Beach House crossed with the Carpenters
sounds good, going to listen
Sounds boring as shit
>tfw rated this shit a 0.5 without listening to it
Fuck you. I won't do what you tell me.
Doesnt matter, already AOTY from people who matter's opinion,
sorry user
this. really disappointed, for some reason all of her music is listed as rock on pitchfork. very misleading
lol i looked at pictures of her and was like "she's not hot" so i didn't listen lol
me and the fellas when we unleash our opinions on a femoid making "music"
Loved front row seat to earth
Think she’s very underrated imo
t. King crimson fan
I was absolutely blown away by this album
>psychedelic folk
me gusta
>loves WEEN
>friend with Ariel Pink, who loves Trump and Alex Jones
it was pretty meh at first listen, i think she was trying to make julia holter's style and it didn't work well, maybe gonna give another shot
AOTY material, all three singles are great.
she reminds me much more of Feist
it pretty good honestly, I just listened to Everyday and I'll probably listen to the rest now
I mean Everyday and Andromeda sound good but Movies is extremely boring. Even then they don't excite me enough to have me comeback to them.
Something about the way Movies builds up to the strings at the end is what makes it so go to me. That said, I think Andromeda is my favorite, and Everyday is really solid too. It definitely sounds like Beach House plus Beach Boys, on a basic level, but I really am excited for the full release.
I don't hear beach house at all besides the since on Andromeda
Movies is great, the last 2 minutes are stunning
anyone have a dl link?
someone uploaded a v0 on redacted, i could post a mega link if you'd like.
yeah please!
Weyes Blood - Titanic Rising (2019) [V0]
>Art Pop, Baroque Pop
She will never top this for me, idk why but it makes me think of the best part of my life
Joni Mitchell heavily orchestrated, like, bombarded with arrangements. Or like a new 2015 Julia Holter, imagine if she didn't wanna go so EPIC AND EXPERIMENTAL on us. I'm surprised and intrigued to spin it once again. Her last one was boooooring to me, I couldn't find anything to hold on to, it's like everything was smushed together in this forgettable, lush folk, that stand still and stirs up no emotions whatsoever.
it certainly isnt that. it was with her first release.
go away marketing person. you are a very obvious.