>won an argument against a bunch of uneducated nazis today
music for this feel?
Won an argument against a bunch of uneducated nazis today
just keep listening to radiohead
Nazi has become a term used by knuckle nicks to describe anyone who they disagree with to a large extent. Were they actual Nazis OP? Most real Nazis are probably senile and decayed at this point and I don't count neo-Nazis as real Nazis because of their gayness. I hate to think of anyone taking any pride in debating decrepit old men over their beliefs OP.
>I don't count neo-Nazis as real Nazis because of their gayness
they're still nazis
They're posers, as are you I assume from your terrible non-argument
>Neo-nazis aren't nazis because they weren't part of a specific political group one hundred years ago
ok brainlet
Yes, they aren't. They're just rehashing an old movement and dolling it up a little with gayness. 'ok brainlet' is as gay as anything they say user.
Just in case you're new here, there are hordes of self-identifying Nazis on this site.
>They're just rehashing an old movement
yeah, so they are in line with that movement
Neo Nazi skinhead and pol types don't actually really follow Nazi philosophy besides maybe crude racism. If they did they wouldn't be meth heads, pedos, and weebs (actually, on second thought Hitler was all of these...)
ever wonder if its ironic just to troll frantic retards like you?
There are many pro european pagans that use Hitler as a tool.
>Neo Nazi skinhead and pol types don't actually really follow Nazi philosophy besides maybe crude racism. If they did they wouldn't be meth heads, pedos, and weebs
You're new aren't you?
>pol not /pol/
Confirmed for reddit scum.
t. An educated Nazi
I have some generally unfashionable political beliefs myself friend.
But, they're not a part of the actual movement. They are a new movement trying to act like the old one, trying to pull off the same look and sound but they ultimatley will fail in all attempts to carry the name of Nazism forwards. Why? Because they don't do any of the same things as real nazis and are gay posing kerrits. They haven't actually holocausted anyone and they haven't as great a style. A Nazi and a Neo-Nazi are not the same.
nazis were occultist pedos
Just like how retards label anybody they don't agree with a "troll".
It's unironically not.
does it matter if theyre ironic or not? its still the same words on the screen
>nazis were occultist pedos
Yep. The CIA love this propaganda tool.
Yet look what we discovered them doing ay?
kill yourself faggot
I bet you'll say shills don't exist next.
if you must shriek and ban words from being expressed, you are as bad or worse than any Nazi, you just lack the competence to be as powerful as they once were.
You sound very autistic.
and youre a brainlet.
Neo nazis of Yea Forums btfo
one group being occultist pedos does not preclude other groups from being occultist pedos
Reading comprehension might help you out in life.
>neo nazis
>ever changing their mind
That's pretty gay how I typed out a big long rebuke and all you have to say is that I sound autistic. Either what I've said has gone over your head or you're a fag who is being an ironic funny man to an imagined crowd. Or both. Probably both.
ur gay
Both it is
BTFO Nazis
>music for this feel?
Fuck you for dragging your political bullshit into this board.
In fact fuck this whole board, bunch'a kids trying come up with the coolest comeback, fucking done with this shit
>tfw marxist-leninist
>tfw i don’t think neo-nazis have any business being in society in the first place, much less having the right to free speech
red fascists aren't any better than the regular ones
>red fascists
>fascism is explicitly against communism
sounds like you need to read a book. these words have meanings, user.
Something by someone who is deeply delusional. Maybe SOPHIE.
>called a bunch of people who didn't align with my views "nazi" and felt smug about it
this is what you mean by "won"
Death Grips - Come up and get me
not every leftist doesn’t know what fascism is, or how to seek out pro-fascist behavior
anybody who advocates for a racial ethnostate for example just might be a fascist.
Even your average "neo-Nazi" is not an actual national socialist. They're just white supremacists/racists.
They're all LARPing jews
have you ever talked to someone who believes in national socialism? they always (always) reveal their empirically racist beliefs if you push them enough.
in any case, the idea that natsoc isn’t a racist ideology is just dishonest and ahistorical.
I hate your centrist concern trolling. You are so liberal it hurts. Every time you jump in front of a bullet for nazis, youre helping their cause. See how much they will care about your "free speech" meme when theyve taken power.
itt retarded schizos, of all creeds lel
The post you replied to didn't insinuate in the slightest that neo-Nazis are not racist. You are incapable of reasoning adequately. Leftists confirmed for low IQ.
>is not an actual national socialist, they’re just racists
are you insane?
>give me the power or else these other people will take the power
how about fuck you
>these words have meanings, user.
not anymore, not since your kind of fascist is hellbent on newspeak. I dont care what google or wikipedia has to say, they are dominated by marxist scum like you.
When you house 3 strangers from mexico without doing any background checks on them, and don't care if they provide any use to you whatsoever, you will have ground to stand on. Until then, keep your naive privilege to yourself.
