At what age did you grow out of genre tourism
At what age did you grow out of genre tourism
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after i grew out of wojak posting
i'm still touring bitch, and it feels just good.
Ya seethe, tourist?
tourism is literally the best
I love it
Isn’t it a saying , something like ”Travel cures edginess”
touristing is fun gaywad
Xtal is a great track
Friendly reminder that you will forever remain a pleb if you vow never to be a tourist
a person who is travelling or visiting a place for pleasure (often for the first time).
Ever listened to an album for pleasure? Ever listened to an album for pleasure for the first time?
Absolute state of elitist zoomers ruining Yea Forums with their pious wankery
Det Som En Gang Var > Dunkelheit
music isn't a fucking hobby you're supposed to get pleasure out of it's art
tourists are fine as long as they don't shit up the board with posts like the one in your picture there. I myself am a tourist and it's pretty fuckin radical
cringe undiagnosed depression poster
Tourist till the day i die nigga
Around the age of 6. That's when I got a sense of melody and started realizing what was shit and what was good.
The same age I grew into it.
>you are NOT ALLOWED to derive pleasure from experiencing art
Absolute state of elitist zoomers ruining Yea Forums with their pious faux-intellectual wankery
I never said you can't get pleasure out of music but that it's not the function of art, but I guess you can't make a le epic response without misrepresenting people
absolute state of retarded reddit migrants
I just come here to shitpost when my home boards are being lame and there is nothing you can do about it ;)
You sound like you huff your own farts. Pleasure and """"""Art""""""" aren't mutually exclusive.
Why do I have to explain to someone? Do you have 'tism?
seemy fellow retard. also, you will never truly appreciate any music you listen to if you do not treat it as art.
You fucking... Jesus Christ, here we go then
In you said the following:
>music isn't a fucking hobby you're supposed to get pleasure out of it's art
So you're saying music is art — agreed.
Then you say I'm not supposed to get pleasure out of it (i.e. the music i.e. art).
ugh why do u zoomers keep making me do this
verb: suppose; 3rd person present: supposes; past tense: supposed; past participle: supposed; gerund or present participle: supposing
*scrolls to the appropriate usage*
2. be required to do something because of the position one is in or an agreement one has made.
"I'm supposed to be meeting someone at the airport"
synonyms: meant, intended, expected; ought, required, obliged
"computers are supposed to make their lives easier"
— be forbidden to do something.
"I shouldn't have been in the study—I'm not supposed to go in there"
>not supposed to = be forbidden to do something
adjective: forbidden
not allowed; banned.
You said here >you're NOT SUPPOSED TO get pleasure out of it
which means
>you're FORBIDDEN to get pleasure out of it
which means
>you're NOT ALLOWED to get pleasure out of it
which is what I said here Read a fucking book.
Listening to music can be a hobby -- a pleasurable one at that (with or without w/e you consider art).
If you don't acknowledge that then you don't belong here and also shouldn't be calling anyone a retard but yourself.
seeGo outside.
tldr: you misunderstood what I meant so now you're sperging out
go to Reddit if music is just a hobby for you
holy shit absolutely fucking BASED user
is English your second language? You do understand what a hobby is right?
By coming here and discussing music, you've made music your hobby.
Nice argument.
I'll summarise: you just lost.
Now fuck off
Elder god tier based
You got casually btfo by someone smarter than you
I listen exclusively to music that I get pleasure out of. Not once have I ever listened to an album, been like "wow, what a fine piece of well produced art, let me re-listen to it so I can appreciate it again" the only music I save on my phone is stuff that sounds good to my eardrums so stay mad
Thanks, that whole "you can't get pleasure from art" guy was a cunt who needed to get cancelled asap
yes and this is how you know you are a pleb and will never experience music in it's full potential
no and no
seething and no argument
>yes and this is how you know you are a pleb and will never experience music in it's full potential
wow, I enjoy music, guess I'll never be able to use it to its full potential! Dammit :(
laugh it off if you're that brainwashed
this triggers the redditor
Read my arguments here:
Clearly you missed them, they defeated the Redditor
>being proud of being a one string banjo
I'm at that comfy boomer age where I like a mix of extremely mainstream and extremely esoteric, underground music and get to kick back and relax & watch zoomers argue over some made up dichotomies about media consumption
genre might be bad though
Very based
Cringe zoomerfags btfo
>Just a hobby
Your 17 followers on SoundCloud don't make you a career musician you sperg. Stop trying to cover up the fact that you are a redditor. It's fucking cringy
No other shoegaze band has had production values as sophisticated and layered as those on My Bloody Valentine's Loveless.
Xtal is at this point even unique in Aphex's catalog of songs with it's early morning feel with the ethereal warm synths. No other artist has been able to capture this.
No other jazz album is able to change both its foundational composition approach and the improvisational style to accommodate a larger musical narrative at the level Coltrane's A Love Supreme did.
