Which were the most savage? Which was your favorite rap beef? General diss track discussion.
PewDiePie spitting some fire: youtube.com
Which were the most savage? Which was your favorite rap beef? General diss track discussion.
PewDiePie spitting some fire: youtube.com
I don't fuck with alt right my guy get this clown out of here
>PewDiePie spitting some fire
>post music video "admitting" defeat
>climbs up top immediately
April fucking Fool's T-Gei
>I don't fuck with alt right
Nigger, do you have any idea where you are right now?
Post time proves you could not have listened to it.
pewdiepie isn't even slightly rightwing, faggot. He just realizes how fucking batshit insane American Media is.
I thought he was libertarian
I think you mean (((American Media)))
"libertarian" can mean a lot of different things unless you are a radical that thinks everyone with a different point of view than you is shitty.
I am somewhat right leaning, and I've noticed a lot of him promoting basically typical "social-democrat" views. It was in a respectable way. Not exactly the biggest follower of him though.
lol at tseries being so butthurt after bitch lasagna they tried suing him
fuck off underage.
nah he's said some racist shit
>nah he's said some racist shit
like "white people don't know what its like to be poor"?
grow up faggot. When you are done living in dreamland, you'll realize that socialists/social-"democrats" are every bit as racist as conservatives. But you probably haven't bothered reading the science on that.
so do left
That's not racist and has nothing to do with pewdiepie who uses the n word and anti semitic/anti Indian slurs frequently
I thought he was a lib? Why are they attack him?
>against mainstream media
>followed Stefan Molyneux and Laura Southern on Twitter
>apparently has nigger in his active vocabulary so he automatically says it when he's angry
>shouted out a channel with literal Nazi propaganda
>...twice, also in his apology video because he didn't understand how it's bad
Definitely a few Checkmarks there, buddy.
And with his whole Death to all Jews and Nazi uniform thing, while that doesn't make him a Nazi, people are concerned that this type of rhetoric will contribute to an environment that is hostile to certain people. Stochastic Terrorism is well studied, and someone like PewDiePie with a following of so many kids, it's kind of dangerous.
Omg learn what humor is, retard
It's ok for thots to dance practically naked and promote Liberalism to children tho
Got it, hypocrite
pewdiedie is problematic
Are you underage what the fuck is this
>That's not racist
oh lemme guess, being prejudice against people of a race is not racism unless they "have the power" when you ignore the overrepresentation of other races in power, like jews, asians, and Indians.
You're right but these neckbeards won't get it
Ok Mom thanks for telling us how dangerous he is even though he's done nothing and is a nice guy
ah yes, I forgot that hippies that never shave or practice good hygiene are right wingers and CEOs and their dress codes and clean shaven faces are socialists.
at this point im not sure if I should even argue with you, you are making a fool of yourself more than I ever could.
He jokes about genociding Indians and treats them like subhumans
Nazis are fat drug addicts like yourself
faggots like you would call a boomer who literally killed nazis a nazi.
get real. I'd never be a mouth-breathing socialist like all nazis are.
because they are
Didn't know most of this, never thought about stochastic terrorism either.
Rap devil
out of all "youtuber diss tracks", yea this is probably the most """"savage""""
Should have got Quentin Miller to host meme review.
Cringe but redpilled
Cringe and bluepilled
People like you actually exist? I tought it was just a media meme wtf
>engaging in pew-dye-pie discourse
>even jokingly
sterilize yourselves asap
Remind me why this music board gives a shit about a children's entertainer who makes videos about videogames?
south park humor is terrorism that gives you serious personality disorders and makes you join groups like azov battalion as a foreign military contractor
le epic alt right twitter fight is totally music related fuck you dude don't call me fucking names this is serious we're dying out here
Imagine working your ass off to keep a company and then some manchild king with a god conplex defames you and sends his goons to torment you 24h.
imagine giving a fuck about some faggot on youtube because a content farmer told you to
Half that shit didn't even rhyme at all what the hell
unironically No Vaseline, though if you basedboys are getting upset at PewDiePiew for being "alt-right" then you are going to have an aneurysm from all the homophobia and antisemitism that Ice Cube spits out in that track.
Ice Cube wasn't a massive public figure with a cult following of millions who uses all of his power to flirt with scum like Shapiro.
unless you're baiting, holy fuck i never thought i would see this level of utter degeneracy on Yea Forums, i thought people here at least had some degree of fucking common sense
>Part of one of the biggest rap collectives at the time
>Joins Nation of Islam
Try harder next time
bitch lasagna goes hurd as fuck
I liked bitch lasagna better desu
Yep I am actually done with this board. Holy shit zoomers like you should actually kill yourselves. I can't believe we have reached the point where we have multiple defending Pewdiepie.
