Is this the most redpilled song of the year?

Is this the most redpilled song of the year?

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its fucking retarded

fuck you, it rules

lil nas x was lowkey inspired by this guy

how retarded do you have to be to call this song a country song
its a trap song

it's obviously a genremash if you ask me

metioning horeses and wrangler doesnt make a song country
listen to more trap and youll realize its trap

i've heard plenty of trap. country artists have been implementing 808s and skittering hi-hats for years now. this song has banjos throughout and the vocalist has a southern drawl. that plus the subject matter makes it a fucking country song. you're overthinking it.

youre retarded

you're fucking retarded. fuck you

fuck you dumb motherfucker
if you werent deaf youd know i was right lmao

you're the one who's fucking deaf if you hear absolutely no resemblance to country music in this song. you think this song and a gucci mane song sound identical. you're a fucking idiot.

fuck both of you morons

nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger
fuck you

fuck you, you think this song sounds exactly like boosie badazz. you have low IQ. you shouldn't even be on this board.

eat shit retard

i'm not the moron who thinks this sounds exactly like a Future record. kill yourself.

i would debate you on this topic but youre you lack the necessary brain cells

prove it bitch, you haven't said shit, whereas i've given multiple examples that prove you wrong.

why do faggots who unironically say "redpilled" still exist.

This, you'd have to be pretty retarded to think it's purely trap. Ever heard of Sam Hunt? It's about exactly as country as him yet he gets on the country charts and this doesn't