/prod/ - music production general : Donk Edition






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Other urls found in this thread:


Can anyone help me edit these vocals better? How do modern rappers get that FAT drake vocal sound?


Any good resources that teach you how to sing?

No idea but you can torrent some of the masterclass.com courses about singing.
They're probably all surface-level, but if you're a beginner they might be worth checking out.

For anyone interested in omnisphere:

It's a link for downloading Omnisphere 2.6 complete with all the content.

All the info is inside the pastebin.

Attached: 1554253490_omnisphere-2.6.jpg (350x173, 14K)

Cool thanks.

You're welcome.

> Make sure your anti-virus is disabled.

What should I learn to make beats like Pierre Bourne (Die Lit sound)?

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this question makes me irrationally annoyed

looking for some advice regarding mixing/mastering, I'm a beginner

I'm working on a hardcore track (the EDM kind) and I've got everything in place, but now I need to mix it properly and increase the loudness without clipping etc. The problem is that most advice I can find is side chaining the kicks to a compressor on the rest, and ofc making sure that everything has its place on the EQ balance. But those tips don't really work when the main part of the music is a continuously pumping distorted kick drum at 190bpm maxing out the bass frequencies and also touching pretty much all other frequencies intentionally. There's not a lot of room to work with without cutting into that due to clipping.

So right now I have a few versions, ranging from 'natural' where it sounds fine but it's too quiet in most places, to overproduced where it's technically got good levels but it doesn't sound right in multiple ways.

Anyone have any ideas for other ways to handle this problem? Different strategies?

>continuously pumping distorted kick drum
>touching pretty much all other frequencies ithintentionally

you either tone the kick down, highpass everything else really hard, or you just straight up take everything out

Number one mix problem with "huge" sounds like that the arrangement is just too busy, you can't do both

All non-kick sounds already have a filter applied cutting out pretty much anything below 150-200hz, and the kick itself only has real power up to 100-150hz, anything higher is intentional distortion but not that loud. The problem is that I still need to reduce the kick way too much for my liking for the rest to come through properly without clipping etc.

So that's why I was wondering if there were some other strategies I could try since it can be done, I just don't know how to do it yet

>for the rest to come through properly without clipping etc.

wait what. just clipping? dude just turn everything down lol

it'd be easier to just post it but that sounds like a simple fix if it's really just clipping

Where can I find a crack for jbridge or 32 Lives v2 for Mac?

turning it down would mean less impact of the kick. Maybe I'm missing something obvious, I don't know, I appreciate the help

Here's a version that mostly has the sound I want but it still lacks a lot of oomph imo and can use a lot more loudness. The biggest problem areas are around 1:40, 2:20 and 2:45. The things I've tried so far haven't really resulted in what I wanted.


can i sing in a pearl jam cover band yet?

>turning it down would mean less impact of the kick.

no literally turn everything down together the same amount, so you're not clipping. that's not impacting shit, adjust gain on your mastering chain if you need to

also how long is "beginner" to you lmao

>guess who

I'm not sure how that would help, maybe I didn't explain my problem properly. In the image the top track is mine, the bottom track is a random properly produced track. I want mine to sound on similar levels as others of this genre, because right now mine is way too quiet and I don't know how to solve it without impacting the quality too much.

I started learning producing a few weeks ago, I started working on this track this weekend and I've been tweaking it for 2 days now without much luck so I'm doing something wrong lol

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bro why are you trying to fuck with me lmao, there's nobody here. unless that shit was 100% samples there's no fucking way

if you made that shit I know you know what a limiter is. Hard Clipper is better for that kind of shit anyway, "casual" music producers don't talk about it but that's the secret to loud as fuck masters

it's pretty much just multiband compression, saturation and a stereo widening effect

also reverb is important

I guess I should take that as a compliment lol. The only sample used are the voice lines, the rest are a bunch of VSTs from cubase trial and a few free ones online.

I tried the limiter in a few attempts, and it's getting to the point where the overall loudness is fine but the sound is all fucked up then imo. Haven't tried a hard clipper yet, I'll give that a try tomorrow.

Maybe I'm just too attached to the version I posted and I should just crank it up and call it a day lol. Anyway, thanks for your help

you gotta get a tighter mix before you go crushing it with a limiter or god forbid a hard clipper my guy

>how do I compress the shit out of my track


Friendly warning to fellow anons who pirate VSTs like their life depends on it: watch out for cryptomining rootkits. Chances are they're embedded in your keygens/installers, use up insane amounts of power and CPU resources (reducing your components' lifetime), and will run non-stop until you open task manager (avoids detection). If you don't want your components being hijacked but still want all that sweet free stuff, here's my advice:
>download a 3rd party resource monitor with a history graph like Core Temp (has a history plugin you can download separately). it'll tell you when you resources are being used up without triggering the rootkit's anti-detection mechanism.
>rootkits will generally use up around 40% or more of each core's power, so if you see your cpu running at 40%+ with no applications open, you have a rootkit
>download MalwareBytes Anti-Rootkit Beta
>scan and cleanup
>job done. your computer is safe.

if you're planning to continue downloading VSTs, check your core usage history with a 3rd party application every once in a while to make sure you haven't invited in any new rootkits

damn makes sense good looks bro

>mfw slapping a compressor on the output, cranking it up and hard clipping it actually works for the most part

Now I just need to clean up the parts that sound like shit, but that shouldn't be so hard. The meaty parts still sound pretty decent. Thanks anons

>Now I just need to clean up the parts that sound like shit

chances are this is going to be an endless cycle between things sounding good in some places and bad in others

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sorry if this is condescending or whatever but you need to get each individual component to the right volume relative to one another before trying to make the whole thing loud

well I was already stuck in that cycle anyway, now I can wallow in the same shit from a different perspective

I think I had already achieved that for the most part, but desu I am clueless lol so I have no idea if it's right

what about free and open source VSTs

sound like shit except vcv rack but that's not a vst.


does this sound really empty or am I trippin? sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between minimal and empty (obviously it's not meant to be an instrumental by itself so imagine a rapper or a grime mc on it or something)

Lazy remix from putting a Sicko Mode acapella on one of my old beats



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this only applies to stuff you download from shady websites

Does this groove have potential?

use airy hihats, claps, ambient pads, and gross beat (reverse and 1/2 time)

No, I'm sorry. Please reroll that chop.