The narrative that Pewdiepie has matured over the past few years to make good content must be the biggest meme now. He is still catering to the same Minecraft zoomers but now they are edgy 14 year olds who like /pol/-lite jokes. I'll give him some respect for being able to brainwash his drone army into believing that subscribing to him and making content for him on reddit is the height of comedy and fighting 'corporate overlords.' However he is still a complete brainlet. It's obvious whenever he opens his mouth and the dullest stuff imaginable comes out, only his 13 year old fans are the ones that are not able to see how he uses lame gags and reviews of other people's contents to compensate for his lack of personality. For a guy that has been known to browse /pol/ and Yea Forums it is a bit sad to see how much of an absolute basic pseud he is. His Crime and Punishment review was honest to god worse than a high schoolers and the way he not so subtly drops hints about his 'sophisticated' whiskey collecting hobby is pure cringe.
The fact that you zoomers are on Yea Forums and actually defending him from being a racist really shows the decline of this website. He is clearly a racist with a deep seated hatred of darkies and it is pretty funny when he lets loose occasionally. I legitimately hope you guys get sterilised if you think this brainlet is being 'ironically racist' though.
I honestly can't tell if people like you are serious or not but the fact you put that much effort in that post makes it sad either way.
shut up
fuck off nigger
Fuck off back to Pewdiepie's reddit thanks. It will be a safe space for you and the other drones to lick his balls, 'ironically' of course.
No need to be this mad, t-series
have sex
better than Post Malone's song
Imagine thinking you are some anti-corporate rebel by subscribing to Pewdiepie. Honestly the disgusting slum dwellers that subscribe to T-series might be better than Pewdiepie fans. At least they aren't under the illusion they are doing something greater than giving some random guy richer.
Imagine defending a Youtuber then throwing out that insult. Do you buy all of his merchandise as well? I'm sure all the bullying is because the other kids are just jealous of your 'subscribe to Pewdiepie t-shirt'.
pewdepie is unironically a racist /pol/tard, i mean i dodnt really give a shit about him being racist but its pretty fucking clear he has sucked in lots of white supremacy shit. I mean the man openly goes to Yea Forums, Says death to all jews even if it was a joke, kinda, yells out nigger when he is pissed(no normal person of any kind yells this out subconsciously if they arent a /pol/tard or some other type of racist ) Along with this he has also been racist to Indians numerous times with the Tseries incident for no reason at all and also he is a fan of japan and anime which he has in common with all pol basement dwellers, As i said i dont give a shit if pewdepie is racist or not but you have to be a disabled druggie to think he a pure soul who only uses racists terms and wants to genocide people jokingly im sure even his 9yr old fans have picked it up by now but not brainlets on Yea Forums apparently. Also most people that defend him here are probably /pol/tards themselves and are fully aware of what he is doing like this guy
Normies like pewds though. The only people that absolutely SEETHE over him are people who have nothing more important in their life than shitting on him on the internet, just like you.
Are these copypastas or just one guy samefagging? It's like someone has written a bunch of stock posts to put in every pewdiepie thread that all read exactly the same with exactly the same points.
Sometimes I think we’re in the wrong timeline, everything is fucked, we’re all doomed. Then I see Pewdiepie is making people shit themselves and I realize that things aren’t so bad after all.
The fact pewdiepie is the most subscribed channel on YouTube is reassuring. It makes me think all this dumb political bullshit only exists in extremist places like Yea Forums and some Twitter stuff etc on the internet and actual people don't give a fuck.
Unfortunately, Pewdiepie's young fan base have infected the board like a cancer. The way they use irony to excuse every time he does anything racist is hilarious. They are probably excited to use the new word they learnt in English class but still have no clue what irony or sarcasm actually is.
I agree that who gives a fuck if he is racist or not because he is just another faggoty Youtuber. But the fact that people on Yea Forums are actually arguing he isn't racist has left me pretty disappointed with the state of the board.
Some of these lyrics are actually pretty clever and if PewDiePie wrote it himself he might have some rap potential. This is a cut above the usual youtuber novelty rap.
