songs/albums about not reaching your potential and being a lazy useless excuse for a human being?
Songs/albums about not reaching your potential and being a lazy useless excuse for a human being?
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>tfw 20 y/o NEET
>live with parents
>dad buys whisky and beer every other day and knows that I know where it is and that I’ve been getting shit faced off of it every single night
>keeps buying it and even telling me “hey I picked up some more brews”
What does this mean
it means he feels sorry for you but doesn't know how to help you.
> 20 y/o
bruh you still have all the time in the world, don't waste it.
>i base my self identity on cringeworthy reddit memes haha! XD
tim heidecker - i am a cuck
this doomer shit is so fucking stupid. stop being a lazy waste of life and go do something productive.
what does that even mean
what do you think you're giving back
dubs of truth
i really want to become a hyper-twink/trap but i worry what my family will think. i want to wear short shorts and fishnets and crop tops but i just know how much it would break everyone's hearts. they raised me better.
Modest Mouse's first two albums dip into that
do u live w them?
believe me, i would kill myself if i weren't so worried about how it would affect my family.
no, but they'll find out eventually, and i still see them reguarly.
lmao u clearly dont know how to hide shit from them
i live away from parents but still within a 30 minute drive and i literally live a double life. theyre super religious and dont know i drink/party or that i have a septum piercing or anything. i dress in ways they certainly wouldnt approve of but i still do it bc theyll never know
just b cautious and youll b fine. u got this
alright. i also want to be a musician, and if that ever takes off, i feel my double life would collapse.
yes, i'm aware there's a 0% chance i become a famous musician, but it's a hypothetical i think about.
What reason is there to be productive
it makes you happy
Pet Sounds is basically about a guy dealing with being very depressed while still trying to act like he's happy to chase girls around all day.
>ctrl+f Crywank
>no results
You have a discography to listen to, OP.
It means do whatever's worth your while you sad sacks of shit. Anything that isn't crying, whining, and shitting on yourself for no reason, that is.thats being productive Fuck-Fuck.
Fuck off Crywank
Listening to Crywank will actually physically hurt you in the long run. Don't listen to Crywank, it's music designed to make you feel good about being in an inescapable spiral of depression. There is no bigger detriment to you when you are depressed than listening to fucking Crywank.
>you still have all the time in the world, don't waste it
c o p e
Yea Forums is full of lefties, stop pretending you're doomers
Any Senses Fail album
especially Life Is Not A Waiting Room
>your potential
nice meme lmao
you just want to feel better about yourself, you don't actually have any potential
it means you should drink with your dad
and how are those two incompatible?
your dad is based
My Diary Desu - user and the Jannies
What are some songs/albums about being a retarded shitposting faggot who finds solace in retarded shitty 9gag-tier memes because he's such a fucking retard faggot shitmuncher?
not OPs fault people only respond to pepe/wojak threads
The brave little abacus - just got back from the discomfort -- we're alright
Journey - Don't stop believing
Beatles - Here comes the sun
Hall and Oates - You Make My Dreams Come True
Stop crying about not reaching your potential and start reaching your potential, in the end the only thing holding yourself back is yourself. You can stay a doomer and only fall deeper in the hole or take the whitepill and go bloomer.
means your dad loves you user
>I choose to do nothing with my life I swear
thanks man you cured all of us
but crywank is godawful fake deep trash
>wastes youth on useless degree
>Can't go outside
>Don't go outside
Codeine is perfect
MrSoul - Blue Stream
Its from the album getting high with strangers
you're young still don't worry too much about living at home, take advantage of it while you don't need to pay rent.
Have a beer with your dad, user. Maybe talk about it.
Regardless of your opinions, Crywank's songs are objectively what OP is looking for.
Brown Shoes Don't Make It
based dad
It means alcohol doesn't cure autism
Have a drink with your dad and talk it over. Get anything off your chest man. You'll feel better. Or just have fun with him and show him a good song
This. I moved out at 20 and it was the worst decision of my life. Ended up living in a crack den house with a shithead landlord for five years just because I wanted my "independence".
He wants to make you feel good, because he knows you have had a bad time lately, or for a long time. Let me guess a few things about you?
>not a great relationship with dad? good but distant?
>dad loves you alot?
>knows you been down lately?
>your dad is also an alcoholic?
>knows it makes him feel better and understands you.
>doesnt want to talk about it because its way out of either of yours comfort zone?
>wants to show love, and help you
Too bad hes showing love in the worst way possible, hes helping you in the moment but dooming you to a continued existance of self- hatred.
Really, being an alcoholic sucks fucking asshole, you feel like shit all the time, everythings shit all the time, but then alcohol makes you feel good? why would i stop drinking if alcohol is the only thing that makes me feel bad?
it also makes you a horrible person, things might go well now, but wait until daddy pulls the plug once and you start stealing money to buy more, and you promply ruin the only chance at a good relationship with your dad.
He wont be here forever, and neither will you, better to do something uncomfortable now than be you in 30 years, deadbeat drunk with a dead dad who you just wish you could spend more time with.