I feel fucking depressed lads, I don't even know what to fucking do anymore. I'm not having fun doing anything, everything feels like a fucking chore except watching youtube videos... I tried watching tutorials, playing with different keys, playing with different VSTs, different genres. nothing sparks my interest anymore. I'm thinking of trying Live 10, but maybe I'm just making up excuses.

Fuck, this is the biggest block I've ever experienced in my short prod journey. I've been like this for like 2-3 weeks, I had fun making music before then all of a sudden everything feels like shit.

What DAW are you using now? Switching to Ableton for a bit helped me have fun again.

on live 9 lol, was on fl before

oh. RIP.

it's become too familiar. familiarity breeds boredom.
stop forcing yourself to come up with ideas, they won't inspire you. take a break for a week or two. just forget about making music for a while. you can't really avoid music altogether unless you're a shut-in, but do try to distance yourself from it. it'll be like coming back from a long holiday and having a new-found appreciation for home.

i'm sure there are some anons who live by the philosophy that if you don't live and breath music every single day you'll never make it, but i think that's bullshit. sometimes you just need some time away in order to realise how much it really means to you.

how do I escape trap beats I want to make EDM hip-hop like 212 by Azealia Banks or Big Fish Theory

What's the difference?

switch out Omnisphere for Serum

I don't have either.

I don't know I'm retarded

I really like it. I'm big on cheesy synth stuff though. It sounds weirdly lo-fi but maybe you were going for that.


Any feedback

>trap beats

thx mate


Is this too boring? Should I add more to it? Change up the drums? It sounds dry because I didn't add any fx yet.

I also did a super saturated lofi version though: clyp.it/1nbpfgd0

pitch/formant shifters, harmonizers, vocoders, saturation, all in parallel, subtly blended with the original. you can also boost the low end with an analog-style EQ after cutting some away with a digital one, gives it a more natural phatness than if you just boosted the low end digitally. parallel compression and de-essing if required. Drake's voice also has a certain resonance that his producers like to boost, not sure where it lies in the frequency spectrum tho. probably somewhere between 3k-5k. gives his voice that trademark bite and helps it cut through the mix.

i used to bring myself to create new songs everyday. i improved fast, but burnt out longer. ive probably had about 2 long hiatuses (year to half a year) now. these days I produce when im in that mood. if im not then I dont touch it. I am more often in the mood to go back and work on a track i'd started in the previous months. made about 8 fleshed out tracks so far this year that i consider "quality" . last track i started was 2 weeks ago. It is fun to make something 'bad' and work on it until it feels good to you. Understand what you didnt like.
also dont post here looking for advice too often. come at your work with fresh ears every day and be honest about your music and it's flaws. take notes

>these days I produce when im in that mood.
>come at your work with fresh ears every day and be honest about your music and it's flaws

what do? I can't even make music right now, everything feels forced and I'm constantly overthinking. I don't even have a musical idea in my head, nothing comes up.

You either address this in the composition stage (making the kick hit mostly when nothing else is playing), or use a multiband compressor (or dynamic eq like the fabfilter pro-q 3) to sidechain different frequencies a different amount (different settings on each instrument being sidechained depending on how much it clashes and how much it's in the background).

Or, you do both, obviously.


I'm looking for an alternative to Roland bullshit VSTs. Do you guys know where I can find soundfont files for synths like the Sound Canvas or the JV1080?

Do you play a real instrument? Do you have a goal? Did you find your own "niche"?
Making good sounding noise is important, but giving a context to it is even more so. Don't forget that production is just a mean to an end. Try writing stories, creating artworks and whatnot when you don't feel like composing.

Usually I feel down with the production thing when I lose sight of my goals and of the reason I started this whole thing. Sometimes I just go with the flow and don't resist what the vulgum pecus tell me (I'm a metalfag and I have to make compromise sometimes, ie learn from EDM people, sometimes I forget that these people are the lowest of the low).

Coming back to your old projects and try to upgrade it with your new knowledge is fun when you're too lazy to start a new thing.

>EDM people, sometimes I forget that these people are the lowest of the low
Lmao please elaborate

I honestly believe that 90% of them never were music nerds in the first place and have very little musical culture. They don't even know their shit (take a jazz musician or even a mere punk, most of them are passionate about their thing and know the history of the genre). EDM untermensch just went into it because being a DJ is cool or something. When I watch them compose stuff, it's like they put no thought into what they do and the music they make sounds bland and stupid. They just target the most base impulse of the listener and have nothing to say.
EDM is the most braindead kind of music I can think of and unfortunately for many of us, because of its popularity, most of the thing you can find in the production world is targeted towards it, from the tutorials to the VSTs that companies make.
Like I said, after a while in the production business, you start becoming more tolerant to it and it's a really bad thing for the baron of good taste that I am.

