
Anonymous IV edition

>General Folder #1. Renaissance up to 20th century/modern classical. Also contains a folder of live recordings/recitals by some outstanding performers.
>General Folder #2. Mostly 20th century/modern with other assorted bits and pieces
>General Folder #3. Renaissance up to early/mid-20th century. Also contains a folder of Scarlatti sonate and another live recording/recital folder.
>General Folder #4. Renaissance up to late 19th century
>General Folder #5. Very eclectic mix
>General Folder #6. Deutsche Grammophon stuff. Also there's some other stuff in here.
>Renaissance Folder #1. Mass settings
>Renaissance Folder #2. Motets and madrigals (plus Leiden choirbooks)
>Debussy Folder.
>Jewish Folder
>Opera Folder. Contains recorded video productions of about 10 well-known operas, with a bias towards late Romantic
>Book Folder #1. Random assortment of books on music theory and composition, music history etc.
>Book Folder #2. Comprehensive list of the most important harpsichord and piano pieces through history

Previous thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:




>people only knew him as ""le child prodigy"""
Mozart was routinely criticized for the difficulty of his music. Look at the history of his piano quartets or the comments made about his music by the likes of Nägeli or Sarti.
>He didn't put his seed in the history of music like Beethoven
This is simply untrue. Mozart influenced almost every major composer after him and was seen, rightly, as one of the most original composers of all time. Especially of his own time.

Reminder that Mozart underrating is inherently plebeian and points to musical illiteracy.

Beethoven > Mobrap






You guys know of any more pieces like Holst's The Planets? I really like the images they conjour up in my head.

>I really like the images they conjour up in my head.

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Watch Fantasia.

lol this nigga doesn't see music

Anonymous IV was /our guy/ the original /classical/ shitposter

As cringe as he sounds I think visualizing music is a really important factor, thats why being able to read music is also so important
Of course our fellow here isn't actually seeing sheet music in his head but he's subconsiously trying to put an aural image to the music he is liking

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Imagination is not a bad thing. It is not to be chided, but celebrated.


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posting this for diversity. this dude is amazing.

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Mahler 6




his name's PETZOLD

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>Recordings before 1950
I just dont get the appeal



Mofart wrote much better piano concertos than 17 my dude



The original Elliot Rodger

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>entreisse dem Riff das Gold
nice turn of phrase, Mr. Raff would be proud

>with an Italian libretto written by Lorenzo Da Ponte
Why not have a German writer?

Why have a German writer for an Italian-language opera?
Most nobles spoke both anyway



Because there are simply some performers to pay attention to in that period, and many interpretive styles died off after WWII. It's doubly a pain if you're a fan of opera, because frankly the golden age of singing was in those days.


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My favourite classical piece is the one I heard last.

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Not classical but this just reminded me that we should have a traditional/folk general. Did Yea Forums ever have one of chose?

Truth of the 8s.

There's nothing more based than a German who speaks Italian and an Italian who speaks German.

Music brainlet here. I want to read some books about music, particularly Romantic and some about opera, and I notice that many of them feature small music samples written out. I'm not really familiar enough with notation to read this and play it in my head. Is there a good program to take an image of these and then play them back?

Mine’s the one I’m currently playing

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Vros i really wanna hear something that sounds like this

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Berio + Sanguineti


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hold up its not friday yet
be patient
listen to some D scarlatti while you wait

Sibelius does this, I don't know which software is best. Look up music scanning software

Tfw the best Mahler 4 is practically unknown, was never widely released and is only available thanks to some based ripper. Has anyone listened to the whole set and knows if there are any more gems like this one?

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I'm at a disadvantage because I didn't grow up reading music, but even after knowing the basics I can't turn a visual score into music in my head.

Have you had any good experiences with scanning software?

The passion season is coming up. Any of you guys going to a concert this weekend? I'm going to see the Johannespassion

I can't wait.

Mahler festival 1995 was the second Mahler festival in Amsterdam to commemorate the first one they held 75 years before in 1920. So they invited the VPO and BPO to join the Concertgebouw Orkest to play the big works of Mahler. Back then Chailly and Haitink conducted the majority of concerts, Muti just did the 4th symphony with the VPO. Next year will be the next Mahler festival in Amsterdam.