>who cares if he’s racist
>but also, how dare you say he’s not racist
this is my first post about this friendlike i said i couldn't give a shit bout him and i dont even care if he stops all this but its clear he is a pol/tard through and through, Also i forgot to mention /pol/ is a huge fan of him and praises him frequently for subtlety redpilling the zommers and are we already going to forget the /pol/ shooter that said subscribe to him? If it was some random youtuber that has nothing to do with /pol/ having a beef with Tseries the shooter wouldnt have even mentioned it.
ah yes and tell me more about this “beef” between /pol/ and Tseries
>/pol/ likes it therefore its bad!
jesus christ
>imaging being braindead enough to think pewdepie is some fun innocent you tuber that has no controversial ideas and believes at all,
I mean even in the op music video he mentions genocide of Indians and uses racist remarks and even brings up shit like the caste system eventhough ironically he would probably support it if it was in western societies himself
I honestly cannot understand if you are doing your best to make an impression of what someone that only reads Vice and similar bullshit thinks about pewdiepie or if people like you genuinely exist.
If it's the first congratulations on your "epic troll XD". If it's the second, do yourself a favor and stop blindly reading that garbage.
yes please tell me about pewdiepie’s plans for genocide
>>/pol/ likes it therefore its bad!
i dont know but the fact is 90 percent of the time if /pol/ likes something its associated with white supremacy and it connects to my statement about pewdepie, i can tell you visit /pol/ often yourself dont you?
didnt say there was any beef between /pol/ and t series bud i said /pol/ supports him because of his affiliations with the board and due to the fact that a race /pol/ sees as subhuman is taking the number one spot in absoloutley anything at all even something as simple as this
Whether or not PDP is actually racist is debatable, but he's certainly facilitating the pipeline for right wing radicalization.
What about his black friends or that time he raised money to send poor Indian children to school because he said he didn't like that some people were turning it into a serious battle against India rather than a meme battle against t-series or that time he got a random Indian kid to host meme review cause he liked him? Doesn't fit your narrative?
I genuinely don't know if I should hope you're trolling or serious because both ways it would still be bad.
I really dont but sure keep being an actual fucking sheep.
I guess milk is bad too, since /pol/ likes drinking milk.
>What about his black friends
Doesn't mean shit. Do you think married straight men can't be misogynists?
People like you are out of their minds and so disconnected from the real world.
Ah, the blanket dismissal without bringing up any actual points. Typical youtube-tier comment.
I think maybe you are in denial mate. Normies don't give a fuck about Pewdiepie. Normies still like the same shit as always: sports, beauty, gaming and music. The only people who actually follow Pewdiepie seriously are those weird edgy kids who get bullied in school and absolutely get 0 pussy. It's pretty obvious when you read the comments and half of them are edgy reddit memes that these kids are reddit basedboys.
This is actually the faggiest response I have read. Just an absolute desperation move.
How are they stockposts? We both have different points of evidence and distinct writing styles. Legit everyone here on Yea Forums is racist so it's pretty easy for anyone with a brain to notice Pewdiepie is also racist. I don't know why his cringy fan base are so insistent on defending him from being a racist on Yea Forums of all places.
You didn't bring up any points, you posted a 30 minutes long video.
>do yourself a favor and stop blindly reading that garbage
reading what garbage?it doesn't take an intellect or the need to read anything that makes it clear that pewdepie is a /pol/tard, I mean if you have the littlest ability to read people and assume more about them you would know he isnt just a good boy entertainer.When he said the stuff about jews i already knew something was sketchy but i let it go but after this i keep seeing repeated patterns and what he is becomes clear to someone with an average IQ. The biggest reason i say he is a racist if because of the nigger incident and i know from real hand experience people that drop this world accidentally use it often enough, can you refute this?
why do you keep skewing my words there buddy? I said line he just said implies he wants to genocide non whites and Jews not that he has the power to do so
You must be very racist if you post on this site then. Why don't you like him?
I never claimed to bring up any points. You on the other hand dismissed something without even watching it.
Watch the video, bring up any concerns or inaccuracies and I'll be happy to debate them with you.
No one is watching a 30 minutes video to debate you. Sum up the points if you want some discussion.
God this board fucking sucks now
What, you scared you might agree with some of the points in the video? ;)
If you watch this video and still think he's racist you're simply retarded
no, if you want to fucking debate, fucking debate. dont fucking post a 30 minute video to do it for you faggot.
If I were I would not want to know about it. I asked you to sum it up cause I don't have 30 minutes to watch a literally who video. The fact you refuse makes me doubt it makes any points at all.
>I really dont but sure keep being an actual fucking sheep.
