Dear jazzthreadguy

Dear jazzthreadguy.

Fantano just reviewed another jazz album. Your services are needed once more.

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Does he still post here or what


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Why the fuck do you care what fantano or jazzthreadguy think about some jazz album faggot?

his reviews r epic

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Because it's funny to laugh at normal people try not to be???

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fantano should just stop reviewing jazz desu, he's such an entry level tourist pleb in that genre
he's completely right though, these are both jazz for people who don't listen to jazz

send this fatano nigga to the shadow realm

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based and truthpilled

>when you're so patrician that even great albums don't impress you

wasn't a fan of this

he's an entry level tourist pleb in every genre though

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true that

This album has so little in common with jazz its honestly unfair to judge it as such. Besides that its a fun record

it pisses me off every time i see this image that RLM, literally just 2 film making dudes doing a comedy film review show to recommend people new films are on this imaged and labeled pseudo-intellectuals

it's fun stuff but just because it has a saxophone doesn't make it jazz. he plays about 4 different notes lmao
and yeah melon clearly doesn't know much about jazz

love it, the cover reminds me of the 90s and old video games. can't wait to listen

sorry but it is jazz

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Pan a cute.

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I'm still kind of sad that jtg never reviewed this piece of shit.

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E:R is entertaining though

how is Jazzthreadguy not a pseudo intellectual e-celeb? besides being too much of a literally who to actually be considered an e-celeb

Jazz is not electro fun for hieppies or any kind of weed smokers
that shit album is far from true spiritual music like jazz

why thank you for screengrabbing a p4k article and expecting it to change my opinion which was, anyway, more nuanced than 'its not even jazz'.

im gonna be real honest to you.
i put limited effort into my posts on here.

lmao how many jazz albums do you think Fantano even listened to in 2018

>sons of kemet... the list goes on

Did you try messaging him on rym?


i don't like talking to ppl

You guys can’t let things go, can you.

Don't get why he hates Pharoah. I understand Kamasi Washington since he just copies Pharoah's style. But Pharoah was completely original and sounded like nothing else at the time.

why is pan on there?

maybe the rest of jazz should be as good

jazzthreadguy is pretty based

has he reviewed other pharoah sanders albums? i love pharoah and that album (he does have better albums though) but it seems like a pretty accurate analysis of it and i could see how someone who likes more variation in their jazz wouldn't like it.

I really like pharoah sanders but Karma is one of my least favourites of his
most releases that followed it sound more fleshed out, I feel like Karma is just the stuff he did with Coltrane but without Coltrane playing his part, so I guess it feels kinda empty

yeah he comes here often, I believe, he was pretty active during the /blindfold/ revival
I still think he's the guy who post the criss cross stuff on sharethreads

Leave my boy Pan out of this!!!!!

>Don't get why he hates Pharoah

Why is anything less than glowing praise "hatred" to you? If you read the review he just says he doesn't like the repetition and thinks there aren't enough ideas to justify the length. This is literally the exact same criticism that people who have no musical knowledge can say. And yet you people act as if it takes some sort of arcane jazz wisdom to have opinions like this.

we don't deserve jazzthreadguy, one the most based Yea Forums posters of all time

he's absolutely not, only someone ignorant could hold this opinion

on Yea Forums anything beyond "i like it" or "i don't like it" or "anyone who disagrees with me is a cuck" is basically a masters level analysis