As an EDM guy I agree.
I've ranted multiple times about electronic music having very little "music" in it and just being something that sounds cool.
Some EDM producers are classically trained or have at least some music education, but most of them don't, and learned everything by making and listening to EDM (I'm part of this second group).
And the worst of them all are those who ARE passionate about it and act high and mighty about the history of dance music lke House and Techno as if those genres were good music (or barely even music at all) lmao.
It's sad, but I think that people are getting tired of the superficiality of it and the demand of more "musical" and artistic music is growing, wich will hopefully lead to music that has the production quality and uniqueness of electornic music, but with a more worthwile musical foundation to support the production.

Do I need to play an instrument? Or can I hop straight on a daw? Explain your reasoning.

You can hop straight into the DAW and possibly make great music, but by playing an instrument your sense of music (call it "ear" or "musicality", or whatever) will be far more developed, as playing songs on an instrument (which involves playing them over and over many times and memorizing them) will internalize that (hopefully great) music into your brain so that when you create your own you'll have a mental library of music to pull from that's way better than it would be if you didn't play an instrument.

So I'd say don't wait until you're proficient at an instrument to start making music.
Start producing right away and get a keyboard to learn alongside the production.

Okay thanks for the advice I'll see if I even like music producing. Is fl studio alright for a beginner? Right now I am just looking to have some fun and maybe pick it up as a hobby if I enjoy it enough.

You don't need to, but why not? You can learn to play an instrument along side producing stuff. Believe it or not, jamming over your favorite records is one of the best feelings in the world.

All DAWs are mostly the same. FL Studio is one of the cheapest, but kind of the obvious choice.
You can download demos of several DAWs and see which one you prefer. Try Bitwig, Ableton and Renoise (All similar to FL).

Living situation makes it hard to play instruments without getting noise complaints, I suppose I could learn an electric instrument like a piano keyboard though.
Again thank you for the advice.

You can plug a guitar or a bass (almost) directly in your audio interface and use amp simulations like guitar rig or amplitube. It's a good solution when you're a beginner (and nobody can hear how much you suck).

Yeah sure FL Studio is good. I'm more of an Ableton Live guy but I've used FL and it's certainly a top-tier DAW.
If you don't like it you can always change it later on, since the underlying knowledge would be pretty much the same across DAWs and you'd only need to adjust to a different interface/workflow.

>Again thank you for the advice.
He's not me, but he's right (except don't get Renoise).

Music production is a lot of fun because it involves both creativity and technicality, and it's very fullfilling to see your creations come to life and people enjoying them.
At first it may look like there's an insurmountable amount of stuff to memorize, but it's only because you'll be faced with everything at once. Don't get discouraged because you'll understand the core principles of production in no time and everything will make sense.
Plus, you can decide to get super deep in everything and study hardcore to become a master of everything, or you can go easy and only focus on the surface of production and just make music with shortcuts (by using samples, presets, etc.) without "nerdng out" on the details.

If you're serious about it, here's a post I wrote to another user who's thinking of starting out:
The situation isn't the exact same but most of it applies.

>I suppose I could learn an electric instrument like a piano keyboard though
Yes, the keyboard is the most appropriate for music production (as everything in a DAW is based on the piano) and you'll be able to record the midi notes from the keyboard straight into the computer.
Other instruments also kinda work in similar ways but the piano/keyboard is the one that works the best.
And of course with a keyboard you'll be able to use headphones or low-volume speakers, as well as change the sound to anything you want if you connect it to the computer.

>hates house and techno
Fat ass musiclet detected

Lmao what?

Strobe by Deadmau5 is the only worthwhile EDM song ever made don't (you) me

Classic house and techno aren't music but just sounds meant to create a certain mood that makes intoxicated low-iq people want to "dance" on a beat.
It has it's place and function but it's not something particularly rich in artistic value.


Deadmau5 is not that bad, way too polished for my taste, but some of his shit sounds like late NIN, which is kinda cool.

Okay thank you for linking the other thread, it looks interesting too. I bookmarked it.


It's gonna be dead soon.
Here's the archived link:

>t. numale faggot who's been brainwashed into thinking those sounds are good music.
I bet you think Dadaism is a worthwile artistic movement too, you degenerate fuck.

you can say cringe all you want but most any EDM producer who isn't trying to hide something from you will openly admit that all you need to make an EDM hit is drums bass and sound effects and that's been true for the last 30 years

All you pussies don't have what it takes to become great musicians.
Now excuse me but I have some pitch perfect to develop.

Attached: Secret weapons.png (683x662, 778K)

yeah senpai break your brain listening to that garbage i'll be over here with my 432 hz binaural beat astrally projecting into benevolent consciousness

>he's still at the astral projection stage
Have fun waiting another 10 years to git gud noob.

talk shit post clyp let's hear how all that perfect pitch training manifests itself in an era when you actually have to go out of your way to make something out of tune

It doesn't matter what people use to make music, it can be simple or complicated, what's important is what they try to convey and if it's relevant to the listener. In the case of EDM, it usually conveys nothing, just bland, empty and non threatening music any normie can easily consume.

Just like production skills, being musically competent is not a mean to an end.

I'm currently in Taiwan, this afternoon I came across a street theatre with two live musicians (usually it's just a playback). The keyboardist was shredding but he looked like he didn't give a shit and couldn't wait to go home to play vidya, it was hilarious.

Now you post your shit. I bet it's not even good, let alone PERFECT as mine is.
Now go back to school lil boy while the FUCKING MEN achieve enlightenment.

yeah that's gonna be a big yikes from me dawg

wtf are you even doing this is a production thread dipshit

>Just like production skills, being musically competent is not a mean to an end.
>t. Someone who was too lazy to listen to the "One hour of Perfect pitch programming to listen every night" every night for 6 years straight no cheating.
I bet you don't even have crippling tinnitus.