>I guess milk is bad too, since /pol/ likes drinking milk.
i guess its me thats the sheep and not /pol/drones like you ? Again you keep changing my words and saying completely off topic stuff, wtf are you talking about milk for??how often is that discussed on the board?what part of the 90 percent did you not get?even though i dont like /pol/ i can admire some of the things they do like fighting against paedophilia and other degeneracy but that doesnt change from the fact that pewdpie is for sure affiliated with /pol/.
what black friends? and also he did the charity thing to counter all the racist stuff his fans were spewing influenced by him and to keep media attention away from him for a while, but none of you faggots have answered me about the nigger thing, Now tell me does a normal person use that word subconsisley ?
Scaredy cats. Hehe
I said it here but I will summarise it for you. He is a brainlet that just makes boring content for young teenagers going through their edgy phase.
>this thread in a nut shell
>pewds is racist and affiliated with pol because of all these evidences and instances i listed
>nope that was just a joke, you r sheep, u r liberal,ur dumb , he just likes saying nigger for fun
you aint fooling no one /pol/ zommers
Brad2 is black. You would know if you actually watched any of his videos instead of being spoon-fed opinions on him by the internet.
Again answer this without going of topic or twisting words /poltards
>Bring up evidence for why he's not racist
>Noooo it doesn't fit my narrative I have to ignore it or say it doesn't count!!!!
>a no face editor is black
really made me think
>All these people genuinely arguing about Pewdiepie
Fucking hell. Are you all twelve year old girls? Who gives a fuck?
what evidence?raising money? as i said to keep the media attention away what else you got ?now answer this /pol/drone
>What about his black friends
I am actually done now I know for sure you are just trying to wind people up.
Also I saw how little he donated to that Indian charity or whatever. He probably made 100 times that from his racist videos. Actually disappointed that he went the super jew move earning money off racism whilst still pretending to be a good guy. Surely you just own that your a /pol/tard at that point, he probably has fuck-you money by now.
>Wind people up
Lmao, you're the one fanning flames calling people racist and implying they're dangerous and calling everyone that disagrees is a brainlet racist poltard and say other people are trying to "wind people up"
>shouted out a channel with literal Nazi propaganda
Ironically that channel's user is black, he just has a dry sarcastic/ironic sense of humor that newfags dont get because of nuance
Who, E;R? The nigger who contributed to ruin the steven universe fandom because muh gay agenda? Fuck off and fuck him
im going to stop too these guys are prob baiting now that i think about it. From the debate i had these guys seem to know how /pol works and brings up things like milk which was relevant on /pol/ for a bit. i Genunley dont know who these people are trying convince that them and their leader is not racist, i mean i gave them all these points and not a single one has said an answer about the nigger question, wouldn't doubt these guys scream that word out in their basement when they get killed in a game too
In all fairness that guy was being a nigger
answer this buddy why u running?croc gang talks about this in detail
so what you are saying is you along with pewds is a /pol/tard(again you arent exactly answering this question)
This guy must get an aneurysm knowing pewds is the number 1 subscribed channel in the world
yeah lol you dumb nigger
That show was already garbage
When did I imply he is dangerous lol? He is just another faggy youtuber.
It's pretty clear he is racist from all the evidence I and others have posted. And if you think having a black friend prevents you from being a racist I legitimately worry for your mental health.
Also if you are browsing Yea Forums you probably are somewhat of a /pol/tard. At this point being somewhat to totally racist and sexist is a defining feature of the website. I'm not to ashamed to admit that I am pretty racist because I am not an absolute faggot.
I hope one day when you grow up and this is all over, maybe when you are finished with college you will see how much of an unbearable brainlet Pewdiepie actually is.
couldnt care less mate
Pretty sure worse youtubers are making much, much more money than him. Subscribers is such a zoomer thing to care about.
hahhahaha epic XD well memed my friend PRAISE KEK MAGA , shaliday
They filed a cease order IIRC
I'm halfway my PhD in physics and I enjoy pewds videos. Keep seething.
Lol you call him a racist but then say he pulled a “super jew move”. I guess using racial humor isnt racist if youre on your side huh? Utter faggot.
Kill myself. I have been arguing with an emotionally stunted physics PhD student. I am sure all the bullying in high school and your probably autistic disposition has taken quite the toll. I am not sure it will even get better, I have never seen girls more disgusted than when they talk about physics and maths students at uni.I was hopeful that will you mature but that hope is now dead.
I also bet that the PhD is at some shit-tier school that no one cares about.
That's quite vitriolic for someone who claims to be a good guy
I never said I wasn't racist? We are on Yea Forums, it's pretty much assumed we enjoy racist jokes.