>not since your kind of fascist is hellbent on newspeak.
genuinely what are you talking about
>When you house 3 strangers from mexico without doing any background checks on them, and don't care if they provide any use to you whatsoever, you will have ground to stand on. Until then, keep your naive privilege to yourself.
what does this have to do with workers control over the means of production
when was the last time you read a book you uneducated dunning-kruger victim?
>t. bootlickers
anarchy or death
would you rather live in nazi germany or the soviet union
All national socialists are racist, but not all racists are national socialists. Get it?
This shouldn't be difficult.
Actual Nazis are probably racist but most of the racists that call themselves Nazis are not actually Nazis.
considering I'm a soviet refugee, nazi germany for sure
The smart ones fled to North America, the land of the free.
I bet everyone reading your arguments on reddit clapped afterwards.
Racists don't have to be Nazis
There are racists on every side of politics
All Nazis are racist but not all racists are Nazis.
Karl Marx anyone?
>“Is it a misfortune that magnificent California was seized from the lazy Mexicans who did not know what to do with it?”
>"It is now completely clear to me that he, as is proved by his cranial formation and his hair, descends from the Negroes who had joined Moses’ exodus from Egypt, assuming that his mother or grandmother on the paternal side had not interbred with a nigger. Now this union of Judaism and Germanism with a basic Negro substance must produce a peculiar product. The obtrusiveness of the fellow is also nigger-like.”
>when was the last time you read a book you uneducated dunning-kruger victim?
lol, nice try faggot. Stay unemployed while I keep engineering.
"reading a book" isn't really intelligent at all unless the book selection is intelligent. Something people like you who bask in words that you want to hear are incapable of doing.
USSR post Stalin no question
the term bootlicker is meant to apply to people who suck up to the exploitative capitalist class, not those who are trying to get you out of it lol
>but most of the racists that call themselves Nazis are not actually Nazis.
by virtue of what exactly?
if you
>believe in antisemitic conspiracy theories
>deny the holocaust
>make excuses for imperialism and eugenics
>judge human beings by racial groups/believe in a racial hierarchy
>advocate for a white ethnostate
>reactionarily talk shit about communism (and capitalism, even though private industry was more than encouraged in nazi germany)
then why would it be incorrect to label you as a nazi?
these people reveal themselves, ladies and gentlemen. this is a free site, nobody’s making any of them say this shit.
I never thought I would say this, but based Marx
>Something people like you who bask in words that you want to hear are incapable of doing.
you mean learning what words mean and potentially learning something that may contradict your preconceptions?
what do you constitute as an “intelligent topic” anyway? so vague.
>then why would it be incorrect to label you as a nazi?
Because Nazism was an inherently and explicitly German ideology, not pan-European or white nationalist. That's the distinction.
Yes suck up to the nomenklatura instead
Democratic socialism is the way, not your authoritarian state capitalism that just replaces the corporate class with the party + friends
How do you feel about the fact that most poor families stay poor for generations?
t. nazi
>state capitalism
the USSR was state socialist, you just reveal your ignorance if you disagree
read USSR archives and cut the shit
>democratic socialism
>not capitalist
i want liberals to leave
I didn't say intelligent "topic" I said intelligent book choice. Like something that might challenge you to become useful to society. Like "General Systems Theory" or even a college level book for a career path that doesn't rely on being a complete leech on productive people.
and "learning what words mean" is a really stupid argument. What words "mean" is actually extremely subjective and changes over time in a very nebulous manner.
>democratic socialism
>social democracy
>"anarcho" communism
>"anarcho" syndicalism
>"libertarian socialism"
"NAZI PUNKS FUCK OFF!" isn't an argument, faggot.
This thread has devolved into a Yea Forums thread with a /leftypol/ commie and a left of center liberal going at it.
do you think employers and CEOs don’t actively exploit their laborers or something? that’s the impression i’m getting, this weird just-world mentality rooted in some half-baked, anti-intellectual attempt to seem mature by never questioning establishment. it’s sick dude.
">but most of the racists that call themselves Nazis are not actually Nazis.
by virtue of what exactly?
if you
>believe in antisemitic conspiracy theories
>deny the holocaust
>make excuses for imperialism and eugenics
>judge human beings by racial groups/believe in a racial hierarchy
>advocate for a white ethnostate
>reactionarily talk shit about communism (and capitalism, even though private industry was more than encouraged in nazi germany)
then why would it be incorrect to label you as a nazi?"
They don't support a national socialist government. They're just racist. For instance, I believe in antisemetic conspiracy theories, don't think the holocaust happened the way we were taught, believe in eugenics, don't think all races are equal in intelligence but I'm a borderline communist.
Its a pretty sad thing to think about, but its mostly do to the agitprop thats been dumped on generations of people since the assassination of JFK (probably even before that, idk).
