visual metaphors edition

Attached: D3QCBBRXsAAtOpz.jpg (1000x1500, 255K)

Other urls found in this thread:

post that idol i like with the fat thighs

Wow the new Kard song is chad as fuck

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Attached: D3CfzRoU0AA8fjP.jpg (1626x2277, 1.53M)

post that one fromis girl with the cute smile


Attached: [MPD직캠] 아이즈원 권은비 직캠 하늘 위로(Up) (IZ ONE Kwon Eunbi F.webm (608x1080, 2.92M)

you must delete that


no more depressing shit, post cute girls doing cute things

Attached: Tzuyu Crying.webm (888x500, 2.86M)

Attached: IMG_20190401_190941.jpg (1360x2048, 387K)

i didn't bother listening to it because i'm sure it's some annoying shit that panders to south americans

that's plagiarism. twice invented the on-stage hug.

i want to fuck her

Attached: file.png (600x908, 873K)

Sana claims another victim

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cute nayeon


I'm not sure if I trust K-POP anymore.

Attached: Mejores Tik Tok de Asiáticos _6 2018 03.gif (320x180, 917K)

a rapper is nothing without his mic

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my penis stopping getting hard in the morning at around 25 years old

StockX has them for 650 and grailed has them 2nd hand for around 300-500

So not that expensive

>잘 어울린다 해줘서 >3< 부끄럽네
>translate it with papago
Omo. What did Eunbi mean by this?


Attached: 60E5169A-5749-4689-8017-B033A512307E.jpg (520x780, 62K)

>Hitomi is unfairly criticized for her appearance
is it really unfair though

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you know what kpg, youre all alright
even the gaypop posters and roasties
last thread was max comfy and also unintentionally hilarious

and that's a good thing

this is for you pissy user, hope you stop wetting yourself

Attached: D3Lga3AWkAAihG2.jpg (889x1199, 148K)

only because slugroastie wasn't there

Attached: 1528546068449.jpg (1365x2048, 486K)

Why are they popular there

>mfw 29 year old boomer but still wake up with a rock solid erection

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Yeah, threads like the last one really remind me that below all this shitposting, waifu/uggo wars etc. we still have a lot in common

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i don't do 1200 but sometimes when i haven't looked at fakes for a while i just open like 100s in new tabs and then save the good ones

don't bully my friend


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yeah i had my fill of blogging. back to business as usual

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thanks user

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I think to some extent. She receives extra criticism (from Koreans) because of her nationality

So cute
i want to fuck jiwoo

how is posting some chick crying happy/cute? post a empowered girl like jennie. she's happy and empowered. and cute

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sana's overbite is what gives me the will to wake up every morning

of uggos

Worst member

wtf is wrong with you
i get raging boners almost every morning because like half my dreams are erotic in nature so i wake up feeling like i'm about to cum but still have to fap like 5-10 min because my body is fooling me

He's in his natural habitat.

I think it's because of her extra fat face

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post some kfeet you faggots

she want it dripping like faucet

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everyone give it up for my doomed nugus

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why do koreans have such nice hands?

Attached: D3RPQIXX4Agx3ZS.jpg (800x1500, 218K)

i went from existential crisis to existential crisis for very long precisely cause one of my earliest memories is me realizing that my parents don't know shit. when i realized later that
>Most people just figure it out as they go along and are walking balls of anxiety, its fine
and it wasn't just my parents, it made me feel so much more at ease.

this calls for the gayest screenshot i can think of.

Attached: jooheonminhyuk.jpg (1024x555, 44K)

please support jennie this comeback

Attached: solo.jpg (1968x2616, 1.21M)

Hyunjin is -2/10 without makeup and styling but becomes an 8/10 with it. Any other idols who have such a dramatic transformation?

Attached: images (7).jpg (225x224, 7K)

asians in general do

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>that peach

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The pulverized baby-flesh pills they smuggle in from Manchuria.

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that may be deserved but it is cute.

8/10 is way too generous

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wow, she's beautiful

oh that's where i clipped this from

Attached: jiudizzy.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

what was chewy supposed to be cosplaying as again

nice. any minu in the same outfit?