I'm gonna start producing music when you produce your birth certificate proving that the identity of your biological father is known.

>I'm currently in Taiwan
Do you live there or you're playing gigs?

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Calling people autistic when you lose the argument is this decade's McCarthyism.
You seem to have a bad case of the blue scare, my dog.

gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8

>being this autistic


>when you spend 10 minutes writing a seethingly perfect response to an animated gif and then do exactly what you accuse the person of doing

I can tell it took mroe than 10 minutes for tou to write that post.

Attached: (JPEG Image, 290 × 174 pixels).jpg (290x174, 11K)

>spend 10 minutes writing a seethingly perfect response
>posted 3 minutes and 39 seconds after it
Imagine not being able to count.

it's called having a job

it's a bit slow and i'm bored tho so send me some more clyps i wanna hear you sing for me sperg

>checking the exact time
the truly autistic thing to do

Ok but this is the last one ok?

It's just a random number I made up. Not the actual exact time.

I live there temporarily

jesus i thought this was gonna be funny but it's just making me sad it's like the same feeling i got watching numa numa guy as a kid

Do you ever swim to mainland China to flex on them firewall having ass niggas with your unlimited free porn and memes?

More people need to post their music

Yeah, I too used to be sad when seeing staggering displays of talent, but then I got some talent myself and it stopped.
Don't worry user, one day you'll be good too.

yeah bro u for sure gonna takes them chromatic doo la la las straight to the top lmao

>It's just a random number I made up. Not the actual exact time.
But it fucking is the exact time lmao

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HAHA I made you check the exact time.
Who's autistic now bitch?

I already am at the top.
Btw, I also make house music.

lmao this nigga gettin worked

Not as much as your mom is.

>I already am at the top

pick one

>mfw dunning kruger toddlers shitting up my legacy.

the cognitive dissonance here is unparalleled with anything in the history of /prod/

Yeah, can you believe it?
Everyone tells me my music is good and that I have talent, but here everyone has to be a cunt and shit up my legacy for no reason.

>my mammy tells me that my le ebic dissonant chord changes are gonna change the game!

bro your music sounds like trash and is literally the product of sticking your head into the sand of theory without having the actual taste or production chops to make it work

stick to your choir boy routine

Except it's not just my mom, so your argument is invalid.

No one ITT is calling it bad. It's just you being an asshole.

collab with demarcus when?
actually, demarcus remix contest when?

>Except it's not just my mom, so your argument is invalid.

jesus fucking christ are you 12 or do you just have the intellect of a 12 year old?

When he's good enough.

Nice argument.

this song is actual iphone game loading screen music for those virtual reality games marketed to bored housewives

Nice music lmao

>demarcus remix contest when?
Remember the other week when we were talking with Phaser about ways to revive the thread and possible activities to do together?
I think a weekly Demarcus remix contest would be the chemo that we so desperately need.

Someone else here and here likes my music, so it's obviously just you.

wow you're really not too bright huh

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-04-04 at 11.34.44 AM.png (1450x194, 47K)

As if that proves anything.
Stop shitposting bro.
You're not gonna drag me down.

Attached: 2019-04-04 17_37_00-(0) _mu_ - _prod_ - music production general _ Donk Edition - Music - 4chan.png (730x137, 6K)

>i took the screenshot and edited in all the (you)s seamlessly with perfect spacing in less than 30 seconds

you don't have to give me that much credit bro just admit you're retarded and your music sucks

I did the same, so...


That's not true I like his music too.

yeah i'd be surprised if there weren't more than a few retards ITT

That's not true I like his music as welll.

That's not true I like his music also.

>everyone who likes his music uses the same capitalization and punctuation as him


No you dumb macfag, I mean that in my screenshot here you can see that I easily did what you said I gave you too much credit for here Meaning that it's easy as fuck and you only need to use your browser's inspect element function to do it perfectly.

wow thanks for this confirmation of your autism

That's not true we are different people.

lmao sure thing buddeh

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>he knows how to edit (you)s like it's his full time job and he's accusing other people of shitposting

Is that you in the picture?
Are you trying to discourage me from my dream like your crush did to you?
It's not gonna work baby boy. Unlike you I'm not gonna cry like a bitch.
Besides, they're different people. Not samefagging.

>Can't use inspect element and makes fun of those who can.

Inb4 someone screenshots every post above with a (you)

stop shitting up my /prod/ you retarded earless cuck boy fag

i gotta go my man i ain't shitposting with you through my lunch break

btw from the sound of your singing voice i think your wife might be a towel m8

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At least I'm not the jelous wife, bitch.
I'm not the one who tapped after being choked, you cheeky little man.

Anyway, my production mentor says my music is bomb, and he's produced this:
Now tell me he's bad and doesn't know what he's talking about lmao I dare you. Go ahead, make a fool of yourself in front of your peers.

holy shit fucking full blown muzzie alert

i'm gonna go take a shit on kaybibs prayer rug

i bet on khabib btw

The only full blown thing you've dealt with is your BBC blow up doll.

And don't touch the rug or the hat or I swear to Muhammad (al rasool rahmat allah wa barakatuh) I'm gonna tell everyone about the testicle thing.

ultimate banger

That's right.

Are you back?
I'm getting lonely here.

T. Fat ass autist

Let’s see you make that big hit then and make millions. Go on faggot

lmao is this still the muzzie with the strained singing voice, sonically impaired ears and obvious brain damage from inbreeding?

>aren't music
kek i laugh and cringe every time someone uses this phrase. if those people were right nothing would be music

Alright guys, sorry for shitposting so much today.

