Describe Yea Forums in one pic
Attached: aaruSMJ.png (675x808, 30K)
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you would think Peggy would start getting all uppity over some strange whiteboi touching on his bare shoulder
Attached: 1549644284174.jpg (1080x1080, 228K)
trust your instincts lil homie
Attached: BtWvxg5CcAQJK9_.jpg (540x336, 26K)
>three copies of loveless on vinyl, please
Attached: 85dv5y.jpg (1200x1200, 192K)
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Attached: ARROWHEADS.jpg (680x675, 375K)
Attached: 1550626242498.jpg (550x690, 96K)
Attached: danksoy.webm (640x640, 783K)
maybe 5 years ago
>tfw miss old pretentious Yea Forums
those are shugazi posters (rip)
Attached: 1532061106145.jpg (1249x761, 82K)
How do you like my Album art
Attached: Penguin.png (912x816, 29K)
Attached: 1526444445080.jpg (723x1964, 507K)
Attached: Basement Metalhead.jpg (1599x1194, 279K)
Attached: stronk.webm (404x454, 1.5M)
same desu
now it's all just waifu orbiters
if those are all trannies the middle one is still p cute not gonna lie
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Attached: tipper.jpg (255x301, 86K)
Attached: tarkus3.jpg (1000x1000, 714K)
He didn't even fucking inhale
Attached: 1550652112276.png (300x327, 72K)
this guy is the epitome of reddit
Attached: 1547430350523.jpg (1117x918, 67K)
Attached: IMG-20190311-WA0008.jpg (212x261, 6K)
>in their mind
>the reality
Attached: 083E66CA-1D11-40B7-8D8D-EBA64D416681.jpg (1024x615, 203K)
Attached: 12.gif (1000x624, 432K)
it's not 1945 anymore larpy. go peddle your commieshit to the average working class man and see what they have to say about it
Attached: antifa btfo.webm (988x548, 2.84M)
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Attached: :fa:.jpg (3110x1625, 852K)
Attached: 1442639075526.jpg (640x640, 140K)
big based
Attached: soeffay.png (900x613, 742K)
inronically these guys are too cool to be Yea Forums, they have far too much fashion sense
man Yea Forums and /fa/ have tons of cross posters
It's a RYM, not Yea Forums
Attached: 1540570691150.png (949x647, 37K)
Attached: 1458423060941.png (446x702, 83K)
Attached: mumale.png (546x546, 135K)
Attached: 1546806347340.png (1298x1410, 1M)