ITT: People you know who are trying to make it as a musician and will go absolutely nowhere

ITT: People you know who are trying to make it as a musician and will go absolutely nowhere.

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Everyone I have ever met who has "tried to make it as a musician" has failed. Even the ones that actually had a good bit of talent.

Trying to "make it as a musician" is about as intelligent as trying to "make it as a masturbator".

Any smart person will see that its not a reliable career path to just get started in entry level. A smart person who is trying to make it as a musician will always start with it as a hobby while finding employment elsewhere, or will settle for being a tutor.

How much money a person makes with music does not correlate with how good they are as a musician, unless your opinion of "good music" is whatever is popular in the current times.

lmao check out mr paragraphs over here

try to keep it under 140 next time, boomer

God, so many. I won't post them here because it's mean, but pretty much everyone I used to hang out with between the ages of 17 and 21 is going through a musician phase and not a single one of them is talented.

Luckily my city is great for being a shitty local musician, there's some money involved and it's a good environment in general. It stops it being sad/embarrassing and it makes me happy to know they're at least having a good time.

had they always played music, or did they just download a daw and start rapping?

i learned to play piano after high school and have kept it a secret. one day i’m going to unexpectedly absolutely shred on piano and baffle my pals

I know these tryhard faggots personally and they suck live. It wouldn't be as bad if they just played for fun, but they actually try to live like reallife rockstars while they play shows for 30 people and still live with their parents.

go back to twitter, pleb faggot.

not that i liked that, but the music itself is pretty good at imitating the sound they want.

They are just long past the days when generic thrash metal was popular.

99% of local metal bands I've heard are way more cringy than that was.


this has got to be a joke.

This kid follows me on instagram and is annoying as fuck. He's in the Austin hip hop scene. Kinda sad since he got evicted and thinks he's gonna make it big because he has 1000+ insta followers lmfao.



Wtf that was p cool sounds like something I’d hear on a songs in the key of Z comp lmfao

people who give up on their dreams comfort themselves by laughing at the failure of others. these guys may be lousy musicians, but at least they're not too afraid to try.

This is fucking based though


Trying to become a great musician doesn't make you deserving of respect.
Many people want to be famous and rich, there is nothing cool in wanting it too.

You can get my respect if you genuinely love making music, but for that it's not necessary to want to be a great artist. It's an unrelated thing

I would have commented on the reddit spacing, if anything, but it looks like you need to go back as well.