>marries hot rich talented musician guy she fell in love with as a teen, travels all over fun places with him and frolicks beaches
There is nothing like that big teen crush. Nothing.
>marries hot rich talented musician guy she fell in love with as a teen, travels all over fun places with him and frolicks beaches
There is nothing like that big teen crush. Nothing.
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does this mean that there's hope for me and Mary Elizabeth Winstead falling in love?
Are you glamorizing thot behavior?
You never know user
Did he put his seed in her first at least
>t. Riley
what a boring shitty thread. yeah dude lets post talentless nobodies who married famous musician thatll be fun
She was a virgin Christian
You bothered posting. Truth is this girl won at life. This is what every girl wants. Island life with the crush you fell for at fifteen.
No it's the only pic I had of her without having to do some searching
yeah you right actually post what you want. i guess im just angry that i didnt marry Justin Bieber even tho im straight male. But that life has to be fun i agree
Do they have toilets where you live?
yeah i live in germany so not a shithole exactly
Why is your English so bad, then? I thought Germany was a first world country.
because of "you" and not "you're"? because im lazy is all.
your porno output would suggest otherwise
Ignore the cunt, 99% chance he is some negative IQ American.
Here comes the sjw fags.
I’m going to have to go with MatPat. Because he’s married to his cute wife Stephanie.
Im glad theyre happy
I'm reporting you for posting that pic
How am I being a sjw? I am just pointing out you are being a pedantic faggot.
Standing up for strangers on an anonymous image board isn't a good look. You're lower than a white knight, a literal cock gobbler.
You’re making Americans look bad, just shut up kid.
>There is nothing like that big teen crush. Nothing.
I'll take "how to reveal your personal mental growth is irrevocably stunted in 9 words or less" for 500, alex
Keep being a boot licking mongoloid.
That isn't anything like my idea of winning, but this is:
How perfect, so simple, yet so satisfying and evocative. What a story it tells and with only a few elements. I listen to this sometimes for entire days straight and never get sick of it. Incredible.
>boot licking mongoloid
Not that guy, but Mongoloids (i.e. Mongolic, Turkic, Uralic, Japonic, Koreanic and Palaeosiberian peoples) are the least boot-licky of all peoples in the world.
are you a Baldwin?
I don't have a picture of the crusher but I'd say he's winning. who wouldn't like one Sarah Bonito to keep the balls empty
you know, since we're on the topic of crushes
>Falling in love with a homewrecker
Ugly jew
I miss rileyposting.
It's not like she was a nobody she's a fucking Baldwin she was born into Hollywood and was a pretty high profile model.
She's a rich girl with high status who married a rich guy with high status.
That being said she seems nice