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Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: tumblr_po7obyXlCj1v1lnwto2_250.gif (250x334, 1.32M)

rape and kill

Attached: 1542092399862.jpg (2000x3000, 458K)

post some slugji friends

any sharkman in

sana's pretty cute

Attached: D2_kkjcUcAA543-.jpg orig.jpg (2000x3000, 616K)

not a thing shut the fuck up

bacon is not annoying, he's just unique

Attached: 1542857062066.webm (1280x720, 2.68M)

based and redpilled thread

Attached: 1507247045467.jpg (2160x1442, 660K)

slugji :33333

egg is a good cook—

Attached: clams.webm (1600x900, 1.91M)

Attached: FavoriteIdol_20190330212609.jpg (746x746, 88K)

Attached: 1543869441431.webm (439x800, 2.99M)

Attached: slug_2.jpg (835x1200, 991K)

don't lie, he is very annoying and i wouldn't hesitate on beating his ass up
the pan was too small


Attached: DN3_MXJVoAAA2-W.jpg (800x1200, 110K)

no gaypop but the autism goes up to 110%

>kill this love just recycled dududu MV set
YG going cheap as fuck.

ugly tranny

Attached: 1542690714519.webm (1280x514, 2.91M)

you're pretty cute

Attached: sana11.jpg (1200x900, 133K)

his chin is unique


Attached: 819F9C04-1C04-46CE-9497-E52F7FD3A50E.png (1920x1842, 3.41M)

i was 6'1 in fucking middle school...

egg is fucking retarded

any slugji friends in

clams taste bad
not a waste

Attached: 1536726101329.jpg (1000x1500, 135K)


I think he's funny

Attached: 1543184649418.webm (1600x900, 2.79M)


saved this to my himmler folder

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Attached: 49907122_104746753892850_1592994245343925594_n.jpg (1080x1080, 45K)

yes fellow slugji chads

lol there definitely is, and this video is just the tip of the iceburg really, he brings up drinking all the time and wrote a fancafe post about how he had a problem with drinking too much after concerts

also he was clearly tipsy during this

ugliest shit

Attached: slug.jpg (391x489, 10K)

omg it's my favorite girl

Attached: 1554003401724.jpg (1080x1080, 133K)

so is yejiposting ruined already?

it's another banger

>no gains
i'm taller than you, manlet. i'll punch you from the sky

slugroastie is mad that sluggoposting is forever ruined so she's trying to ruin yejiposting

thank you for posting my wife

i cant tell if hyewon tries and is really bad or if she doesn't try at all


Attached: 221DEF76-DAE4-4ECC-9966-F6768867AC89.jpg (768x960, 123K)

Attached: D2EuUnnWkAEDkrO.jpg (1292x1982, 213K)

no we're stronger than this

Attached: 1553908878382.jpg (1920x1080, 368K)

wow, she's beautiful

we like yeji and slug here please post them

did the remix addition not tell you that already?

Attached: slugji.gif (440x333, 3.7M)

Attached: 1522752458691.jpg (2048x1152, 254K)

Attached: D1_dCjRWwAAKr3P.jpg (1304x2048, 260K)

You see my baby, Rosé.
Jesus fuck

he's a madlad
i have no idea how xiumin puts up with him

Attached: illusion.webm (1280x720, 2.03M)

sana posting will save us from the monolid menace

Attached: 1494039420920.jpg (900x600, 136K)

A mix of both.

sana hours bros

Attached: 0A199AFD-FA26-42CE-BBE6-E37F86C95580.jpg (640x960, 104K)

Attached: 1544775260539.jpg (2048x1152, 238K)

OUR favorite girl.


Attached: D2EuVVOXcAAioaR.jpg (1390x2048, 269K)

no one asked for this uggo

meant for

don’t samefag roastie we all hate sluggo

Attached: news-00114866-sana-graduation-picture.jpg (690x952, 64K)

at least it sounds good

it sounds like shit.
bon bon chocolate was better

Attached: 1547053300948.jpg (2048x1152, 270K)

it's actually slugji hours

bp's girl crush concept is fucking retarded can they come up with something else
our girls

Attached: 7A7375CA-3B61-4B18-B338-77A8EA22B274.png (2400x1520, 2.64M)

Idk either, chen and baekhyun are both loud and rowdy and he's always around the two

Attached: clubslut.webm (720x720, 1.2M)

stop falseflagging yejiposters we like both, which is why we post slugji


it sounds violent this is problematic

that's just you spamming roastie but nice try
everyone hates sluggo

Attached: copy.jpg (1400x2100, 354K)

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my wife :33333333333

Attached: 1542505809575.jpg (2048x1152, 238K)

ZERO people like this ugly shit

Attached: 1554147890425.jpg (388x378, 20K)

what happened to jihyo sex tape?

