music for this feel
Music for this feel
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How about this feel?
Bullying people with dysphoria isn't going to solve anything, they'll just run to the "accepting" crowd who will tell them to mutilate their bodies to feel morally superior. Instead you should encourage them to seek real help to conquer their mental illness.
So, op. What’s your favorite lgbt artist? Mines Sufjan Stevens but Sigur ros is a close second.
Kill the trannies and jews
for me it’s douglas pearce
>get constantly dehumanized and harassed
>"Why are their suicide rates so high"
based and redpilled
Idk but they should be higher
>pinball wizard
also rolling
""real help"" other than transition doesnt exist you delusional retard
something cringe
yeah should be a bit higher like the 99% range
don't most groups of people get that treatment as well?
what compelled you to make this thread
gary needs a new paira shoes!
Peter Gabriel
coil my man
oh hell yeah, rollin
The reason this thread has so many replies in that amount of time is bc so many people here are trannies
Lindsey jordan snail mail
Bl*Ck peepo!’?
right, are you one too
rollin for 9gag
What do you listen to in order to cope, Yea Forums?
You would think that muslims would have like a crazy suicide rate. Or black people. Weird how this one marginilized group has a suicide rate so high for some reason. If i didnt know any better I would say its mental illness. But according to the DSM and public opinion its NORMAL. So i guess im just a dummy.
Your mother's screams of ecstacy...
and what "real help" do you propose, retard? why don't you mind your own business?
thom yorke
you would also think that the large stigma around the subject, families disowning individuals who have come out (and potentially leaving them homeless), never seeming able to pass, being unable to get treatment one way or another, etc etc would also contribute. not to mention the suicide rate goes down quite a bit after receiving treatment.
Hurr durr what is gd
>real help
such as
Mental illness and suicide run rampant in the trans community. Just because "transition" is the easiest advice doesn't mean it's the right advice. Would you tell an anorexic to stop eating because it makes them feel comfortable? Stick with them, be their friend when they need someone to talk to, but tell them their dysphoria is telling them they're something they're not.
>why don't you mind your own business?
Because I saw a good person go down a very dark path and turn into something I KNOW they're not comfortable with. Letting that happen to other people is wrong.
they definitely weren't dysphoric then lol, there's a large difference between transgenders and transtrenders. your logic is the same as "no one can be gay, just try and talk them out of it it would help a lot!!! :)))"
please be more informed on the issues you're debating.
So just pretending nothing is happening, everything is okay, just stop believing you are the opposite sex and everything will be alright is what we should do instead of actually helping them?
>'you see, your feelings aren't actually real :)'
Wow you cured my gender dysphoria, very epic of you.
Telling someone not to fill their body with alien hormones or undergo physical surgery to make themselves into something they're not is very different from telling someone to not sleep with someone else. One is pretty obviously more extreme.
boomer-tier "advice"
>alien hormones
user, you have estrogen/testosterone in your body right now.
just admit to yourself you're a pussy. not a woman. a pussy. that's the first step to healing. admit to yourself that you're a pathetic excuse for a man, yet still a man. just because you're not Chad Alpha Dudebro doesn't mean you're "a girl on the inside". you're just pathetic and failing to do anything about it.
your body is healthy, it's your brain that's messed up, and we don't have surgery for that yet.
I don't want to solve anything I just want to bully them
No, I never said ignoring it is the problem. You have to help them face it and tell them something is not right. You don't ignore depression, but you certainly don't tell a depressed person "well if you're thinking of killing yourself why don't you do it!"
It's not a feeling like "I'm sad" or "I'm happy", it's a mental disorder. An anorexic thinking they're fat is not actually fat.
holy fucking based
Based iFunny neo-doge poster
Yes, but my body is producing a healthy level of each.
