What's your favorite RHCP album Yea Forums?
What's your favorite RHCP album Yea Forums?
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Chads listen to Freaky Styley.
Fags listen to their other albums.
BSSM or Mother's Milk
Honestly have enjoyed every album I've listened to from them though
Self titled
One Hot Minute
OHM > BSSM > MM > BTW > Californication > Freaky Stylie > Self Titled
The one about California and drugs
Best "classic" era album is either FS or BSSM and the best modern era album is BTW
By The Way
One Hot Minute, By The Way and BSS are their best ones by far. They never made a completely consistent album though.
The Getaway is consistent. Every song on there is forgettable a 5-6/10
By The Way is the best
No joke--BSSM, Californication, By The Way are all on pretty even footing.
Personally, I like Californication best. Every song is a jam. Even weirder ones like Emit Remmus.
The Real Thing
BSSM but it's like a 6 at best
The rest is more a 3-4
Californication has a lot of my favourite songs by them - and a lot of forgettable ones. Easily, Emit Remmus, This Velvet Glove, Porcelain I like a lot
I really like John's guitar on Emit Remmus.
I found it paradoxical that this bands used to set fruciante's deeply INFJ inflected harmonies and musical instincts to such unnecessarily pummeling rhythms. It's not funk because it's almost never fun, it's just busy and loud..
It was a unique clash but they generally turned good ideas into obnoxious indulgences. Just not a good album band imo.
Was really into their song, Can’t stop. But Give it away and this whole album were just great.
by the way, followed by stadium arcadium
>diabeetus man over blood and sugar
Yea Forums will never admit it but they liked RHCP when they were a teen/kid and grew out of it because it's le mainstream and popular
Did we really grow out of it though?
Not an album, but:
Stadium Arcadium purely for the guitar work.
BSSM and Californication
I saw them live in 2012, no shame or regrets. Wish John was there though. My mom saw them in the 90s with him.
Klinghoffer fucked pj Harvey
No shit? I did too. No regrets either, was enjoyable. Just wish I'd seen em with Froosh too. I'd replace Californication with By The Way though.
Californication ok? i'm sorry dammit!
Stadium Arcadium. I had a huge collection of old Mad magazine and I'd listen to the first half of the album over and over again while reading that shit.
I really love Stadium Arcadium, but their best album is BTW.
BSS is consistent enough. By The Way is also good. But yeah, people are better off getting the greatest hits
This one's breddy gud.
Fite me Anthony.
>“I'm forever near a stereo saying, 'What the f--- is this garbage?' And the answer is always the Red Hot Chili Peppers.”
I did, not because it's popular but because
>Rick Rubin
and because Keidis has no vocal talent, Frush and Flea were always based tho.
Took me forever to realize it's actually the band members on the album cover and not random people. I assumed it was some black guy wearing the purple coat instead of Anthony
This one when I was 8 because they suck
uplift mofo party plan
everything after bssm is trash
Flea has confirmed that Uplift Mofo Party Plan is their best album.
god tier musicians ruined by a shit from anus tier vocalist and trash lyrics
>everything after bssm is trash
It's like you never heard their best record.
by the way is fucking trash, have you dipshits actually listented to the other songs on that album aside from the singles? it's complete garbage, even makes their new shit look okay
cliff martinez
Don't Forget Me and Venice Queen are great and most of the singles are bad.