Popular movies, tv shows, ads, radio shows, music... all of it encourages a hedonistic lifestyle filled with narcissism.
My grandfather was an extremely poor farmer, all of his sons were engineers. My dad's dad was a teacher, he became a doctor.
Poor people stay poor for different reasons, not every case is the same. but almost every time, its because they are doing it wrong, and they are too consumed with pride to do it right. They surround themselves with opinions that make them feel good instead (SO EMPOWERING! SOLIDARITY! etc) of opinions that teach them how to ACTUALLY be useful to other people and get on with their lives.
But at the end of the day, any poor person can succeed if they have the willpower to work for it and have the capacity for a good amount of self-awareness.
I was homeless when I was 22 (parents ultra religious, I wasn't in line with that) and now I'm making ~80k in ohio. Call it luck if you want. The spoiled "socialist" that worked in the cube next to me for years did the same while spending most of his working time browsing plebbit.
>I believe in antisemetic conspiracy theories, don't think the holocaust happened the way we were taught, believe in eugenics, don't think all races are equal in intelligence but I'm a borderline communist.
i take it you’re also not a feminist either?
ask me how i know you’ve never read a single leftist author in your life.
go on, ask. you have no idea what it means or takes to be a communist if you believe in any of that shit. fucking LARPer.
>do you think employers and CEOs don’t actively exploit their laborers or something?
every person is unique with rights including CEOs and laborers and other people you hold prejudice against.
Some do for sure. Most don't. The trick is to actually be worth the money they are paying you (or more) and then to fucking leave and find a different employer/CEO. Too many people like you get complacent working a stupid job that a 15 year old could do and complain that you aren't getting paid enough.
You can call me anti-intellectual all you want. Your smug condescension is all you have. I have an enhanced ability to make the world around me conform to my desires. Thats far more intelligent in my mind.
being so annoying and antagonistic that yo get punched in the face doesn't mean you won an argument
> I don't count neo nazis as real nazis
This. It's just a bunch of uninteresting white dudes who have no qualities other than being white. They're just edgy antisemites that would probably disagree with National Socialism. Instead of celebrating something like English culture or Germanic heritage they just focus on the supremacy part, they're just as uninteresting and just like trannies use this identity as a form to fill their shallow s personalities.
take a poop right in front of me
turn it into wine
There is literally nothing wrong with being a National Socialist
There's nothing cool about killing people.
Love, peace, coexistence, friendship? What happened to those days man? We're killing the Earth and each other with all this extremism.
Here is a song to encourage peace and togetherness as human beings.
You're honestly just as bad. Nazism is more of racial control and Communism is all about government control and population exploitation
While with enough time and resources that may be possible, no, I wont.
Is this an incredibly stupid attempt an an analogy of a CEO not paying a pretentious burger flipper who things he's too smart to be productive the $15/hour that he doesn't actually contribute?
fuck off hippie
>Popular movies, tv shows, ads, radio shows, music... all of it encourages a hedonistic lifestyle filled with narcissism.
that’s literally capitalism you’re railing against there, buddy.
>not every case is the same. but almost every time
wow nice slight of hand there that you think i wouldn’t notice and call you out on
outside of outliers which exist in every situation, it may as well be every fucking case then.
>They surround themselves with opinions that make them feel good instead (SO EMPOWERING! SOLIDARITY! etc) of opinions that teach them how to ACTUALLY be useful to other people and get on with their lives.
wow dude you should be a philosopher; seriously, submit your thesis somewhere and tell me how fast you get laughed at for such a simplistic, surface-level worldview.
>But at the end of the day, any poor person can succeed if they have the willpower to work for it and have the capacity for a good amount of self-awareness.
of course failing to recognize that most working class folk have their sensiblilites blurred due to poor nutrition, poor environment, poorly funded schools, etc., on top of unempathetic people like you who don’t care, aren’t interested in the aforementioned, and are selfishly just glad enough that you got out of it.
nauseating. you’re probably lying about that story of yours, but god help you if you aren’t, because you’ve clearly learned next to nothing.
Its kind of pointless to try to convince people like him. His entire ego and self-identity rely on thinking he is woker than others with nothing to show for it (other than maybe some black friends and girls that never wash their leg hair)
no it's actually le epic praxis
unlike uhhhhhh community outreach or uhhhhhhhh educating people about your political ideology or uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh leaving the house
be a nuisance at racist bake sales and concerts with like twelve people attending. that'll dekulakize those darned amerikkkan krakkers for sure
no i am not a dork don't call me a dork shut the fuck up jerk omg
here you go bro
>muh bootstraps
Shut the fuck up
>Communism is when the government does stuff
t. has never read marx
The lack of awareness is astounding.
no it was a joke
you’re describing american liberals, not communists.
check out these randian villains lol