Dunkelheit's fuzz tone, deceptively large number of guitars, and relatively different (for black metal, though it can be heard on other Burzum songs) way of having multi guitar parts make it the most hypnotic experience in a style of music very much going for that feel of hypnotism.
LPs are overrated trash. Even the greatest albums have at least one or two underwhelming bits. Still worshiping LPs is boomer brainwashing.
There's way too much entertainment available out there competing for your time. If something's relatively vetted with a lot of listeners, it's probably a safer bet to spend your time with before something else takes your attention away.
Being 16 wasn't bad. I miss being 16 when all the new music discoveries felt mind blowing, and I wasn't great at sex but the awkwardness of losing my virginity was charming. Also she had big boobies bigger than anyone else i have dated since.
>seething and no argument
Get a load of this guy
tourism is the fucking best
>pick an album cover you like
>skip around a few tracks
>don't like it? don't touch it again
>like it? play it on loop until you get bored
I'd have to imagine most people are genre tourists. You'd have to be really autistic to be really stingy about looking into obscure Metal or Jazz albums which is fine.
In my 30s (currently in my 30s)
To be fair, I have listened to hundreds of Black Metal albums, demos, ep's live albums and what not and I still think Dunkelheit is the second best black metal song ever (The first being Freezing Moon performed live at Leipzig).
Also, that is even more cringe then people who do the "Miles davis, the list goes on" type thing, are people (Especially white middle class girls) who when you ask them if they like Jazz they will get really excited and start listing off only vocal jazz artists and even then listing the most entry level shit.
Based scar poster
havnt been on mu since i was a kid, what is genre tourism?
Genre tourism is so fun, i am a proud tourist.
why is it bad?
Holy shit. Put me in the screencap.
i always get euphoric from
music, stay mad you fucking hipster tourist zoomer. must be sad not to feel the music
thats not the point, of course Xtal is a great track. The point is the character only knows about it because its the highest rated aphex song on spotify and he wants to come across as having a wide range of musical tastes.
>i always get euphoric from
music, stay mad you fucking hipster tourist zoomer. must be sad not to feel the music
nice projection, learn to greentext you plebbit
>nice projection, learn to greentext you plebbit
say it to my face nigger
I used to only listen to albums start to finish. I couldn’t stand listening to my music on shuffle or not starting from a the starting track. Now I play music and I don’t like downloading music to import to my phone or having to keep YouTube open for full albums so I just listen to random music shuffled. I have no favorite artist, no favorite song, and much of the music I listen to and have listened to eludes me. Can’t remmeber song titles now, when I used to know every song and every lyric to every album I used to listen to. Now it doesn’t matter, I just like hearing new things.
Listening and making music is the lowest form of art.
Pure art can only be made when man is conscious of his being in the world.
Unless man is born in an unobscured world, then man cannot create art through music.
Music, at-this-point-in-time, is nothing more than tunes to move the capitalist grunt.
the 'fun is just a buzzword' of Yea Forums
you anti-capitalist retards are so smug.
someone making music in their bedroom only for their own entertainment and fulfillment happens regularly, and is as high of an art form as any other.
some "art" school dropout masturbating with a rotting can of food is the peak of marxist art.
when i stopped frogposting
plz include asking for .wav links for albums they'll never listen to
In what fucking world would a tourist know what Brainbombs is?
Listening isn’t making art, it’s akin to observing. Making and performing music as art is maybe the most human art form, it is typically a group effort, intangible, when it’s over its over till it’s starts again, lyrical themes encompass the broad spectrum of human existence, and it has as much diversity as there is biodiversity. It can be chaotic, it can be serene, just like visual arts, but is dynamic and tonal textures can be very objective, maybe just from conditioning nowadays. But you can express a lot more within the ever expanding spectrum of music than visual arts I believe. But it’s subjextive. I don’t know what you consider art. But art is a human notion, and is subject to human perception. A lot of the music I listen to certainly doesn’t move me to working harder, maybe move me to go buy 12 gauge.
Checked. Dubs of truth.
Mystic Stylez doesn't belong there I can tell you that much. Maybe there's like one or two people on this board who are Three 6 fanboys and always post it but overall most average casual rap listeners don't go that far back into the 90s or even care for extremely "gangster" stuff anymore. Should be Tyler The Creator or Kanye or some other suburbanitecore.
>LPs are overrated trash. Even the greatest albums have at least one or two underwhelming bits. Still worshiping LPs is boomer brainwashing.
so which of the 2 parts of rubycon is the underwhelming part?
20 yrs while in college
Synthwave got me hooked
Just got back from the discomfort is a great album, it's sad that tourists took it over.
Your Heidegger is showing you peachy cunt.
Does that matter? Still 10/10
based definitions poster once again teaches SEETHING teen pseuds how to read
cringe but redpilled
I thought Loveless was tourist-shoegaze not Die Lit ;_;.
That’s my AOTY tqfh senpai
typically good art enriched peoples live in some way, pleasure being one common way
tourism can be fun if you find the right genre and you actually stick through it