@86906748 (You)
Happy now?
aaand what gives you (or anyone else) the right to tell them they have to live in a body they're extremely uncomfortable with and not transition, which is proven statistically to help (much more than "just talk 2 them lol :)))" would, as it wouldn't help in the slightest). why not do what makes you feel happy/comfortable
Henry Rollins
Yeah I'm a pussy, nah I'm not a man. No one who'd see me irl would vouch that position. I'm not going to claim 'I'm a girl on the inside' because who am I to say that? I don't know what 'being a girl on the inside' means, I only know what I feel. And what I feel just so happens to be at total odds with any traditional idea of masculinity, both social and physical, so why would I wan't to 'try and be a man'?? I'll happily admit I'm pathetic, I know it better than anyone, but I am doing something about it! I'm on HRT and I only feel better than I ever did before, and you're no one to tell me otherwise.
>An anorexic thinking they're fat is not actually fat.
Can you explain how this is equivalent to gender dysphoria?
pc music is autogynephilia in audio format
based wizard poster
big money no whammies
Nothing. If you want to do it to your body you have every right to do it. I don't think transitioning should be illegal in any way, and if one of my friends decided to begin transitioning tomorrow I would still be their friend. But if one of them told me they were having serious thoughts about it I'd talk to them and tell them it's not the answer and it's only going to cause far more serious harm to their mental health down the road.
Humans are no so sexually dimorphic, switching the balance of hormones the other way is not as inherently unhealthy as you seem to think it is.
Repressing only leads to suffering.
transwomen are incels
No one thinks it's normal you retarded fucking cum guzzling faggot
>I'm on HRT and I only feel better than I ever did before
you could have taken up any other thing that made you feel like you were making some kind of progress in your life and it would have worked just as well, except with HRT you're doing permanent damage to your body. it's comparable with getting hooked on a really harmful drug for a while. the suicide stats are the way they are because HRT doesn't get you remotely "there". at the end of it you'll still be in androgynous territory, probably closer to male looking, sounding and smelling. so with that in mind it's a damn shame that nobody can stop you for your own good.
Perhaps, but I'm seriously not convinced the opposite is doing people any better. I'd be interested in a study of the mental health of people who experienced gender dysphoria is 10-20 years after the feelings (symptoms?) first appeared, separating those who transitioned from those who didn't (if you are already aware of a study like that I'd actually like to see it regardless of what the outcome was).
>you could have taken up any other thing that made you feel like you were making some kind of progress in your life and it would have worked just as well
Wrong, because nothing else would have the effects on my body that HRT does. I'm not doing 'permanent damage', could you try to elaborate why you think that? It isn't comparable to being hooked on some harmful drug; as time goes on for a drug like that the enjoyment will only go down as it gets old and tolerance builds up. The exact opposite is true for HRT, more time means better results. At the end you won't have a clue what I'll be like, since you don't even know what I look like. Voice isn't affected by HRT, that's what voice training is for (you should go listen to what people can do with enough time and practice!) and body odour has been one of the first thing's I've noticed that changed, I don't smell like a guy at all.
What you're saying makes sense but bullying is a form of encouragement that works for a lot of people.
A man thinking he’s a woman when he is not.
>At the end you won't have a clue what I'll be like, since you don't even know what I look like.
Oh, we all know exactly how you'll end up. I thought it was just a joke that discord trannies came here.
That isn't what gender dysphoria is. It is the exact opposite: the self awareness of your physical sex being incongruent with how your brain expects your body to be, leading to immutable feelings of distress over one's sexual characteristics which are best alleviated through HRT and social transition.
Oh no, I didn't come from any discord server. I've been browsing this board for years, but I also browse /lgbt/. You don't have to try to boogeyman some other platform, I've always been right here.
Hey, I attempted suicide when I was a teenager, and I'm not a tranny or even a fag
Well, I can be a huge fag, but what I mean is I'm heterosexual
You'll never be a real girl.
beth sawlts
they get off to the idea of having a woman's body
which is fine but they shouldn't harass people for sex and validation
>some mentally ill people want to cut their arms off because psychosis/disabled fetish/whatever
>nobody considers actually cutting their arms off
>some mentally ill people want to cut their dicks off because dysphora/autogynephilia/whatever
>doctors will do it for extremely large sums of money with the approval of all right-thinking persons
kys tranny
Amputating healthy limbs is an obviously inherently dangerous and negative thing to do that will only impede on someone's quality of life.
