Trans girl here, can anyone reccomend me some LGBTQ+ music?

Trans girl here, can anyone reccomend me some LGBTQ+ music?

Like ANOHNI or Sophie?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Magnetic Fields cover all the bases, no need to get all weird with it

here you go
"being gay is fundamental to Death in June"

Post your beempis


>ahegao crop
based autogynephile

The Knife

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listen to arthur russell and also listen to heterosexual music

Glass Candy

Basically this.
Also since all pigs must die, OP should kill itself.

no need to be so mean

kill yourself freak

post your penis you little slut.

Literally all you need.

Maybe Divorce Lawyers I Shaved My Head, that album's actually about gender dysphoria.

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dorian electra

the great deceiver

katie dey
dj sprinkles


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le 40% face - söylent gang

You are not a girl! You are a man with a mental illness! I hate this fucking clown world we live in! Aaaaarrrrghhhhhh!!!

>le clown world

You could have prevented this.

Here's some + music.
You're welcome.

I'm doing my mother fucking best in this upside down world! Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!


back to rym and neck yourself tranny

Two threads in one night? I know Trannies are desperate for attention but damn

i wonder why Yea Forums hates trannies so much. i guess there is much to be learned, i always thought music hipsters were more liberal types

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we are on Yea Forums(nel) frien

lol shut up. let people live their lives

faggot discord tranny lover. Fuck off. When a belief causes 40% suicide it's definitely a mental illness. TRANNIES GET OUT

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fuckin trannies and your hentai. kys pls

lol no go away

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lmao maybe a group of people are more likely to suicide if ppl like you constantly tell them to/abuse and harrass them? idk just a thought

Because there is only two genders and it's decided at birth. To say otherwise is complete lunacy.

except being a weeb is the ultimate fucking gay

what kinda idiotic childish strawman are you trying to pull. Gay men that aren't trannies are more likely to die of cancer and car accidents then they are of suicide. Trannies are fucking mnetally ill.
leftypol pls go back to your stalinistic hellscape of transexuals

Haha go fuck your front hole tranny freak.

The Raunchous Brothers, they're a band of polygamous gay lovers who sing about LGBTQ issues, women's rights, politics, and sexual assault.

They sound like a bunch of fags.

im with you in that i wish i could find some good LGBTQ+ tunes but everyone here is either transphobic as fuck or doesn't know jack shit

Boogiepopu da.
[ S A G E ]
Alternatively SPG is a good mental illness band.

kill yourself tranny subhuman
make the world a better place you can do it
you will not be missed

DJ sprinkles - midtown 120 blues

i listened to this album a shit ton before i knew she was trans


has your colon fallen out yet, faggot?

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based, this is the true and only answer

>look at her other songs
>"summer depression"

why is it cool to pretend to be depressed now?

what if their actually depressed?

>le if someone brings up depression that means they aren't actually depressed

leftypol status: on the ropes.

(((why do you think, user?)))

being a guy is hard. fuck it. i'm gonna wear panties. i'm a girl now

cute, post pics

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I hope you get AIDS

I hope you get laid

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only in summer? :-DD

there's more to life than sex, you cum sock

sure, but sex is pretty good too
you'll find that special girl who will suck on your pp one day user I believe

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spot the virgin

i've had sex with multiple women, but looking back now, it was ultimately useless because they didn't breed my seed. also, goddamnit, look at yourselves. what is your life? mocking people because they realize there's more to life than draining cum? you're a blight on our world

not him but summer depression is a pretty shallow, surface level inner city 'depression' sounding title for a track. imagine if van gogh had a painting named 'depressed guy'

based impregnation fetishist, so pure! im mocking you because you told me to get aids for wanting to jerk off to user wearing some cute panties. My actual sex life is just me banging my gf, way more boring than you're projecting surely.

