Hey Yea Forums

Hey Yea Forums

I've been doing sound design as a hobby for a while now, and I'm interested in learning more about the production of music.

What are some good free online resources or maybe youtube channels for learning music theory specifically?

Also, I can't say I'm sure of what I'm getting myself into--any tips for a beginner-intermediate?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Alan Belkin's channel. Rick Beato's channel. JJay Berthume's channel.


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>knows absolutely nothing about music production

I mean I can read sheet music, and I know some stuff from practicing instruments in the past.

not hard download a daw and some vsts. open the daw and add a vst plugin. open the piano roll. draw notes with mouse. make a pattern. copy and paste patttern. learn to add filter movements. thats basically it.


What is wrong with Beato? He's best for music producers that just want the extent of pop-related theory without having to worry about being able to read a score. The other two are much more academic (still useful for whatever you're doing tho).

>Just be yourself bro. Music is easy. It doesn't matter if I have Chad ears and you're tone-deaf. Its all about making the same shit over and over until you're making music in the most unique possible way.

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look up seamlessr. he might not be your flavor but atleast he knows exactly how and why he makes his sounds and explains it clear as can be as technical as possible for you

What kind of music production are you thinking of?
Do you want to produce more like the traditional way of recording real instruments, or do you want to produce electroniclly-made music with your computer (so with sequenced midi and virtual instruments)?

Since you mentioned sound design I'm going to assume it's the second.

Download Ableton Live 10.0.6 from audioz.download/ (it's the main community for audio warez in the world and this particular crack is done by R2R, which is a top cracking team, so you won't get malware).
10.1 is going to come out soon but it's gonna have a lot of new features and I don't expect it to be stable until a few versions in, so get 10.0.6 at least for now and download 10.1.* later on.

In order to be good at music production you need to master a few different skills:
- Music theory (along with composition, arrangement, etc.), which you seem to have experience in already
- Sound design and processing, same as above but I'm not sure how advanced you are at this.
- Mixing (making the different parts of the song fit together cohesively)
- Mastering (what you do to the final song to make it sound good, loud, and perhaps consistent with the other songs in an album)
The fastest way to learn the basics of all of these is to get everything from a single resource (so you don't get the same info twice from different sources that have overlapping informations) and the best I know is this book:

You'll learn so much more and more quickly than you would by watching youtube videos.

As for hardware, the only thing you strictly need is a computer and some speakers or headphones, but of course it's not gonna be as easy as it would be if you had proper equipment, which is:
- Monitoring speakers
- Audio interface (to connect the speakers to the computer)
- Monitoring headphones
- Acoustic treatment for your room
- Controllers (keyboards, knobs, etc)
This depends entirely on your budget.

I should also say that before reading the book it's good to play around in your DAW and follow an introductory tutorial (there are several on YouTube, or you can pirate some paid ones by Lynda or similar, just make sure it's for Live 10 and not Live 9 or older).
This way you don't start reading the book as a completely clueless beginner but instead have some frame of reference to see the knowledge in the book through.

If you can't figure out Ableton's interface without reading the manual you're a fucking mongo m8.

Based retard.

There isn't an actual /prod/ so I'm gonna post this here:

It's a link for downloading Omnisphere 2.6 complete with all the content.

All the info is inside the pastebin.

I'm not sure how long the links will stay up, so if you're interested, get it ASAP.

Also, I'm going to sleep soon, so please someone post it in the actual /prod/ if one gets made. Thanks.

Attached: 1554253490_omnisphere-2.6.jpg (350x173, 14K)

>n-no you

Captcha fuel

This is a pretty neat beginners course

Why do I want this? Seems like a lot of work for a soundbank

I'm worried about getting contact estrogen

You said something retarded and I'm calling you retarded.
I'm not saying "no u" because you didn't call me a "mongo" (as I don't need the manual to figure out the interface).

I merely suggested OP to look for a tutorial (not the manual) on what things are because as a beginner he'd have no information about what anything is, and he wouldn't even be able to understand the names of the various functions.
Even if any reasonably intelligent person would still be able to fuck around and eventually get it, there's no reason not to watch a brief tutorial and learn everything in a much shorter time with much less effort, and without risking understanding things wrong because your "mongo" ass decided that guessing things is the right way to learn things as a complete beginner.

And besides, the manual is still extremely useful for a beginner, since it doesn't just explain the interface, but also explains what everytihng does and how everything works.

Maybe you're not into this kind of stuff, but a lot of people are, and on /prod/ people frequently ask where to get it, so I thought I'd let people know about it. in case they wanted it.

You're appreciated xoxo
Thanks for the book too.

No, I'm serious. What's inside? I got some spectrasonics stuff from the Spyro Soundfont Collection. Its nice but not especially high-quality and I probably wouldn't go to all this effort to get it. Give me the skinny.

>doesn't thank me for directing him to the best music resources on youtube.

Okay, fuck you too

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It's just Omnisphere:

I never used it myself so I'm not qualified to talk about it.

But i thanked you for everything, hence why i used the word "too" with the book, fucker.
I knew about Audioz already, i just appreciate the write up.

I'm over here fella

Np user. I'm glad to help.

I think he's talking about the other YouTube links posted above.

Attached: 2019-04-03 23_59_53-(0) _mu_ - Hey _mu_ I've been doing sound design as a hobby - Music - 4chan (443x181, 7K)

Oh i see.
Not sure if i can give you credit for that since you recommended Beato.

Not liking Beato is a retarded meme. Not even I like his music but he has the market cornered on practical non-academic theory that isn't "the complete dumbasses guide" stuff like MichaelNew

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Don't you talk shit about McihaelNew

Oh, right, because if you're a producer working with a piano roll what you want to know if the particular name of each chord, not how to use the fucking things in interesting ways. I'll shit on 12 Tone as well. The idea of using his channel as a learning resource is fucking retarded. That's like using 8bit Music Theory or Adam Neely as a learning tool. They don't even have lessons. It doesn't help that 12Tone is a complete social-justice piece of shit either.

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just so you know i'm not the same guy

as who? Why do I give a fuck?