If someone's genitals causes them significant amounts of distress removing them will only serve to improve their mental wellbeing while removing reproductive abilities which they were never going to make use of in the first place.
>doctors will do it for extremely large sums of money with the approval of all right-thinking persons
Why does everybody have to think in terms of "left" and "right"? What about being a logical human being who doesn't want to cut off their reproductive organs or take poison that will fuck with their endocrine system? Cross dress and wear wigs all you want, that shit is okay but the line needs to be drawn.
Cross dressing and wearing wigs does nothing to alleviate feelings of physical dysphoria, that's what HRT and surgery is for.
why are these threads so common on Yea Forums
>just humor them
>don't try to bring them back to reality or anything, that would be bad
By your logic, all mental health intervention is bad if it doesn't involve indulging the patient's delusions. The lunatics are truly running the asylum.
>'no sweaty, your feelings aren't actually real :)'
Reality is that they don't want to be physically masculine/feminine, the treatment exists to change that... So who the fuck are you to say it's wrong? There is nothing delusional about having the self awareness to know you aren't comfortable with your sexual characteristics.
Yea Forums is a slow board so it's easier for them to raid and prey on sad fucks like this guy .
I'm just trying to help them think logically if it's not too late.
it's singled out for being at a certain point in time relatively left-leaning so you've got your local pol people shitting it up and the occasional r/socialism crank trying to establish a foothold. they go at it with each other all fucking day. i'm getting sick of this shit
Should people be allowed to cut their arms off if they feel deep down inside that being disabled is their "true" identity? Is that moral?
who are "them"?
it's always /pol/cucks making these threads
I wasn't 'preyed upon' by anyone, I came to realisation I was trans without any outside influences whatsoever.
If somebody really believes they're a pirate deep down and have occupational dysphoria, then absolutely.
The trannies. I still believe they can be helped, we just haven't found the cure yet.
The problem is, people die from complications from bottom surgery all the time. It's literally a fucking gaping wound between your legs that is easily torn and infected. That's not good.
>occupational dysphoria
on all levels except physical i am a hedge fund manager
Your subconscious is a powerful tool that can be manipulated. They've gained the power to control you.
'All the time' yeah I'm sure lol. That's nothing to say of HRT either, which I'd confidently claim is more important to changing your sexual characteristics.
Actually based and compassionpilled
if you just let them be then maybe they'll come up with surgeries that aren't grotesque freezer experiments
Sorry, I don't deal with conspiritards. Go to /pol/ if you want to whine about muh jews.
I never mentioned conspiracies, jews or the /pol/ boogeyman. See what I mean?
Okay, humour me. Who has so manipulated my subconcious, who are 'They', why are they controlling me, and what sets you apart giving you this omniscient understanding of how this all works?
we make sense of ourselves with reference to other individuals and our environment
so are these threads 4d chess then
Call it whatever you want to.
It's all in your head.
>who has so manipulated my subconscious
the public relations apparatus
>who are 'They'
the ruling class
>why are they controlling me
to extract additional profit from individuals and bolster social cohesion within the imperial core
>what sets you apart giving you this omniscient understanding of how this all works
he's a pseudoint blowhard faggot
I wasn't the one who claimed knowledge of some ulterior manipulation.
This is easily the most interesting thread I've seen on any board.
is it
The only rights trannies deserve is right to a bullet
>he's a pseudoint blowhard faggot
why are there open trannies here now anyway. I know some had to have been lurking here for a while but I never saw them being public about it and defending their abominable perversion until recently.
How did this thread even get so many replies?
