Because it's good
It's not even a bad song for what it is + the meme factor
Reminder to 0.5/5 this poptimist bullshit
rym trannies woke up
I don’t rate singles but this is a garbage meme
>it fell to a 3.02 despite most people giving it a 4-5 stars
For whatever reason it went down to ~3/5, what the fuck
Look at the descriptors. Isn't that the kinda audience that loves this trash?
Everyone who rated this 5/5 got de-weighted apparently
Fuck this towelhead
Donate to sonemic, infidel.
fucking faggot
Sitting at a solid 3.01 with over half the ratings being 5 stars
I love you sharifi
He’s right. anyone that disagrees should really move to another website.
Goddamn he's autistic
sharifi did nothing wrong
u was on the chart
#23 when i first met you
this is unironically fascism wtf
that's a BIT dramatic
no it's not.
>3.03 when the thread started
>2.97 now
I'm rock hard
rym trannies
What if someone just likes the song for real though? Even though it's terrible? They shouldn't be deweighted for that
>mad because he gives 5’s to all
his albums
they're only deweighted if they give out 5s super often.
>bans people for having some ages old account that they forgot to delete because it "interferes with the rating system."
>botspams releases they don't like to the bottom
fuck this gay website. learn to think for yourselves.
oh that's why i got banned this morning? fuck this neckbeard.
post-ironic sincerity killed rym
and trannies too
Please tell me that, if sonemic does lunch, it wont have these fucking reddit mods running it
>post-ironic sincerity
Yum lunch
ok this guy is really fucking based
look at this guys curve lol
faggot underage kids BTFO
who cares
sharifi is too pussy to have a comment box on his profile
>using a website started by a boomer who loves counting crows
I don't get it, they're banning people for giving something good 5 stars but they don't ban people for giving Radiohead 5 stars?
Bottoms up!
RYM and Sonemic as a whole ore a fucking joke. Nothing but pseuds and trannies there anyway.
Is the score for this gonna drop too?
Best way to find music fast tho
you're right, they should do both.
Shit look like the distribution of eigenvalue spacing in the Gaussian unitary ensemble
this is actually good
Bottoms up anons
Who cares rym is really really gay lol gay idiots lol LOL
So is Bottoms Up.
I like how this situation has turned everyone against the autistic fag mods.
Maybe they’ll get off their asses and finish some mix, or at least make better decisions
Where there are so many layers of fucking irony where it ropes back around and becomes genuinely enjoyable, look it up.
But I genuinely enjoy Sonic the Hedgehog 06 because it's fun to ironically like.
tech volks are tinpot sailors, every last one. that's why they got into the once up and coming class treason industry when it was lucrative
Trout Mask Replica has been an ongoing meme for 50 years, yet they don't ban people for praising that
or metal machine music
based Sharifi
he is right. the website is already garbage as it is, don't ruin it further with MUH FUNNY MEME ratings.
this is p fucked up
>faggot zoomers upvote shitty tiktok meme
>get pwned by admin
absolute state of the comment box
It still has a higher rating than Billie Eilish's album
t. bootlicking /pol/tard
this is fuckin bullshit
I get that mass meme-rating things would ruin whatever semblance of decency that shit site has, but it’d be nice if you could rate things without fear a bunch of mouthbreathers are going to decide to sperg on it and get you deweighted on association.
If you're mad about this you're mentally ill
Incredibly based
>muh fascism
I got banned and had four 5 star ratings
why are you lying for RYM?
Yeah, the guys running this website are mentally ill.
Actually based.
Fuck off back to /pol/, meme culture is absolute cringe.
thank fuck, the amount of retards that have 500+ 5 star ratings shouldn't have an opinion
>not using discogs
look faggots, there comes a point in every RYMer’s life where you have to reclaim your balls and just ask yourself if getting pushed around by some scrawny mudslime is really worth it.
the site is quite literally a dictatorship nowadays. its database is absolutely laughable compared to discogs, especially in regards to classical music and EDM. the “community” doesn’t even deserve to be commented on. sonemic, glitchwave and cinemos are unusable, dead trash heaps that nobody uses. why did sharifi and friends need $50,000 for those sites again?
seriously, dedicate 10 minutes towards figuring out discogs’ UI and i promise you’ll never use RYM again.
lol fuck sharifi and trannies of RYM
lol discogs literally refuses certain music to be sold, it is no better and the community is no different
I am the only person on the site who rated Transphobic Techno 5 stars, ama
Memes are powerful, I mean if they got a president elected what can't they do
patronizing cunt
how do you consider so many albums a 5/5??
get me hard
>over one fifth of albums rated 5/5
>censors people who have too many 5/5 albums
is this teanny retarded
idk its not that good
Opinion discarded
It's a fun song and singles tend to get higher ratings than albums, it's nothing that complicated.
You can’t like something like this and also like something supposedly “deeper” (pick any of the Yea Forumscore or p4k or Scaruffi or well known albums that are often name dropped) in he sense of giving both just a blanket 8/10 because one “is a good pop album” and one “is a great creative expression/pushes boundaries/virtuosity/totally woke af/etc”. The problem here is the fact everybody is so reliant on just a single X out of 10 system of rating albums, with which the actual thing being praised for the specific album in question being lost in translation when the score is compared to scores of other albums praised on vastly different merits. Something needs to be done on this front
Smells like fucking reddit in this thread. It's a shit song and the billie eilish audience are bombarding in with 5s for le epic memes XD