The first two singing clips were of Samuel Campos. Originally posted here:

And the House track was made by none other than Demarcus (he deleted it immediately after being shit on by several people but I managed to save it), originally posted here:

The song produced by my mentor is:

And last but not least, I want to thank mr. Dueceua for providing inspiration for my posts.


Did I say you could (You) me?

leddit tier response

Not sure who's more cringy. You or the guy who fell for it and spent an hour arguing with you.


holy moly get a life my guy

This is my life.

Attached: holy_yikes.png (1072x1264, 1.95M)

Is me farting rhythmically for a minute straight in a voice recorder music?
Probably not.
There's a (blurry) line over which something isn't music anymore, and everyone has it at different points.

While those genres are technically music (because by definition they fit the requirements for something to be called music), in practical terms they don't offer what "normal" music usually offers.

Just like a plate full of salt and maple syrup can technically be called a dish, it doesn't mean that we can consider it as such in practical terms, even if someone might like it.

If you were forced to make a chart of music genres from the most "musical" and rich of artistic value to the least, classic House and Techno would be closer to the bottom than the top regardless of the metric used.
Not much more valuable than this:

Pic related captures the essence of the whole genre and why it's an absolute joke.
One of the greats can't even tell his own songs from other people's.
Absolutely indefensible.

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Lmao what the fuck are those mini people?

Attached: 2019-04-04.png (1176x612, 805K)

>One of the greats can't even tell his own songs from other people's.
Holy shit unironically how will techno ever recover?

dude stop shitting on his legagy


is the mix on this ok? i only have shitty earbuds and laptop speakers to judge on.


Sorry, Autocorrect.

I don't know where else to post this shit, guys. I'm sorry if this is off topic but it seemed like the best place to do it. Can someone help me out? I have a simple question but I have the dumb.
What's it mean if my speakers seem to have some discrepancy between sound levels when playing music or watching movies. I'm using a 2.1 sound system with the two red and black wires to hook into the subwoofer, which is then hooked into the back of my computer tower using a 3.5mm jack. Now here's the problem:
Recently, when playing multi-channel audio I can sense a little difference in the audio between the two speakers. I went down and re-set the copper wire into their receivers multiple times, and tried to re-inset the 3.5mm jack at the same time but it still seems off.
Now what's really getting me is that I can only sense this difference in sound levels. Sometimes the left speaker catches mid level sounds that the right speaker doesn't. The left speaker will catch low level sounds that the right speaker doesn't. I just don't know what the fuck to do here.

tfw you've had 3 album ideas the past 2 years

tfw you've completed none of them

tfw losing audience retention


>tfw getting urinary retention*
Sorry Autocorrect.

this is actually true as well

Reminds me of pic related.
Let's face it. Techno and house are the Reddit of electronic music.

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Where do producers get their sounds from? Where do you guys get your music from?
Should we feel bad you don't feel like working?

>Where do producers get their sounds from?
Emulations of flexible objects being flexed, stretched, and rubbed together.


nah im just getting my insecurities and anxiety out by posting on a anonymous mongolian cooking website

FUCKFUCKFUCKF U C K my NI audio interface started doing the clicking thing again

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>And the House track was made by none other than Demarcus
I knew it was him! you can't go wrong with demarcus
what the fuck is this

How would I learn to synthesize such a sound?


Do you listen to a lot of music that's similar to the style of your own music? Try finding new and unfamiliar music to challenge yourself. I always feel a lot more creative after listening to something that's just outside my musical comfort zone.

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Is there anything inherently wrong with being a lazy producer

>you can't go wrong with demarcus
These words sound so wrong in this order.

>what the fuck is this
Free inspo boy.

yes, everything. don't be lazy

But what reasons?

all of them.

die wiener


nice bait dude

this is fucking dogshit bad

People seem to like it.

what if i remixed this

everything i've written in the past two weeks has been complete shit so it's time to only do sound design and take a break :3

good post but i have to add that I never found an arpegiator helpful for this at all

Ableton's stock one works well enough.


Any feedback

yeah it's good but I just never found it to be a part of the sound

What's a really solid multi-purpose VST? I make all kinds of stuff, so I'd like a broad library of sounds and configurable settings and stuff.

I was thinking about Omnisphere 2? Never used it, but I hear about it a lot. Does the size of the sample files affect computer performance? I've got an okay machine, but it could definitely be upgraded.

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quick, what are best free vst reverb and delay

Eh, depends on what approach you go for.
There are many ways to skin this cat.

Serum for synthesis and Kontakt for samples.

Omnisphere is also good. You can get it here

the challenge now is what synth can you do it with

I don't want to reveal too much because it's probably well into secret weapons territory, but I recently got an insane new program that has incredible potential for untapped sound design techniques, and it can definitely be used for this kind of stuff.
Man I really wish I could share it but I don't want to waste a potential secret weapon lol. Sorry.
When I get to play with it in 10 years I'll post the outcomes here.

>I recently got an insane new program
so... not the one that you were going to sell off?

I plead the fifth.

can you pls combine fm8 absynth massive and serum into one synth pls mr programmer i want to make rubber and water and beep boops to their fullest capability

It's not that hard.
It mostly involves flying to Rochdale and applying rubberhose cryptanalysis.

Synth1 is all you need bro.
A skilled producer doesn't care about the tools and can use any free plugin to make the same shit that bedroom kids make with their pirated $10k vst collections.

>rubberhose cryptanalysis
bro wtf lmao
you're english? I guess it can be dispelled that you're not phaser then

already made it with synth1, I have bigger ambitions now

Fookin try ya little wanker.

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so just wavetable, VA and FM engines together?

>you're english?
Rochdale is where Autechre are from (at least that's what Wikipedia says).
The joke is to go and steal it from them.