/leftypol/ and chapo raiders trying to "reform" the"alt right"
Just bully them until they leave
because they didn't have a reason to bring up being a tranny before. now that every board gets spammed with tranny bait threads they come out the woodwork.
because threads like this are getting made
Because we're not killing them like we should be.
It's so funny, I just can't help myself. No one has any intelligent opinions when it comes to trans stuff on here, I just can't help myself. It's so fun.
Yeah. Granted, i haven't really browsed in about 2-3 years, and its kind of depressing to see this board really slow. But more so, most of my friends are pretty liberal, and I've had similar thoughts to
though, at the end of the day, All I end up doing is thought experiments in my head,I would like to see actual science thrown behind it.
>No one has any intelligent opinions when it comes to trans stuff on here
This thread makes a lot more sense than anything going on in your brain. People usually laugh when they're feeling nervous about something.
The only intelligent opinion is giving trannies a quick bullet to the skull.
Why would I feel nervous about uninformed strangers on the internet expressing their shallow views?
>Being /pol/
>Being a tranny enabler
>Not being TERF master-race
what's your problem
Remember when Yea Forums had jannies? Feels like so long ago.
aka a femcel
bigtech has consolidated online social space into like four or five similar sites so naturally you'll see more of these weird fringe demographics than you used to
it's also being promoted pretty heavily so people who would have remained repressed in the past are jumping on the bandwagon while they can
Real talk.
shut up idiots. we're performing a socially acceptable mass sterilization and castration of mentally ill faggots, please do not interfere
I'm a boy, and I have sex sometimes.
ben shapiro okay this is epic
respect my pronouns u bigots
now that's fucking based
This isn't socially acceptable in 2019. You've set off a few of my triggers with your toxic behavior.
Nobody actually talks like this btw.
it's called a shenis
Music for this feel?
shit like this is just sad
I'm out of the loop. When and why did this website suddenly start caring so much about transvestites? I only casually lurk anymore the past few years and lately threads and posts just pop up out of nowhere without any provocation. I've even seen some posters go as far as to create discords just to make screencaps of fake raids. I really feel like I'm getting too old for this place.
read the thread, retard
damn, dude, you're so cool
You're not a woman if you are born with a penis. Get over it bro.
Is that not PC anymore or something?
Naw. Just say trans if you actually care and aren't trolling. Like calling intersex people hermaphrodites, it isn't looked upon too well.
Nah just call them fucking perverts.
I know I'm not a woman. I'm not some delusional sjw. But until someone can invent a real treatment im going to take estrogen to try and lessen the pain of gender dysphoria.
As long as they are not allowed to reproduce I'm fine with it. In due time they'll disappear from the genepool and the world will be free from this disease. They can be enabled for all I care.
Just mentally liberate yourself from the social construct of gender, bro.
Does this board have any mods?
If that were true they wouldn't exist right now. And we are allowed to reproduce whether you like it or not. Lol.
It just doesn't mean the same thing as transgender. It was coined in the 60s I think and was basically referring to drag queens, i.e. (usually gay) men who sometimes dressed up as women for fun but probably had no real gender dysphoria
i would if i could but its a very serious mental illness. something is just fucked up in my brain.
54 roll pls
Yes but they are based and let this thread stay up.
That does nothing to alleviate feelings of dysphoria physical in nature.
nigga stop jacking off in the mirror tf
Why would someone with gender dysphoria want to jack off let alone even have a penis at all lol
That's not true, transgenderism is literally just 19th century bro-science about gender that's been heavily promoted to sell tittypills. If eugenics could be profitable you can be sure phrenology would make a big comeback as well. The idea that there are "male" or "female" brains is pure pseudoscience.
Removing yourself from the construct is hard but it can be done. Most mental illness make people neurotically fixate on completely trivial things, like gender or not getting laid.
>physical in nature
I dunno, why do trannies raping lesbians with their dicks?
>>physical in nature
So why do you think people undergo SRS and HRT?
They don't.
