Why is modern music so shit live? And no this isn’t a

Why is modern music so shit live? And no this isn’t a
>le wrong generation
thread, I like a ton of modern music. It’s just that when you hear it live it’s nowhere near as good as it is recorded in studio. Back in the 70s and 80s however it was arguably better, I mean watch this video and tell me you don’t get chills


If most modern bands sounded this good live I’d be way more inclined to travel to see them regularly. The talent is all there, everything you hear from the studio you hear live as well. Most of the modern bands I like are amazing in studio but will never come close to that sound live. What happened? Why did our standards for live music drop so hard? It used to be so good. Has studio magic given talentless people too much credit?

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it's just a matter of professionalism & how much companies are willing to invest in talent


An overreliance on studio effects and autotune stopped people from being able to sing. If you've ever seen Tame Impala live, the instrumentation is fucking amazing and spot-on but the vocals always sound absolutely wretched.

Artists back then used to play live first before getting a studio contract, but now the opposite is true.

Nobody cares anymore. Its more profitable to not care.

>we live in a society
that doesn't value artistry

You cherry picked like the "best" singer in all of metal and rock

I haven't been to a ton of live shows, but I saw Death Grips live last week and I thought it was a hell of a show. Maybe I just have low standards. I go to concerts more for the energy of the live show rather than a studio-quality recreation of the artist's work.


because 99% of them are socially connected talentless hacks that can't sing and normie audiences at concerts don't really give a shit because they're just there to take photos and post them on instagram so production keeps getting worse every year

I love tame impala and all but it’s genuinely not as hard to produce “on point” instrumentation when your instrumentation is largely electronic

Much harder to make it on point with the traditional guitar bass and drums

It's unironically because the music is much more complicated now and thus more difficult to reproduce live without pre-recorded or automated instrumentation, thus leading to relatively more static and unadventurous performances.

imagine believing this unironically

pls don't

you can't actually be....

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Is this the boomer kino thread?

Pushing 70 and still sounding amazing.

that might be true for groups that have complex choreography even mj wasnt singing live

Everyone itt bitching doesn't go to live shows
The vast majority of bands I love have been better live

It's true though, a lot of modern popular songs have 50+ distinct sound objects and multiple manipulations in the microscale, as well as quite often subtle acousmatic techniques utilizing a more expansive pseudo-three-dimensional acoustic space.

BASED Öyster Cult

okay you're just goofin' but that's the definition of "ear candy"

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God damn is there anyone alive that can match this kind of theatric stage presence?


Part near the middle, “there’s a big black sheep looking up at me”, just his movement, everything about that is chillingly good. Never see that any of the shows I go to, some of the music is still good live but that sort of stage presence is gone

idk where you're from but audience participation isn't what it used to be


God damn is there anyone alive that can match this kind of theatric stage presence?

here's a contender


This dude isn't joking. It is much more common now for music in general, especially electronic-ey stuff including pop to have dozens apon dozens more instruments, sounds and effects than anything made in previous eras.

With an example like OPs on the recorded version you are looking at a mic'd up drum kit, bass guitar, a bunch of guitar layers, several keyboard layers, and your main vocal which might have some harmonies and doubles. Probably like 50 or less tracks all up.

In a busy, highly produced modern electronic pop production you are looking the beat alone maybe taking up 30 tracks, including different synth sounds, maybe some recorded drums, maybe some samples. You might have multiple samples that have been stretched, effected, reversed, whatever. You will probably have many layers of synthesizers doing different noises that come in and out. You might have strings, guitars, pianos, sound effects, risers, claps, different busses of instruments going to reverbs, compressors, effects. The vocals alone will probably have as a big a stack of harmonies, doubles, ad libs ect. as an entire Dio song. Entire sections of the song have the whole thing filtered.

This is an old example but just imagine the logistics of trying to completely recreate this shit live:

probably cause you like shit artists who can't play

>Why is modern music so shit live?
Because people are so stupid nowadays they think Dio is simple doing the metal hand sign in that pick and not an evil eye ward.
The irony is that they don't even understand what the left hand path is because your books tell you it's not relevant to modern interpretation of things... which is completely false.

No it's because mainstream festivals generally have shit artists and attract shit people.
Local gigs are still amazing.

Based retard

I was shitposting but you catch my drift.
People don't think anymore.

>Why is modern music so shit live?
digital consoles

i love the DG but simply cant bear seeing stefan pant over a playback track, its too much.

>a lot of modern popular songs have 50+ distinct sound objects
thats why its so garbage. infinite tracks made some awful "songs".


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Live music was improvement no recorded music back then cause studio versions sucked back then.
Studio engineers used to be dumb fuck who were afraid of brickwalling.

*improvement on

>thinks brickwalling is a good production technique

look at this fuckin goblin
nigga aint 50 he 50 minutes from death gd

Is this THE wrongest post currently on Yea Forums? Maybe.

Vaya con Dio.

Hollywood has focused too much on shallow commercialism and as such has forsaken the sort of creativity which would emerge from years of personal experience. This is in addition to the self-righteous contempt Hollywood has towards working Middle America. This disconnect is why those in the established industry have no problem projecting their degenerate hypocrisy and social justice politics as though this somehow makes up for the lack of depth within their mass-produced products.

With so much music being electronic now, I feel like there's less opportunity to do new things with songs when performing live unlike back in the 70s or 80s
