She is either lesbian or fucking black guys. no way any white boy gets to even touch her

She is either lesbian or fucking black guys. no way any white boy gets to even touch her

Attached: Billie-Eilish-920x584.jpg (920x584, 81K)

I see the music industry has run out of ideas to plaguerize from the underground once again so it's sexualising lolitas like back in the late 90s...

does anyone even listen to her? uninspired and gay

literally kill yourself and witness the hell within

>he doesnt know

She has such a brutish face, really nasty looking

you people just jealous, let the queen reign in peace

Attached: billie has a big tongue.png (312x630, 446K)

Larp somewhere else cunt

she too sexy for dem white boys thats why

the hell within

i was going to ask "who" then i saw the filename. anyway, idgaf about her

the far left is dangerously deluded and thankfully in the minority. no doubt this girl has been seriously brainwashed. she is well in the minority

Attached: reality.png (495x391, 17K)

Cope whiteboi

nay, it is you who is coping

Shitty worthless talentless industry plant


The only places where I observe this obsession with black people stealing the women is on right leaning places like Yea Forums, 99% of people never even think about that, ever

what about her brother?

it's seething hapas from /r/aznmasculinity spamming BLACKED meme to get back at their white father that beat him.

>sexualising lolita

Home of the free and land of the brave

we love you qween!

Attached: 1552866302033.jpg (895x1046, 713K)

She looks younger and you know it fucker, same with Britney and Xtina.

Her almost inhumanly light eyes make her fall into the uncanny valley. She looks better with a normal eye color.

Attached: eyelash.jpg (920x584, 122K)

She's already confirmed to fuck niggers

why would i get near such a cretin?

she looks like she's at least 20% black

Cause it's raceplay. The prerequisite is racism

imagine if you were dehumanized

Do you have a source for that claim

I want to sit on her face ughhh

no, women sit on faces, not men, god damn

She's lil Xan using make up to hide his bad decisions

Attached: 395.jpg (560x315, 81K)

she literally looks 30

fuck the rules, I really want to smother her face with my buttcheeks

Who the fuck is this girl? Is she the Crystal Castles chick? Or the one with the photo licking a baseball bat? I'm completetly lost here. I've been here so much I lost the sense of time.

Attached: 40327930-closeup-portrait-senior-elderly-mature-business-man-with-glasses-having-eyesight-problems-c (450x312, 16K)

How many years before she drops the ridiculous outfit and we get to see her titties in some tight leather?

This, asking the important questions here

u aight white boi