Wow, who knew all it took to get a Pitchfork 10/10 was to drown out your listless, uninspired rock sound with ambient noise and aphex twin-esque lo fi electronica. Music doesn't get much more up its own ass.
Kid A
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It is a pleb filter, OP. Sorry you failed.
Not him but it's boring as fuck. Ok Computer and Amnesiac are much better.
I don't get you people. When I listen to Kid A I just hear a rock music. Yeah, they're doing some slightly unconventional stuff for the most popular band in the world at the time but they're still a rock band at the core there's nothing THAT crazy going on just really good songwriting. Amnesiac is better for the record.
it sure is a pleb filter. If you think it’s an 8/10 or higher, your a pleb
based as fuck, Kid A is a rock record and anyone who says otherwise is a pleb
I hate these false-flaggy Radiohead fans. Kill yourself OP.
Kid A (Capitol, 2000) has decomposed and absorbed countless new perfumes, like a carcass in the woods. All sounds are processed and mixed, including the vocals. Radiohead move as close to electronica as possible without actually endorsing it.
The first half of the album is their most ephemeral and artificial work ever: the ethereal vocal psalm of Everything In Its Right Place, the distorted musicbox of Kid A (which is virtually a remix of Kraftwerk's Radioland), the controlled horns nightmare over pounding drums and bass of The National Anthem (perhaps the boldest piece here), the new-age orchestration of How To Disappear Completely are songs only because they are sung. What they truly are is flexible structures for creative arrangements; mood-pieces in the vein of late Pink Floyd, with intellectual sprinkles of Brian Eno, David Byrne, Robert Fripp, etc; muzak for those who missed the story of rock music.
The second half of the album, following the brief ambient instrumental Treefingers, is more personal, as lyrics start unraveling angst and anger. And, suddenly, this sounds like Radiohead's more humane work. This sequence, from the distorted guitars and tribal beat of Optimist to the languid jazz-rock breeze of In Limbo to the futuristic, post-industrial spiritual of Idioteque to the Can-meets-Tim Buckley ambiance of Morning Bell to the celestial harps, accordions and synthesizers of Motion Picture Soundtrack, is almost a progression from earthly matters to heavenly matters. In fact, this album is as good (at what it does) as the celebrated OK Computer, if not even more inventive, unpredictable and baroque.
Radiohead are masters of the artificial. Their parable crowns a long tradition in British rock music of putting form before content, of concentrating on "sound" to the expense of "music".
Where does my post imply otherwise? It is horrible rock songwriting layered with electronica as a desperate plea to stand out.
You say that the album drowns out the "uninspired rock sound" with electronic components like "ambient noise and aphex twin-esque lo fi electronica" — when you drown out sound A with sounds B + C, you can no longer hear sound A, you just hear sounds B + C — that's what 'to drown out' means
This is from the Cambridge Dictionary:
drown out something
— phrasal verb with drown US /drɑʊn/ verb [ I/T ]
(of a sound) to be loud enough to block the sound of something else:
The sound of the telephone was drowned out by the vacuum cleaner.
If you're blocking out the "rock sound" then the album no longer has a "rock sound" and if it no longer sounds like rock then it's no longer a rock album
Next time choose your words more carefully :) x
It's called hyperbole, you sperg.
At least now you can see how your post implied otherwise :) x
Read a book.
>smug weeb autist has no concept of the clear nuances of the English language
color me shocked
thats not even me dipshit thats somebody else blowing you the fuck out
Jesus Christ, absolute state of zoomers ruining this board
noun: hyperbole; plural noun: hyperboles
exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.
~Hyperbole in Everyday Use~
In these common, everyday examples of hyperbole, you'll see the sentiment isn't realistic, but it helps to stress the point.
-I've told you to clean your room a million times!
-It was so cold, I saw polar bears wearing hats and jackets.
-She's so dumb, she thinks Taco Bell is a Mexican phone company.
-I am so hungry I could eat a horse.
-I have a million things to do today.
-When I was young, I had to walk 15 miles to school, uphill, in the snow.
-I had a ton of homework.
