>Mac DeMarco is stuck. Following the bare celebrity lament of “Nobody,” he’s shared “All of Our Yesterdays,” his latest attempt to chill so hard that he becomes inert.
>Here, DeMarco’s simplistic approach comes off as lazy and redundant. At the open, the warbly guitar tone that in recent years has given way to acoustics dissolves, meandering into platitudinous reflections on lost time and unfulfilled dreams. “Holding on/An image of a memory/Another song/All of our yesterdays are gone now,” DeMarco sings. The peculiar ease in his songcraft, the one that winked at you and laughed at itself, has become increasingly hollow
Mac DeMarco is stuck. Following the bare celebrity lament of “Nobody,” he’s shared “All of Our Yesterdays...
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Wow it's almost as if it's a bad idea to make a career out of being an alcoholic who fingers his ass on stage for money.
It's almost as if your actions have consequences...
>has become increasingly hollow
It was always retarded.
Only if you let the snake catch up to you.
Jokes on the snake, my skin is poison.
literally plebs
Yaaaaas another wh*te male that falls into irrelevancy
>meaning anything CIA niggers won't promote
Ummm sweetie, you’re canceled
*sips tea*
Most of these Captured Tracks ayy indie lmao artists that were at the top of their game a few years back have now chilled themselves into irrelevancy.
>tfw 2012 was 15 years ago
I doubt he has given a single fuck.
I guess I should review rap since I don't listen to any lol
Why do you think people are listening to metal on Yea Forums?
Rap has been commercialised and turned into a complete abomination. Metal's the only thing made by artists that actually give a damn anymore... which is a bit ironic.
but wait...i thought only s-o-yboys like mac demarco? s-o-yboys who Yea Forums tells me only listen to rap and meme music? wouldnt he love this? has....mu lied to me?
What does that have to do with this guys career? This is the guy who wrote the P4k greentext quote.
I guess people don't know, this is what this thread is about.
I thought pic was p4k front page.
Yep got him to disable comments immediately on YT.
People are going to believe the crap P4K says because the people using P4K at this stage are lemmings.
y they bein' so mean? They've given everything he's done great reviews, then he releases 2 mediocre (not even BAD, just mediocre) songs and they're claiming he's "stuck" and lost it.
Reads more like they've decided they don't want to support a white male who is now in a position of power in the music industry. CANCEL MAC
This is like when The Byrds went country.
weird how sjw's hate this guy when he's done nothing wrong
just existing as a white man seems to be enough
The rabid mitiski art thot fangirls got triggered over that song title debacle and are finally useing their chance to take him down
Well there was that one time he filmed his friend jerking off at a house party in front of a bunch of underage fans he invited over from an all ages gig.
I wasn't feeling Nobody, it felt way too minimalist. But this one is actually pretty nice. Pitchfork is wrong as usual.