What's the single greatest musical instrument and why is it this small silver box?

What's the single greatest musical instrument and why is it this small silver box?

Attached: gb.jpg (1280x720, 170K)

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because of the filters and the slide function.


I like the bongos


the single greatest musical instrument is the piano

you cannot disagree


Attached: steinway grand.jpg (520x550, 26K)

that’s not an OP-1

wrong. it's the banjo.

Attached: banjo.jpg (735x2000, 184K)

Attached: otamatone_small2.jpg (165x375, 7K)

For me, it's the jew harp.

Attached: 51RaSHgoH2L._SX425_.jpg (425x265, 9K)


Even classical music sounds better on it:

Violin or an acoustic guitar unironically

Attached: EDBA3A6A-57E3-4104-9864-674C27014589.jpg (425x425, 14K)

Checkmate lads

Attached: dx7-v-image.png (1012x537, 159K)

the human voice

Attached: 1482861666767.png (924x560, 48K)

fender jazzmaster

based and redpilled, the correct answer

honestly if any answer is correct, it's this

The Virgin DX-7 vs. The Chad 303

Attached: phuture.jpg (275x183, 7K)

The computer.

bravo bravo!

your mom plays the rusty trombone and hanging sax

computer and a metal pipe

Amen Metal Pipe

Attached: metal-pipe-250x250.jpg (250x250, 10K)


reed organ

modern roland gear is a desecration to their old machines.