Read what I said carefully: My main gripe isn't that he is a racist, which he near certainly is. It's that his content is absolute shit catered towards edgy 13 year olds with bland jokes and reddit level memes.
I never said I was a good guy, I am not some autistic cunt that wants to be a hero. I just wish his fans weren't deluded and that Pewdiepie stopped making boring reddit racist jokes and actually making some actually funny racist shit.
fuck, you sure showed him, you really exposed his hypocrisy right there, you're not being a childish immature bastard, no no.
Lmao, I said I liked pewdiepie videos despite being in higher education to reply to his point that only kids can like it and he absolutely sperged out at it and I am the childish one lol
If you did a physics PhD you probably missed out on the college experience to be honest. Their is actually a good chance you might still be a virgin lmfao.
People always shit on /pol/ how its filled with teenagers and zoomers but in reality its filled with college age STEM dudes and boomer meanwhile tankies, chapocels, every leftie sub is filled with actual teenagers.
At least the vast majority of /pol/ is just pure shitposting, meanwhile the left actually takes itself seriously with the commie shit. You are not fooling anyone desu, no one over 25 and life experience will have those thoughts
Not him but using virgin as an insult gives away the fact you are barely above them. People who are good looking, social, athletic, etc. getting laid comes naturally for them and they dont think of it as an achievement. If you brag about getting laid you have an entirely different mindset and chances are you fuck some ugly hoe every 8 months.
This board is 18+
whats with lefties and their wall of text projecting all the time
No most people over the age of 25 aren't such unbearable faggots that they need to go on to the internet to talk about politics in anonymous echo chambers. Doesn't matter about left or right they probably don't care about politics that much because when you are above 25 you have shit to actually do. But for what it is worth most people 20-30 are kinda left leaning, the only STEM guys I know that are right leaning are autistic physics, maths and the occasional engineering guy. I don't know about boomers and I really don't care to find out, they should die already.
>t. actual brainlet
>the only right leaning guys i know are the ones who take the highest average iq majors
wow you really showed them
>spazz out autistically and reply to everyone in the thread
>but yeah fuck those stem nerds bet theyre virgins haha
Is this seriously the first time you have seen virgin being used as an insult? Yes it is not an achievement at all but if you are an adult and still a virgin you probably have issues. That's why I use it to insult him not to build myself up.
Very hard for me to project considering I haven't done physics for years. It's a pretty well established fact that physics kids are the most autistic people on campus. No amount of calling me a 'leftie' is going to change that unfortunately.
>the only right leaning guys i know are the ones who will become google code monkeys and then get fired for wasting company paid time writing the incel manifesto
lol cope
>maybe if I post a based wojak he'll stop making fun of me
It's hilarious watching people trying to cope with the fact they are dumb. It's not middle school anymore dude, no one is going to respect you for not doing the homework and being dumb.
t. resetera
>Is this seriously the first time you have seen virgin being used as an insult?
I've never seen an actual good looking successful person using virgin as an insult
>Yes it is not an achievement at all but
every time
If you use virgin as an insult you think of getting laid as an achievement. People who get laid super easy don't even realize other people are struggling with it because their entire life experience is different
please don't try to post correct opinions on Yea Forums everyone here has schizophrenia from larping naziism so long that they think they're actual nazis
>correct opinions
you gave it away so easily
u mad bro
Economy students tend to be right wing (obviously), medicine, law (because these are traditional "old money" majors filled with upper class) engineering.
The left-wing dominated majors are all useless liberal arts brainlet shit
PDP’s mannerisms are so awkward and homeschool kid-like sometimes. I guess that’s what happens when you drop out of college and your whole social network consists of other weird youtubers
people are blaming PDP of inducing kids into Alt-Right.
the same people who follow a bunch of other youtubers that shill for the left
Many of you don't even think by yourselves. all fucking sheep.
Kill yourselves.
You do realise multiple studies have shown those majors have the highest incidence of autism? I fail to understand how IQ is super relevant for politics. Politics is the epitome of a humanities subject so autistic kids like you who only know how to solve puzzles and complete patterns should stay quiet and maybe focus on Minecraft or watching 'Pewds'
Is this your first day on Yea Forums? I wouldn't use virgin as in insult in real life because most people are not weirdos who haven't got laid yet. But Yea Forums is like incel central so no shit virgin is an appropriate and common insult here. It clearly is an issue for a quite a lot of people here and that's why the insult probably struck a nerve with you.