>If that were true they wouldn't exist right now.
That's because societal pressure in the past forced these kinds of people to attempt to lead normal lives while keeping their true nature hidden and shut, in fear of going to jail or getting burned in the streets. Now that they are enabled and free, they don't have to keep up that pretension anymore. This is the best time in all of human history to get rid of this genetic mistake, all that needs to be done is to disallow them to reproduce.
transgender people are such a small percent of the population. you really think thats a profitable enough market to manufacture a mental illness for? you can't just wish away being a tranny. i've had these feelings for as long as i can remember.
Sorry sweaty, your fascist fantasy will never come true.
Please go back to twitter.
Because gender as a social construct has a very close relationship to medical sex and even though I dispute there are real neurological causes for transgenderism clearly these people (to a greater or lesser degree) sincerely do believe they belong to the gender they identify with. In order to reconcile their self-image with their physical self SRS and HRT are legit tools to use, just like wearing skirts and makeup.
And much like those SRS and HRT are entirely superficial. It is impossible for a trans "woman" to actually have a uterus, or menstruate, at best they're able to produce small amounts of milk. All SRT or HRT is going to accomplish is making them look more like a real woman.
>All SRT or HRT is going to accomplish is making them look more like a real woman.
thats the whole point of HRT and SRS. trannies don't think that HRT and SRS makes them into a cis woman
the ones that survive maybe
Yeah, transitioning improves the mental health of trans people.
More or less. That's how the psychiatric industry works. That's how every industry works.
I'm not saying it's manufactured. I'm saying transgender people are a market for drugs that has existed for quite some time that is just being capitalized upon now. If safe, reliable HRT was widely available and socially acceptable in the 1960s you can be sure they would have made a lot of money with it back then too.
Being a tranny probably has a lot more to do with the completely fucked up way our society polices gender and not that you really have a lady-brain or something.
uh huh
Yes but trannies also dispute that "real women" means "cis women" as that would imply trannies are "fake women".
Of course that is true.
Yep. You can go look up plenty of studies if you like. Not hard to find.
they see me rollin
Imagine a world where we were able to give people with anorexia surgery to be able to keep them looking as skelly as they wanted to without dying immediately.
With enough time on HRT and SRS a trans woman is physiologically more similar to a cis woman than a cis man.
they need to medicalize it to win political concessions for themselves so they'll probably disagree with you on that last point but there's a shred of truth in that
Bro why are you on Yea Forums? Fucking normie, back to twitter with you
i'm just here to give you shit i don't actually care about trans semantics
Yeah, that much was already obvious. This isn't semantics though, it's a veritably true.
Posted in wrong thread
No, you mean superficially more similar to a cis woman than a cis man. As said HRT and SRS can't actually give you any of the actual reproductive capacities of a woman (or of a man), all it can do is make you look more like a woman. Michael Jackson proved that with enough surgery you can turn a black guy white, this doesn't mean Michael Jackson was not an ethnic African American.
And even then it depends, if you've already had male-puberty then it is entirely possible that you're a lost cause and are just too big to ever convincingly look like a woman.
Can you elaborate on how it is a delusion?
98 cmon cmon
whatever bitch :o)
Please give 67
No, I don't mean superficially. HRT acts on the exact same biological mechanisms that gives any cis person their secondary sexual characteristics. Just like I'll confidently say Buck Angel is more of a man than a woman, even though they have a vagina. Your secondary sexual characteristics are much more visceral and important signifiers of your physical sex than your genitals.
Well cause they think they are should be something that they clearly aren’t
>think they are should be
Is it 'are' or 'should be'? These are two massively different things. One is a delusion, and isn't gender dysphoria. The other is not a delusion, and is GD.
this thread is trash but this image is good so
>tfw you don't even exist
You. I like you. Based
>real help
The vague position every concern-troll loves to claim but can never actually elaborate upon.