You don't scare me cunts. We all know it's all an act and you're sweet and loving family men.

yeah I just got exposed as a poseur autechre fan :(

it's more about the unique features and modulation that those synths offer being together

You should learn the basics of Max.
You can load any plugin inside of it and wire the parameters inside however you want, which is like Ableton's knobs but on steroids because you can manipulate the data and audio flow however you like and perform all sorts of operations on it.
It's probably the closest you can ever get to mixing the functionalities of different synths together, other than making a new one from scratch.

Actually fuck Autechre. You can go and steal some source code from NI's offices (Check out Jayson E. Street's Defcon talks) and pay an Indian on Fiverr to patch it all together in one synth.
Should be easy right?

How exactly does one match their voice to actual genre?




yeah definitely
i've been waiting to stop being a neet and buy a legit copy of 10 suite because i'm too noided to be pirating shit lol

I didn't know you could wire stuff around like that though, thanks

I just want to have fun makingr musoc again AAAAAAAAAA FUUUUUCKKKKK, nothing fucking comes up AAAAAAAA. I have no fucking ideas, Kill me

Listen to Trout Mask Replica on repeat until it fully makes sense.
No matter how long it takes, do it.
Trust me, you will regret it.

Yolo dude.
Life's too short to worry about ransomeware and having your fulls stolen by a carding ring in Ukraine.

just learn to make rubber sounds bro

Thank you very much.

does that book teach music theory?

It doesn't go in depth, but it does teach you the basics.
Download it and check the index to see the complete list of topics.

You're welcome user.

>Life's too short
I cannot explain it well but it's more like a physical panic that takes over you even if it's not logical... like a paranoid schizophrenic as opposed to what most people think of when they think of paranoia

.... so mental illness makes me buy vsts lmao

Learn to sing

I sing along to Jamiroquai and Queen in my car.

First you have to learn to sing. Soften your palette when higher pitched and only sing through your nose when you learn to sound good. Practice with classic country and r&b. Listen to only good singers.


>don't sing through the nose
>soften your palette
Well, I've never gotten advice before this, nor have I actually practice or read anything. Just kinda sang, so I'll take it and look into how to do it.

>classic country and R&B
Consider I absolutely despise country and R&B, this will be rather difficult. Closet thing would be Garth and maybe Reba, but outside of those two I've never liked country music.

That book is absolute shit don't listen to him.

Fuck you.

Lol no listen to merle haggard and waylon jennings. Country died in 1980 and George Strait was the murderer.

Check out Lonesome Onry and Mean and Swingin Doors. Attempt to sing Virtual Insanity by Jamiroquai.

valhalla freq echo is free (though i just stick to ableton stock even with it)

ambience (32 bit) and tal reverbs get praised... though i don't care for them personally.
voxengo offers "oldskool" verb which imo is pretty good for one sound but I kind of hate their shit aside from span honestly

>Merle Haggard and Waylon Jennings
I know for a fact I could never match this sound, I can't get any lower than what I did in those that I posted. My lower pitch is completely uncontrolled and sounds way worse than what I posted. Virtual Insanity sounds high enough that I could do it, but I just don't see my voice ever working in that kind of deeper muffled sound it's known for.

Merle haggard is a tenor and you can train your voice. Simply attempt to match timbre and you will learn to shape your mouth and when to use head voice or not. I'm a natural baritone but I can sing tenor. Waylon jennings sound is a similar technique to yarling except you keep an open e shape rather than er in your throat.

I got queens greatest hits yesterday and here is me trying my best to match timbre in my car.

Who the fuck still uses this shitty monopoly money lmao

so the secret behind hetfield vocals is to sing over queens songs

The point is stretch yourself and actively attempt to match timbre and you will find the simple stuff easier. Stop being a defeatest and just singing through your nose.

If having those VSTs in a legitimate way makes you feel better than what you'd have otherwise spent that money on, then go fot it.

hellow /prod/
this is my best work yet
what do you think?

TAL's delays are great. Valhalla's reverbs are awesome and very affordable.

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That wasn't me who replied to you. I actually tried singing queen for fun between. I've already gone through a few videos explaining nasal sound and how to reduce it.

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I wasn't that user I just enjoyed your performance, I'm too shy to learn how to sing, one day I hope I can have a space where no one can hear me and do all sort of experiments with my voice


Honestly could never get behind tal stuff, as soon as i tried payed shit i wrote them off as something you only use because you don't know any better

It's digital delay, really any one is as good as the other.

Get a car lol

I second this Having a car is fantastic. I can only do these silly recordings ( ) as my housemates aren't here when I am. So I get some time to sing and screw around. Only today did I really feel I've been singing enough that I actually want to get better.

about to cop an mpc x, will I regret my decision? Complete beginner going in blind btw

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share threads on Yea Forums

So I tried singing by raising the soft pallet and trying to keep the back of my tongue lower. And fuck is that hard to do. Though I'll say that the recording I did for sure sounded better. I'll keep practicing that and I'll also try some of these scale practices.

Yeah, you almost make a smile when you go very high. Another tip I heard from a choir boy is when you go very high keep your vowel sounds to es and us because os and especially as are more shrill sounding.

The likelyhood of you regretting it is inversely proportional to the melanin amount in your skin.

I don't know if it was because I was tired after singing so much (probably as I did for like 2 hours). But I did notice I had a weird sort of sound doing this as well. It was kind of like a dull sound, it's hard to say. I guess the sound (as bad as this is) a autistic/retarded person would make, or I guess Hodor sounded. Like flat and woody, instead of actually sounding open. It was the first time I've heard it like that from myself and it wasn't very good.

