10/10 albums that you have never seen mentioned on Yea Forums

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ok pleb

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i see these very often

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Congratulations! You found the joke!

No you dont, ssh

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>score is read
>score is interpreted
>interpretation is performed
>performance is recorded
>recording is mixed
>record is pressed, along with liner notes
>record is distributed
you, a clueless retard:
>there are no classical albums
go back to listen to youtube compilations for relaxing and studying


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no, i didn't say there are no classical albums. but referring to albums as units of classical music is retarded.

no it's not, different albums have different interpretations, not to mention the sound quality

>no it's not, different albums have different interpretations, not to mention the sound quality
*different pieces.
they were not written as albums and should not be judged as albums. classical 'albums' are compilations.

The most based fucking post I've ever seen on this website

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yr body is nothing is better

this is the most cringe samefag i've seen on this website
get your skull cracked

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different albums have different interpretations of pieces
interpretations are just as important as the score, especially in modern music
>they were not written as albums
not relevant, they were recorded as such
also, even if they are compilations of multiple recordings they're still 'albums' and you're just being pedant

anyway I'll have to stop posting because my captcha is being annoying

interpretation person is right. the diff between artistic interpretations of a classical piece of music is cosmic, bro. otherwise why would we care about gould or argerich. it's cuz they play songs differently.

plus, everything else that affects that interpretation--recording style/mixing/etc.

>the diff between artistic interpretations of a classical piece of music is cosmic, bro.
yes. that doesn't mean you should classify classical music by albums. it should be classified by performance and piece.

Kill yourself, chimp

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check em

>look mom i can edit pictures XD
get beaten and raped faggot

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