**in two weekends

not him, but you don't need to learn music as a child to be able to read a score and hear it, i learnt as a teen

Well, /classical/, who is it gonna be?

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based redditgooks dabbing on the percussion section.


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here's the strawpoll. Let's settle this once and for all.


I always wondered about this, do they still get paid as much as the other musicians to hit their instruments once and that's it?

Of course, there are compositions with a lot of percussion (based modernists) too but I can see them going for months barely doing anything depending on what the orchestra is playing. When I saw The Rite of Spring, the guy striking the gong repeatedly looked really happy.

How the fuck the Reddit gooks got so big? i've never though there could be a big audience for this
Are they redpilling normies into classical?

>How the fuck the Reddit gooks got so big?
It's basically an imageboard for normalfags, what did you expect?

normies don't appreciate classical tho. And considering that the gooks are fairly elitist (dabbing on faganini, generally only talking about decent composers) they are doing God's work.

>plays diminished chords indiscriminately

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gooks are plagiarists. They only like the music because the composers are deemed important.

>normies don't appreciate classical tho
Lel no, a lot of normalfags do know at least the basics, aside from poor turbobydlo who live in slums. Especially among the older normalfags.

"Like" =/= appreciate you dumb shitstain.

classical music is shit to a normal persons ear.

Good thing we're not normal then. I couldn't imagine listening to CardiB or 6ix9ine on purpose. Yeah sure, I'm a masochist for liking this.


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Cardi B is a genius though.

The bit when she said:
>bitch I'm CARDI B
>i run this shit like CARDI-o

also that is pretty good. Sounds like a film.

Nothing gay about listening to strauss

which strauss

R. Strauss. Of course its very gay to listen to Die Fledermaus

i was gonna say you could make more of a case for waltzboy

y-yes, who likes those gay waltzes anyway?

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This is a joke right?

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So where do I start with this nigga?

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alot of dances in general are of negligible weight
not all of them of course

Normal people are downright stupid as shit and have zero taste, so I'll take that as a compliment

What about the Hungarian Dances?

Based Schoenberg poster

>not all of them
that said its classic fm status does injure it abit

Nice cope Nihilista Masochist

they hate a lot of things, doesn't make it good


No, that's my point. The Hungarian Dances are probably the sterling example of music in that category but even still, I find them to be complete fluff and safely ignored.

good point

what music isn't fluff?

all the other music Brahms composed for starters.

Post an image and I will recommend you a symphony

let's start easy

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that's a tricky one but here you go
This one fits perfectly

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use musescore

This one's easy


based, woke, and cuckpilled

I tried

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Stop osting weird images

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Big Oof

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back to l*eddit faggottini

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>streaming bad!

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Men being weird and not finding love then being mad about it is a concept older than time

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good tastes!

W-what's so bad about Paganini

Talentlets can't into virtuosity
There's nothing wrong about Paganini
Same goes for Liszt

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Pettersson Violin Concerto Dos


Damn where's the 20th Violin Concerto poll?
I would have voted for this if i listened to it earlier

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Will classical music die out and not be remembered in the future? dubs - no

ok retard

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That does not look like dubs to me kiddo, sorry. the 3,000s will be ushered in by xxxtentacion and grimez

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What’s a good piece that you think goes with this painting anons? This is Bruegel’s The Tower of Babel

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I know that feel

Something by Wagner since his gesamtkunstwerk is a veritable T of B

Absolutely terrible

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We literally have a question for that why not reply to BTW rec me on pic related. Preferably not too modern

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Reminds me of God of War 3

Who's the Venetian Snares of academic music?

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Moon Unit Zappa

Ach mein Arsch

any serious replies?

dude look at your post

so you can't answer it

I don't even know who those are I just know you don't deserve a serious reply

>In my ignorance, I resort to aggression




Charles-Camille Saint-Saëns

Can't think of a more CRIMINALLY UNDERRATED composer than Scriabin.

Scriabros... rise up

Martinu tho

under how many rocks do you live

Both meme overrated shit

Y-you take that back!

go back

is there a worse form than For Two Pianos? I don't think so

for piano and voice

Kinda agree but mostly because i'm a shitty pianist who can't sync with another person
They can be fun in a live concert tho
I once went to a college Concert of this and it was transcendental


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songs, lieder, canzone, fuck them they're awful

Stay pleb

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I hate singing in academic music unless it's choral stuff or, reluctantly, operas. If that's being a pleb then whatever, enjoy your awful, grating, generic, samey voices ruining good music, "patrician".