Oh now I know what this sounds like. It's that goofy Elvis sound. Like that oohhh mama that Johnny Bravo did. What the shit, why am I now making this noise.

You're in the dungeon trap game now too like Demarcus?


Dumb funny 90s rap, Like bad Wu Tang.

What if I'm black on the inside?

even if you're any other race, saying "black on the inside" makes you pasty fuckin white bro. Sorry

You guessed correct! What's the verdict champ?

>You guessed correct!
Yeah, no shit.

Bro, worst case scenario, you end up realizing you don't need/want the mpc and sell it off for what you paid for it. It's just a different workflow or a supplement to what a daw offers

it's called soul user
look it up

Have you guys ever considered doing a soulseek one minute massacre style thing?

why do you all hate me

whoever you are, it's probably because you're an annoying faggot

take a moment to reflect and ask how you can improve and how you can make that happen instead of bitching that nobody likes you


Yeah I like the idea of working on standalone hardware, as I stare at a screen all day at work. Didn't see any info on MPC software in the sticky, was just wondering if it was memeware or can actually produce professional tracks. Or if I will need to eventually learn other programs like fl or w/e.

I'm from /gg/ and for the last few days I've been recording my playing for the first time and adding drums to it in Reaper.
Now I wanna add some vocals, and while I have a decent mic I don't know how to do vocal FX.
Can someone explain to me how to get a vocal sound similar to pic related?

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music producers produce one minute ish of music, they pass it on to the next person in the chain who blends it into the next minute ish of music, making a complete continuous set. I'm sure it's been done before but I first heard it done by soulseek records (associated with the music download p2p service). I'd love to hear what kind of shit Yea Forums could make.

I know what I need to do improve I just want feedback on the spefcific song I posted

FUCK i just lost the reply I typed out....

it's not covered because hardware is obsolete but if you like the idea of it just go for it.

it really only sounds like a good idea if everybody is on the same page genre and skill wise.

shit i've got toyed with the idea of starting a collective for a certain sound and looking on Yea Forums for people but the idea just seems futile


Say what you want about demarcus but he's got a recognizable shitty style

so can I get some feedback please I didn't add any fx or anything yet so its kind of dry
I did do a super saturated "lofi " version my friend likes though but I think its shit


can you just imagine that i've said the same thing i've said to you the last ten times?

I mean at least you finally started incorporating some of the groove shit so it's better than what you've done before

By the way thanks for reminding me pharell exist, i'm ripping off the neptunes sound for fun now :^)

I think you're finally getting somewhere. Maybe add a break or chorus. Which VSTs do you use btw? They seem pretty good for dungeon synth especially your strings (asking unironically)

probably the worst thing Ive ever heard, quit now.

Sounds like a videogame song, I personally didn't like it too much.

So what's the meta right now? When I got out of the game bigroom house was finally dying and dubstep was doing that weird thing were everyone was making the basses sound like they were recorded inside of someone's mouth.

I hear this subgenre of hip-hop called "trap" is getting some steam... some people say it's the next big thing but I doubt it. Bunch of T.I rip offs man


Trap was already a thing when I ducked out, and desu, it's part of the reason why. It's just so... dumb. Like, there's no way to make it your own. It's just 808s and slidey bleepy leads. At least the 2010 era brostep guys had their own sounds. You could pick Skrillex from Excision and Liquid Stranger from Kill the Noise.

Avicii was worth 60 mil???
Maybe I should be getting into edm.

I think it's pretty bad when someone worth that kind of money won't even pay a couple hundred for vst he uses. Totally different case scenario than some unemployed kid on /prod/.

it was probably more
>poor kid pirates
>poor kid makes it big
>poor kid just transfers over his files and doesn't think "I should actually buy these"

The voice starts out rough (trying too hard to match black-dude-voice), but sorta mellows out on the second half. Check it out?

Also, who doesn't want 2 and a half minutes of straight bars, son. And the news samples and shoddy 90s production is on point.

Well I was joking, and i'm the last person who should be answering this question because I don't pay attention to radio-pop and dance/festival stuff at all

>Like, there's no way to make it your own.
I mean it splintered off into quite a few subgenres already. I can personally pick out different producers sounds quite easily not even being big on it... so gotta disagree. It's the thousands of copycats that tarnish it for me though

yooo hahga im not famous yet guys haha but its coming yep any day now haha ill show u guys

Eh, maybe it's just because I never cared for it to begin with.

Not even once. When it comes to electronic stuff, I'm more into the bass/techno side of things.

...ya know, I wonder if we all started to forge a "style" or something, could we meme it into being a thing?

Like, just by networking and creating our own "in group" thus creating an illusion of us being a bunch of cool insiders that folk want to become a part of just because they're not a part of it

"bedroom" is already an aesthetic in trap and pop and lo-fi-indie-rock homie

ANONS if you got the chops join my Rubber Clique

>can you just imagine that i've said the same thing i've said to you the last ten times?
that I'm tone deaf? that I need to read the Dance Music Manual? I started reading the book, like actually reading it, but it seemed pretty useless. I learned specifically what a chorus, flanger, and phaser do so that was cool but just skimming through it the book the basic takeaway to me was that I should learn piano and sound design.

Can you help me make drum patterns like The Neptunes? I finally found out that for more traditional lower BPM hip-hop you put the snare on the 2 and 4 and the kick on the 1 and 3, but you need to not follow that strictly to get something interesting. I feel like I was making more interesting breakbeat-ish stuff before I knew what I was doing at all.

The chorus is supposed to be the part where the chords are simplified at 1:05. Maybe something different with the drums should happen there.
>Which VSTs do you use btw? They seem pretty good for dungeon synth especially your strings
Lately I've been using Ragnarok, Bleep!, and Uno FM. I use SuperWaveP8 a lot too.

no, I meant a musical style. Obvious the whole bedroom thing is a thing, but forge our own sonic identity, like a genre or something.

