Insult Donald Trump, you dead nigga

>Insult Donald Trump, you dead nigga
>Even Muller can't Trump Donald nigga
>Nigga dead that's a fact nigga

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this man has dementia and you have autism OP

Trump is hands down one of the worst and may be the worst President we've ever had.

Muller was a Russian spy.

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i'll agree with you before the edgy 14 year olds and incels start whining at you. donald is a fucking embarrassment and needs to be in a mental hospital. he seriously has dementia and narcissistic personality disorder.

I know for a fact you have a math quiz to qualify for honors geometry early tomorrow. go to bed.

this is literally what right wing retards said about Obama

At least he's better than Obama

in english, doc

I share a board with these brainlets kek. The left simply leaves you intellectually impaired, there's no other way to state it.

>trannies telling the sitting President he's mentally ill

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They say he isn't bad but look what he's doing to the EPA and the environment.

those faggots predicted Manhattan would fall in the ocean by 2016, they're full of shit bud

>muh environment
>"vote for us or the world will end!"
lmaoing at your political party

>lets just do more off shore drilling and cut back on regulations, it'll be fine. fuck the ocean anyway am I right lol
You fucking idiots.

The Mueller investigation was without a doubt a hit job against the president. That being said, I still think he's just an "alright" president. His beliefs align with mine for the most part, but he hasn't been active enough for my liking.

>literally just reiterating the same point that you got btfo'd for

lol you took the gorebait hard

yes actually, China and the Saudis drill everywhere. that's why they try and stop us from doing it

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uh oh, is libtardo triggered?

I didn't get btfo'd at all. It's your dumb ass you voted for a president that's racist as fuck and wants to ruing everything he can to own the libz.

Yeah, because of the aquatic life and our beaches, along with our whole ecosystem as a whole that'll be effected.

some of you guys are alright, don't come to Yea Forums tomorrow

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Trump sucks because he's a fucking jobber who hasn't delivered on his promises and kneels for Saudi and Israeli cock. It's not a Liberal/Conservative deal, he's just fucking useless.

>I didn't get btfo'd at all. It's your dumb ass you voted for a president that's racist as fuck and wants to ruing everything he can to own the libz.
This is an embarrassingly shit take. Where is it you learn about politics, praytell?
[citation needed]
The left has been trying to gain control by lying about climate change for decades now. People just aren't buying it anymore.

you so impaired your post is impaired

You're full of shit there's been decades of legitimate scientific research into it.

>Lying about climate change
>Caps are melting and temperatures are rising around the world
While Climate Change isn't CAUSED by humans and it's, otherwise, a naturally occurring cycle, the acceleration caused by us is throwing it out of whack.

>people arent buying it anymore.

these too.

science proves you wrong, but you're willing to disregard actual fucking science and research to solidify your idiotic views.

And what about the endangered species act?

only a liberal would say this shit, Trump was always phase one back to the earliest threads

you're gonna need some proof on that because I never heard anyone say that. and I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if you were bullshitting because Obama was one of the best public speakers in history. his public persona was eloquent, intelligent, and poised. I hated his as a president btw.

I'm positive Trump is incredibly smart, but it is objectively true that Trump has proven himself to be horrible at public speaking, incoherent, forgetful, and uses poor judgment. Dude fits the dementia criteria 100%.

yeah those are all paid by the Sauds and Chinese. I mean use your brain, of course these foreign oil powers don't want the US using our own oil power.

Fucking idiot.

the fact you think he's bad at public speaking is indicative you don't understand him at all, if there's one thing he's good at it's public speaking. He went on a two year stand-up comedy tour that won him the Presidency.

lol nice argument pal. there is no downside to having our own oil vs paying the Sauds and Russians and Chinamen.

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Again, you're such an idiot you don't even know how stupid you actually are.

>If I call him a Liberal, he's wrong
Fucking embarrassing. Nobody would miss you if you died

ben shapiro literally said on his show before the election, "i will never vote for Donald Trump. I stand with conservatism. Donald Trump stands against it."

true liberals are based. radical leftists are cancerous.

Yeah, the authority of science is bought and paid for. I've also seen "science" state that trannies are perfectly normal and that cucking is good for relationships. Oh, and the unlimited genders thing. 99% of scientists can be paid off, because they have to go through the proper (((channels)) to be peer reviewed and published in the first place. I don't believe we went to the moon either, but 99% of scientists agree we did!

and why is that? how is having our own oil bad vs paying for foreign oil?

>comedy tour
>good at public speaking

I'll let you figure out the issue in what you just said.

shapiro is a faggot lefist might as well be a Jeb head

Trans sexuals have nothing to do with what I'm talking about you moron. You're bullshit conspiracy theories are laughable and so beyond actual fact and scientific research. .

he's talking about the environmental effects of off shore drilling, it's not hard to understand at all.

not an argument. he used his speech and charisma checks to win the biggest title in the world

>He's only based when he's dabbing on the Libtards
>When he insults one of the objectively bottom 5 presidents in history, THEN he's a faggot
Fickle little pussy

so what, they're not proven and every other competitor does it. I mean most oil comes off shore, Russia lives on the oil from it's seas.