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seems like the guys here who hate jennie are just seething and intimidated

there are at least 3 of us on kpg who genuinely like pentag0n, how can korea sleep on them? blasphemy

Attached: penTALLgon.jpg (1280x960, 390K)

vampire iirc

if theres one poster i like the most in here its the guy who always posts dubu
start my morning with some nice dubus and then a few more dubus to close the night out
my day wouldnt be the same otherwise
if i dont get my dubuposts i feel robbed of the richness of my day
wish everyone could experience this dubufeel

a succubus

most of them?
some more than others, but i think it's more drastic with women, like yuna

i love kpop because of the music

looks like Yeji lol

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Why should I be intimated by a Vietnamese midget

fuck you faggot

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nice, love this whore

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the daily pentagon feet post

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my bladder broke on family roadtrip when I was like 20 or 21. It was like a 3 suv caravan of neurotic aunts, uncles and cousins who were constantly fighting and I had to hold it for hours. Never been the same since.

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shut the fuck up tinny

i had to drop then when they did my boy dirty

i don't hold it against my parents that they "don't know shit," especially my dad i have more of a friendly relationship with, my mom wants to be my friend but she was and is too authoritative for me to be friends with. so i feel like we're in it together. nobody's got it all figured out, it's all part of the human experience. life is mysterious. also people have different opinions and ideas.
>Most people just figure it out as they go along and are walking balls of anxiety, its fine
pretty based

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bunny dates are the best

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Attached: DzMqa04U8AA768r.jpg (1000x1250, 147K)

I'd say replace Jisoo and Rosie but I wouldn't fight about it. People here like to shit on the SEAs but Lisa is def first every time.


i assume every dubu poster is the discord kpg shill so i can't take them seriously anymore

for me, it's arin. nice going to bed with the foreknowledge my dreams will be filled with jiggling thighs

i have heard holding it in can actually fuck you up pretty bad. sucks bro

no hyunjin slander allowed below this post

Attached: DeNicZQVwAADWQK.jpg (801x1200, 112K)

what is she doing dude
looks like shes squatting over having shit on stage

holy shit this woman is perfect
i thought she was a drawing from the thumbnail
who is she? i need to know!

i love yeji but it's still true

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love her as well

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they have become my 2nd bg after BTS

stop comparing ugly fags with her, you know you're blind

Chans gonna lose all his hair if he keeps bleaching it

i see it

a dubu a day keeps the worries away

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stop slandering woojin idiots

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after all these years, he'll finally hatch into a chicken

>"what do you want to eat? me?"


any Cubbers?

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>fav group


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That's also an old photo. I didnt get why he was the official visual at first dbh, but he's filled out since then

yeah i feel like jail and homeless shelters did a number on my bladder
hydration probably plays an important role in it, and learning to urinate more frequently instead of holding it in
also that sounds like a hectic road trip!

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who do I replace to make room for mei?

Attached: harem.jpg (1606x1002, 970K)

wow, she's beautiful

black hair yoo tho

Attached: hf_dreamcatcher-1113395301815963648-20190403_065820-img2.jpg (1536x2048, 566K)

yeji is not as pretty as seulgi

>taking bunny on a date to the Shaolin temple

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i tried to fix him

Attached: wooj.jpg (600x900, 70K)

Momo: Tinkerbell
Twiejun: Pinowico
Cub: mermaid
Sana: Batman (or robin?)
Dubu: a rabbit
Mina: captain hook
Nayeon: devil
Tzuyu: goth
Jihyo: some girl in a white dress?

Attached: IZ-ONE.Chu.Secret.Friends.E01.190321.1080p-MaSK3.webm (1926x1080, 2.95M)

He deserves it for being a slut.

Hes got very unfortunate looks, sometimes I feel bad cause he seems nice

please tell me who she is!!!!!!

Honestly jisoo and rosé are about the same for me, I don’t really care about the group but Lisa definitely goes first, I think everyone can agree on that. And people here shouldn’t be so mad at the seas desu, both ten and Lisa are fantastic idols

Attached: D3CJKJEUcAAbTT3.jpg (852x1389, 486K)

why are gayshitters so cringe

based and dubupilled

no bangs hayoung next comeback

Attached: hayoung24.webm (1920x1080, 361K)

give them oppas bananas

because of her power to say ''you kno what user, FUCK YOU!'' unlike the submissive bitches you like in twice

He needs to go back to black. Bored of the blonde look.

and sorn

literally the prettiest girl i have ever seen in my entire life

solar probably had some work done, which is why she looks like anri okita

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Atleast she looks like she’s trying for once

i'd replace yuqi, but chink harem best harem

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frost queen

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This guy used to eat dog treats and followed a cultist stranger as a trainee to a strange building on the outskirts of seoul, where he got scammed out of 5000 won
Stray kids are all a bit odd when I think about it

Attached: 1538557233146.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

he's not that bad when he frees his forehad, you should post that.

