggers are still in my country
disregard my comments, i suck nigger cock
what the fuck for?
haha i hate niggers lol
unironically hot
hey guys, real stay here
I just wanna say that for me, there's only one race, the human race. Dont be racist :)
ITT: small dicked white boys who will never please a woman like a real dick (black dick)
How is that pleasurable?
i love black people tho ;/
fuck off
thanks mugi
I can't wait to hang you by the neck you disgusting porch monkey
This made my bum hole clench
Thanks, Gina
Isn’t that all these types of threads?
proof that Yea Forums has no jans
US jannies are still asleep
Yea Forums hasn't been even slightly acceptable since 2014: exhibit D-2.a
is that jeff cavaliere?
It's 11:00 AM on the East Coast. What a bunch of worthless fucking NEETS.
Negroes didn't invent Jazz, Ragtime, Hip Hop or Rap. Instead, they destroyed them.
The Jews wants you to believe the Negroes invented all those genres of music because he is trying to support the idea that Negroes are creative minds that can entertain us, so that we, White people, will accept the Negroes have a place in our society. The Jewish man knows that he can't disprove that Negroes are less intelligent, and can just blame the stupidity of the Negroids on poverty and "racism", even though those arguments are very weak, so he tries to prove that the Negro is worthy of being a citizen in a White country because, even if he's stupid, he can entertain White people. That's why the Jews put Oprah and Wendy, those fat bonobo bitches, on every fucking TV screens, to create empathy for the Negroes in Whites who spend their time on the TV.
Here, I destroy the myth of Negroid origins of Ragtime :
Here, I destroy the myth of Negroid origins of Rap and Hip Hop :
And here I destroy the myth of Negroid origins for Jazz :
+ pic related
Why is there more racism then music on this board? Is it because everyone here is underage or is there actually this much racism in the USA?
>is on Yea Forums
>"muh why are people talking about race here"
Go back to re44it if this is too politically incorrect for your tastes.
we're trying to get back to a white super majority in the states. we'll do what we have to
not this shit again
I literally cannot stop sucking the black dicks. mmmmmmmmmmmmm dicks
You're right but unfortunately most will try to deny it
It’s just memeing.
Don’t care to much about political correctness. I mean, I’m on Yea Forums.
Just don’t really see how this thread pertains to music. This belongs on /pol.
No it’s not. Maybe one post is but when it’s every day and like 10+ threads a day. Uuuuhhhh..
Everyone needs to read this. Eminem is the best rapper of all time and nobody will ever be on his level though so it's not like it matters. Whites are still on top.
>The USA
Most of the Americans are either at work or school right now. It's either just burgerNEETs or Aussies staying up past their bedtime
“we're trying to get back to a white super majority in the states. we'll do what we have to”
Pretty good meme
based thread
People can use Yea Forums at school/work
57% is less than ideal. the protestant europeans built the country, and it was intended for them. other cultures simply don't assimilate, or have any desire to assimilate, and they've clearly become a problem. it can only lead to tribal warfare
Not if they intend to keep their job
Shut up cracker and enjoy seeing the white race slowly disappear
that, and I literally cannot stop sucking their cocks. so, they gotta go
lol Jazz was invented by creoles. Literal mixed white and black people.
i will enjoy defending my people