My favorite diss track is "Stupid Hoe" by Nicki Minaj which was essentially like proto-pc music
it's always sucked
You try way too hard dude, just give up. you not gonna impress anyone anonymously. just makes you sound like an autist but without the iq
>You do realise multiple studies have shown those majors have the highest incidence of autism?
Yeah and you know what else is connected to autism? Trannies.
At least STEM people make a good salary while you dumb NEETs continue to seethe on Yea Forums and brag about getting laid anonymously
You would think that but most of those high class students are champagne socialists who love to pretend to care about social change.
lmao tranny forums are filled with miserable suicidal retards and 30 year old bearded men in a wig trying to convince confused teenagers who go there into taking hormones and chopping off their dick but yeah the real problem is dumb frog memes
kill yourself dumb tranny
They blame it on PewDiePie, but the real reason people are going right-wing is their trannies and social twisted ideas.
fuck off.
No I spent way too much time on the internet to know youre wrong. Lefties on the internet are either NEETs or some bullshit journo major or something like that
>Yeah and you know what else is connected to autism? Trannies.
We aren't talking about trannies. Please stop being weird and forcing them into the discussion you physics creep.
>At least STEM people make a good salary
I am STEM though. I am just stating the fact that the physics/maths part are usually hideous human beings.
>wahh scary trannies want to pee in the stall next to me
dude fuck off it's obvious privileged classes are just reacting to progressive change that challenges their social and political power
>I am STEM though
lol a self hating leftie. fucking classic
So either you're a tourist from reddit or you've convinced yourself that you're the only person on Yea Forums with social skills and a sex life.
Are you illiterate? I never said everyone on Yea Forums is a loser. I just said that there is a much higher proportion of losers here than in real life so that makes virgin a more appropriate insult. For fucks sake there is a virgin music thread on the board right now with a ton of posts.
Retard it is comedy, you may not find it funny but it is still comedy and it is so blatantly obvious you absolute fucking troglodyte
I would argue that there's as much reason to believe that you're an autistic virgin as the guy you're arguing with.
He's facilitating the right wing pipeline (and that's a good thing)
>30 year old bearded men in a wig trying to convince confused teenagers who go there into taking hormones and chopping off their dick
Okay, now this is based.
privileged classes? poor people are going right-wing faster than any white middle class person. Social agenda are electing the people you hate, because you fucks are deluded.
>that's why the insult probably struck a nerve with you.
I dunno about that, you sound like the one whose getting worked up. Its pretty pathetic, buddy.
No. It's more like white people vs niggers
>white people
so, their skin defines with they are rich or smart or anything?
You are a top notch racist.
What is this awful gay sterile shit
if you really think the demographic shift has been caused by social issues like trans rights and not economic causes you're retarded
This is how you make a diss track
i dont understand who watches these vids
at least pewdiepie make videos about news and is fairly reasonable
why do people watch this unfunny retard?
it wasn't economic causes, the way they pushed the social issues causes, like trans rights, was all wrong. The moment the government say to a parent 'it's ok to your child to be gay, and you're wrong if you don't like it' scared most of parents away from the cause.
No one can come into someone's house and say how they should do things, I bet you don't like it neither.
What happened was, when they realized how they got things wrong pushing the agenda like real teenagers, they have the need to blame something and someone, and then, they splat shit into the fan.
The absolute fucking state of nu4chan
little kids
man little kids are fucking dumb lol
This is the most brainlet take
>its just a memebro lmao don't take it seriously
based retards
someone has to be on the bottom of the food chain, thanks for being it
oh god im a boomer I meant to reply to
>all these resetera-tier posts
literally stay on reddit
>The moment the government say to a parent 'it's ok to your child to be gay, and you're wrong if you don't like it' scared most of parents away from the cause.
This is peak indoctrination right here. "It's ok for your child to be gay" implies no duty on the parent's part, no hrt, no nothing, it's just saying that you shouldn't infringe your child's freedom of sexuality. If you think it's pushy or evil for a country to uphold such a statement, you're hopeless.
No way you are a boomer, people made fun of others who take the internet too seriously more than a decade ago already
Only zoomers take things so seriously
>that person is racist!! nooo!!! that shouldn't be allowed!!!
You're overestimating the amount people care about issues like trans rights.