>i've had sex with multiple women, but looking back now, it was ultimately useless because they didn't breed my seed.
pfft, yeah, alright
>based impregnation fetishist, so pure!
you just know that he jacks off to some fucked up stuff
not buying this wholesome shit

>impregnation fetishist
Imagine being so depraved and cum-obsessed that you literally cannot comprehend thinking or doing something for any other reason than making your cock tingle

>muh children
>muh white race
you sound like a cuck. sex is for fun, only retarded boomers have kids

>being a guy is hard

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>you sound like a cuck
probably is one

>sex is for fun

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ladies and gentlemen, we've reached basedjak levels of cope

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You're a retard, and a fucking dumb cunt, but I'm not the one who told you to get AIDS. But seriously, you fucking annoying namefaggot, fuck off.

shut up bitch

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ok this is epic

you're still a dumb namefaggot, and that's never cool

Question from a fellow trans girl here.
Do you mean where the artist is LGBTQ+, that the music speaks to that identity, or either or?

Because struggling with gender dysphora and being a tranny are two different things. Gender Dysphoria can be treated with therapy and with a societal push that you should express your indifualism at the very start by seeing yourself as already whole. Being a tranny you fall into this dangerous mindset that your whole identity can be changed based on physical attributes that are expoilted by plastic surgeons and pharmaceutical companies. Not only that, believing that stereotyping gendered attributes is hypocritically sexist by wearing women's clothing and acting/dressing a certain way.
That being said, there is more to your identity than the clothes you wear and what genitalia you have, the people who do this shit tend to be dull and uninteresting and use it as an excuse to mask their conformist identity.

have sex

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G.L.O.S.S 's demo and their EP Trans Day of Revenge are pretty good.

also, most transwomen i know who are into music all make power-electronics for some reason



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namefagging is THE definitive way of posting on 4channel, stay mad

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>he watched so much porn he developed autogynephilia

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get the fuck off my board you r/thedonald migrating faggot.

you know, you're right. i've changed my ways

dude please stop, we love our president here on Yea Forums

change your ways with a bullet, faggot

(Meme arrows)86913890
Boogiepopu da.
Also consider a /s a g e/
Megas are fairly anti-trannie but have good music.

It's been a while since somebody had a go at impersonating me. Makes me nostalgic :)

enjoy it! I'm here to... me :)

Honest question, why does it matter that the person making the music shares one obscure trait with you? What is there to gain?


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Because of retarded Tranny discord-ops where swathes of retards are trying to ''sway the social landscape'' by spamming their shitty fetishes all over the site.

I have no issue with transexuals but Lgbt is a board for a reason and if you don't tell trannies to fuck off every board is gonna end up like r9k where the entire board has turned into BBC and cocklust posting.

No. You're a guy in your moms dress.

Look mom, I replied to everyone in le thread!! Have sex is a Yea Forums original, stop using it or in going to hit the phenomenal forearm on you and show you why I'm the face that runs the place


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t. pic related

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Fpbp honestly
Magnetic Fields handle LGBT topics better than 95% of other music artists and bands that also tackle it


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wew more like black lives fatter
fucking pudge

Sadly that’s the case for most of Yea Forums. It’s Alt-Right central her for the most part.
>Being a guy is hard
In what fucking universe?

My go-tos are these:
>Walk The Moon - What If Nothing
Vibrant and colorful album with great lyrics and instruments. Also on track 5 the singer Nick comes out which is cool.
>Slothrust - The Pact
Speaks for itself really, Leah is a legend.


you will become disgusting when you get older and probably kill yourself

>seething this hard because user gets to take that big daddy dick every night
I'm jealous too but be polite user


Based. Meaningless sex is exactly that. If you want your life to be meaningless, fill it with meaningless sex and Marvel movies. If you wanna do that but on hard mode, cut your cock off and call yourself a girl.

You will never be a woman, you will never grow life inside of you. Don't larp as something sacred you fucking fag.

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Sup dude hows it hangin

Twin Fantasy is not a tranny album, off yourself

yeah user, I'm sure OP is still checking the thread 13 1/2 hrs later lmao

"something sacred" you sound like a creepy incel

Honk honk

t. OP
You know it is wrong to mutilate yourself be it with a scapel or a pill.

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wtf is LGBTQ+ music? You mean artists

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>entire board has turned into BBC and cocklust posting.
Im ok with this

go kys fucking trap trump 2020