You people have dogshit taste in music. Listen to real music

You people have dogshit taste in music. Listen to real music.

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eat shit

eat shit

eat shit

eat shit

eat shit

eat shit

eat shit

eat shit

eat shit

eat shit
That's a pretty decent album though. Before DT became completely sterile.

lol eat shit

eat shit

eat shit

eat shit

eat shit

Is this the GG Allin thread?

i can't i'm deaf

eat shit

i can't i'm deaf

eat shit

I'm here for the buffet?

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prog metal fags be like

Prog metal is fucking shit

Eat shit

I enjoy dream theater

Shit Eat

This shit stopped being interesting in 2007. How do you still enjoy it in 2019? Or were you late to the party

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have sex

I discovered Dream Theater 2006 buying Images & Words and Awake. I didn't listen to this until a month ago. Compared to the albums I mentioned this is complete shit.

eat shit

kill yourself