Real help is accepting what you're born as and overcoming your illness
Meant to put a slash in their they both are delusions because they shouldn’t be and they aren’t. Just like people shouldn’t be anorexic it affects our species bottom line.
No, the only signifier of your biological sex is your reproductive organs. Women have uteri and menstruate, men have penises and produce sperm. There are women that are born with a missing uterus but physiologically these people are otherwise just like other women, trans"women" on the other hand are sexually fully functioning males until medical intervention.
> Your secondary sexual characteristics are much more visceral and important signifiers of your physical sex than your genitals.
No, they are much more visible signifiers of your physical sex and so they're given much more socially inflated importance. This is why I call it "superficial", it makes a man more like a women strictly in terms of what society imagines a woman to be. It allows the uninformed observer to believe a transgender woman is a woman because they might convincingly look like one. This is what TERFs mean when they say transgenderism reinforces patriarchal notions of gender, "womanhood" is defined in terms of what it appears to be, not in how it is lived.
In reality that person does not have, and never has had, any of the reproductive capabilities of a woman. And the reason for this is that they were born a fully functioning man, which is no birth defect. It's simply being sexually male.
Vague non answer that isn't real advice and helps no one. Why listen to this when the very real treatment of HRT exists right now?
>just keep repressing, bro
>physiologically these people are otherwise just like other women,
Yeah, because they have secondary sexual characteristics of a female.. Oh, just like a trans woman who has been on HRT for some time.
If you're going to claim that those very raw physical characteristics are only socially important then I can safely disregard anything else you say, you don't know what you're talking about.
It's not treatment if you're not actually becoming a woman. You are sterilizing yourself however.
We tell schizophrenics not to listen to their delusions
The reason people shouldn't be anorexic isn't because it "affects our species", it's because anorexia is extremely dangerous to your wellbeing both physically and mentally. You can starve yourself into hospitalization and get rake-thin but that won't actually make you feel any better, and you won't be any happier with your new thin self. Actually being happy with your body is a much longer process but one that's available to everyone, no matter how fat or skinny you are.
>thinking something should be something else is a delusion
Okay, you're absolutely fucking retarded lmfao. Whether you like it or not you can't just say 'your feelings aren't actually real lol get over it' because that is utterly worthless advice.
philosophy might help
It is treatment because it alleviates the feelings of gender dysphoria that would otherwise only get worse and worse with age. Gender dysphoria is not a delusion, it stems from being self-aware and cognsant of your physical sex and the incongruence with your psychological idea of how your body ought to be. HRT goes some way to changing physical characteristics to lessen the incongruence experienced.
your feelings aren't actually real lol get over it
>Yeah, because they have secondary sexual characteristics of a female..
No, because they still have fallopian tubes, ovaries real vaginas and all the other equipment of the female reproductive system. It just so happens they were born without a uterus, just like how some people are born with missing fingers or limbs. They would be no less of a woman if they were 6' tall, broad shouldered and had no tits or hips. Breast cancer survivors don't become showhow less feminine if they've had a double masectomy. This is what I mean when I say you define gender in thoroughly superficial terms.
Lots of real women don't really have the secondary sexual characteristics of most women, and it's nothing short of sheer patriarchal sexism to suggest that men in dresses are realer women than they are because they've paid for breast implants.
>If you're going to claim that those very raw physical characteristics are only socially important then I can safely disregard anything else you say, you don't know what you're talking about.
I can safely say that if you're going to claim that gender can be completely reduced to the mere appearance of gender that you are a tranny and you tell everyone who contradicts your pseudoscience that they're just ignorant. Despite the fact that this nonsense about "feminine brains" is literally 19th century propaganda on par with phrenology and eugenics.
I see and feel and know my secondary sexual characteristics every day. They are more visible and visceral than internal organs you wouldn't know existed without foreknowledge. Your hard line reductionist stance means nothing in the face of what I know and experience every day of my life.
>nothing short of sheer patriarchal sexism to suggest that men in dresses are realer women than they are because they've paid for breast implants.
