Is he the best looking musician ever?

Is he the best looking musician ever?

Attached: images (1).jpg (188x266, 11K)

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Nah, I am.


Attached: article-2325545-19D0E597000005DC-587_634x941.jpg (634x941, 154K)

This is him now.
Feel old yet?

Attached: skeleton2.jpg (189x554, 20K)

The Buckley's, John Frusciante Nick Drake, Cat Stevens, Sufjan Stevens, Chris Cornell, Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, David Bowie, and ( by the most significant margin) Syd Barrett all got him beat.

He was cremated

this is now.
Feel old yet?

Attached: A5_5121cran-.jpg (1024x768, 342K)


No, I'm 19

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