Attached: D3IfvjKU8AAD9xd.jpg (1600x2400, 473K)

*let the hair grows and mogs all kpop visuals*

Attached: 1554245717610.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

up chuck

poor man's bam

nice try sluggo is the ugliest shit


Attached: [V LIVE] 아이즈원 배 탁구대회🏓2.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

Attached: 1526964354922.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

what has momoland become

Attached: DgpsJVjU8AA1Sah.jpg (1366x2048, 242K)

>Title track ‘Pinky Star (RUN)’ contains GWSN’s dreams and promises to run toward the dreams anywhere anytime. ‘Pinky’ means the little finger and ‘Star’ means the dreams and the subtitle ‘RUN’ is an acronym for ‘Renew Universal Network’ meaning ‘let’s make a difference in the world together.’
>‘RUN’ is an acronym for ‘Renew Universal Network’ meaning ‘let’s make a difference in the world together.’

deeper than loonaverse

All of the Thai line are pretty cool

Attached: 1539675012691.webm (1920x1080, 1.55M)

I think they bleach the shit out of the aussies' hair on purpose, to make them stand out to potential new western fans.
And then theres changbin who's never touched hair dye in his life

I think the girl in the photo is Changbin's sister. Hyunjin used to stay at Changbin's house a lot predebut.

wanna suck on her tongue like they do in javs
makes me wonder why asians seem to be the only ones who suck on tongues

as long as she wraps an user in her indian coat to keep warm

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god I love twice


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she gets hit more often than others

Attached: 1550595331307.webm (1920x1080, 849K)

bad webm dbh

yikes, ugly tranny
don’t samefag roastie

nobody has prettier feet than seulgi


I.N’s ripe teen bussy

He's the nicest of them.

they were always a joke you bandwagon fuck

based and thank you for posting my wife

Attached: D3RExs0UYAA_fJh.jpg (1366x2048, 263K)

you sound like me user, nice.
if someone has yet to find beauty in life let it be from the mystery of it all, that should be easy enough.

No lewding

i like your enthusiasm

Attached: SY_Lullaby-1095222707132653568-20190212_022656-img1.jpg (1125x2000, 484K)

I feel so bad for Lisa, blackpink is given such shitty choreo so the entire group can do it. And even when she holds herself back the others still can’t catch up

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please sir take my wallet

if jennie is so bad, why does she get so many endorsements?

Attached: 1554278069494.webm (852x480, 2.86M)

WORD, most tickleable feet in kpop

we need to see her feet first

i wanna hatefuck pcy


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Attached: 1544314052517.webm (1280x720, 1.17M)

who said anything about fav you idiot. learn to read.

i finally listened to the new gwsn album yesterday and the whole thing is lit

the vcr for this tour was the best one yet

nvm, its either xuan yi or mei qi otherwise there would be 2 girls from the same group

i don't know if its you but he posted some cringy shit
i joined the server to lurk around kcon and he was pretty easy to spot and apparently had a seizure or smth at kcon and his discord buddies had to leave the venue to bring him to a hospital or smth lmao

Is there a list of the top ten most watched idol fancams? Or atleast just for female idols?

Just like how hollywood meme'd Jennifer lawerence, YG mediaplayed Jennie to be way more popular than she really is.

the others at least try, jennie doesn't even bother


thought this would be someone else

Lisa isnt a great main dancer but shes the only one who consistently isnt sloppy about the choreo
Do BP never practice in the studio for more than a couple hours?

He gets lost easily. Also don't forget the helicopter crashing into Seungmin's apartment.

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wonderful love was a genuinely good song

Attached: DdoGhjtV4AAbpib.jpg (1200x1800, 123K)

that's putting it very mildly

notice how no one gives a fuck

you’re welcome friend

Attached: fe97bd717b1890bd46792f7a8eb89a8b.jpg (749x1142, 110K)

i.n is under my protection. 6'3" black belt btw.

