Face it Yea Forums, the critical reception has been clear: this is 100% without a doubt the Hounds of Love for the zoomer generation.
Face it Yea Forums...
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Where's the crazy ass prog section
If Hounds Of Love was boring, generic, and Kate has a terrible vocal range, then yes.
Kate Bush could sing live, while playing an instrument. Billie Bullshit can't even sing while wearing baggy pants.
ok but it sucks balls and you’re a fag
Yeah, gonna need proof. Billie's voice is extremely beautiful. Even Melon praised her abilities.
Also, Billie can play ukulele and piano.
^Kate is just about Billie's age in this live performance
idgaf if your voice is "beautiful" on record, if you can't project and hit the notes, then fuck off
>get rid of tracks 6, 7, 12, 13, and 14
Now it's a God-tier trap album.
Payola doesn't mean good
You Was At the Club even without the troll 5s has a higher rating on RYM
I love that performance Billie did on Jimmy Kimmel where she held the microphone above her own head for an entire verse because she was lipsyncing the whole thing.
She's a clown.
Professional critics who understand music gave her extremely good reviews across the board. Why?
She was making a statement about the fakeness of the music industry, dumbass.
Because they were paid to
Projection is the biggest meme for people who don't fucking sing, I swear. Projection doesn't mean shit when you have a fucking microphone in front of your face. Microphones are there to amplify your voice, projection doesn't mean shit, unless you're trying to sing without a microphone, and most likely not around a professional sound engineered setup. Billie's problem stems from a lack of annunciation, the inability to smoothly transition her vocals consistently, and inability to sing challenging tones without the use of software. Projection is almost never an actual vocal problem, unless you have the voice of a ant.
>She was making a statement
That's a great time to make a statement, when you're performing music live on television in front of millions. Crazy me, thinking it'd be more imperative to, ya know, perform music well. Nah, let's make a hypocritical statement that's gonna fall on deaf ears.
Melon gave her an 8 after previously attacking her as "boring" and insulting her vocals. Why did he abruptly change tune?
Billie has to have the voice of an ant then, because she's almost always drowned out by her backing tracks.
And it's enunciation. Annunciation is a Catholic celebration.
Yes, that IS a great time to make a statement, when it can be seen by millions of people.
Read the whole post before replying, dunce.
There aren't even real Billie fans here, just ironic shitposters.
Want to bet she’s sound like ass if she tried to sing our, and the only reason she consistently sings in ASMR is because she’s either be off-key or just sound terrible otherwise?
Why else would she sound exactly the same in two albums worth of material?
>She was making a statement about the fakeness of the music industry, dumbass.
How is it a statement when everyone already knows this?
there is no such thing as another hounds of love, this album is it's own great thing and comparing it is just a diminishment of it
It's still a statement. Billie knows the industry is bullshit and has called it out several times. She's years ahead of other pop stars in her scenario.
It's still a statement. It's a redundant statement that goes without stating that interfered with her ability to put on a worthwhile performance.
Except in the singing department, she's struggling to catch up. Ariana Grande could out sing her on a moments notice.
Explain what's wrong with her voice, because I'm not hearing it. She gave good performances on the record with no autotune and minimal vocal enhancements.
lmao okay
her intonation is all over the place and she's struggling on all sustains, even she makes note of how much she fucking sucks
compared to talent:
that vibrato is remarkable, Billie absolutely never even attempts vibrato because she can't do it
I'd even say Ariana has a far superior image. She's got a beautiful face and natural hair color (none of this fake personality nonsense kids love nowadays). She's dressed in massive baggy clothing that's still coming across as sexy.
Sure, microphones can compensate for projection issues, but the amplification still makes it clear when a singer is belting it out compared to mumbling it like some stupid oaf.
She sounds fine here.
Why the fuck does she say "yall" so much?
Billie's already proven she will lipsync her television appearances. There's no lipsyncing that performance I linked. My example is superior on that one criterion, and therefore to be fair, here's a tantamount Ariana Grande performance:
She hangs around a lot of rappers so naturally she copies their ways of speaking.
Even the little things, like the way Billie opens her mouth for her vowels is really off-point
socially speaking, you adopt the speech patterns of those around you in order to earn their trust and acceptance
so much for that whole "she's being herself, she's not fake!" bullshit
How the fuck is she going to perform live with her black beauty if she can't belt? They're going to be performing over loud trap beats aren't they?
