Would you rape Kurt if he asked you to?

Would you rape Kurt if he asked you to?
Is it still even rape at that point?

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Wooooow this guy sucked

Im straight, but he was cutest during the Bleach era.

this. he's a pretty boy at the core but the guy was not in a mode of aging well

The song is about drugs. See, shooting dope in your arm is like having sex

What? No.

I can't understand how a good-looking person can be suicidal

I rape Kurt every time I play his music.
Take it slut.

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mental problems?

I also can't understand why people want to blow up this planet. How outrageous and psychopathic.


By falling in love with the wrong person


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Raaaape meeeeee, ma friend

satans an ugly ass bitch

His concubines are smoking though.

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damn, satan is lookin' good

Depends on whether or not I'm mentally retarded and my pussy stinks.

I wouldn't rape him with a rented dick. The queer would get off to it, and he deserves no enjoyment period.

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>pic related, closet gays

>good looking
He looked like pure death in the months leading up to his sudoku

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I think you fail to comprehend how anyone could be suicidal.