I’m all the people just walking past

>The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom the emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand wrapped in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed.
einstein quote

Attached: einstein_aproves_of_kpop_by_kittykatlove101_d79dsyz-350t.jpg (358x350, 27K)

Go away Lee Know.

milker powers combine to!

damn that looks like a pain to do

yeah man. nowadays if I know I'm gonna be somwhere without the ability to piss I just accept that I'm gonna have to stay dehydrated because I need to piss multiple times almost immediately after drinking half a water bottle. Worse with beer, fucking forget it.

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how do we shrink hitomi's face?

Attached: D2kKUweX0AAEG27.jpg (400x400, 25K)

jennie barely moves

i will impregnate eunha with my potent seed

blackpink in less 16 hours i think

Rose and Jisoo looked worse than Jennie desu

Attached: BLACKPINK_Forever_Young_LIVE_in_NYC.webm (922x500, 2.94M)

weird, they're still using wallpaper on glue for ads/billboards in my country. shame when the chavs keep tearing pieces off or graffiti over it

he must have gotten a seizure at the sight of dubu's beautiful face, not many can handle it

Attached: DqGjP0YV4AAFHZN.jpg (1000x1500, 193K)

Was the helicopter thing true? I thought it was a joke or prank made up by someone.

Attached: SY_Lullaby-1048680865352433664-20181006_170616-img3.jpg (1333x2000, 597K)

our pabo

Why can Know lewd him but not me?

This. Dancing is not just about movement, dancing is about looking good while moving and that comes with body type. Jisoo due to her stumpy proportions will never good as good as some who is well proportions when it comes to dancing. Same for Lisa, she is so STICC, that no matter how good she is technically, she will never look as good as some like say Chungha.

ya boy e'dawn? fair enough. i'm more into hui (until he starts to speak).

i'm also fine with my parents now, but it was rough back when i was small. fuck i have to stop responding, makes me want to TALK.

Attached: hyudawn.jpg (1080x1329, 180K)

>meme'd Jennifer lawerence
what was in that?

surprised the women in the back are enjoying it honestly

I swear she’s the most unlikeable idol
Lisa is actually a really good dancer, her older dance stuff showcases her talent a lot more, she just gets ugly as fuck choreo now

Attached: D26C0HiXgAAkVnL.jpg (435x435, 22K)

don’t samefag roastie we all know she’s the ugliest shit

i would faint if i saw dubu irl


Attached: 38627261_593724181025295_5799828754532401152_n.jpg (1080x1080, 1.03M)

>secret for beauty

she knows we like her thick

she was a human vacuum on chewy's cooking vlive, ate enough for all the missing members

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I.N was my least favorite Stray Kid with Seungmin, but now he’s my 2nd favorite. I want him.

I have a special treatment for her

>stream miroh

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he did them dirty by choosing this whore over his bois

Attached: paJleRF.jpg (1080x1350, 68K)

They do practice a decent amount I think, but on stage they’re just a mess aside from lisa

you have no idea. From Texas to Cali like 10 or 12 of us? My family is fun but fuck are we dysfunctional as ever. I only went because of fomo and I really regret it now. I had fun with my cousins but really wasn't worth what it did to my bladder.

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my witchfu

Will blackpink break the record 24h views?

Jennie is literally that spoiled brat who thinks she's better than everyone

Jfc Lisa should go solo

Attached: 1547651619866.webm (1920x1080, 1.12M)

I think it is. There was an actual helicopter crash. Supposedly he was brushing his teeth when it happened.

post her feet

i'm happy that i have a good relationship with my dad at least now, i used to always escape into the families of my friends because mine was too dysfunctional and i couldn't deal with it... getting a sinking feeling...

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I just dont get it. If an old man like jin can improve up to a certain point, what's BP been doing all these years

let it out user

bless those meth heads, they seem happy together at least
edawn and h not ur parents

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probably not

why does sana squat so much

Her swalla dance was fun to watch

Depends. It is realized when majority of SEA is asleep.

why? He can do so much better

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Attached: eunhabed.jpg (1600x1066, 176K)

this but for completely pure reasons because i realized he can sing pretty alright

based moomoos with uninary issues.
its lit up in here

>stream Miroh
>stan SK
BASED Baby Stays

he solo should just be dancing. all the stuff she's done has been good

Attached: 1547214093088.webm (886x1080, 2.93M)

perfect girl

Attached: slug33.gif (500x500, 3.36M)

I can’t believe she got a solo when the group has 9 songs. Seriously what the fuck lmao.