I mean, Highland Park wasn't a nice area when Billie was growing up. Who is to say she's being fake?
Human beings capable of speech.
So it's wrong for someone to speak like their friends? How do you know she's putting on a fake image?
"Right" or "wrong" does not exist in this conversation. She's a white girl from Los Angeles using dirty south slang. No one in Los Angeles enunciates "yall" like that.
She is not being herself, she is being her "friends."
She’s a clout chaser bro. Why else is her Insta 80% pics of her with much better artists? Why did she emphasize her friendship with X during her Montreality interview? She runs on coattailing the talents of others.
No, that's coming when they take themselves seriously as musicians but keep the relaxed nature. Next album or album after, I bet.
Maybe because she's a new artist and needs the publicity? Also, nothing wrong with talking about a well-known friend who has passed.
>Maybe because she's a new artist and needs the publicity?
You don't sound so certain. Who are you asking?
>nothing wrong with talking about a well-known friend who has passed.
This has nothing to do with "right" or "wrong."
Wait until MatPat’s wife Stephanie releases her new album. You haven’t seen anything yet.
How else do you think she should get publicity? Associating herself with other successful artists is a great way to do that.
My point is, she has much more integrity to her as an artist than Yea Forums is willing to admit.
You have demonstrated no integrity on her part. You vaguely cast doubt on the assertion of others and play this childish "right vs wrong" game. The crux is that if I'm claiming she is in the wrong, then you will attack my authority to purport whether anything anyone does is wrong. That's a mental shortcuts popular among children because all they've been exposed to is the simple "right vs wrong" dichotomy mommy and daddy used in their shitty parenting.
You're as good at making points as she is at singing. I am not her publicist, her publicity is not my responsibility.
Why is her album being praised if she sucks? Ever thought of that? It’s like she’s really good, her brother is a genius producer, and most of the hate aimed at her is bullshit.
>Why is her album being praised if she sucks?
My criticism is not contingent upon the validation of others. Is yours?
You do know the same corporations which own the labels also own the magazines, right?
Doesn't mean they bought good reviews.
I love how Ocean Eyes blatantly steals the melodies and intervals from a Weezer song.
Which song?
Check Pinkerton, and I mean the b-sides/bonus tracks. You'll know it when you hear it.
It's just the modern white people way of trying to be black.
>She was making a statement
See, this is the problem with Billie, her fans and industry plants in general, you really believe she "makes statements" and "fights the industry" or something, when she is the industry, she was born into the industry, and every catchy phrase or opinion she has has been fabricated by a pr team
Yep. Wal-Mart sells anti-capitalism artwork. Interscope sells a singer who "exposes the industry."
I'm stuck. Give me another hint.
Shillie is making it a thing now to make "anti-establishment" statements in order to save her image.
>"i never wanted to be famous"
>"i was so the opposite of an industry plant"
>"i grew up poor"
Rinse and repeat.
Disc 2, I have faith, you can find it.
she looks like she fucks black men
oh, wait...
Long Time Sunshine?
They’re talking about her on leftypol. Post your image in there.
AKA stalinist tranny board
Foot pic isn't even her.
Dude. Stop shilling this fucking bitch and start supporting actual musicians on Yea Forums. Don't like industry plants? Don't mention them, don't give them the time of day.
I listened to this album. Was not impressed.
Can someone please explain why her brother keeps being praised as a "genius" producer, because I'm not hearing it. Production sounds pretty generic, like any wiz kid with the right tools could pull it off.
I don't have the time of night to listen to all these.
Fine, here then:
The dude in the middle and middle right looks like a mongoloid lmao, the things they do for clout
>Yeah, gonna need proof. Billie's voice is extremely beautiful. Even Melon praised her abilities.
she has a generic as fuck ''whisper sing'' voice that most females can do
>no autotune and minimal vocal enhancements
>hes actually naive to believe this
autotune doesnt mean your voice has to sound like t-pain.
>listen to album
>It's a mix of the XX and Lorde with added whispersinging.
>Nothing memorable about it and far inferior to the artists it apes.
Still can't believe melon gave it an 8/10. I must be missing something.
>critical acclaim = artistic merit
The only thing you missed is the joke, april fools dude
Not only is granda a better singer, shes far sexier, more alive and carries herself much better than billie
Billie is THE prototypical zombie zoomer whore
Bands signed to major labels with a lot of power behind them have been doing the “anti establishment” game for years now, even nu metal was doing it back 20 years ago
Wrong, shes better than Kate Bush in every single way
Is that Sam Hyde
She's just an updated Lana Del Rey - an artist for boring girls who dream of being weird, rebellious and edgy, but not too much.