Webern Op4 Lieder


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Charles-Camille Saint-Saëns

hey wait a minute, this is kinda gay

it's hella gay. Webern's instrumental miniatures are brilliant, but his songs suck, which applies to the entire Second Viennese School

Webern is a Lieder composer at the core
You aren't getting anything from his other works if you dont the lieders

>Webern is a Lieder composer at the core
So what, so was Mahler
>You aren't getting anything from his other works if you dont the lieders
zero sense

>clearly isn't aware of the death of the author as applied to composers

Its gay in a way i guess
Its poetic, romantic and lyrical
Contrary to popular belief
I personally think Webern was actually the most romantic/emotional composer of the SVS

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nice cope, bitch

almost as nice as your nonsense

>death of the author as applied to composers

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Charles-Camille Saint-Saëns

>Tfw the best Mahler 4 is practically unknown
I wouldn't say the Mengelberg recording is THAT unknown, user.

dont like**

Webern op18 Lieder

This is the first time the boy used the 12tone technique and its my fav webern work

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>my fav webern work

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you illiterates clearly haven't read Michel Derrida

irrelevant on the face of the fact that Webern's instrumentals are better than his songs, which was the entire point, you brickbrained dog

Whats your fav webern work mr. President?

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>Michel Derrida

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Everything from Op 5 to 10 except 8, and then Op 20, 21, 24 and 28 for a grand total of one hour 20 min

If discounting a huge number of the most impressive works of classical music, originally comissioned by the elites, and for much of its history only for upper class eardrums, as 'grating, generic, samey voices ruining academic music' makes you a pleb, then yes you are a pleb

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Charles-Camille Saint-Saëns

>most impressive works of classical music
nice opinion
>comissioned by the elites, and for much of its history only for upper class eardrums
nice appeal to authority/tradition
>you are a pleb
oh noooOOOoooo

this is gay

captcha is being a retarded bitch tonight; it's not worth it anymore

exactly how many of these posts tonight have been yours, my dear?

This is very autistic from your part m8
You dont like vocal works in general or just the vocal works of Webern?
At least give it a chance to the two Cantatas they are Webern's most accomplished works, he went to very interesting places in these two Cantatas
His Op32 was also going to be a Cantata but you know the fag couldn't dodge the bullet

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Charles-Camille Saint-Saëns

Sopranos are disgusting
Webern's overuse of sopranos is also disgusting

Charles-Camille Saint-Saëns

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Are you gay?
You dont like the female voice?
Webern's entire melodic thinking is based on the female voice

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The female voice is great
Sopranos are not. Shrieky. Loud. Obnoxious. Ugly. Contraltos are vastly superior.


It's true taste is subjective and what is 'high class' or 'low class' is also based off of generational consensus. Some people like Mozart's operas, other people prefer rock opera. There's nothing wrong with having low brow taste.

chopin vs satie

who wins

>the fag couldn't dodge the bullet

>Sopranos can only do one thing

Pettersson based and depressivepilled

Further proof that mozart is underrated

Arnold Bax second symphony (chandos recording)

The time spent is worth


Fuck modern french "philosophers"

Both a shit

Not an argument.

This post was brought to you by black Mozart gang gang


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As if anyone's ever going to use these.

>go listen to based Corelli on YouTube
>some amerifag is shilling Mario Lanza in the comments
This is what freedom gets you.

More like this?

Sounds some what like music of troubadors



Clemencic Consort compilation album

Gilles Binchois ensemble compilation

Bartok's 44 duos





Can anyone give me some recommendations similar to this? I'm thinking of something with wistful romantic themes and the pieces are relatively short. The Hungarian Dances kind of fall into the same category for me if that helps.


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never liked multiple guitar combos
>t. a guitarist




It's African classical.

were all over the age of 60 anyway

I have 19

>79 and using the internet


Mahler? More like Manlet.

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oh i thought you meant you were 79
i was gonna say 19 seems more reasonable

No, I meant that I'm 19 years old, and for sure most of us are young too

on here yea
classical concert halls are fucking seas of grey

Why do we hate Bernstein again?

He wanted (like Sousa) to appeal to the lowest denominator of the classical music scene with his jazzy rythms and light music

association with gould

Funny gooks

Why do we hate Gould again?