Tho I think I just found the problem. If any of us were capable of such a thing we wouldn't be shitposting here, we'd be out actually doing stuff.

>Rubber Clique
SOPHIE's sound is going mainstream. I think that EDM-ish style of hip-hop is gonna be the next big thing after trap.

Yeah but if I imagine an amalgam of everything I hear in /prod/ I want to pre-emptively kms myself.

Dungeon rubber trap, hm yes

Sounds like a bankable idea but something tells me it's been tried before.

I've had this idea for a while, to combine trap with ragtime. I call it "traptime".

I didn't say it was new just that it might be the next big movement
Azealia Banks has been doing it since 2011

I wonder if anyone here plays piano well enough.

No i'm not that user, i'm the guy that was all about dilla and swing and ..... a few other things probably but i can't remember. He gave good advice though

>Can you help me make drum patterns like The Neptunes?
BOY I already tried.
I'm working more on that right now just to learn the sound for its own sake...

In addition to what i've already said start using more drum machine sounds. Processing them raw is kind of a bitch for pop so you might want to look more into that... Goldbaby stuff is very good but they're more Tr-Roland/MPC stuff exclusively

I actually saw a thread about this on Reddit a while ago... "edm" style hip-hop (aside from that party trap-step shit that's already a separate thing) is already.... a thing too

and that Snails sound has been around for quite a while.... And sophie+PC have been mingling.... i mean yeah it's probably going to get bigger but idk about the "next big thing."

Edm is already pretty sound design centric, if anything I just see these sounds being more widely ripped off for bass patches etc... not necessarily any huge new developments

i'm disgusted

>No i'm not that user, i'm the guy that was all about dilla and swing and ..... a few other things probably but i can't remember.
Oh, my bad. I used Ableton a bit and found the workflow better in a lot of aspects, I've been trying to replicate it in FL Studio. Also turning the swing up.
>In addition to what i've already said start using more drum machine sounds.
You mean drum machine VSTs instead of samples from kits?
I'll download some of this stuff right now and try it out, than k you.

>drum machine VSTs
i mean literal raw samples from drum machines
samples from most drum packs are synthesized or jacked from somebody elses pack or song.

I specifically named goldbaby just because I know those are drum machine samples processed really well and not just in a way to hide that they nicked them from somewhere else

>Edm is already pretty sound design centric, if anything I just see these sounds being more widely ripped off for bass patches etc... not necessarily any huge new developments
Good point. I saw a reasonable argument that boom bap was the trap of the 90s in that they're both super formulaic and boom bap in the 90s was just as "on trend" as trap is now. Whatever the new big thing in hip-hop will be will probably be something that can be easily replicated. Neither boom bap or trap is that hard to make.

I hate being lazy and having no ideas, why

I don't see what's supposed to be special about the raw samples from the drum machines, but I guess I'll see for myself. Are there any specific Goldbaby dls you'd recommend?

for me I like samples from mars for drum machines I bought but they were recently on sale for cheap so maybe its been uploaded

>something that can be easily replicated.
this is the thing I think most people miss when they talk about new trends.

the bare minimum in rapping is lower than it is in singing
trap hats "sound" like a song right away for kids looking to get into it... so on so on...
I could rand about that for a long time. Music and are is going through a continuous democratization in both form and technology. There will be more shit to wade through but also more innovation because more people get to participate as the bar is lowered

it's not about being special really... that's just what they used. I looked it up last week when we talked about pharell but i forget the specific machines that got dropped a lot.... not a super unique sound, a lot of drum machines can do it. The thing is that the resulting sound is very different than what you'll get if you just use "modern" sample packs most people are using right now

I found a thing with literally every gold baby pack in it (there aren't THAT many)

I use tape and cassette 808 all the fucking time, but they're all great from what i've heard.
Also, again, ultimate-boom bap. That's what I just used in my drop it like it's hot rip with some drum machine samples lol

Also that big fucking classic drum machine compilation dude. Did you get it? Those might be annoying for you to use though js

I might have told you this before but I had a similar problem with an M Audio interface (random clicking whenever recording audio through the preamp) and spraying all the ports/jacks with CRC contact cleaner fixed it


>Also that big fucking classic drum machine compilation dude. Did you get it?
The... miami tape one? Pic related? I'll start using it. The thing is I don't want to ditch a modern sound too much, I'm trying to find that balance.

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>mine is way too quiet
There are plenty of DJs/producer DJ who will tell you they would rather have to adjust levels in the club rather than you compromising your sound to compete with other idiots who don't know how to master and just thing loud is more good. That may be true if you're a guitarist, but production is a whole other ball game

Does anyone here know anything about the Seaboard GRAND? I was gifted one for my birthday but for the life of me I can't get it to work properly, I've tried it on two different PC's, ROLI support fucking sucks and their manuals are outdated. Their dashboard application isn't recognizing the Grand when I plug it in to my PC and the only time I did get it to work on one PC by just trying it through Equator it seemed to be working but had no 4D or multitouch capability and just generally didn't work very well at all. I don't think there's anything wrong with the actual instrument I think it's a software or setup issue, as you're supposed to set up the instrument through Dashboard before using it through Equator, and I know you can even use it independent of a computer, it just needs to be set up through a PC, but nothing I try works. I'm desperate here /prod/. Sorry for being a massive noob to production, I play a few instruments but am only just getting started with actual music production

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you should post this in the new thread this one is going to die soon

is goldbabby safe to download from or am i gonna get rootkit aids or whatever

do covers/remixes