Thoughts on Christgau-core?

Thoughts on Christgau-core?

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wtf i love christgau now

Thoughts on Nicki Minaj?

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generally most of them are not even the best album(s) by the artist

boring desu

Only 3 good albums in all that, Jesus

>rating greatest hits collections

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holy christ what a load of hot garbage

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our Armond White of Yea Forums

literally nothing wrong with that
>muh album flow and cohesion
only plebs care about that

is he copying scaruffis website?

he has probably never even heard of scaruffi

>generally most of them are not even the best album(s) by the artist
tell me about it he picks fucking love and theft and modern times over blonde on blonde

poor man's scaruffi in every way

retard zoomer detected

>Late Reg is his top Kanye album

He never gave a proper review to BoB

Christgau fucking sucks

Attached: scaruffi8s.jpg (3864x2835, 3.2M)

damn ,he really is patrician

Love and Theft deserves A+, but not over the electric trilogy or bott or toom.

based and notabiglossformusicpilled



>Dean of American Rock Critics
What the fuck? I thought he said that in an interview once, I did the know he had it in his fucking website.
Not a bad list, though.

there are a lot of good artists on there but he's absolutely a pleb

go back to you stupid pedo

rym is better than christgau so idc about christgau

Try hard