Because he didn't like Mozart

Worse yet, he disliked Mozart for all the wrong reasons. He clearly just didn't understand him, not least because of his own autistic fixation with counterpoint.

Pic related: liner notes from his complete Mozart sonatas.

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lmao that "conversation" shouts autism

He did, though?


there's a bit somewhere here where he's all like "I really don't like Mozart", though he does later express his affection for the earlier of his works

the Menuet movements from classical sonata form works always suck cock


Piano newfag here, are free finger excersises like Hanon a meme, or do they work?

Chopin Etudes work because they're written like actual pieces of music - but I suppose Hanon works too considering half the pianists from the 20th century were taught using them.

Did Glenn Gould write this himself?

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>Havergal Brian
absolute caricature of Mahler

>M.: Eat shit motherfucker.

M.: Lick my arse


Charles-Camille Saint-Saëns


Charles-Camille Saint-Saëns

Well, until his fourth symphony, then his style becomes quite unique and neoclassical


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user.... some of the greatest composers of the XX century have been neoclassical

Saint-Saens more like Semen-Slurper lol

yeah, and they wrote their best stuff before adopting neoclassicism

Yeah? Martinu, Prokofiev, Stravinsky, Casella?

ya I don't get the appeal of neoclassical, like why not cut the bull and listen to proper classical period music instead??

>Prokofiev, Stravinsky
100% modernism

His best works are his first three ballets and his tone poem Le Chant Du Rossignol. This is not up for debate.
Granted, his best works are neoclassical. They're also lowbrow pop bullshit.

Some of the greates compositions of Stravinsky are neoclassical in spirit. Also nobody comented on Martinu and Casella

Well, Prokofiev had his classical symphony and Stravinsky his neoclassical middle period.
Having established that, though, Prokofiev's classical symphony is mainly a joke piece, and Stravinsky's middle period is completely overshadowed by the meme three (Petrushka, Firebird, Rite of Spring) in terms of contributions to modern music.


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stop being contrarian, everyone agrees that martinu is based and underrated

>not liking mediocre XXth century revivalists is contrarian
wow this general never ceases to amaze me, unlike those composers

Mozart, Beethoven and Bach are the only good composers

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>are neoclassical in spirit
NO Stravinsky's pieces are neo-classical in spirit, only in form.

>everyone agrees that martinu is based and underrated
I never agreed to anything, fuckface.

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>This is not up for debate.
Oh it is you stuffed jackass, playing with classical forms is not neo-classicism, especially in the context of Stravinsky's adventurous spirit.

lol that's like limiting your rock intake to, fucking, Lonnie Johnson, Chuck Berry and fucking Buddy Holly, you überfaggot, go die

>100% modernism
100% clueless post. Stravinsky was never modernist, he was a expressionist and then a neoclassical composer. And Prokofiev was obviously a stylistic whore (doing everything and anything which isn't necessarily a bad thing) but so obviously a neoclassical composer for the majority of his life.
Are are you the retard who thinks modernism = 20th century/everything after romanticism? Because that's retarded. The last of modernism died with Strauss/Vier letzte Lieder.

I don't give a shit about what makes his "adventurous" neoclassical works neoclassical. The fact that the works cited are his absolute best is undisputable.

>limiting your rock intake
I limit my rock intake to zero because it's shit.

>Stravinsky was never modernist
>The last of modernism died with Strauss/Vier letzte Lieder

Attached: roley.png (1000x1000, 27K)

Neoclassicism is literally only doing anything harmonically different while using old (baroque and classical) forms, silly. It's vague as shit and that's how it's supposed to be.

I personally believe the last true romantics where Arnold Bax and Kurt Atterberg

Not an argument. Take a look at what Wolf, Strauss and Mahler brought to the table and how it died with these exact same composers. There is no continuation of modernist tradition, it was gone after WW2. Try a book for once.

tonnes of teens play in orchestras

Sure dickead

>The last of modernism died with Strauss/Vier letzte Lieder.
>what is the long XIXth century
sounds like you don't even know what modernism is, but whatever. I'll agree that it's retarded to think that anything 20th century/after romanticism is "modern", though

>how it died with these exact same composer
opinion, not argument
>There is no continuation of modernist tradition
yes there was
>it was gone after WW2
I'll agree to that, but there's 40 years between fin de siècle and WWII
>Try a book for once.