She is technically good but her weight and proportions make it look like I am watching Lanky Kong dance.

>momo neet

Attached: DOxF9CbV4AAjvWb.png (1075x1200, 1.08M)

I love it when Momo smiles and smirks like that

dont know much about Ten but lisa, bam bam, sorn, minnie all seem really nice and genuine. They all speak really good english as well.

what is the best song to listen in a night setting lit by stars only

M Countdown will be extended from 90 mins to 120 mins per episode starting today

A new stage named "Studio M" would also be introduced for performers to perform songs in different ways from the originals

For today Mamamoo (with a medley), Jeong Sewoon (different version of "Feeling") and Bolbbalgan4 (with "Mermaid") will be performing there

fucking love sohee

too bad her group isnt popular, they're all pretty perfect looking

Attached: DlsCgzzUcAAB1_q.jpg (686x1200, 85K)

cute hair

i can still pee fine but i'm worried now

Attached: DpwUvIOXgAA6W5p.jpg (1336x2048, 342K)

I don’t even know. Jennie in particular has gotten worse in everything. Her singing used to be ok, now she sounds like a dying goat on stage. Lisa is the sub vocal but she’s honestly so much better

ten is cute and friendly but also sort of comes off as a shady cunt at times. but mostly nice.

def some nose work, maybe jaw shaving, she lost a lot weight tho and make up plays a huge part.
im not complaining though

Attached: 1554011017861.jpg (2048x1366, 412K)

Momo - Kai
Mina - Egg
Sana - Lay
Twiceboy - Chanyeol
Dubu - Suho
Cub - Xiumin
Nayeon - Baekhyun
Jihyo - Chen
Chewy - Sehun

Attached: DjVXYYBV4AA8fQl.png (1000x1500, 2.24M)

He's been rising in popularity a lot lately.

swalla dance?

love is volcano

I would link a roy kim song but listening to his stuff is a bit awkward now

this album is p comfy i think

finally an attractive girl

that's probably because he's gay. He's one of the coolest in all of NCT tho for sure

>From Texas to Cali like 10 or 12 of us
holy fuck
sounds memorable though
sorry it fucked up your bladder
nerves play a big role in it
it's probably a matter of habit, if we drank enough water and didn't hold it in we'd probably be fine lol

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Oh. That's neat.

finally my wife

meant for

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>watamote momo

don’t samefag roastie

Are you the user who said he didn't like I.N because his voice ruins songs?

damn never really thought about it but the Thai's are based

She can rap and sing pretty well too from the things I’ve watched

actually its timing

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he's for hugs only. he is up there on gaypop purity chart.

nice try samefagging roastie but she’s the ugliest shit

that would be felix, he's the best boy

no i can honestly say i usually don't pay enough attention to the vocal bits in stray kids songs for them to ruin anything

I see what you mean but I still personally really like her dancing, would love to see her do harder choreo

>M Countdown will be extended from 90 mins to 120 mins per episode starting today
you have got to be shitting me
who is going to watch two fucking hours of music shows a week

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I wouldn't know

Ten is cute as hell, and one of the best male kpop dancers. Unfortunately he’s stuck in the same dungeon that Lisa is in
i think she's natty, might get a little botox or something idk

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words of wisdom

any kpop like this?

It's cute when he tries to be sarcastic or witty like han but hes too sincere to pull it off


and twice will be at the end of that 2 hours
kill me

The one that went super viral, you haven’t seen it?

i had one sane grandma, she literally saved my life many times. in general she was just the best human being i ever knew.

i genuinely appreciate your response, however you don't want me to let it all out. you're talking to a person who has written an actual psycho-thriller before. would be way too long to post it over here.

i sometimes worry about hyuna's transformation, but then i remind myself that she always liked to show lots of skin. they really seem happy, i hope they're working on something fun.

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He honestly never gave me creeper vibes

I was hoping it was, thinking he maybe had a change of mind.