Attached: 1554168468513.webm (586x718, 189K)

Park Chaeyoung as the center.

Attached: D3L-PyfV4AA5rTr.jpg (1200x665, 152K)

it was definitely meant for your japanese whore

slugroastie can’t stop samefagging, sad

she committed suicide

Attached: 81DW51UmE6L._SL1410_.jpg (1410x1410, 429K)

wow they're beautiful

moonbyul's shirt in this says pussy

Their initial concept was black and pink. So black for girl crush and pink for softer concept. Seems YG is desperate and is just shilling black concepts now.

keep seething slugroastie

Attached: back.jpg (1400x2100, 321K)

freakin cute slugji (slug+yeji)

Attached: 1543966812907.jpg (426x640, 45K)

Attached: nip4.webm (1120x1080, 2.95M)

LITERALLY the ugliest and most hated shit



there are many of us

Attached: 30.gif (450x316, 3.42M)

Literally niponic perfection.

Attached: E513E0C7-1509-4D32-B5C5-3BE40E42C202.jpg (751x750, 92K)

so fucking hideous


>won't even post sana's busted face
>monolid menace

by any measure except american concert ticket sales and jennie's dancing blackpink is thriving

Just you roastie

Attached: D3JmC06U0AA0RBr.jpg (2048x1366, 493K)

we love seugli x yeji (slugji for short) here

Attached: 52666894_123115778824520_5105730271567155562_n.jpg (790x988, 152K)

Attached: 1553033259137.jpg (1333x2000, 643K)

ugly tranny

nice try slugroastie we already know she mogs the shit out of slugfuggo

Attached: 1107260.jpg (1000x1500, 358K)

we are not fucking roasties

Attached: D3EA8u4U8AAa-gI.jpg (1152x2048, 274K)

based slugjichads saving the thread

based and word

honestly I come to these threads more for the thighs than the feet now

there can't be a center there's 4 girls

>sana posting
cracka detected

oh man

Attached: 1540536030315.png (456x460, 369K)

once again it's just you

Attached: D2_kb1AWwAAnZxL.jpg (1365x2048, 287K)

cute. more slugji posts please.

6'1 was never tall


Attached: 942.jpg (2000x1441, 632K)

don’t samefag slugroastie

Attached: E6A7A2F4-123B-4F38-804E-40D2325F248E.jpg (1080x1230, 136K)

Attached: 1525263478433.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

>people actually thought chen would flop

Attached: 1548530881621.jpg (1000x1500, 163K)

avg height in my country is 5'10ft, so it's tall here

slugjimfy time

Attached: 1553464831827.jpg (1098x1500, 406K)


Desperate as in as a whole.
Big bang future is in doubt.
His revenue outside music have all flopped.
His market cap dropped enough that big hit has replaced YG in the big 3.
He needs blackpink to succeed because they are his most successful act at the moment. And they still have only 13 songs.

one guy does not count as people btw

Attached: 006vChAKgw1f8gctbflhlj315o1mck2g.jpg (1500x2100, 379K)

here come the shitty mobile screenshots
classic blonks

No one likes sluggo it's just you

Attached: D1bISG5VYAAahXn.jpg (682x1024, 77K)

they are just as ugly roastie

the triple entente is the most powerful force in kpg

Attached: the newest alliance.jpg (1385x1200, 360K)


i'm so proud of him

nice try nakyshit but we only like yeji and slug here

incredibly based

post more sana

looks too try hard

Attached: 1532535764192.jpg (720x692, 77K)

>slugroastie trying this hard to ruin yejiposting
lmao what a salty bitch

Attached: DuVlZClUYAA2RyL.png (864x1200, 550K)

don't samefag roastie we all hate sluguggo

there are many of us

Attached: 1526414931931.png (400x400, 206K)

Attached: 1543904777686.jpg (2925x4096, 2.12M)

um you know the triple entente were the bad guys right?