Not sure I would call them romantic (as opposed to neoromantic) since they were living in a modernist and expressionist era (breaking away with tradition) when they first started realising the world around them, but fair enough.

>The fact that the works cited are his absolute best is undisputable.
lots of bullshit. indisputable where, in your head? There are two major middle period pieces that are considered to be among his "absolute best" - Symphony of Psalms and The Rake's Progress

okay! glad to see you finally come to your senses
>There are two major middle period pieces that are considered to be among his "absolute best" - Symphony of Psalms and The Rake's Progress
keyword being "among"

What is modernism then, wise guy?

Well obviously it's an opinion and obviously it's an argument. Calling someone autistic however is only a (shitty) opinion. These debates around naming and boxing every composer into certain eras is vastly different in the Anglosphere and German world for example, it's down to interpretation and opinion; I'm just sharing mine.

>yes there was
I mean after WWII but you've already commented further so we basically agree on that.

>What is modernism then, wise guy?
Don't come to me, to this general, to the fucking internet, looking to be quickly spoonfed so you can just barf whatever anyone tells you in an attempt to make it look inedible. We both know what modernism is, or at least we know its most significant characteristics and what made it a distinctive phenomenon. It's the goddamned end of the common practice period, you can't just declare it dead even before some of its most significative works in the style were created (other than those of late-Strauss/Mahler et al). 1913, 1916, 1920, 1925, hell, all the way to 1938, all saw amazing, archetypical modernist compositions that expanded upon Mahler and the like and brought the (admittedly brief) movement to its peak. Then, of course, WWII happened and things got a bit weird.
>it's down to interpretation and opinion; I'm just sharing mine.
Agreed, but implying modernism died with Strauss and Mahler is just myopic and thick.

Some classical live music funded by extorted money of the german working class. enjoy


good programme to be fair
based schubert cycle

I'm actually listening to this concert on the radio. It's OK so far, but I'm not a huge fan of Orozco-Estrada. At least they release the majority of concerts on youtube compared to the other German radio symphony orchestras. Frankfurt just has the opera orchestra next to this one, so I wouldn't say say it's extorted money.

>german radio symphony orchestras
id say symphony orchestras in general
missing out a great opportunity to make bank

according to your nonsense babby logic Schnittke is also neoclassicism.
>that's how it's supposed to be.
No it's not how it's supposed to be.

what the hell is he then, other than terrible

On youtube you have the problem that especially classical music gets attributed to the wrong orchestras by their shitty copyright system. So Naxos gets the ad revenue for recordings that don't even belong to them.

nearly there boys, we can finally listen to the one of the great culminations of the Baroque era tomorrow

good friday is in two weeks bro

Thoughts on Ludovico Einaudi? I've been enamoured by his new album. This track in particular.

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Reddit loves him. Not even joking

you would know wouldn't you? should probably just go back


>I spent a quarter of my savings to watch the maestro play live in London, travelling all the way from India
Wow what a shocker, Einaudi fans are street shitting retards

mein gott, mein gott, warum hast du mich verlassen

pleb here, can you guys recc me similar pieces like 17:15-17:44

Really enjoyed the swelling cello around the 4 minute mark.

thoughts on use as an encore?

Saw him play for free in Switzerland last summer.
Feels good to be european

>Really enjoyed the swelling
bet you did, fag

I have an album of his, Stanze I think. Both that and this kinda bore me to tears with how...milquetoast, I guess, and twee his style is. Can hardly stand it

Sorry to talk shit about something you like user


Johan Julius Christian Sibelius


>Agreed, but implying modernism died with Strauss and Mahler is just myopic and thick.
Only with Strauss, really. He was the last true modernist composer in my opinion and when he died in 1945, people were moving on (neoclassicism, serialism for example) and not composing in that style. It's obviously a simplistic (yet overly romantic) statement to say it died with him.

>nonsense babby logic
I'd like to hear your better definition of neoclassicism. Schnittke is obviously a postmodern composer though because he used traditional/folk and pop/film music elements in his music; it wasn't a "return" to old forms in the neoclassical sense, but a mash of everything that ever was, a collage, typical postmodernism.

bach was a neat guy


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New edition

Great symphony

thanks lad