They are proven.

lmao shut up you fuckin homo, no one on /pol/ ever liked Shapiro and certainly him being a NeverTrump fag only made it worse. I mean he's a long running joke on /pol/ whether you want to admit it or not.

And yet we progress into a time where "science" is only more and more used to provide a backbone for leftist horseshit, so they essentially only serve to stroke their echo chamber. Believing 99% of scientists, by the way, is a logical fallacy known as "argumentum ad populum." Just because people overwhelmingly agree, doesn't make something true. After all, the people who don't agree are merely labled as "deniers," hence the echo chamber. But by all means, keep being a sheep to left wing "science."

>No one on /pol/
Who fucking cares?

wrong you're just a hippy with a tiny brain

>leftist horseshit
Yeah, I'm 'done with this and just going to leave this and your argument at that. You have to be literally fucking retarded,.

don't play stupid with me, you're trying to associate that little jew with /pol/ and Trump despite the fact it's the exact opposite

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>lets just fuck up the environment as a whole
>hurr durr youre a hippy
why are you like this?

Nobody brought up /pol/ but you, you stupid faggot

>i share a board with these brainlets

this isn't /pol/. and using ad hominem is really proves how much of a snowflake you are.

I said don't play stupid

it's quite hilarious seeing you amerifags so triggered by orange man. I hope he wins a second term so we can see the true effects of his presidency and how he reacts to it

there is no environment to worry about, global warming isn't real, off shore drilling doesn't matter. They've been scaremongering this shit since the 60s

wtf based

this might be the stupidest thing I have ever read. kudos user

>falling back on science,facfts and years of research
>intellectually challenged
No, you're fucking retarded, like literally retarded or at least border line.

no one said manhattan would be underwater in 2016.

why do your retarded parents let you stay up this late jesus fucking christ.

but you do notice the climate getting warmer, random weather patterns, the erosion of seasons and extreme events occurring more frequently. What else would you attribute all these to?

All of thos ethings are real and off shore drilling does matter.

Bet you're going to say fracking had no heath issues when kids in near by schools were getting migraines and chronic nosebleeds to own the liburalz.

here, since you want to be a retard

he has been denounced by his peers. Idk why you're using this to substantiate your complete lack of a point

Maybe what he said was taken out of context and had to do with future possibilities? Have you ever thought that?

Al Gore made a whole movie about it, and other disasters that didn't come true

Why do you trust these scientists so much? Have you studied environmental studies independently? How are they any different than a propaganda machine?

no it was like in the 30s for all of March and it's like 40 and rainy here in April. Maybe it's Global Raining lol

>in 1988, some crackpot scientist claimed nyc would be underwater in 20-40 years
>daily caller

you're not convincing me of anything bud

You're literally brainwashed.
When someone believes what they read because it's leftist, I can't consider their opinion worthwhile. But seriously, keep spreading the word! I mean, AOC said the world is ending in 12 years because of climate change so holy shit, you better get that lefty science out there to more people so they can vote socialist so the world doesn't explode!!! you fucking troglodytes

weather anomalies (weather unusually cold OR hot) are indicative of accelerated climate change. this has been proven with empirical data.

Have you? Or are you so politically biased you'd deny actual science to back it up?
Reminds me of dale on king of the hill when he said "we were supposed to have another ice age, well looky here, it's still hot!", it's a small change and a small change in the world environments can have serious consequences sooner or later.

You're literally retarded.

>m-muh science
>m-muh cartoon character

get lost.

what do scientists have to gain by drumming up fear of global warming? And even if certain individuals are alarmists, a majority of them probably didnt spend years doing research and getting a fucking phd just to cause alarm for propaganda reasons. And if any individual were to live life based on personal verification of facts nothing would ever get done. At some point, you have to decide who to believe. The far right choose to believe in God and guns. The far left choose to believe in nothing leading them to project their insecurities on everyone. Start consuming media from both sides and learn to tell whats fact from fiction.

nah aoc is crazy and they are definitely alarmist but its still a real issue. that crazy bitch aint helping tho

>Gets cornered
>Focuses on something else to get out of backing anything up
Waste of trips. I'm not that user, by the way

wasted trips

you don't deserve those digits. go to bed.

The point went right over your head.

shut the fuck up tranny
i'm done believing anything the left says


>Basically covering your ears and going "La la la la, I can't hear you"
And I thought Liberals were snowflakes


How can anyone still defend Trump? He's literally against the first Amendment.

They hate Liberals more than they care about their country or themselves

>against CNN because they weren't, and aren't sucking the smegma off from his cock
>a guy that literally has people "report" positive things about him to make him feel better

He's not against free speech because he thinks the media shouldn't lie. Slander and libel are against the law.