The rising instability, lack of upward mobility, and class disparity in the country caused discontent in the lower classes and the right wing was able to play on that unhappiness with the status quo with "drain the swamp" rhetoric. Obviously the right wing fosters homophobic/transphobic views but it's silly to think we are where we are right now because the left pushed for LGBTQ rights
if you don't think internet discourse surrounding politics doesn't influence modern politics you are a brainlet. Whether you think its a negative thing or not or if its mostly right wing or left wing. It happens, this isn't 2007 anymore
The majority of people who discuss politics on the internet are not even old enough to vote. Hell, the majority of people discussing american politics isnt even from the US
the internet only has influence in things like shitty memes, not in serious stuff like economy or politics
>Who isn't
>And? How the fuck does following someone determine their political beliefs? I follow Obama and Trump, what does that make me?
>because he's an edgy fuck
>He shouted out an edgy channel with edgy jokes and that one channel was apart of many, so calling him out for that one channel is confirmation bias.
>because it's not retard
Edgy = Alt-right it seems
No. The left is so retarded with the identity politics all the right had to was stand out and say "look at these people, we are not this retarded"
The left did 100 times more for Trump than he did for himself
Literal 9 year olds
ok bro
i watched this and im a nazi now
>implying that shilling for the left is a bad thing
>The left is so retarded with the identity politics all the right had to was stand out and say "look at these people, we are not this retarded"
Not the guy you're responding to, but y'all threw a hissy fit over someone kneeling. LOLOLOL
This ain't a race to the bottom. Also, trans rights are human rights
>trans rights are human rights
I don't think pewdlepie is indoctrinating kids but it seems like his fanbase is such that it could easily produce "alt right" people. also maybe i'm just noticing it because i'm not a high schooler anymore but why does most of this board now seem like fresh from /pol/ edgy retards who see one fake infographic and think they know everything about an issue
>trans """people"""
Trans rights are human rights.
what the fuck is "trans rights"? rights to what?
trans rights are human rights
> /pol/tards
> human
rights for kids to cut their penises off
>implying you have to browse /pol/ to hate trannies
right hooks
mutilate gullible children's genitalia
Economic issues will only cause a drastic change in politics when people can barely afford food
People hate the left the same reason people hated the right in the 90s, they dont leave people alone. Back then it wasn't "family friendly" enough, it was too "satanic", nowdays its "bigotry" and "problematic".
The left is the exact same as the right was just even more obnoxious. People just want to be left alone and not read about trannies every single time they open a news site
t. closeted trannies
>t. crab bucket tranny
All you gaylords screeching about /pol/ and PDP instead of the rich is the reason your cities suck. You really think an independent content creator deserves more heat than a corporation accused of tax evasion?
people who screech about /pol/ and PDP usually screech about the rich too
people who defend /pol/ and/or PDP are more likely to screech about the rich if they're jewish
>People just want to be left alone and not read about trannies every single time they open a news site
You've misread the situation. Trans people currently face the same kind of discrimination homosexuals were facing a couple of decades ago. People often used the AIDS crisis as a "scientific" justification for shunning homosexuals, and it was representation of homosexuals by strong prominent figures in media that helped normalize their existence in society. The trans community don't enjoy the benefit of being represented by prominent figures in media currently, outside of a few that have been thrust into those roles like Caitlyn Jenner (who many would argue isn't familiar with a lot of the issues non-wealthy young trans people have to experience), so they still have a while to go before their existence in society is widely accepted. Conservatives/alt-right are on the wrong side of history again.
why is he buds with jordan peterson and ben shapiro?
kek nice one
>Trans people
Trans people make up less than 0.1% of the population. Even if they faced discrimination, its not headline worthy on a daily basis
And the reason they face discrimination is because they are insufferable and mentally ill. There is no solution for that, if you are annoying and obnoxious people gonna hate you no matter the politics
I read the news every day and I rarely see articles about trans people. I think you're just retarded
>people who screech about /pol/ and PDP usually screech about the rich too
Big if true.
/pol/ is now what Yea Forums once was I guess
you forgot his feature with ben shapiro.
other than that well said.
Nah he isnt racist, at least not more than your average white or black boy. niggs are racist towards whites and whites towards niggs. has been like that and always will be. he has years of online presence and during a heated moment said nigger. who fucking cares? it's funny af and i say that with 27 years.
What is another thing is his featuring of shapiro. shapiro is an asshat who doesnt accept the fact that trans is a thing which makes him an absolute fuckwit in my book. there was no need to feature him and with all the shit he did in the past he shouldve known better. but 14 yr olds don't care obviously. they only care about being entertained.
check out leftypol
transwomen are incels
humor does not facilitate violence
poopypie is a low tier content goblin
this is not important or music related
have sex asap
get off of Yea Forums
>we are at the point where Yea Forums unironically enjoys PDP
I'm starting to doubt this board's opinions on artists like Eilish considering that this shit is worse than anything she's come out with.
this board is a fucking shithole full of obnoxious faggots who won't stop posting about the american political circus
form your own opinions
Only /pol/tards will defend this pewdiepie guy. He's a racist piece of shit.