-If I can't buy that perfect prom dress, I'll die!
-He's as skinny as a toothpick.
-The car went faster than the speed of light.
-His new car cost a bazillion dollars.
-We're so poor we don't have two cents to rub together.
-That joke is so old, the last time I heard it I was riding a dinosaur.
-They ran like greased lightning.
-He's got tons of money.
-You could have knocked me over with a feather.
-Her brain is the size of a pea.
-My geography teacher is older than the hills.
What you said wasn't hyperbole because it wasn't evidently exaggerated
Again, read a book.
If you can't see how your post implied otherwise you're literally autistic
How would the rock be listless and uninspired if I couldn't hear it, I.E. literally drowned out, retard? The point of my post is that the rock songwriting and instrumentation takes a back seat to the uninspired, lo-fi electronica as a failed attempt at trying to sound different.
I totally get that dictionary-slinging pedanticism is how you get your trolled epic style rocks off, but try staying on topic, sweetie.
Nice blog post Copernicus
>Everything in its right place
>How to Disappear Completely
>Kid A
>Rock Music
You have to 18+ for this site.
The perception you give is one of saying that on Kid A, Radiohead drowned out their "listless, uninspired rock sound" of albums past (The Bends, OK Computer) so that that sound is no longer present on the album
>the point of my post is that the rock songwriting and instrumentation takes a back seat to the uninspired, lo-fi electronica
Then you should've said just that.
Instead you used the phrase "drowned out" (see) in a way that didn't constitute hyperbole (see)
>I totally get that dictionary-slinging pedanticism is how you get your trolled epic style rocks off
Haha, cope much? You sound bitter about getting caught off guard using language lazily
>try staying on topic, sweetie
Haha get btfo
Damn y’all are cringe asf.
>When I listen to Kid A, all I hear is a rock music.
Do y’all see what’s next to it? Electronica. I was just stating that it is clearly not just a rock album with songs I listed but y’all got to circle one specific genre an say it’s just that. This board is has become a laughing stock.
cope much?
Kid A is principally a rock album
Now choose the words in your inevitable reponse VERY CAREFULLY (unlike)
Because if you disagree with the above statement, you will expose yourself as a pleb
Wikipedia said Kid A is a rock album so it's gotta be!
I think he was bullying you because you listed HtDC, which is definitely an alt-rock song unlike the other three.
Ah you did it! You found an article that classifies it as one album when it is clearly a mix of multiple genres of music. I’m so proud of you!
This is the most braindead thread ive seen in months. No wonder nobody likes radiohead fans. Then again, the blind haters who can't have a decent conversation without foaming at the mouth are just as bad. You are both a bleeding cancer on the pimpled ass of music discussion.
seeName a music publication that u respect that lists the album genres in its reviews and I'll go there and show you that Kid A is rock music
seeKid A is principally a rock album
I totally agree that Radiohead fans are the worst
>hurr-durrh blind haters muh bleeding cancer
>post is blind hate
Was it autism?
Radiohead fan spotted, thanks for proving my point!
I used a circle once and I put it around ALL the genres, seriously find me a screenshot among the posts you've tagged where I have circled one specific genre
Get btfo
Kid A is principally a rock album
If you disagree, you are a zoomer pleb
You're welcome, thanks for proving mine!
Do we kiss now?
You had to ruin it
I couldn't help it, i am a radiohead fan after all
not innovative and hardly influential (did you hear groups claiming being influenced by them) but a very good records despite thom yorke whining
You motherfuckers are quick to assume everything. I NEVER said Kid A was not a rock album. All I did was list a few songs which certainly cannot be classified as rock somgs. You said it yourself it’s principally a rock album, meaning for the most part it is while their are parts of it that grab from mutiple genres of music(I.E the songs I listed in the first post). But you wanna get all defensive when someone implies it’s not solely a rock album. Now fuck off.
get a load of this guy
Every single song on Kid A can be classified at best as experimental rock, which counts as rock music
This has to be the worst thread on Yea Forums all night
And yours has to be the worst post in this thread
Really makes you think...