I don't claim this. Men with breast implants do not suddenly gain the secondary sexual characteristics of a female. That's why I'm talking about HRT. Breast development is only one factor that I would personally argue is pretty insignificant anyway. I'm not reducing it to the mere appearance of gender. HRT does more than change your appearance, of course you wouldn't know that at all.
can both of you shut up already
>I see and feel and know my secondary sexual characteristics every day. They are more visible and visceral than internal organs you wouldn't know existed without foreknowledge. Your hard line reductionist stance means nothing in the face of what I know and experience every day of my life.
Visible yes, I fully agree. But at this point you seem to be carefully dancing around the word "superficial", because that's exactly what your describing. To you what is important in gender is the most superficial aspects of it, the parts you (and society) can see. Not the parts that actually make you a biological woman and that society uses as a license to put a yoke around your neck.
The clue is even in the fucking name, these are "secondary sexual characteristics". They're not the actual primary, foundational indicators of gender (reproductive organs) - they are secondary attributes that to a greater or lesser degree correlate with certain genitalia.
>Men with breast implants do not suddenly gain the secondary sexual characteristics of a female. That's why I'm talking about HRT. Breast development is only one factor that I would personally argue is pretty insignificant anyway. I'm not reducing it to the mere appearance of gender. HRT does more than change your appearance
They do, they have breasts. That is definitely a feminine and not masculine secondary sexual characteristic, Just like wide hips, or facial hair, or big hands. They're features that correlate but don't necessarily coincide with gender, and also emerge later during puberty while gender can be identified at birth.
Tell me exactly one thing that HRT enables a transwoman to do that a cis woman can but a cis man can't? Give birth? No. Menstruate? No. Menopause? Nope. Lactate? Maybe but I doubt it's very nutritious. I'm trying to be mean, but there's no ignoring the brute fact that literally all it does is make it easier for other people to imagine you're a woman.
I guess the jannies were trannies all along.
We are talking past eachother and don't agree on fundamental semantics. To me HRT is making me more biological female. Being seen that way by society is irrelevant to that end, I don't even present female. 'The parts that actually make you a biological woman' are exactly what I'm doing, HRT. I don't care about the name of it. Once again Buck Angel is more of a man than a woman despite having a vagina and literally nothing you could say could give me an inch into thinking otherwise.
HRT enables a transwoman to have female skin, female body hair, female body odour, female fat distribution, muscle mass much more similar to female, real breasts. That's what HRT can enable a transwoman to have but a cis man will not have. All those things do much more to living up to the ideal of being more female than, menstruating and giving birth. Whatever, I can't do those things. Cis women don't menstruate every single day in the same way they possess all those other features every day. Cis women don't give birth every day the same way they possess all those other features every day. Sure, it does make it easier for society to see me as a woman, but not only that, but to see myself as a woman, anyone else's views being irrelevant.
>Buck Angel is more of a man than a woman despite having a vagina and literally nothing you could say could give me an inch into thinking otherwise.
It's a shemale.
lol seething trannies
why are people so cruel
even if you don't like certain people why do you have to be mean
you're so obsessed with pushing a 'logical' view at the expense of lives
what's the point? just let people do what make them happy or at least marginally happier
sorry that you can't handle my FACTS and LOGIC, libtard
Because transgenderism is actively to dangerous to women and is a legit invasion of women's spaces by men.
We should try to rehabilitate transgender people into society, we should not let mentally perverts into women's bathrooms, let men beat women for sport or accept any such thing as "trans lesbians".
i hate the agp idiots who are ruining trans people as a whole
i just want to disappear
i don't want to fight for rights or have pride or do anything more than suffer through a curse i was born with
there wasn't a way for me to be happy without transitioning
i'm still sad, but at least i'm alive
wish ya the best, dood
henry rollins
why would you bump this thread
rollll this isnt even music related Yea Forums sucks these days
I'm binge listening to this
>fuhrer wizard
hearty jej
Isn't Sufjan super religious behind closed doors?