Attached: D2mC5vcU4AEAvR5.jpg orig.jpg (960x960, 121K)

oh fuck she looked like she was gonna cry for a brief second there

Attached: 08EC6239-2EC5-4F8A-99C4-FFFB25EF68C7.jpg (2550x3509, 2.4M)

hands moving near the camera gives me ASMR

Attached: 1554162365395.webm (720x720, 2.94M)

just take out that ugly shit sluggo

Attached: D1InT9kU8AEvfdI.jpg (1364x2048, 296K)

i love my bros

Attached: nakymfy time.jpg (2500x1723, 254K)

stop samefagging yeji falseflag

too bad he’s getting cockblocked by bol4 and mnet
he would’ve had a pak otherwise

i don't but i find her repulsive

Attached: original.gif (268x350, 2.24M)

don't samefag roastie

epic thread

we hate sluggo btw

Attached: D1r-PrxVYAA7Pjq.jpg (800x1200, 169K)

we love rosie here

Attached: 1550352600304.png (505x500, 390K)

she just does weird expressions

Attached: 1543472546769.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

Attached: ao oni.jpg (640x360, 33K)


Attached: D1G7iKGVYAAqu5n.jpg (614x1024, 79K)


Attached: 1541183575543.jpg (1067x1600, 194K)

that was the triple alliance stupid retard


freakin cute

Attached: 180214_1.gif (550x550, 3M)

Attached: 6C91CFD3-4673-449E-8B54-030B47BB04CB.jpg (1278x1920, 1.13M)

>bad guys
grow up


Post some Kang Seulgi bros

sluggoroastie btfo for the millionth time
don't samefag roastie

any kpop like this

and everyone agrees

this thread already has sluggo don't make it even worse

stop posting this ugly bitch already

Attached: 1548108407947.jpg (2007x1124, 209K)

i dont see bp being big in america like big bang was big in japan

wow, she's ugly

Attached: D0j4lfEVsAEYgcV.jpg (1200x1800, 219K)

Attached: nice.jpg (1561x2048, 366K)

Attached: grammyslug.jpg (391x489, 50K)

no Sana no life

Attached: 1554058735086.jpg (1400x2100, 462K)

Attached: 3542536456877.webm (626x360, 305K)

nice try but everyone knows sana is actually attractive unlike sluggo

Attached: W Korea.jpg (1577x2048, 680K)


it’s a free country roasties

Attached: D960E0E1-40D7-423E-A1CE-0A17D6726823.jpg (768x1024, 152K)

bitch you lied to me

ok, fine, they were the baddies

Attached: D2U0SVJUgAENMR1.jpg orig.jpg (1536x2048, 386K)


Why else do you think I said he was desperate?

mouth breather

Attached: ,.....webm (662x850, 350K)

Attached: yooa 10 fingers.webm (1778x1000, 2.23M)

she got possessed by naky

Attached: tumblr_o3z0e0Xgsa1v2v7vzo2_400.gif (268x250, 464K)

BASED sanabros

Attached: 1542700778910.jpg (1920x1280, 229K)

neither of those uggos are even passable let alone attractive


naky aka slutsoul

hideous goblin

just noticed this came out. looks cool. i'm a sucker for girls in tactical gear stuff with unnecessary straps and belts

kill this love is a banger

qt teeth

BBC is soty, so KTL is fine

Attached: 1538782799540.jpg (1000x1500, 268K)

xiumin should have that hairstyle more, it’s good

post the weki meki nip slip

love all my slugfriends and yejifriends and slugjifriends

Attached: 1987.gif (450x380, 3.02M)

she cute

Attached: 1551750670630.webm (402x800, 1.41M)

when will this shit end, i want choabro back

post your waifu

You have no friends

Attached: D0lY-i7WoAIelPm.jpg (682x1024, 105K)

sluggo is the ugliest shit
sana is a sex goddess

Attached: 4773470.jpg (728x728, 72K)

was getting hyped then the weak ass chorus kicked in

cheezu kimbap

Attached: 4563557.jpg (1000x1285, 282K)

>hideous goblin
you're a fucking bigot. leave


Attached: slugheart.webm (366x566, 388K)

Sana is so perfect but I cannot choose between her, tzuyu, and mina

the fun waifu

the loving and caring waifu

although young, has potential to be the perfect waifu

mijoo show us your butt


Attached: D3MB1ArUgAARH3n.jpg (688x847, 68K)


Attached: _.jpg (2840x2888, 3.8M)

DO is so attractive in a calm and manly way

for me, it's suzy


t-thanks that feels nice :3

Attached: 1553445476618.webm (450x450, 473K)

don't samefag roastie

Attached: 32036049-4C11-40BE-AAE5-37E2D95C6773.jpg (1106x1558, 194K)

Attached: my wife.jpg (937x631, 107K)

wow, she's perfect

are CLC just youtubers now?

not a bad idea for them desu, there is money in this shit

literally the perfect wífę

Attached: 9C3E1CA5-B1F2-4D34-9FCB-E449D824C71E.jpg (1920x1080, 200K)

Attached: 1544176764383.jpg (1000x1500, 206K)

meant for

do you think kyungsoo eats ass?