Just posted a vid of an Indian defending him.
>I follow Obama and Trump, what does that make me?
a retard
I am not going to listen to this swedecuck after dealing with 10 or so years of his youtube faggotry.
I don't care of his opinion. He's a massive faggot. Fuck him for making 7 billion faggy walkhrough threads with his faggotry and cringey talking. I just wanted to know how to get to the next fucking part of the level, I didn't need your Yea Forums tier cancer faggotry as well.
No, only if he followed Obama
I will respect him for fucking with youtube.
But what I want respect is how fucking gay he made youtube for years before he went stormtrooper.
Wahhhh go cry you utter faggot, the upvote count is now at five million, the hoards of 9 year olds will crush you
>the hoards of 9 year olds will crush you
>No, only if he followed Obama
wew lad
so brave
>so brave
>following the establishment at all
The government needs to be purged... violently.
The only thing you are is down at the fast food chain, fatty
uh actually snookums liberal imperial powers are actually secretly socialists on the dowlow so we gotta uncritically support them in their epic struggle against the federal agents they pay to prop up the far right
like most academic "libertarians" he's the typical right wing european liberal, social democrat, a centrist outside the european union
>Imagine thinking your some type of moral figure and then calling indians "disgusting slum dweller"
Either good tier troll or nigger filth
Dude. Get a friend or some help. You've gone retard mode.
but without CP and cut penises
but the youtuber is my only friend :-(
i can't abandon my warm screen friend
ricegum GOAT savage af aesthetic
>censored username
redditors can't screencap properly
>all this talk about libertarianism and the alt-right
Imagine being so much of a bugman that you can't imagine a world outside American values/politics. American ideas about race and privilege simply do not exist in the same capacity outside of America.
It's edgy humor that was popular at the time. Are you really this retarded or just old?
>American ideas about race and privilege simply do not exist in the same capacity outside of America.
Arabs just consider every non arab infidels.
What a great thread about music
>I don't give a shit about him
>50k word essay about him and his fans
Imagine not knowing what humor is
You JUST insulted him for being succinct and not writing the diatribe of text that you did & then criticize him when he says he'll debate you.
The truth is you're not worth any effort. Anyone who thinks like you is mental.
the 9 years old are actually racist, and he did nothing wrong about it.
you guys did.
Fuck I hate you all, fucking crybaby millennials. this next generation is going to fuck us for good, and because its your fault.
Then fucking leave?
USA is in a Culture War created by the Liberal media.
Why are there retarded rednecks and autistic teenagers defending this fag in here?
irony is fascistic terrorism
being a humorless faggot is "new sincerity wholesome pupper tea" or something
hope the anxiety and poverty keeps most of these cranks from running for public office. really just not looking forward to the insane despotism and death cult shit
Saying nigger, death to jews and genocide Indians isn't racist bro
why are there retarded suburban whites and autistic teenagers bumping this shit fucking thread to argue with them
let it die
delete this thread
They think wall text means they're smart and making good points instead of wasting everyone's time except their own.
Lol at all these retarded zoomers seething people don't like this children's entertainer.
>we like this cringey let's player now that he said nigger
upload date proves you could have listened to it
Some people don't like him and want to find any reason to shit on him and make him look bad. They don't care if he's actually racist, they just care that they can say he is.
dude irony poisoning lmao you're totally irony poisoned dude
gonna make a 37 post twitter thread and medium article about this hang on
> human beings are completely defined by an internet image board
You are motivated, I'll give you that. A motivated retard, but motivated.
>Wahhhh anyone I don't like is WAYCIST I'm done wit dis board!!
Good! Gtfo already
That'd be all well and good if he didn't have a history of racist remarks and association with alt right figures (Molyneux, Lauren Southern, ER)
You know that you're just keeping the board up by replying with your whiny bullshit, right?
Michael Moore is that you? Don't you have someone's life to ruin or some hamburgers to eat, slob?
>saying nigger subconsiuley when pissed and realising you fucked up and revealed your true side and then apologising is humour
Wow EPIC you really taught me. If this is humour i dont want any part of it
nice argument
>I mean the man openly goes to Yea Forums,
The extra level of cognitive dissonance from you retards when you post this on Yea Forums has always made me laugh.
He's garbage for middle schoolers