You sure he's gay?
While we wait for the only mod to come and clean this up lets talk about birds!
I love eagles
>depressed people should seek real help
>"real help" other than suicide doesn't exist
we shouldn't encourage trannies
fun times
autism thread
i chose Checkum btw
Come to Jesus, ye degenerates. Cleanse yourself of this blight. There is still hope while there is air in your lungs, and blood in your veins.
is there a reason why trannies are compared to schizophrenics but christcucks aren't
Frank Ocean
Also rollin
Well, historically speaking, Christians have done very well in terms of birth rate, life expectancy, and civilization building. Trannies can't even keep themselves alive, let alone build civilizations.
This should be interesting
how is believing in sky daddy any less delusional than believing you're the opposite sex
I'm not proving a Creator to you. What I'm proving is that Christians do better in this world than suicidal degenerates.
ok? doesn't answer my question
moralcucks are more of a disease than trannies
Your question hinges on the assumption that a Creator God doesn't exist. How is believing all life is randomness created by nothing less delusional than believing you're the opposite sex (speaking of which, trannies are overwhelmingly atheist, but that's not exactly a surprise to anyone).
>having a foundational morality is worse than having zero morals
Yeah, you'll never be able to convince me of that one pardner
morality is subjective though, if you believe in an objective moral compass then you’re a retard
pfft, i swear to G-d 4chin christcucks are the best
Nobody truly believes in a subjective moral compass. If you did, you'd simply accept every time anyone is shitty to you. It felt right for someone else to steal from you, so you're wrong for thinking that person is wrong. Do you feel any sense of justice? If morality is subjective, then you can't tell anyone else they're wrong for anything that they do. In fact, if all morality is subjective, and I happen to believe morality is objective, then that would be my own personal interpretation of morality, which your own beliefs would constrain you from criticizing.
because Yea Forums is filled with edgy mongoloids who parade suicide statistics and use them as pejoratives for the epic maymays.
christianity has also been used as justification for mass murder, and why are you even entertaining that false comparison in the first place
>presupposing that trans people can't have a moral framework
>christianity has also been used as justification for mass murder
So have a lot of things. It's irrelevant to the success of Christians vs the cultural/generational success of trannies.
>and why are you even entertaining that false comparison in the first place
I don't know, just for the sake of rhetoric, I suppose. I've had some of the dumbest conversations of my life on Yea Forums, and this is no exception, but it's fun to test your ideas against retards.
>>presupposing that trans people can't have a moral framework
I actually never did that. I'd actually suggest that every human has a moral framework. It's unavoidable.
>So have a lot of things. It's irrelevant to the success of Christians vs the cultural/generational success of trannies.
I don't even know why I entertained that comparison myself, the two are so different I can't even come up with a label to categorize them in
>I actually never did that. I'd actually suggest that every human has a moral framework. It's unavoidable.
Well the user you replied to had set up a dichotomy between "moralcucks" and "trannies", then you countered that by implying that "moralcucks" have a foundational morality while "trannies" have zero morals. Again, you at least implied it but if you don't think so then whatever.
you don’t know what you’re talking about my dude, Christianity and other religions of that nature define an objective moral framework that one must follow in order to “succeed”, it’s not to say that no one has morals, it’s to say that everyone has their definition of what morality is, or in Nietzschian terms, master/slave morality
>I don't know, just for the sake of rhetoric, I suppose.
nah, you're just retarded
I can only suppose that if someone has the gall to say something as dense as "moralcucks are more of a disease than trannies," that they mean it's better to have no morals than to have morals. It's obviously a retarded basis for any argument, and anyone who would call anyone a "moralcuck" is not someone who can easily be taken seriously, as nobody can exist without morals.
I disagree with the assertion that everyone has their own definition of what morality is. It's mostly nature v nurture. Everyone in the west adheres to a Christian moral compass, whether they realize it or not.