I didn't like this album.
then why bump the thread newfag?
Because I like clocks, coo coo clocks, they make me crazy for cock.
>.10 has been deposited to your account
Rivers went out of his way to literally copy popular music and re-synthesize into Weezer's discography, and Billie is very similar (less intentionally, though). It makes sense that they'd have some similar melodies, they're just conglomerates of pop influence.
>less intentionally, though
[citation needed]
bitch looks like andy milonakis's illegitimate offspring was taken in by the producers of viva la bam
not like she wrote it anyway
>get rid of tracks 1-14
lmao, nice bait
Andrew W.K. released a new album? Sweet.
Why would Melon praise her vocal abilities if she sucks?
absolutely, it's the cornerstone of any awful culture based on hyper-individualism. funny part is how ppl end up looking the same, half of millennial and most zoomer chicks got 'art hoe' (whatever the fuck that means) aesthetics now w any combo of at nose piercings, tats, trendy glasses, or super similar style of dress. individualism is a friggin marketing tool funneling everyone into a similar place and Billie here is jus another musical vehicle to those ends
Hasn't she changed the story about how Ocean Eyes was created a good four times already?
By whom?
Whomever didn't think his first review fit their marketing plan
Yeah got any proof to back that up?
>oh yeah fantano said the other day his reviews are for sale, you fucking retard
as much proof as the billie fans have of any of thier claims. Im having a hard time explaining the 180 he did
I wish we would stop having threads about bland lowest common denominator pop every single fucking day
When did he say this?
Fagtano praised her just bc he wants to ride the #woke poptimist wave. The album is good, lets be fair, but if she wants to keep going on she needs vocal lessons asap.
This. Unless she learns to sing like Kate I’m not giving her the time of day nor the praise as if she can.
>Hounds of Love for the zoomer generation
but it already came out in 2017
Do people really think Shillie is woke or socially conscious?
This, except when has she ever expressed political or social commentary? She’s as shallow as the rest of them.
Doesn't surprise me. Those lips are literally made for our BBCs.
She’s a proud feminist and LGBTQWERTY activist you shitlord.
You forgot BBQ
critical reception means jackshit
countless albums have been critically adored and then forgotten, and some of the most influential and loved albums today were ignored or panned in their moment
about the album, "you should see me in a crown" and "all the good girls go to hell" are good, with the second one being a pleasant surprise. then, "xanny" is kinda weird in a good way. The rest is ranges from bad to mediocre. Overall the album is bad of course (somewhere like a 4/10) but I think it's interesting that an album with such oddness to it can be mainstream
>see me in a crown
Huh, tripfag has shit taste, what a surprise
They are all trash
So is every other girl that age. I give her a pass, she's probably too stupid to understand. I think the music is cool. Fuck all that other shit
Daily reminder HoL is one of the most overrated pieces of trash in music history and Kate was an industry plant just like Billie:
And then there’s this dumbass
Billie’s timbre is much nicer than Kate’s.
Doubledown on dumbass
Explain then. Billie’s vocal abilities are VERY impressive for her age.
No, they are not. If you listen to Kate Bush or Nina Hagen at the beginning, those were impressive, also both wrote, not their brother.
How do you say eilish is at all impressive? Other than just trolling of course
I want Billie to sing about the gentrification of her own neighbourhood and how she’s colonizer scum.
I thought that Yea Forums was simply contrarian, but this shit sounds like a knock-off of Reputation, which itself was a knock-off of Yeezus. I'm amazed that people are impressed with this.
Fantano constantly criticizes artists like Melanie Martinez for having the 'soul-less' singing of Lana Del Ray but Billie Eilish sidesteps this for some reason
I don’t think Billie has a soul. She sounds so robotic.
This generations Hounds of Love came out seven years ago.
He’s probably been bought
I think Fantano just wants to be contrarian at this point.
I haven't heard anything about her since this dropped last week.
Has she been forgotten about this quickly?
This thread would’ve been if you hadn’t bumped it
Dumb cocksucker
I don’t like Billie at all, but she is a minor, so maybe how sexually appealing you find her is irrelevant.
Still way too breathy.
I give her 2-3 years before she completely fucks up her voice.
Unironically, yes.
>"she's like soooooo wise beyond her years she's literally a teenage sage!!!"