Do we need to brace for the autistic shitposting from bpshitters or can we all just agree to shut that shit down before hand

Attached: 20902796_196920280847331_5134882635025219584_n.jpg (1080x1080, 715K)

Attached: pure.webm (720x1220, 2.85M)


ewww what is wrong with you

no longer kpop. she’s full on k drama now.

i want to be his friend

no that shits nasty

Attached: blue.jpg (1200x1701, 334K)

jisoo mogged oh no no no

meant for


Sorn has been vlogging for years

Attached: IMG_20190402_142042.jpg (1920x1080, 146K)

he did a good job drawing himself

Attached: dodraw.jpg (927x1064, 161K)

I choose all 3

same person

just came back from the gym

saw some 6’5 275lb slugchads, yejichads and nakychads helping a 5’3 125lb sanaposter finish his reps

seemed like nice guys to be honest

nice try roastie but this ugly shit doesn't mog anyone

Attached: blob tranny.jpg (3000x4016, 738K)

Attached: 6037e087b046406752b77d9182e11642.jpg (2768x4144, 786K)

who doesn’t eat ass in 2019? :joy:

as much as i hate to admit it bp is gonna btfo out everyone

What did YG mean by this?

Attached: hh.jpg (271x466, 36K)


seungyeon might be one of my favorite dancers in kpop, damn


they are trying to appeal to their mentally ill greygender fanbase even though jimin is a homophobe

Attached: IMG_20190402_212635.jpg (749x733, 94K)

wow, she's ugly as fuck and everyone agrees

glad we all like sana here

Attached: 1552426531784.jpg (1364x2048, 336K)

YIKES what a hideous piece of shit

and that's a good thing

militarism is so hot right now

based i bet that guy needed it

yes friend we are known for being good persons as well


I literally don't understand why Yeji is drawing so much hate.

Or maybe it's just one guy that keeps replying to me.

if kyungsoo doesn’t eat ass i might have to drop him

only slugroastie hates her

Attached: 1554000931298.jpg (1280x1822, 509K)

how is jm a homophobe he is a fucking faggot

the most powerful and most friendly force in all of kpg...


shut the fuck up cunt.
no bts slander here

Attached: D3J5SAxU8AAYV6f.jpg_orig.jpg (4096x2730, 1.55M)

eating ass is beta. i'm not gay but
getting your ____ sucked by a dude>eating a girls ___


>6'5" 275lbs
fat ass

hmm sana seems like she’ll always be there for you. she’s the glue that keeps twice together.

Attached: fridge .webm (1280x720, 1.33M)


i was unaware of this
makes sense tho, she seems pretty good at it

Fucking disgusting


muscle is heavier than fat

brb gotta puke

very true friend

It's similar autism to the anti-slug stuff. Not because they look similar, but mostly just because they have fun hating and baiting.

I might also add that she's more or less the only one from her group posted so she's the mascot and people don't want to see Itzy stuff

wow she’s ugly as fuck, i came from Yea Forums btw

beautiful girl

we love sana here

Attached: 28712150-8938-49C8-AA1D-7EE57F4A35E4.jpg (1600x1067, 407K)

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Here for (You)s

Attached: 1528335386465.gif (303x352, 3.53M)

i love domestic exo

Attached: 1531310494781.webm (1600x900, 1.75M)


baekhyun eats ass

Attached: Dv-xEJlVYAEGbaK.jpg (900x868, 62K)

Attached: d998de9aad.gif (500x505, 3.13M)

wise observation

Attached: 1540153572273.webm (718x404, 154K)

Attached: w3.png (716x716, 424K)

it's why we pity her. Her English is great and she seems nice enough, but she'll never have a career in kpop

what do sana and suelgi have to do with each other anyway

gimme the lore m8

Attached: 1552342627587.png (1125x750, 1.53M)

>being Inspired by Justin Bieber

Attached: hhh.jpg (474x445, 29K)

nothing slugroastie just can't stop attacking other idols because she's a jealous bitch



Attached: IMG_20190205_082423.jpg (338x187, 12K)

kpops all listen to the same six or so western pop singers so this is no surprise

we like the beeb here


Attached: laugh.webm (658x800, 810K)


literally me

a god
im saving all of these btw

Attached: 1546187056548.jpg (1200x1366, 579K)

i can bet u also like slug